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18. The Select by Attribute dialog box pops up. Using this tool you will make several selections using attributes and
answer the questions.
a. In the streets layer, how many streets are longer than 1000? ANSWER
b. Using another selection, tell me how many of these streets are Freeways (of “STREET_TYP” “FWY”)?
ANSWER. How you accomplished this (i.e. the SQL used)? ANSWER. This process gave you all the freeways that
are longer than 1000.
c. What kind of query would you write to accomplish this task in one step? (i.e., what would be your SQL
statement?) ANSWER
d. In the neighborhood parcel, how many available houses (STATUS Y) have swimming pools (POOL Y) and are
less than or equal to $200,000. ANSWER.
e. How many available houses do NOT have three bedrooms (use the NOT operator)? ANSWER. Write the SQL
statement. ANSWER
f. If you are interested in available houses that either have 3 bedrooms or are cheaper than $150,000, what would be
your query? ANSWER. How many houses meet your criteria? ANSWER
g. How many available houses have 3 or more bedrooms and are cheaper than $150,000 and are bigger than 1500 sq.
ft.? ANSWER. What would be your SQL statement? ANSWER
b.7 .... “STREET_TYP”='FWY' after choosing select from current selection
c.“STREET_TYP”='FWY' AND “LENGTH”>1000 with create a new selection ON
d. 5
e. 24, “STATUS”='Y' AND NOT(“BD_RMS”=3)
f. “STATUS”='Y' AND (“BD_RMS”=3 OR “SALE_PRICE”<150000) ,36
g. 1, “STATUS”='Y' AND “BD_RMS”>=3 AND “SALE_PRICE”<150000 AND “SQ_FT”>1500

35. How many pits do not have cleanup recommendations associated with them? ANSWER
A: 134

36. Which parish(es) these pits are located in? ANSWER

A: Acadia, Ascension, Lafourche, Terrebonne

40. Tell me the names of the metals that are associated with the pit with IDNUMBER “10_w_19357.” ANSWER
A : Ba and Zn

41. Locate all the pits that are contaminated by lead or silver. ANSWER
A : 23_w_15134, 23_w_15134, 29_p_158, 50_w_26291

42. Now explain the difference between join and relate. I need a complete answer. ANSWER
Typically, you'll join a table of data to a layer based on the value of a field that can be found in both tables. The name
of the field does not have to be the same, but the data type has to be the same; you join numbers to numbers, strings
to strings, and so on. You can perform a join with either the Join Data dialog box accessed by right-clicking a layer
in ArcMap or the Add Join geoprocessing tool. When you join tables in ArcMap, you establish a one-to-one or
many-to-one relationship between the layer's attribute table and the table containing the information you wish to
Unlike joining tables, relating tables simply defines a relationship between two tables. The associated data isn't
appended to the layer's attribute table like it is with a join. Instead, you can access the related data when you work
with the layer's attributes.Relates defined in ArcMap are essentially the same as simple relationship classes defined
in a geodatabase, except that they are saved with the map instead of in a geodatabase. If your data is stored in a
geodatabase and has relationship classes defined, you can use these directly without having to establish a relate in
ArcMap. The relationship classes will automatically be available when you add a layer that participates in a
relationship class to the map. Note that the many-to-many relationship is defined differently when your data is stored
in a geodatabase. In general, if you have relationship classes defined in your geodatabase, you should use these
instead of creating new ones in ArcMap.

67. Turn off the Census Tracts layer to see the neighborhood that meets all your criteria. What is the name of this
neighborhood? ANSWER
A: Canyon Crest

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