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1. Which is more important to you, being respected or being loved?

In my own opinion, being respected is more important than being loved. Why? Because one can respect
a person even if he is not in love with that person. Without respect, love is lost. Love always comes
second before respect. You can’t love everybody you met, but you must have respect for them always.
It’s alright if people won’t love you but everybody you know should have respect for you too. Staying
without respect in a relationship is hard, very hard. If you don't respect each other, you actually make
the life difficult for a person. You give them bad feelings, you hurt them and that is something not worth
having in a relationship.

2. If you would be isolated in an island, and given the chance to bring three things, what would it

If I would be in an isolated island, I would bring a knife, satellite phone and a guitar. Knife can be used to
hunt animals or for protection, a satellite phone can be used for communicating to civilization and guitar
can be used for entertainment while you’re in isolation.

3. What is the most important quality of a leader. Why?

For me, the most important quality of a leader is integrity. Integrity is the qualification of being honest
and having strong moral principles, or moral uprightness. Integrity requires us to speak the truth to all
people, in every situation. “With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With
integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.” By Zig Ziglar

4. If you would be a thing, what would it be and why?

If I could be a thing, I would choose to be the moon. Why? The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It
does not worry. But with only its presence, it can influence the world deeply. The moon also is a loyal
companion to all of us. It never leaves. Even if we can’t see it in day, we know that it was just right there
above us, watching us and silently observing us.

5. What is your favorite body part?

My favorite body part is my brain because it controls all of my decisions and judgements in my life.
Without my brain, I won’t have any knowledge about this world and I can’t use the free will given to me
by God. Brain is very important for me because it gives me the intellect and the power to reason. It
serves as my instrument to survive in this world.

6. What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?

What bothers me the most about what is happening in my beloved country today is about the issue of
the dengvaxia vaccine that is said to be the cure for the dengue here in Philippines. Everyday, we can
hear in our televisions, radio or in the internet about the increasing deaths of children and according to
the reports, it is caused by severe dengue which is linked to the distribution of dengvaxia vaccine among
children who hadn’t experienced dengue. It really bothers me a lot because almost 800,000 kids are still
at risk and I hope that the government will catch the officials involved in this issue.

7. What are the sacrifices you have made for this event?
I believe that the sacrifices I made for this event are my money and time but the greatest thing I
sacrificed the most for this event is my effort. For me, these sacrifices are all part of the process
towards the success that I am doing to win the title. But, I can say that these sacrifices are all worth
it to the memories that I had experience during this event.

8. What has been your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement that I have done up to this moment is becoming a part of this event. This is my
second time joining this kind of event and I feel so thankful that I can showcase my skills and character
in this event. I would like to tell you that I am just an average person in these kind of events. I have low
self-esteem and low confidence but despite of my flaws and weaknesses, I am now here, standing in
front of you, proving to myself that I can be better than I what I imagined.

9. What is the most important lesson your mother has taught you?

The most important lesson that my mother taught me is the true meaning of love. My mother showed
me how love can make a person grow stronger, wiser and braver. She also showed me how much
sacrifice each person can take in order for their loved ones to become safe and happy. She taught me
the essence of being a woman. She taught me that I shouldn’t let myself have anger in my heart towards
others. She taught me the greatest thing that no one can take away from us.

10. If God will grant you one wish, what would it be and why?

If God could grant me one wish, I wish that there will be no more wars and chaos in our country, not just
in our country but all around the world. I wish that this world we are living will no longer be a dangerous
place to stay. I wish that there will be no more innocent lives that will be sacrificed just because of
misunderstanding between the globe. I wish that there will be no one who will suffer anymore just
because of greed, hatred and evilness. I wish and I hope that humanity can still be saved.

11. If you have a magic wand, what is the one thing you would ask for and why?

If I have a magic wand, I would ask for true and permanent happiness. Happiness nowadays can’t be felt
easily unlike before. All that can be felt nowadays by the people is sadness and that alone is already
alarming. If I have a magic wand, I will sway it over to the people and give them happiness. Yes, we can
see the forms of happiness around us like smile but can we really assure that this is real? No. People
nowadays can fake a smile and because of this, I would ask my magic wand to share happiness among
others in that way, I can help others and be happy truthfully.

12. If you were given a chance to live again, what would it be?

If I were given a chance to live again, I choose to still be me. Why? Because I believe that we are all
unique in our different ways and changing it can’t do to us any good. I believe that I am unique and
different to others in my own ways so why would I bother to change it? There are things I can do that
others can’t do. I am contented with what I have right now, my family and friends and all the people
who surrounds me. I love all of them and if I could have a new life without them by my side, it will be
useless. It is not a life that I could live.

13. If you won in a lottery for millions of pesos, what would you do with it?
If I won a lottery for millions of pesos, I would use it to help my family. I will use it to make our lives
better and easier. I will build a business and if it results in a good way, I can make it expand and with the
profit I will receive, I will share it to the needy and the poor. I will share my blessings to others because I
want to help them even if it is just in small ways as long as I can do it.

14. How do you see yourself fifteen years from now?

I see myself fifteen years from now as a independent woman. I see myself achieve my dreams and
improving it more and more. I see myself helping my family live a better and more comfortable life. I see
myself paying back what my parents have done to me. I also see myself walking down the aisle,
marching towards the love of my life. I see myself creating my own family and passing unto them great
life lessons that I have learned throughout my life. I see myself fifteen years from now as a braver,
stronger and wiser person.

15. What is the relevance of this event?

I believe that the relevance of this event is that it connects every one of us present here. I believe that
this event is not just for our grades but also showcasing our talents, abilities and skills in roleplaying our
chosen characters. I believe

16. What cartoon character influenced you the most?

The cartoon character that influenced me the most is of course the character I am portraying right now,
Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I grew up with this film. When I was a child I could still remember
myself watching this repeatedly. Belle truly defines herself. She is a dreamer, a very confident lady
doesn’t listen to others’ opinion about her. She’s not afraid to speak out what she thinks is right. In the
film, she wishes for a friend to truly accept her for who she truly is. I think I can relate to her a lot but on
the other side, I also think that I want to be like her. I also want to be fearless and to be brave like her.

17. If you are given a big break in acting, what will be your preferred role and why?
18. If you are given a chance to be president, what is your first priority?

If I were given a chance to be president, my first priority would be the condition of my citizens. I will first
solve the different issues regarding the safety and well-being of my citizens. An example is extra-judicial
killings. I would find a solution that will completely erase the problem so that my citizens will be in good
hands. As a president, we all should prioritize the safety of our own citizen because they are the ones
who elected you and they trust you.

19. Friendship or lovelife? Why?

I will choose friendship over lovelife. Why? Because lovelife always starts with friendship. When you
become friends with someone, it opens up the opportunities for love. So friendships always comes first
before lovelife. When you have a lovelife but unfortunately, it falls apart. Who can you call to cry your
eyes out? Whose shoulders can you lean on when you want to let out your pain? It’s your friends.
Friends are your foundation. Without them, your world would be colorless and plain. If you consider
your lovelife as your whole life and once it breaks, your life is gone and you’re left with nothing. But
there are your friends who can cheer you up. There are your friends who can heal your pain. Your
partner wants you to be happy but your friends keep you happy.

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