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[Slide 1 - Kharisma

Allience Quiz in genereal :

Allience Quiz is one of the competitions of English Week XXII where participants will face
quiz contest, knowledge of english skills, and the culture.

Theme : pruising yourself through english

[Slide 2 – Clara]

The Regulation :
1. one team consists of 3 students
2. each school only capable to send 2 teams for maximal
3. participants must pay the registration fee, it’s IDR 200.000 for the fist batch and IDR
220.000 for the second batch
4. participants should wear the school’s uniform
5. participants should bring their own stationaries
6. partcipants should wear the id card that committe give them

Participants :
The participants are senior high school students from east java and there are 35 teams. And
the winner is 2 teams from SMAK St. Louis Surabaya and team from SMA Gloria 1

Comitte :
All committe are from english department students

[Slide 3 – Virly]

The running of the program

-participants must attend the opening of english week at 7 am

-the competition started at 9 am
-there are 3 round :
1. round 1 : at t8 building, written quiz with 50 questions and 100 minutes, one class consist
of 5 teams with 2 classkeepers, the 9 teams can go to the next round with the highest score
and the fastest.
2. round 2 : in seminar room at t4 building, pushing bell quiz with 20 questions, there are 3
round and each round consist of 3 teams, only 3 teams can go to the next round with the
highest score
3. round 3 : in seminar room at t4 building, final rising hand with 15 questions, all 3 teams
will be the winner based on the highest point level

[Slide 4 – Devina]

Positive :
-the competitions is held on time
-the questions is not too easy nor too difficult
-the committe are nice to the participants
Negative :
-some of the participants still find the fee is too expensive
-the second round feels like pushing bell competition and some participants pushing the bell
before the questions appear on the screen

[slide 5-yossi]

Interview with committe

1. is there any trouble that you face during the competitions?

No, there are no trouble, there are no miss communication between the committe maybe there
are a few trouble from the partcipants because they still confuse about our university area
2. how long did you prepare for this competition?
We prepare for this competition from may 2016
3. what is your hope for the next year’s competition?
I hope that there will be more participants and the new english department students can be the

Interview with participants

1. what is your motivation to join this competition?

We want to get a new experience
2. how long did you prepare for this competition?
About one month and we prepare this competition with reading a lot of british news and
famous people’s biography
3. what do you think about this competition?
This is a good competition

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