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The definition of envy/hasad is to when you want a blessing to be taken from someone but it has to
be with the intention. If he rejects it then it is not envy.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Envy devours good actions
like fire consumes wood.”

Causes of envy are it brings forward sins, takes a person towards hell without being tried

One scholar said that it takes a person away from intercession

Envy returns to the envier in two ways

1. In the world – he is stressed

2. In the afterlife – oppressing someone who will pick up your good deeds

Imam Ghazali (may Allah show him mercy) said, “It is envy even if you do not act upon it.”

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Do not be envious of one
another...” (Muslim)

Envy is the first sin committed on earth by Satan on the sons of Adam ( upon him peace)

The envier goes against Allah (mighty and majestic) on these points

1. His provision

2. Decree

3. the envier is Miserly

4. undeserving

5. Helps satan

Ghibta is a kind of envy in which you want the same as the other person but you do not wish that
person to lose his blessing
If you want to be like a scholar then is permissible but in worldly matters, to be like someone, is

Trust/Amanah and Deception/Khianah

A trust/ Amanah is to keep somoenes belongs safe

This can mean actual belongs or someones secret

When someone looks to both sides he is giving you a secret

It is obligaroty for you to keep someones trust

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “He has no faith who cannot
keep a trust.” (Imam Ahmed)

Khianah is the antonym of Amanah/trust

The deceieve is prohbited

Breaking your word without intention is okay but it’s sinful if he did not intent to do

Sura Saff 61:2 “O’ You who believe do not say what you do not do.”

Having a bad opinion

“O’ you who believe avoid most of conjecture as truly some conjecture is sinful.” Hujjarat 49:12

It is a major sin to think that Allah (the All-Forgiving) will not forgive you when you have committed a

It is prohibited to have bad opinion about Muslim

“Beware of conjecture as most of conjecture is sinful.”

It is only permissible to have bad opinion if you know someone is going to steal something

To have a good opinion about Allah (mighty and Majestic) is necessary/wajib.

Do not think badly about Allah (mighty and majestic)

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