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Lesson plan for Long and Triple jump

Intention: To understand and practice basic cues for long and triple jump.
To participate in various activities to reinforce these cues.

Equipment: markers, tape measure, rake, 5-6 hoola hoops, numbered markers.

Set up: rake the pit, set up for w/u, mark out take off points for the LJ using the
long side of the pit & a 1m x 1m on short side.

Warm up:
1. Scarecrow Tag & Hospital tag: one or more taggers. Hospital tag:
player must play with one hand on the body part on which they were
2. Poison hoop: Groups of 3-6 around a hoop on ground. Link hands
and try to get the others to step into the hoop.
3. Hoop jump in partners: try to jump in and out of hoop. Raised after
each succession.

Stretch between all warm up activities

Long & triple Jump:

- Discuss safety: Pit well dug, raked and free from foreign objects.
- Run up firm and even.
- Take off boards (if any) flush with surface (discuss plasticine).
- Take off boards not needed for ‘in class’ lesson. Just use markers and
take off in a squared area or use spray chalk for various lines.
- Always wear shoes with heels. Jump only on signal.

Long Jump 1:

Use the long side of the pit.

1. Do a standing long jump into pit. Take off from two feet, land on two
feet. Bend legs, swing arms back, stretch out in air and land like a
frog with bent legs. Cues: “bend, stretch, bend”

2. Repeat above but with a clap above their heads. Helps to swing arms
forward on take off. Land with feet close together and at the same
time. Head up, bottom down landing.

3. Run in from 3-5 metres and take off on one foot with a two foot
landing. Land ‘like a frog’. Remind them to use their arms.

4. To prevent jumping flat, ask them to spring or pop up and push with
their toes. Place a hurdle near the pit to spring over.
x x x x x

Triple jump:

1. In pairs on the grass, place a cone down as a starting mark. From a

standing start do each exc twice to see if you can improve distance.
a) 3 hops on both legs, which is stronger?
b) 3 strides
c) hop, hop, stride
d) stride, stride, hop
e) stride, hop, stride
f) hop, stride, hop
g) hop, stride, jump
h) hop, stride, jump attempt to make each of equal distance, place 3
cones (or hoop with cone in it) equal distance apart & try to reach
them with each stage.

2. Repeat above just once but from 2-3 strides.

3. Decide which leg you favour to hop on, which is the strongest? Run
between 9-13 strides fast from a marker and at the end of your run
do a hop. Get your partner to mark where you foot lands. Do it
three times and see if you can control the speed. Measure the run
up in your own feet.

4. Using the above measurement put a marker down for your run up
from 9-13 strides so that you can do a hop, stride, jump and land in
the pit: long side. Have a couple of attempts. Note: there is a very
good grid p 114 of Coaching manual.

Long jump 2:

1. Using the full long jump run up. Run approx. 10m and take off in a
1m x 1m take off area marked out by hats or sand or a non slip
pegged in mat. Practice twice. Reinforce cues: Bend, stretch, bend.

2. Set out 4 markers in the pit. Stand two teams side by side on the
runway. Two runners, one from each team will go at once. Use the
above take off area. If they jump to the first marker they get 1pt, 2nd
2pts etc. They must then run to end of pit and tag next person
BEFORE they can commence. Ask students who can not participate
to progressively add up the points. Continue for 5minutes. Team
with most points in the 5minutes wins.

Wrap up: Questions and reminder of cues. More theory to come in week 8 for
further development in an after school environment.

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