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86 Knowl. Org. 35(2008)No.2/No.

B. Hjørland. What is Knowledge Organization (KO)?

What is Knowledge Organization (KO)?

Birger Hjørland
Royal School of Library and Information Science,
6 Birketinget,DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark,

Birger Hjørland, MA in psychology and PhD in Library and Information Science. Professor in
Knowledge Organization (KO) at the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Copen-
hagen since 2001. Professor in KO at the University College in Borås, Sweden 2000-2001. Research
librarian and coordinator of computer based information services at the Royal Library in Copenha-
gen 1978-1990. Taught information science at the Department of Mathematical and Applied Lingui-
stics at the University of Copenhagen 1983-1986. 1974-1978 associate professor at RSLIS, and 1990-
2000 head of department. He has published several papers on KO, including about 11 papers in the
journal Knowledge Organization and the book Information Seeking and Subject Representation: An
Activity-Theoretical Approach to Information Science (Greenwood Press 1997).

Hjørland, Birger. What is Knowledge Organization (KO)? Knowledge Organization, 35(3/2), 86-101. 45 references.

ABSTRACT: Knowledge Organization (KO) is about activities such as document description, indexing and classification per-
formed in libraries, databases, archives etc. These activities are done by librarians, archivists, subject specialists as well as by
computer algorithms. KO as a field of study is concerned with the nature and quality of such knowledge organizing processes
(KOP) as well as the knowledge organizing systems (KOS) used to organize documents, document representations and con-
cepts. There exist different historical and theoretical approaches to and theories about KO, which are related to different views
of knowledge, cognition, language, and social organization. Each of these approaches tends to answer the question: “What is
knowledge organization?” differently. LIS professionals have often concentrated on applying new technology and standards,
and may not have seen their work as involving interpretation and analysis of meaning. That is why library classification has
been criticized for a lack of substantive intellectual content. Traditional human-based activities are increasingly challenged by
computer-based retrieval techniques. It is appropriate to investigate the relative contributions of different approaches; the cur-
rent challenges make it imperative to reconsider this understanding. This paper offers an understanding of KO based on an
explicit theory of knowledge.

1. Introduction: knowledge organization— Science (LIS) is the central discipline of KO in this

the narrow and the broader meaning of narrow sense (although seriously challenged by,
the term among other fields, computer science).
In the broader meaning KO is about the social di-
In the narrow meaning Knowledge Organization vision of mental labor, i.e. the organization of univer-
(KO) is about activities such as document descrip- sities and other institutions for research and higher
tion, indexing and classification performed in librar- education, the structure of disciplines and profes-
ies, bibliographical databases, archives and other sions, the social organization of media, the produc-
kinds of “memory institutions” by librarians, archi- tion and dissemination of “knowledge” etc. A book
vists, information specialists, subject specialists, as such as Oleson & Voss (1979) The Organization of
well as by computer algorithms and laymen. KO as a knowledge in modern America, 1860-1920 is an exam-
field of study is concerned with the nature and qual- ple of the study of knowledge organization in the
ity of such knowledge organizing processes (KOP) broad sense. We may distinguish between the social
as well as the knowledge organizing systems (KOS) organization of knowledge on one hand, and on the
used to organize documents, document representa- other hand the intellectual or cognitive organization
tions, works and concepts. Library and Information of knowledge. The broad sense is thus both about
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B. Hjørland. What is Knowledge Organization (KO)?

how knowledge is socially organized and how reality tion of a relative objective nature. In other words
is organized. The uncovering of structures of reality practical KO may have been seen as a syntactic,
is done by the single sciences, e.g. chemistry, biology, rather than as a semantic activity as differentiated by
geography and linguistics. Well known examples are Julian Warner (2007):
the periodic system in chemistry and biological tax-
onomy. Generalized theories about the structure of Semantic labor is concerned with transforma-
reality, such as the theory of integrative levels first ad- tions motivated by the meaning or signified of
vanced by Auguste Comte belong to the philosophi- symbols, while syntactic labor is determined by
cal disciplines “metaphysics” and “ontology.” the form alone of symbols, operating on them
While Library and Information Science (LIS) is the in their aspect as signals. Semantic labor re-
central discipline concerned with KO in the narrow quires direct human involvement while origi-
sense of the word, other disciplines such as the soci- nally human syntactic labor can be transferred
ology of knowledge, the single sciences and meta- to information technology, where it becomes a
physics are central disciplines concerned with KO in machine process.
the broader sense of the word. The importance of re-
garding the broader field of KO is related to the ques- Since the 1950s, computer scientists have been work-
tion about how KO in the narrow sense can be devel- ing with KO based on certain assumptions, mostly
oped. A central claim of this paper is that KO in the assuming that human classification and indexing will
narrow sense cannot develop a fruitful body of soon be made superfluous. A recent example (Sparck
knowledge without considering KO in the broader Jones 2005) is that automated systems based on rele-
perspective. In other words: There exists no closed vance feedback from users might solve problems ef-
“universe of knowledge” that can be studied by KO ficiently. Genuine theoretical contributions to KO
in isolation from all the other sciences’ study of real- are very rare, but seem mandatory in relation to the
ity. challenges with which this field is confronted. More
Further description of the field of KO is depend- and more people discuss the doomsday scenario for
ent on the theoretical perspective, which is why we library and information science (cf., Bawden 2007).
shall introduce the most important perspectives be- There exist many separated communities working
low. with different technologies, but very little research
about their basic assumptions and relative merits and
2. Theoretical approaches to knowledge weak sides. The problem is not just to formulate a
organization theory, but to uncover theoretical assumptions in
different practices, to formulate these assumptions
KO has mainly been a practical activity without as clearly as possible in order to make it possible to
much theory. Miksa (1998, 49), for example, wrote: compare approaches.
A further problem is that the adherents of differ-
Now, we could simply conclude with Dolby ent approaches try to avoid criticism by incorporating
and others that library classification continues ideas from competing approaches. The field cannot
mainly as a practical matter, that it is by and advance, however, without theoretical clarity, which is
large devoid of substantive intellectual content, why it is important to describe different approaches
and that it continues merely because of inertia in a way that they can be distinguished from each
in a field in which classification schemes in- other and compared with each other. In other words:
vented late in the nineteenth century continue we have to examine and interpret different labels used
to be used. for approaches very honestly and carefully. Otherwise
we will stay in a very muddled field.
It has often been assumed that the practical organi- One way to classify approaches to KO was sug-
zation of knowledge can be done by applying com- gested by Broughton, Hansson, Hjørland and
mon sense or, in major research libraries and biblio- López-Huertas (2005):
graphical databases, by employing subject specialists,
who just apply their special knowledge. LIS profes- 1. The traditional approach to KO expressed by clas-
sionals have often concentrated on applying new sification systems used in libraries and databases,
technology, software and standards. They have often including DDC, LCC and UDC (going back to
seen themselves as applying standards for descrip- about 1876).
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2. The facet-analytical approach founded by Ranga- (1998, 42-45) presentation of Melvil Dewey’s busi-
nathan about 1933 and further developed by the ness perspective. Dewey’s business approach is
British Classification Research Group. hardly an intellectual approach on which the field
3. The information retrieval tradition (IR) founded can find a theoretical foundation for KO understood
in the 1950s. as an academic discipline. His interest was not to
4. User oriented and cognitive views gaining influ- find an optimal system to support users of libraries,
ence from the 1970s. but rather to find an efficient way to manage library
5. Bibliometric approaches following Garfield’s con- collections. He was interested in developing a system
struction of the Science Citation Index in 1963. which could be used in many libraries, a standardized
6. The domain analytic approach (first formulated way to manage library collections.
about 1994). DDC should thus be seen as the dream of the li-
7. Other approaches (among recent suggestions are brary administrator rather than the dream of the li-
semiotic approaches, “critical-hermeneutical” ap- brary user. It is not designed for any specific collec-
proaches discourse-analytic approaches and genre- tion and must be seen as a compromise between dif-
based approaches. An important trend is also an ferent collections and corresponding scholarly inter-
emphasis on document representations, document ests. In order to minimize the workload in libraries,
typology and description, mark up languages, the system is conservative in the sense that it often
document architectures etc.). prefers to avoid structural change. In other words,
internal consistency over different editions has often
Each of the 6 approaches (but not other approaches) taken priority compared to updating the system in
will be presented and discussed below. order to make it more in accordance with the sur-
rounding society. The user does not get a detailed,
2.1 The traditional approach realistic view about relations between disciplines and
fields of knowledge, but the library administrator
It is difficult to define “the traditional approach” be- gets a system in which most of the books are already
cause there is no united theory that corresponds to classified by other libraries or agencies and which is
this concept. If we disregard the other approaches to used for both shelf arrangement and catalog search-
be introduced, what exist are mostly various different ing. The library administrator may hire people from
practices and some scattered suggestions on how to library schools, who know the system and may apply
organize knowledge. Even a single system such as the this knowledge in all the libraries using DDC. The
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) has used quite system is thus also supporting professional interests.
different principles in various editions (cf., Miksa It probably represents a rationalization of library
1998). The classification researcher Vanda Broughton work more than anything else. Its main quality may
(2004, 143) wrote about one of the old established be that it represents a standard and not a system op-
systems: “It is quite hard to discern any strong theo- timized for browsing or retrieval for any particular
retical principles underlying LCC [Library of Con- interest. It should be added that what is today called
gress Classification].” Also some formulations by S. R. Library and Information Science, LIS, was termed li-
Ranganathan (e.g., 1951) suggest that “traditional” brary economy in 1876 when the system was first
systems seem to lack a theoretical foundation (in his published, which is also an indication of the adminis-
eyes as opposed to his own approach). trative rather than the academic goals of the system.
Among the major figures in the history of KO, This may also explain why systems designed on the
which can be classified as “traditional,” are Melvil basis of more modern principles have not succeeded
Dewey (1851-1931) and Henry Bliss (1870-1955). in influencing practice in libraries.
Eugene Garfield wrote about Bliss (1975, 252): “His Among the critics of the DDC is Bernd Froh-
goals and aspirations were different from those of mann, who wrote (1994, 112-13):
Melvil Dewey, whom he certainly surpassed in intel-
lectual ability, but by whom he was dwarfed in or- Dewey's subjects were elements of a semiologi-
ganizational ability and drive. Dewey was a busi- cal system of standardized, techno-bureaucratic
nessman, but he was in no sense as profound in his administrative software for the library in its
accomplishments.” This difference in the character corporate, rather than high culture, incarna-
of the two men is reflected in their approach to tion…. Dewey emphasized more than once
knowledge organization as also reflected by Miksa’s that his system maps no structure beyond its
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own; there is neither a “transcendental deduc- classification ... would be perhaps better con-
tion” of its categories nor any reference to Cut- ducted by including courses in the systematic
ter's objective structure of social consensus. It encyclopedia and methodology of all the sci-
is content-free: Dewey disdained any philoso- ences, that is to say, outlines which try to
phical excogitation of the meaning of his class summarize the most recent results in the rela-
symbols, leaving the job of finding verbal tion to one another in which they are now
equivalents to others. His innovation and the studied together.
essence of the system lay in the notation. The
DDC is a poorly semiotic system of expanding This important principle has been implicit in the
nests of ten digits, lacking any referent beyond management of research libraries and bibliographic
itself.… The conflict of interpretations over databases such as MEDLINE, in which subjects spe-
“subjects” became explicit in the battles be- cialists are often hired to do the work in KO. The
tween “bibliography” (an approach to subjects importance of subject knowledge has not been ex-
having much in common with Cutter's) and plicit in the following approaches to KO except in
Dewey's “close classification.” William Fletcher domain analysis (and outside LIS in certain com-
spoke for the scholarly bibliographer.... puter approaches).
Fletcher's “subjects,” like Cutter's, referred to Among the other principles which may be attrib-
the categories of a fantasized, stable social or- uted to the traditional approach to KO are:
der, whereas Dewey's subjects were elements of
a semiological system of standardized, techno- – Principle of controlled vocabulary
bureaucratic administrative software for the li- – Cutter’s rule about specificity
brary in its corporate, rather than high culture, – Hulme’s principle of literary warrant (1911)
incarnation. – Principle of organizing from the general to the
The quote from Frohmann shows that already when
Melvil Dewey published his system there was a cri- The principle of controlled vocabulary is essentially a
tique of the DDC as being empty and rather non- way of avoiding synonyms and homonyms as index-
academic. Dewey’s attitude may have influenced li- ing terms by using standardized vocabulary. Cutter’s
brary philosophy and practice. LIS professionals may rule states that it is always the most specific, most
have seen their work more like a syntactical activity appropriate expressions that should be looked up in
that an activity involving interpretation and analysis the vocabulary of notations and assigned to docu-
of meaning. ments. In this way the expressions for the topics to
In order to identify an approach to KO which be made retrievable are rendered most predictable.
may deserve the label “the traditional approach,” we The term “literary warrant” as well as the basic prin-
shall turn to other scholars, including Henry Bliss. ciple underlying this expression was introduced by
An important characteristic in his (and many con- E. Wyndham Hulme (1911, 447). Hulme discusses
temporary thinkers of KO) was that the sciences whether, for example, the periodic system of chemis-
tend to reflect the order of Nature and that library try should be used for book classification. He writes
classification should reflect the order of knowledge (1911, 46-47):
as uncovered by science:
In Inorganic Chemistry what has philosophy to
Natural order → Scientific Classification → offer? [Philosophy here meaning science,
Library classification (KO) which produced the periodic system]. Merely a
classification by the names of the elements for
The implication is that librarians, in order to classify which practically no literature in book form ex-
books, should know about scientific developments. ists. No monograph, for instance, has yet been
This should also be reflected in their education published on the Chemistry of Iron or Gold….
(Ernest Cushing Richardson, quoted from Bliss Hence we must turn to our second alternative
1935, 2): which bases definition upon a purely literary
warrant. According to this principle definition
Again from the standpoint of the higher educa- is merely the result of an accurate survey and
tion of librarians, the teaching of systems of measurement of classes in literature. A class
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heading is warranted only when a literature in The best way to explain this approach is probably
book form has been shown to exist, and the to explain its analytico-synthetic methodology. The
test of the validity of a heading is the degree of meaning of the term “analysis” is: breaking down
accuracy with which it describes the area of each subject into its basic concepts. The meaning of
subject matter common to the class. Definition the term synthesis is: combining the relevant units
[of classes or subject headings], therefore, may and concepts to describe the subject matter of the
be described as the plotting of areas pre- information package in hand. Given subjects (as they
existing in literature. To this literary warrant a appear in, for example, book titles) are first analyzed
quantitative value can be assigned so soon as into a few common categories, which are termed
the bibliography of a subject has been defi- “facets.” Ranganathan proposed his PMEST formula:
nitely compiled. The real classifier of literature Personality, Matter, Energy, Space and Time:
is the book-wright, the so-called book classifier
is merely the recorder. – Personality is the distinguishing characteristic of a
The principle of ordering from general subjects to – Matter is the physical material of which a subject
specific subjects is generally acknowledged and may may be composed
be related to an essentialist way of understanding. – Energy is any action that occurs with respect to
Today, after more than 100 years of research and the subject
development in LIS, the “traditional” approach still – Space is the geographic component of the location
has a strong position in KO and in many ways its of a subject.
principles still dominate. The traditional approach, – Time is the period associated with a subject.
however, shows signs of a certain vagueness in its
theoretical and methodological basis. Is it subject The British Classification Research Group (CRG)
knowledge rather than competency in KO that marks expanded this list, but here we shall only consider the
the construction and administration of knowledge original one. The first assumption is that all subjects
organizing systems? Often it seems to be assumed can be analyzed in a way that fits into these five cate-
that that the organization of knowledge is just a mat- gories. Those categories have been developed before
ter of “reading” the correct relations between con- the books have been written and arrived in the library.
cepts. There is not much indication of how this is In other words, they are neither dynamically devel-
done. Although debates about the philosophy of sci- oped nor empirically given: they are logical, a priori
ence, e.g. in relation to positivism, was not unknown categories. Each category (facet) has in principle its
among the founding fathers of knowledge organiza- own classification or lists of symbols. A given docu-
tion, they were not particularly clear on this point ment is classified by taking one or more symbols
and the same is also the case with the ordinary prac- from the appropriate facets and combining them ac-
tice of KO. It is with the development of the domain- cording to certain rules. This combination is called
analytic approach that the question about the subjec- notational synthesis. The idea is that the same build-
tivity and objectivity of KO in a systematic way is ing blocks can be used for all purposes. The underly-
first built into the methodological foundation of KO. ing philosophical assumption is that elements do not
change their meaning in different contexts. This as-
2.2 The facet-analytical approach sumption has never, as far as I know, been discussed
in the literature. According to modern theories of
The date of the foundation of this approach may be meaning it is a rather problematic assumption.
chosen, for example, as the publication of S. R. Ran- Ranganathan has had many followers in LIS. It has
ganathan’s Colon Classification in 1933. The ap- however, been extremely difficult to trace critical ex-
proach has been further developed by, in particular, aminations of this approach. Very few researchers have
the British Classification Research Group. In many had the broader knowledge which enabled them to
ways this approach has dominated what might be consider this approach in relation to fields like phi-
termed “modern classification theory.” The BC2 sys- losophy and linguistics. Among the few who have
tem is probably today the theoretically most ad- done this is Moss (1964) who found that Ranganathan
vanced system based on this theory (and has also based his system of five categories on that of Aristotle
contributed to the further development of this ap- without recognizing this. Another critical voice is
proach). Francis Miksa, who, for example, wrote (1998, 73):
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In the end, there is strong indication that Ran- compared to faceted systems is not that the former
ganathan's use of faceted structure of subjects have a superficial foundation while the latter have a
may well have represented his need to find profound foundation. The basic questions in knowl-
more order and regularity, in the realm of sub- edge organization are shared by both approaches:
jects, than actually exist.… Ranganathan vigor- How terms are selected and defined and their seman-
ously pursued the goal of finding one best sub- tic relations established. This is not a purely logical
ject classification system. matter, but largely an empirical question. While it is
correct that it may be easier to combine existing
Hjørland (2007b, 382-84) related the basic philoso- elements to form new classes and thus easier to place
phy of facet analysis to the philosophy of semantic new subjects in faceted systems, it is of course im-
primitives and thus to a broader theory of semantics. possible for any system to anticipate the discovery of
According to his analysis, semantic elements are not new knowledge. The belief that this should be possi-
direct attributes of language, but are related to mod- ble reveals that part of the philosophy of facet analy-
els of reality, which are then expressed in language. sis is without contact with the real world.
Chemical compounds may, for example, be expressed La Barre (2006) found that faceted techniques are
in chemical formulae by chemical elements. Chemical increasingly being used in the design of web-pages.
elements are discovered and named by chemists; they A specific format, XFML, a simple XML format for
are not given elements in natural languages. The exchanging metadata in the form of faceted hierar-
names of the chemical elements are in this case the chies has been developed (Van Dijck 2003). The
semantic primitives. Semantic relations, including the technique is thus very alive and in use.
relation between elements and composed expressions,
are thus connected to theories of reality. 2.3 The information retrieval tradition (IR)
S. R. Ranganathan wrote in his ‘Philosophy of Li-
brary Classification’ (1951, 87ff.): Information retrieval (IR) and knowledge organiza-
tion (KO) are normally considered two different—
An enumerative scheme with a superficial although strongly related—subfields within Library
foundation can be suitable and even economical and Information Science (LIS)—related respectively
for a closed system of knowledge.... What dis- to search labor and description labor (Warner 2002).
tinguishes the universe of current knowledge is They are, however, trying to solve the same kind of
that it is a dynamical continuum. It is ever problems: enabling users to find relevant informa-
growing; new branches may stem from any of tion. For this reason we have to consider them com-
its infinity of points at any time; they are un- peting approaches, and thus try to evaluate their
knowable at present. They can not [sic] there- relative strengths and weaknesses. The question then
fore be enumerated here and now; nor can they becomes: how can IR be characterized as an ap-
be anticipated, their filiations can be deter- proach relative to the other approaches discussed?
mined only after they appear. One way to do this has been to make a distinction
between the “physical paradigm” (or “system-driven
Ranganathan thus expresses the views: paradigm”) on one side and “user-oriented” or “cog-
nitive paradigm” on the other. The IR tradition has
1. That enumerative systems have a superficial been understood as “systems driven” as if the system
foundation; makes a decision of what to present for the users
2. That the discovery of new knowledge cannot (Gruzd 2007, 758).
be anticipated in an enumerative system;
and, In the conventional system-oriented view, a
3. That the discovery of new knowledge can be “perfect” system is defined as one that finds the
anticipated in a faceted system (based on the best match between a user’s stated request and
view that new knowledge is formed by com- documents from a collection. This view has
bination of a priori existing categories). proven to be very limiting. It has led many re-
searchers to focus only on how to improve
These views reveal some basic assumptions in the various aspects of document representations
facet-analytic approach. The difference between the and the matching algorithms. As a result, the
theoretical foundations of enumerative systems system-oriented approach to IR tends to disre-
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gard users’ cognitive behaviors as well as the this principle by what he terms ”selection power,” a
problem-solving context in which an IR proc- principle that, according to him has been valued in
ess is being carried out. It has become evident traditional library work.
that to succeed, IR researchers need to look Although thesauri were developed in the IR
beyond machine algorithms. tradition, this is the exception that confirms the rule:
The IR approach may be characterized as generally
This distinction between “the system-oriented view” sceptical of all forms of human interpretation, index-
and “the user-oriented view” may, however, represent ing and classification. Its focus has clearly been on
a misinterpretation. The difference between the free-text retrieval: the assumption that texts contain
Cranfield experiments and user-oriented views is first all necessary information needed to retrieve them.
and foremost that the Cranfield experiments are Recently Karen Sparck Jones (2005) wrote that tra-
based on expert evaluations of recall and precision, ditional (pre-)classification probably is obsolete and
while the user-oriented views are based on users’ may be replaced by new promising techniques such
evaluation. It is never the technology that makes the as relevance feedback. If Sparck Jones’ view is typical
decision of what is relevant. The technology is just of the IR approach, then a criticism of this view may
constructed on the basis of some views of what is provide the basis of an alternative to the IR
relevant and how this can be measured. Neither the approach. In fact, two basic criticisms of relevance
system-oriented view nor the user-oriented view has feedback can be summarized:
considered the epistemological problem: How are an-
swers to queries related to different theories or 1. Relevance feedback is based on certain premises
views? about users’ knowledge that are largely unex-
Important in the IR tradition have been, among plored and may turn out to be highly unrealistic:
others, the Cranfield experiments, which were If users do not have the necessary knowledge to
founded in the 1950s, and the TREC experiments classify a domain, they cannot distinguish relevant
(Text Retrieval Conferences) starting in 1992. It was and non-relevant documents and are thus unable
the Cranfield experiments which introduced the fa- to provide useful feedback.
mous measures “recall” and “precision” as evaluation 2. Relevance feedback represents unspecified and
criteria for systems efficiency. The Cranfield experi- unclear semantic relations between documents
ments found that classification systems like UDC considered relevant. Why prefer a kind of system
and facet-analytic systems were less efficient com- implying unspecified relations rather than speci-
pared to free-text searches or low level indexing sys- fied and user-controlled relations?
tems (“UNITERM”). The Cranfield I test found ac-
cording to Ellis (1996, 3-6) the following results: In conclusion: The IR tradition has generally been
based on positivist assumptions: that optimal re-
UNITERM 82.0% recall trieval can be determined by retrieval tests without
Alphabetical subject headings 81.5% recall considering different views or “paradigms” and with-
UDC 75.6% recall out considering text corpora as a merging of different
Facet classification scheme 73.8% recall. views each putting different meanings to terms. In
other words, it has mainly been based on statistical
Although these results have been criticized and ques- averages, and has neglected to investigate how differ-
tioned, the IR tradition became much more influen- ent kinds of representation and algorithms may serve
tial while library classification research lost influ- different views and interests.
ence. The dominant trend has been to regard only
statistical averages. What has largely been neglected 2.4 User-oriented views
is to ask: Are there certain kinds of questions in rela-
tion to which other kinds of representation, for ex- In some sense, all approaches to KO may agree about
ample, controlled vocabularies, may improve recall the goal that systems and processes are aimed at ful-
and precision? filling users’ “information needs.” For example, facet
Julian Warner (2002) has characterized the domi- analytic researchers may rightly claim that users
nant IR tradition with the word “query transforma- benefit from well structured systems, which is why
tion” meaning that systems automatically transform this approach is “user-oriented” or “user friendly.” If
a query to a set of relevant references. He contrasts the term “user-oriented” is to be a meaningful label
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for an approach, it needs to be defined in a more pre- The table shows how “folk classification” was suc-
cise way. We need to distinguish at least the following ceeded by an essentialist classification from Aristotle
meanings: to Linné, then by a natural classification [founded by
de Jussieu] and later by phylogenetic systematics and
– User-friendly knowledge organization DNA-analysis. Thus, according to this outline folk
– Market-oriented knowledge organization classification represented a pre-scientific period. One
– Knowledge organization based on empirical stud- might ask: Are classifications based on empirical in-
ies of users formation from users to enjoy the same status as folk
– Knowledge organization done by users (e.g. the classifications (i.e., to represent a pre-scientific form
recent trend in folksonomies). of knowledge organization)? Do adherents of user-
oriented views find that it is better to base classifica-
The best way to define this approach is probably by tion systems for libraries and bibliographical data-
method: Systems based upon user-oriented ap- bases on folk classifications and user studies rather
proaches must specify how the design of a system is than on scientific methods?
made on the basis of empirical studies of users. It is strange that somebody seems to believe so.
User studies demonstrated very early that users Are amateurs supposed to know better? In some
prefer verbal search systems as opposed to systems cases, of course, it may be hard to find experts among
based on classification notations. This is one exam- established researchers. In the case of music, estab-
ple of a principle derived from empirical studies of lished researchers have not until recently regarded
users. Adherents of classification notations may, of popular music and experts have had to be found in
course, still have an argument: That notations are other circles, for example, among journalists and the
well-defined and that users may miss important in- users themselves. Even in that case, it is probably not
formation by not considering them. the average user who knows about relevant genre
In order to consider the function of empirical user concepts, but some experts among the users. That be-
studies it might be fruitful to consider the develop- ing said, it must be admitted that some serious re-
ment of a field such as biological systematics. Table 1 searchers do regard biological folk-classification equal
shows Mishler’s (2000) historical outline of this to scientific classification (Dupre 2006).
domain: Hjørland (2007a) found that user-oriented views
seem to have driven out the study of documents and
Historical periods in biological systematics that they have made some problematic critiques of
(after Mishler, 2000) “the bibliographical paradigm.” User-oriented views
are often contrasted with “the systems driven ap-
1) Pre-history. Folk classifications proach” which is again associated with the Cranfield
* 2) Ancient Greeks through Linneaeus: Essentialism experiments (Hildreth 2001):

* 3) Natural system. Overall resemblance; “impor- Theoretically, the Cranfield model relies almost
entirely on the attractive, but troublesome con-
4) Darwin. Evolutionary language added (Only a su- cept of relevance. Furthermore, two key as-
perficial effect for a long time, cf. 6) sumptions underlie the Cranfield model: users
desire to retrieve documents relevant to their
5) Numerical Phenetics. Computers added. (Only a
superficial effect) search queries and don’t want to see documents
not relevant to their queries, and document
* 6) Phylogenetic systematics (Cladistics). [A late relevance to a query is an objectively discerni-
Darwinian approach] ble property of the document. Neither of these
[* 7) Systematics based on DNA-analysis] two assumptions has stood the test of time, ex-
perience and astute analysis.
* argued by Mishler (2000) to be the only true
revolutions in the conceptual bases of systematics
The question whether a ‘document relevance to a
Table 1. Mishler’s (2000) outline of the domain query is an objectively discernible property of the
of biological systematics document’ is an epistemological issue, which, accord-
ing to Hildreth (2001), is differently perceived in the
Cranfield experiments and in the user-oriented tradi-
94 Knowl. Org. 35(2008)No.2/No.3
B. Hjørland. What is Knowledge Organization (KO)?

tion. Both traditions have, however, almost totally Advantages Disadvantages

neglected epistemological theories and thus confused
the concept of ‘users’ and the concept of ‘subjectiv- – Citations are provided by – The relation between
ity.’ Studying users and their psychology is in user highly qualified subject citations and subject
specialists relatedness is indirect
studies mixed up with studying subjectivity in differ-
– The number of references and somewhat un-
ent views on knowledge. In the Cranfield experi- reflect the indexing depth clear (related to the
ments relevance was evaluated by subject experts, and specificity (average in difference between
while the user-oriented approach used users for scientific papers is about social organization of
evaluation (often using the same measures of recall 10 references per article) knowledge and intel-
and precision). It is correct that Cranfield by apply- – Citation indexing is a lectual organization
highly dynamic form of of knowledge)
ing expert evaluations expected the system to provide
subject representation – Does not provide
relevant references for all users, i.e. assuming a kind – References are distributed clear logical structure
of a standard user. However, in the user-oriented in papers which allows the with mutually exclu-
framework this is not very different. Algorithms are utilization of paper struc- sive and collectively
often constructed on the basis of an average of users’ ture in the contextual in- exhaustive classes
evaluations. What has been neglected in both tradi- terpretation of citations – Explicit semantic re-
– Scientific papers form a lations are not pro-
tions is to develop different representations of the
kind of self-organizing vided
same documents to serve different users. Both tradi- system – Namedropping and
tions are rooted in the positivist understanding that a other forms of im-
representation is objective and neutral and that “one precise citations may
size fits all.” cause noise

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the bibliometric ap-

2.5 Bibliometric approaches proach to KO

These approaches are primarily based on using bib- Data coverage is an important problem in the bibli-
liographical references to organize networks of pa- ometric approach. Bibliometric maps are extremely
pers, mainly by bibliographic coupling (introduced vulnerable to how journals are selected. There is no
by Kessler 1963) or co-citation analysis (independ- objective and neutral way to select journals as data
ently suggested by Marshakova 1973 and Small for bibliometric analysis. If, for example, Knowledge
1973). In recent years it has become a popular activ- Organization is excluded from LIS, then classifica-
ity to construe bibliometric maps as structures of re- tion researchers like Ranganathan will be relatively
search fields. underrepresented, because they are more often cited
Two considerations are important in considering in this journal. This does not, however, imply, that
bibliometric approaches to KO: bibliometrics is totally subjective and arbitrary. By
working with different methods and by doing itera-
1. The level of indexing depth is partly determined tive investigations strong arguments may be made
by the number of terms assigned to each docu- concerning data coverage.
ment. In citation indexing this corresponds to the Schneider (2004) found that bibliometric methods
number of references in a given paper. On the av- can be used to provide candidate terms for thesauri.
erage, scientific papers contain 10-15 references, Bibliometric maps may, however, be considered a
which provide quite a high level of depth. knowledge organizing tool in their own right, one
2. The references, which function as access points, that can supplement thesauri, whether or not they
are provided by the highest subject-expertise—the can be “verified” by thesauri. Typically bibliometric
experts writing in the leading journals. This exper- maps show networks of cooperating authors, while
tise is much higher than that which library cata- thesauri show ontological links. Analytically we may
logs or bibliographical databases typically are able make a distinction between the intellectual organiza-
to draw on. tion of knowledge and the social organization of
knowledge and it may be argued that bibliometrics is
The main advantages and disadvantages in this ap- closer to the social pole. Bibliometric methods may
proach are summarized in Table 2. thus provide supplementary information that is use-
ful in their own right.
Knowl. Org. 35(2008)No.2/No.3 95
B. Hjørland. What is Knowledge Organization (KO)?

2.6 The domain analytic approach (DA) termine views on art works, writing on art works,
how art works are organized in exhibitions and how
The domain analytic approach is an approach formu- writings on art are organized in libraries (see Ørom
lated at the beginning of the 1990s as an alternative 2003). In general it can be stated that different phi-
to the dominant cognitive view in LIS. Here, it will losophical positions on any issue have implications
be presented more specifically as an alternative to the for relevance criteria, information needs and for cri-
other approaches to KO previously discussed. teria of organizing knowledge.
Domain analysis is a sociological-epistemological The representation of a document is made in or-
standpoint. The indexing of a given document der to enable users to make relevant discriminations.
should reflect the needs of a given group of users or The document should be looked upon with the eyes
a given ideal purpose. In other words, any descrip- of potential users. In a feminist library, for example,
tion or representation of a given document is more a book should be indexed by anticipating what it
or less suited to the fulfillment of certain tasks. A might contribute to feminist scholarship. This may
description is never objective or neutral, and the goal sound strange, but in many situations this is obvious
is not to standardize descriptions or make one de- and the natural thing to do. This view is known in
scription once and for all for different target groups. the literature as “request oriented indexing.” The
The development of the Danish library “KVINFO” core of indexing is, as stated by Rowley & Farrow to
may serve as an example that explains the domain- evaluate a paper’s contribution to knowledge and in-
analytic point of view. KVINFO was founded by the dex it accordingly (2000, 99):
librarian and writer Nynne Koch and its history goes
back to 1965. Nynne Koch was employed at the Royal In order to achieve good consistent indexing,
Library in Copenhagen in a position without influence the indexer must have a thorough appreciation
on book selection. She was interested in women’s of the structure of the subject and the nature of
studies and began personally to collect printed catalog the contribution that the document is making
cards of books in the Royal Library, which were con- to the advancement of knowledge.
sidered relevant for women’s studies. She developed a
classification system for this subject. Later she became Or, with the words of Hjørland (1992, 1997): “the
the head of KVINFO and got a budget for buying subjects of a document are its informative poten-
books and journals, and still later, KVINFO became tials.” A more simple way to put it: the indexer
an independent library. The important theoretical should ask “what use can be made of this particular
point of view is that the Royal Library had an official document—relative to other documents?”
systematic catalog of a high standard. Normally it is The kind of information which is judged relevant
assumed that such a catalog is able to identify relevant for a given task depends on the theory of the person
books for users whatever their theoretical orientation. doing the judgment. If one believes that schizophre-
This example demonstrates, however, that for a spe- nia is caused by a problematic communication be-
cific user group (feminist scholars), an alternative way tween mother and child, then studies of family inter-
of organizing catalog cards was important. In other action are evaluated as relevant. If, on the other
words: Different points of view need different sys- hand, one believes schizophrenia is caused by genetic
tems of organization. factors, then the study of genes becomes most rele-
DA is the only approach to KO which has seri- vant. The criteria used to represent documents are
ously examined epistemological issues in the field, thus in principle the same criteria that are implied by
i.e. comparing the assumptions made in different ap- current scientific theories. (This is why citation in-
proaches to KO and examining the questions regard- dexes have an advantage by their extremely dynamic
ing subjectivity and objectivity in KO. Subjectivity is way of indexing).
not just about individual differences. Such differ- The facet analytic point of view takes as the point
ences are of minor interest because they cannot be of departure the terminology of a given field; little is
used as guidelines for KO. What seems important are said, however, about how the terminology is to be se-
collective views shared by many users. A kind of lected. Domain analysis acknowledges a dilemma, a
subjectivity about many users is related to philoso- kind of chicken-and-egg problem, and a hermeneutic
phical positions. In any field of knowledge different circle: In order to select the terminology, one needs
views are always at play. In arts, for example, differ- to have an understanding of the field. But in order to
ent views of art are always present. Such views de- get an understanding of a field, one needs to know
96 Knowl. Org. 35(2008)No.2/No.3
B. Hjørland. What is Knowledge Organization (KO)?

about its concepts. The way this has to be solved is different literatures. On the basis of the literature,
by using iterative methods. DA assumes that differ- many candidate terms may be considered. In this pa-
ent approaches (or “paradigms”) exist in all domains per, only three of those terms will be briefly dis-
of knowledge and have to be identified. They are not cussed: Document, information and knowledge.
equally distributed in the literature or among the us-
ers, which is why so-called representative samples 3.1 Document
cannot be used. (If they were used some important
views would not be properly represented). Different Library science was mainly about the organization of
approaches in a given domain have to be actively books and book representations on shelves and in
searched for. Any system of knowledge organization catalogs. Bibliography included articles and other
is always biased toward some philosophical position. kinds of documents listed in bibliographies. Archives
There is no neutral platform from which knowledge organize “records,” while museums organize physical
can be organized. The task is to mediate between dif- objects. The documentalists made a generic concept
ferent views and to develop arguments for a point of “document” to include not just books, articles, “re-
view that is in accordance with the goals and values of cords” and objects such as globes, but any kind of
the organization for which the system is developed. material indexed to serve as some kind of documen-
tation, including pictures, maps and globes. Even
3. Some concepts considered units in KO: animals were considered documents (if captured and
“document,” “information,” and “knowledge” kept in a zoo). The concept of document is impor-
tant but lost much influence with the entrance of
The field of knowledge organization consists of computers in the 1950s, but has recently had an im-
some units, elements or entities to be organized and portant renaissance.
some relations between those units (e.g., semantic
relations and bibliographic relationships). If we look 3.2 Information
at an introductory paper on knowledge organization
such as Anderson (2003), many different sugges- Computer scientists ignored earlier conceptual work
tions about what is organized in KO is given in the fields of library science and documentation
(Anderson 2003, 471 emphasis added): and just talked about “information storage and re-
trieval.” To talk about information rather than
The description (indexing) and organization documents may have raised the status of the dusty
(classification) for retrieval of messages repre- profession of library science/documentation, as sug-
senting knowledge, texts by which knowledge is gested by Spang-Hanssen (2001). Intellectually,
recorded and documents in which texts are em- however, it has brought much confusion and may
bedded. Knowledge itself resides in minds and have misled KO from its proper theoretical basis.
brains of living creatures…. Its organization for Experiments with “information retrieval" in the
retrieval via short- and long-term memory is a 1950s-1960s were mainly based on bibliographical
principal topic of cognitive science. Library and databases. The transformation to electronic media
information science deals with the description did not change the nature of what was represented.
and organization of the artifacts (messages, The use of the term “information” was associated
texts, documents) by which knowledge (in- with the belief that Shannon’s “information theory”
cluding feelings, emotions, desires) is repre- was a long-needed answer to a theory also about li-
sented and shared with others. These knowl- braries and scholarly communication. The expecta-
edge resources are often called information re- tions were never met, however, and the talk about in-
sources as well. Thus ‘knowledge organization’ formation rather than documents has not strength-
in the context of library and information sci- ened the theoretical basis of the field (although, of
ence is a short form of ‘knowledge resources or- course information theory is valuable in computer
ganization’. This is often called ‘information science for technical problems such as measuring the
organization.’ storage capacity of disks). Documents are more re-
lated to the concept and theory of semiotics (the
This quotation provided six different terms (empha- field about signs), which may turn out to be a more
sized) for consideration as candidate terms for the fruitful theoretical frame for KO.
units in KO. Other views may be found scattered in
Knowl. Org. 35(2008)No.2/No.3 97
B. Hjørland. What is Knowledge Organization (KO)?

3.3 Knowledge grouped by woodworkers, orchardists, artists,

scientists and merry-makers. To the execution
The term KO originated in the library field. It seems of different purposes different ways of acting
to have been established around 1900 by people like and re-acting on the part of trees are important.
Charles A. Cutter and Ernest Cushington Richard- Each classification may be equally sound when
son and stabilized by W. C. Berwick Sayers and the difference of ends is borne in mind.
Henry Bliss. Bliss’ book (1929) The organization of Nevertheless there is a genuine objective
knowledge and the system of the sciences represents standard for the goodness of special classifica-
one of the main intellectual contributions in the tions. One will further the cabinetmaker in
field. All of these authors argued that book classifi- reaching his end while another will hamper
cation is based on knowledge organization as it ap- him. One classification will assist the botanist
pears in science and scholarship. The best way to or- in carrying on fruitfully his work of inquiry,
ganize books in libraries (and document representa- and another will retard and confuse him. The
tions in bibliographies) was to make the library clas- teleological theory of classification does not
sification reflect a scientific classification which, in therefore commit us to the notion that classes
turn, was supposed to reflect the nature of reality. are purely verbal or purely mental. Organiza-
Cutter, Bliss, and other important classification tion is no more merely nominal or mental in
researchers from the period of the second half of the any art, including the art of inquiry, than it is in
19th century and the first half of the 20th century, re- a department store or railway system. The ne-
alized that what is organized cannot be taken as ab- cessity of execution supplies objective criteria.
solute truth. However, Bliss believed that knowledge Things have to be sorted out and arranged so
was relatively safe and true, which is why a kind of that their grouping will promote successful ac-
consensus could be established. Because of this, Bliss tion for ends. Convenience, economy and effi-
and his contemporary chose the term “knowledge ciency are the bases of classification, but these
organization,” “knowledge” understood in the Pla- things are not restricted to verbal communica-
tonic tradition as “verified, true belief.” tion with others nor to inner consciousness;
In his preface to Bliss (1929), the philosopher they concern objective action. They must take
John Dewey wrote (Dewey 1929, viii): effect in the world.
At the same time, a classification is not a
A classification of books to be effective on the bare transcript or duplicate of some finished
practical side must correspond to the relation- and done-for arrangement pre-existing in na-
ships of subject-matters, and this correspon- ture. It is rather a repertory of weapons for at-
dence can be secured only as the intellectual, or tack upon the future and the unknown. For
conceptual, organization is based upon the or- success, the details of past knowledge must be
der inherent in the fields of knowledge, which reduced from bare facts to meanings, the fewer,
in turn mirrors the order of nature. simpler and more extensive the better.

This quotation is in accordance with the traditional This quotation clearly demonstrates that John
view of knowledge as a neutral and objective reflec- Dewey did not accept the mirror metaphor of
tion of reality. It is, however, a bad representation of knowledge, or, as he expressed it: “a bare transcript
John Dewey’s pragmatic view of knowledge and of or duplicate of some finished and done-for arrange-
classification, as demonstrated by another quotation ment pre-existing in nature.”
(Dewey 1920/1948, 151-54): For KO this issue is important. Two different
views of knowledge can be contrasted:
No sensible person tries to do everything. He
has certain main interests and leading aims by 1. “Positivist view”: Knowledge and KO as “a bare
which he makes his behavior coherent and ef- transcript or duplicate of some finished and done-
fective. To have an aim is to limit, select, con- for arrangement pre-existing in nature.”
centrate, group. Thus a basis is furnished for 2. “Pragmatic view”: Knowledge and KO as some-
selecting and organizing things according as thing constructed to deal with some human needs
their ways of acting are related to carrying for- and interests.
ward pursuit. Cherry trees will be differently
98 Knowl. Org. 35(2008)No.2/No.3
B. Hjørland. What is Knowledge Organization (KO)?

The pragmatist view of knowledge is also connected Our journal, Knowledge Organization, has the
with “fallibilism,” the view that scientific research is subtitle: International Journal. Devoted to Concept
never to be taken finally proved, that new evidence Theory, Classification, Indexing, and Knowledge Rep-
may change scientific beliefs. The implication of falli- resentation. Each of these fields may be studied from
bilism is that we cannot understand the documents as different perspectives. First, they may be studied
representing knowledge, as traditionally understood. from different disciplinary perspectives. Concepts,
We should not talk about knowledge or knowledge for example, may be studied by psychology, by lin-
organization, but about knowledge claims and the or- guistics, by philosophy, by sociology, by artificial in-
ganization of knowledge claims. The implication is telligence and so on. Each of these fields tends to
that each knowledge claim is supported by and con- emphasize different aspects of concepts. At the same
nected with arguments, theories and world views. If time, however, each of those fields struggles with the
this is recognized by the people performing KO, then same fundamental problems regarding the nature of
the activity is not based on “positivism.” concepts. Second, there are basic (epistemological)
theories of concepts that are common to all those
4. Fields contributing to knowledge organization fields and within each field competing for attention.
It is this epistemological level that is most impor-
Knowledge Organization is not just something the tant. If a strong theory is developed at this level, all
LIS-profession can do without considering research the involved disciplines will benefit in a very impor-
in other domains, for example, computer science, tant way.
linguistics and natural language processing, theory of Let us consider linguistics as an example. First,
knowledge, theory of social organization etc. In par- linguistics is a discipline (studying language) but
ticular an understanding of the nature of knowledge, language is also studied by, for example psychology,
cognition, language and social organization is deci- and sociology. Linguistics should be extremely im-
sive for the understanding of KO and thus for the portant for LIS and KO because of the dominance of
ability to design, evaluate and use knowledge orga- texts in libraries and because most intermediating ac-
nizing processes and knowledge organizing systems. tivity is based on language. The case is, however, that
Many fields may have an interest in the defining linguistic research is very seldom cited in the litera-
questions of knowledge organization or may be con- ture of LIS (cf. Warner 1991). Why is this?
sidered related disciplines. This issue has already The influential computer scientist Gerald Salton
been introduced above, for example, the role of the expressed pessimism concerning the usefulness of
sociology of knowledge, the single sciences and linguistics in information science. In the words of
metaphysics/ontology. the Danish linguist and information scientist Hen-
A few words about the concept of discipline in re- ning Spang-Hanssen (1974, 17, translated by BH):
lation to this issue: much knowledge is today scat-
tered in different disciplines. Library schools have In this connection it is important to realize that
traditionally educated librarians and information the points of view, which have been dominant
specialists, schools of language for special purposes within linguistics in the last 10-15 years, in par-
have educated translators, business schools have ticular in the USA (i.e. Noam Chomsky's
educated information managers, schools of com- school of generative grammar) have not had
puter science have educated software engineers etc. practical influence worth mentioning in relation
In many ways much of what they have been working to natural language processing. In its theoretical
with is based on the same kind of theoretical knowl- foundation and in the technicalities (such as the
edge. Their separation has posed a problem rather writing of rules in algorithmic form) exist im-
than provided a fruitful development of separate portant similarities between generative grammar
fields. This journal (Knowledge Organization) some- and electronic data processing. Natural language
times publishes information related to the field of processing seems, however, in practice still to
terminology, but this is an exception that confirms depend on traditional categories of grammar
the rule that the two fields are separated. In each dis- and traditionally formed dictionaries. This
cipline, there is a need for theoretical clarification demonstrates in my opinion the problems re-
about the fundamental problems in knowledge, cog- lated to automation of text—as opposed to
nition, communication, language and social organi- problems related to automation of mathematical
zation, which are common to all these disciplines. computations—are fundamental and thus can-
Knowl. Org. 35(2008)No.2/No.3 99
B. Hjørland. What is Knowledge Organization (KO)?

not be eliminated just by computer-oriented Bliss, Henry Evelyn. 1929. The organization of
versions of linguistics. knowledge and the system of the sciences. With an
I thus share with Gerald Salton his pessi- introduction by John Dewey. New York: Henry
mism about the usefulness of recent linguistics Holt and Co.
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modern American linguistics and thus to miss Broughton, Vanda. 2004. Essential classification.
the knowledge, which was gained before gen- London : Facet Publishing.
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In order to understand the relation between linguis- Birger and López-Huertas, Maria J. 2005, Knowl-
tics and LIS it is thus important to understand that edge organisation: Report of working group 7. In
both fields are influenced by changing epistemologi- Kajberg, L. and Lørring, L., eds., European curricu-
cal views and interdisciplinary trends. Epistemology lum reflections on education in library and informa-
is simply a deeper way to understand both fields. tion science, Royal School of Library and Informa-
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order to draw from related fields such as linguistics, Cole, Jonathan R. and Cole, Stephen. 1973. Social
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related to pragmatism. Evelyn, The organization of knowledge and the sys-
tem of the sciences. New York: Henry Holt and
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knowledge may be shared among such fields, but is cial contexts. New York: Academic Press, 167-93.
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