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CEHD Observation of Field Perfo rmance

Teacher Candidate: Chris Okafo r Observer: Frank Lock

Date: Feb 28,2018

School: Morrow H.S. Subject/Lesson Topic: Circular Motion

Grade Level: 11 & 12

Observed Strengths:

Chris has developed good relationships with the students. He has started having the students use dry
erase boards, making his teaching student centered . He has orga nized his teaching so that conceptual
work is integrated w ith lab w ork. Chris has a deep unde rstanding of physics, and his enthusiasm for
teaching physics is evident.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Suggestions have bee n made about strategies Chris can use to improve student use of dry erase boards.
He has been advised to increase the amount of drawing the stud ents do, as well as how much he Cold
Calls on the students. Chris taught rig ht up to the be ll en ding the class, and was advised to work at
providing a bit of a review before the be ll sounds. It has also bee n suggested that Chris allow more time
for students to consider their answer w hen he asks questions. He has also been asked to consider
incorporating more grap hing activities in his lessons.

Overall Comments: Chris is very enthusiastic about teaching. His use of dry erase board presentations in
class is terrific, and very importantly, makes his t each ing more student centered . Chris employed an
excellent video to introduce t he lesson, and good demonstration s as well. His use of the electronic
whiteboard demonstrates his fac ility with the techno logy. Chris will be an asset to the high school
physics teach ing commun ity.

Observer's Signature
Teacher Candidate Signature
N otes
l lrn,{.TSlt\. DEVELOPMENT

Teacher Candidate: Chris Okafor Observer: Frank Lock Date: Feb 28 ,2018
Schoo l: Morrow H.S . Subject/Lesson Topic: Circu lar Motion Grade Level: 11 & 12

Observed Strengths:
Chris has d eveloped good relationships with the students. He has started having the students use d ry erase boards, making his teaching
student centered. He has organized his teaching so that conceptual work is integrated with lab work. Chris has a deep understanding of
physics, and his enthusiasm fo r teaching physics is evident.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Suggestions have been made about strategies Chris can use to improve student use of dry erase boards. He has been advised to increase the
amount of drawing the students do, as well as how much he Cold Calls on the students. Chris taught right up to the bell ending the class, and
was advised to work at providing a bit of a review before the bell sounds. It has also been suggested that Chris allow more time for students
to consider their answer when he asks questions. He has also been asked to consider incorporating more graphing activities in his lessons.

Overall Comments: Chris is very enthusiastic about teaching. His use of dry erase board presentations in class is terrific, and very importantly,
makes his teaching more student centered. Chris employed an excellent video to introduce the lesson, and good demonstrations as well. His
use of the electronic whiteboard demonstrates his facility with the technology. Chris will be an asset to the high school physics teaching

Observe r· s S ignat ure Teac her Cand idate Signature

Notes Page I (0 1.18)

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INDICATOR Observation Notes
PLANNING: Professional Knowledge
I-PL Content Knowledge: Chris demonstrates a deep understanding of physics.
Demonstrates accurate content
knowledge for the subject matter and
grade level.

2-PL Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Chris is working at incorporating Active Learning strategies into his teaching. He has improved,
Applies research-based pedagogical and his students have become comfortable with it.
content knowledge to build conceptual
understanding in the discipline.

3-PL Knowledge of Learner Development & The active learning strategies Chris is incorporating are designed to build on the strengths. needs
Learning: and experiences of the students.
Applies research-based learning theories
to make curricular and instructional
decisions that build on learners'
strengths, needs, and experiences.
4-PL Academic Language: Student use of dry erase boards makes academic language very accessible to the students.
Uses the academic language of the
discipline; makes academic language
accessible to learners.

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY: Instructional Strategies

1-ID Engages learners in active learning and Chris· use of dry erase boards will continue to improve. and it enhances the participation and
maintains interest. interest of the students.

Notes Page 2 (01 .18)

(__ ;l'l >rgid Stc1t<
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INDICATOR Observation Notes
2-ID Builds upon learners ' existing At the beginning of class Chris used a warm up, then reviewed content they are expected to
knowledge and skills. know.

3-ID Engages learners in authentic learning To illustrate the usefulness of circular motion in real- life situations, Chris had the students view a
by using real-life examples and video and a demonstration, connecting the concept to every day situations.
interdisciplinary connections.

-t-lD Deve lops hi g her o rd e r thinkin g throu gh The Warmup that Chris used provided an opportunity to work on sk ill s the students have
questionin g and probl e m-solving previously developed. He used Col d Ca ll ing throughout the lesson to investigate the student" s
act ivities.
thinking on extension of the topics they have been dew loping.
,\ mkrson. l.. \\" . & Kratll\1 ohl. D.R . (~00 1).. .J
1<1xo110111_1· for leam111g. l<'acl1111g. and <1ss<'s.rn1g: . I
,..,nsw11 o_f Bloom's 1uxo110111y of ed11c<11101wl
o/yecl/r es. '\e \\ York: I ongman .
5-ID Academic Rigor: The use of dry erase boards by the students involves risk taking as the students presented their
Provides ris k tak in g, exploring new thinking to their peers. Clu·is employed the dry erase boards to enhance the understanding of the
ideas and enco ura ges critical and
creative thinking.

6-ID Employs technology to facilitate the Chri s works very \:,;ell \\·ith the electronic whiteboard. The students in this c lass have limited
lesso n; invo lves learn ers in use of access to technology.

Noles Page 3 (01 .18)

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INDICATOR Observation Notes
7-ID Uses appro priate co mmunication Chris planned the lesson well to employ good communicati on strategies. Student presentation of
techniques to facilitat e teaching and dry erase boards enhanced the communication between him and the students.
learnin g.

INSTRUCTIONAL DELIVERY: Differentiated Instruction

8-1D Employs principles of Uni\'ersal Design Chri s provided students with multipl e representati ons of the co ncept. and proYided di ffe rent
for Learning/ who le class differentiat ion modes of learnin g through use of dry erase boards. He also incorporated real-life exampl es. He

Cen ter f() r App lied Specia l I cchnnlog, . ( 2015 ). has been ad\'ised to work at incorpo rating m ore graphing ac ti,·ities to differentiate the instruction.
l'ni , er,al Dc, ign fo r Learning. Rctric , ed from
http: ",1" .cast .mg

91D Pro\'ides appropriate adaptations Adaptati ons ,,ere incorporated throu gh the use of dry erase boards. all o\\·ing peer ass istance.
and/or modifications for indi\'idual There are no student s in thi s cl ass \\ith an IE P. EIP. or 504 plan.
learners "ith an IEP, EIP, 50-t; OR
those who require remediation OR


I-AL Uses assessment tools for both formati\'e Summati \'e assessm ent is planned for an appropri ate time. The students will take a ,vritten qui z.
and summati\'e purposes to guide and to and test. at specified inter\'als. Form ati\'e assessment \\ as done through e\'aluati on of student dry
adjust instruction.
erase board presentations. and co ld calling.

.\ ates Page -t {0 1.18)

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INDICATOR Observation Notes
2- A L IInvo lves lea rn e rs in individu a l goa l- The use of dry erase boards allows for indi vidual goal setting an d provides the students with the
settin g a nd metacog nitive stra tegies. opportunity to engage in metacognitive th inking strategies.

3 -AL IProv id es fee dback to learn e rs o n The acti ve learning done tlu·ough use of dry erase boards prov ide feedback to the students through
stre ng th s, needs, and strategies for acti ve interaction wi th Chri s.
improve me nt/exten s io n of learnin g.

1-t-AL Models for learners how to appl~ Chris encouraged good interaction\\ ith the students tlu·ough use or the dry erase boards. Chris
teacher and /or peer feedback on Ii nteracted \\ e 11 \\·ith the students as the: presented to their peers.
strengths, needs. and strategies for
impro,·ement/extension of learning.

LEARNING ENVIRONMENT : Positive Learning Environment
I-LE Promotes posithe learnin g e n\'ironment Chris has pro,·ided the students with guide lines for preparing dry erase boards and presenting
by encouraging learner self-regulation them. This has helped to insure learner selC-regulation. and the dewlopment of a positi\·e learning
and maintaining high expectations for
a ll learners in a trusting, caring, and
enYironment. Chris has high expectations for the quality of the student presentations. The more
respec tful learning community. time students spend \\·orking on dry erase boards. the better their understanding of the concepts

2-LE Promotes understanding and acceptance The acti \·e learning strategy/dry erase board s accommodates acceptance of multiple perspecti\'es
of learn e rs· multiple perspectiHs and and diYersi ty Yery \\ell. When the students make presentation s. their peers ha\·e the opportunity to
diHrsity (including, but not limited to,
race, eth nicity, religion, socioeconomic
experience different strategies for explaining a concept. ActiYe learning increases the interaction
status, gender, sexual between th e students as well.
orientation /expression, national orig in ,
or exceptionality).

.\'oles Page 5 (01.18)

{ <, __ & HUMAN Notes

INDICATOR Observation Notes
3-LE Involves learners in organizing, By assigning topics to be presented by students. Chris involves the students in planning time and
allocating, and coordinating the resources to maximize learning.
resources of time, space, and materials
to maximize learning.

4-LE Responds to disruptions in an equitable, Clu·is did not have to deal with any disruptions during the lesson .
timely, and appropriate manner.

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5- LE Es tab lishes and ma int a in s a sa fe Through hi s ac ti \·e imoh·ement \\ ith the students. Chri s maintained a safe classroom
classroo m e n, ironm ent. em ironment.

.\'ores Page 6 (01.18)

Observation of Field Performance Rubric

• Aligned to lnl ,\SC t\lodd Core I caching Standards & Learning Progressions. ,\pril 2013
• ,\ligncd "ith and adapted from the Georgia Department of Education r cacher A,sessmcnt on Performance Standards Reference Sheet Performance Standards and Sample Indicators: r,\PS Reli:rcnce Sheet
7-23- 12EDG ,\Ri ncludcdpdr lttJ1 ''" ·' 1,,,·kl::'~;iu,\,·h I'!'''""' t R11hricPage l (01.18)

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