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EDU 335 Practicum Teaching Observation Evaluation Candidate Le hyo School __ 52H = DM Evaluator Daal Date of Observation 222218 Lesson Title _Fisbeywne YUb® — Subject & Grade Deawhin Instructions: se the seale following each statement to evaluate the candidate's level of competency to date. Base your evaluation on evidence presented in the lesson plan and teaching practice. Please also include any ‘comments that may be helpful x B t D Ez NA Tigh evidence | Substandal | Moderate | ile evidence | No evidence or | Not evidence evidence failure applicable Preparation for Learning: Planning for Instruction The candidate ‘© clearly defines objectives for the lesson Be DENA provides guiding or essential questions for the lesson a@c DENA + considers the content from a biblical worldview @BcDENA + demonstrates deep understanding of content and skils of the lesson AC) G DE NA Preparation for Learning: Learning Differences The candidate meets the needs of various leaming sles aA@cveEna Delivery of Instruction: Instructional Strategies ‘The candidate begins the lesson by preparing students for learning A 2@e ENA builds background to link new concepts ABODE NA ‘* employs a variety of apt instructional and organizational strategies A@cDENA concludes the lesson with an effective summary ot amplification AB@©DENA keeps students on task using lassroom management techniques A@®C DENA Delivery of Instruction: Assessment The candidate checks for understanding during the lesson a@c DENA ‘The Leaming Environment: Communication The candidate ‘© develops positive rapport with students A®c DENA © encourages and edifes students A@C DENA speaks with clarify, enunciation, and appropriate volume A@)C DENA + uses legible and help visual ads, inluding writing on the board ABODE NA is aware of the classroom environment and manages appropriately A®C DENA Comments: Aheted of dag teewek & dofe. Defi Bilernen. Mode He quotes: fo tell tue sto. J lo te cql guy the diffrent Hews Tdeafily 1 phofs. Mohs cos have brew cin color ‘Teacher: Leehuor Meng, Devotion and opening Grade: KI 25-27 minutes Lesson: Matthew 4: 21b-22 Unit Overview Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment ‘Through teaching the Bible Mathew 4:21b-22, to help the students learn that Jesus called Peter and Peter follow Jesus immediately by obey Jesus, trusting and serving Him. Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value) The student will 1. Do you know what is the fisherman? 2. What is the name of the fisherman? - Be able to remember the Peter's name ~ Beable to be aware that Peter follow Jesus immediately - Be able to say the bible verse out loud. Time _| Instructional Procedures and Strategies Smins | Beginning the Lesson = Welcoming the students: by asking the students the day and the date - Introducing the lesson to the students “ Jesus calls and makes fisher of men” 15 mins | Developing the Lesson ~ Teacher will explain the students what is the fisherman, - Teacher will summarize the story from Luke 5:1-11 then will tell the story to the students. While telling the story teacher will also use the pictures as a poppet story telling. ~ Teacher will say the bible verse and the students will need to say out loud and with the gesture of the bible verse * Jesus called Peter and immediately Peter followed Jesus” Closing the Lesson ~ Closing activity: students will make two lines “Boys and Girls” and teacher will take them to walk around in the classroom with saying the bible verse and the gesture of it. ‘After walking aground in the classroom, students will come back to their sit and say the bible verse again. 5-7 mins Formative Assessment ‘Teacher will assesses the students by the activities in the classroom and how the students follow the structure, Resources ~The environment in the classroom - The pictures as the poppet Teacher: Leehuor Meng Devotion and opening Grade: K1 25-27 minutes Evaluation and Reflection

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