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“If You Give a Moose a Muffin” Lesson Plan

Materials: Large poster board/paper, black marker, post-it notes, pencils for each student
Time needed: 20-30 minutes

Objective (Learning Goal): Students will learn to figure out clues about the book before and during the
reading of the story. These clues include who the characters are, what they’re like, and the overall plot.
They’ll be able to figure this out by looking at the front and back cover of the book, and taking a quick
walk through of the book itself to get a sense of what they’re about to read.

Introduction: Announce what we will be reading for the day, and what we’ll be doing while showing
them the chart. Present the book and ask what they think it’ll be about just based off of the covers.
Write it down and post to the board. After taking a few ideas, ask if they can ALWAYS tell what the story
will be about just based off of the front cover. “No, you can’t always predict what the story will be about
just by looking at the front cover. Sometimes, this can happen, and it will just take practice.”

Instructions: Ask what some predictions are on the topic of the story with some similar predictions.
Write down some of them and post it to the board. Then take a quick walk through of the book and ask
about any of the reoccurring characters. Write it down and post it to the board. Then read the story.

Assessment: After the story is completed, they will go to their tables and fill out a small worksheet
based off of the story. This worksheet will ask the same questions I asked before the story. They will
then go back to the front of the room and as a class, we will go over the answers to see if their
predictions were accurate.

Vocabulary: predictions, characters

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