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Plural (ihr)

The familiar plural command corresponds to the ihr form of the present tense. Note that the pronoun ihr

is not expressed.

Macht die Aufgaben! Do your homework.

Lest doch den Roman! Why don’t you read the novel?

Bitte holt die Bücher! Please get the books.

Öffnet bitte das Fenster! Please open the window.

Sprecht langsamer bitte! Talk slower, please.

Kommt doch am Abend! Why don’t you come in the evening?

The idea of let’s is expressed by the first-person plural. The pronoun wir follows the conjugated verb.

Singen wir! Let’s sing.

Gehen wir! Let’s go.

Fahren wir mit dem Auto! Let’s go by car.

Impersonal Imperative

Instructions to the public are expressed by an infinitive command form. In this construction, the infinitive

occurs in final position and the exclamation point is not used.

Bitte anschnallen. Please fasten your seat belts.

Rechts fahren. Drive on the right side.

Nicht aufstehen. Do not get up.

Einfahrt freihalten. Keep the driveway clear

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