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Nama : Denisa Novia I

NIM : 16111054

Kelas : Manajemen 1B

Gadget Plc’s Product

 Descriptons
Gadget is a device have multifunctions. This tool can be used as a means of
communication and technologies, Can for obtain information. In the modern era many
people are using gadgets. Gadget-based software products is very popular in the
market because the current gadget when needed and easy to use.
 Selling Points
The advantages of this product is :
a) Facilitate communication
b) Facilitate the search for information
c) Updated information
d) As an entertainment
e) Many features available in the software
 Launching New Products
Every type of product is always launching new products. with the new
model, more advanced features and attractive. Every type of product is always
competitive in the market because of them have their respective advantages that
can attract consumers.
 The Main Customers
Provide good service and customers need to be interested in the products.
 An Attractive Price for Consumers
Every product has a different price. These price differences affect the
specifications of the goods that are marketed for example iphone which has a
model, software, interesting features and the best price of these products are more
 This Product Can Be Found
Gadgets products can be found in the gadget gallery and the counter. Every
type of product has a different gallery.
 Introduce This Product
a) Make a poster
b) Distributing flyers
c) Provide attractive discounts
d) Promotion
e) Introducing new products

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