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EZ; rosisnima.nai nippon sv “DNC. Prac One! os a 24 sveatNe dora Clon, Ababa DRAWING AND DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL COVER Page: 4 Consortium of Nihon suido Consultant Date: 03-10-12 Company Limited and Japan Techno Co. Limited _—Project Name: _The Projector Improvement of Water Supp System in Abt Transmittal No. TOUNSOMTRNO-12/003 Following are attached herewith Attn: Mr. HIGA Seiken- Resident Engineer Jorn For Aspro Pont For auction neoe Cony For constuction retary io Frat ooe10 For comment For Revison ForRavew For Acton Document No. Rev. Doc Title Remark 1__oiso-ras.ot___0_General Plan of Pipe Bridge No. 3, Raw Water Transmissions Main, 2__orso-pss.ca___0_Detall of Pipe Bridge No. 3, Raw Water Transmissions Main 3__1oss0-pa3.03___0_Detallof Pipe Bridge No. 3, Raw Water Transmissions Main 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Prepared by: 7. Urakawa signed: * Please return one dupicte copy of his transmit wit signature ‘The above document/drawing were received by: signature: site: date: PIPE BRIDGE # 03 PLAN Mosq baa THE PROJECT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT JOF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM IN ABBOTTABAD PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, | KHYBER-PAKHTUNKHWA PROVINCE, THE ISLAMIC REPUPLIC OF PAKISTAN, Consultants Ca, Lad Sapan Techno Co Ud np Bie ae o 20 Seo,2012 Toso Paso1 1300 SECTION rae RIrLO PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, | ore fee . al “yaw [SE [ProtSoas02 THE PROJECT FOR THE IMPROVENENT Z Nino Sido Constant Co, La omens Oe wareR SUPPLY SYSnens RW AbSOTTABAD | KHVBER.PAKHTUNKHWA PROVINCE scald | Qoeante 3°" DINE. | beats ope rite Nows ae oe a ERE = SUPPLY SYSTEM IN ABBOTTABAD | Ti isl AMIC REPUPLIC OF PAKISTAN, Soper Teina Co, a 208202 | 29Sp.202 1200, 1100 Pier Elevation Pier Base Plan ig Supa ig Sgt ‘a ‘Sie Pier Cap Plan K 16300 Ny Ny corns a 0 NI a a4 gant - 16 Sos -F 60 10 q J —r.06 sNos . SP.O450_| SP.0450 | SP.0450_ 4 orwaaonce d 4 osgamce 1 3 5 204 iq ; i fee ; Poi wld 4 , ee Stee plat 6mm “| tt call tetas oe bee re 4a 4 300 tt 00 | ASS | Pier Base Section 10 00 wo as 10 2 | a0 | as 2s | oe [as 0 298 feel it - 3 eH g i Ring Support Elevation Ring Support Plan | il it Tt it baw - tes 1500 re wo 0 wo x 4 a ¢ 7 - O 20 00 THE PROJECT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT. | PUN ARIUNK WA PROVINCE son edo Conan, Li De of pe nd Us “5 ae = 7 SAD [THE ISLAMIC REPUPLIC OF PAKISTAN Sa 20 Sep. 2012, 1.60, 1:30, 1:25

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