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Country Meadows Elementary a Yy Courtney Amtzen, Principal ‘To Whom it May Concern Itis with great enthusiasm that I write this letter of recommendation for Mrs. Rebecca Cleveland, Mrs. Cleveland first joined our Country Meadows Elementary learning community as a student teacher in a kindergarten placement. In a very short time, she created relationships with staff members and students, Her motivation to do what is best for students became clear as she effectively lead the class alongside our veteran teacher. ‘We were then excited to offer Mrs. Cleveland a position as a Country Meadows staff member. The following year, she worked as a math interventionist, Strengths were noted in how Mrs. Cleveland created a community of learners with her small group instruction, effectively communicated clear learning targets and student goals with classroom teachers, provided specific and meaningful feedback to students, and sought additional training to support her instruction. The students Mrs. Cleveland worked with made progress throughout the year as a result of her efforts. As the 2017-18 school year was beginning, Country Meadows needed to fill a year long vacancy in third grade. Mrs. Cleveland immediately came to mind as a valued and effective teacher. Her commitment to do what is best for students was evident as once she was offered the guest teacher role, she came that same day to join in a two day staff development training. Mrs. Cleveland began the year by collaborating with the third grade team, establishing her classroom systems, and working closely with our instructional coach to develop her plans. Without a doubt, Mrs. Cleveland naturally obtains many skills that we see in experienced teachers. It has also been a pleasure to receive positive feedback from parents/guardians through surveys and informal conversations. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions. Sincerely, Country Meadows Elementary 262-971-1815 Ext. 6777

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