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W: Hi, my name is willian, what is your name?

M: Hi, my name is Mayra

W: Nice to meet you Mayra
M: Nice to meet you too Willian
W: how old are you?
M: Oh, I am twenty-one years old and you?
W: I am twenty-one years old
M: Where are you from willian?
W: I am from Arequipa and you?
M: I am from Arequipa
W: well, we are countrymen. Where do you live?
M: I live in paucarpata and you?
W: I live in Cerro Colorado
M: oh very well, do you work or study?
W: I study metallurgical engineering. I am in fourth year and you Mayra?
M: I do not work but I study nursing, I am in fifth year
W: what do you like about your profession Mayra?
M: my profession is in charge to give an independent attention to people
of all the ages, also makes activities of prevention of disease and
promotion of health and you willian?
W: work in a mine and process minerals.
M: oh, that’s nice
W: Your family is small or big?
M: My family is small. In my house there are four bedrooms, two
bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a garage, and you willian?
W: My family is small, In my house there are three bedrooms, two
bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen.
M: in your rom, is there a TV?
W: no there isn’t and your room, is there a desk?
M: Yes, there is. do you live with your parents?
W: I live with my brother and parents and you mayra?
M: I live with my three sister and parents
W: What do you like doing in your free time?
M: I like listen to music, dancing, sing and watch TV. What do you like to
W: My hobby is play soccer.
M: oh well, that in my cellphone?
W: no, this is my cellphone.
M: ok, sorry this is my cellphone. See you later willian
W: ok goodbye Mayra

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