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We ARE the people.

Checks + Balances in Name________________________

Our Government

Checks in the Legislative Branch

May override a president’s ___________ with a 2/3 vote.
May remove the ______________________ through an impeachment vote.
Has power over the ________________ that funds executive actions.
The Senate approves ____________________ made with other countries.
The Senate approves the president’s __________ and members of the _____________ Court.
May ____________________ judges through impeachment.
The ______________________ approves lower courts.
The ____________________ approves the appointment of judges.

Checks in the Executive Branch

Has the power to ____________ any bill.
Can call special sessions of _____________________.
Can recommend a _____________ to become law.

The President chooses justices of the _______________ and other judges of the United States

Checks in the Judicial Branch

Courts can judge _____________ to be unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court can rule that ______________ with other countries are unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court can rule that an action by the President is ________________________.

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