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Description of the activity: Students will answer single and double digit

multiplication and division problems working in a group, and they will demonstrate

skipping, running, and galloping.

Grade: 4th

Level: Intermediate

Math involved: multiplication, division (12/3, 5X6, 3X12, 9/3) working with single

and double digit numbers

Modifications: If students are unable to run, gallop, or skip, they can walk to the

center. Students are also allowed to decide on an answer as a group, so no students

will be singled out if they don’t know the answer. The teacher will also write and

shout the question to address auditory and visual learners.

Academic subject being integrated: Math, more specifically multiplication and


Closing activity: Review problems that we frequently missed as a class and address

any questions.

Materials: whiteboards, dry erase markers


1. Students will be able to answer review math problems.

2. Students will be able to demonstrate movements such as running, skipping,

and galloping.

1. As a class, we will review how to gallop, skip, and run as needed. If some

students need to practice any of these skills, we will review as a class.

2. Divide students into equal groups of 4 by counting off by 4 and have them

spread out to 4 corners

3. Provide each group with one white board and one marker.

4. The teacher will shout out and write down a math problem on their own

white board.

5. Students will take turns either running, skipping, galloping etc., to the center

with their group answer.

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