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Use of Geographic Information System in

Environmental Science

Ondřej Sáňka

Masaryk University, Faculty of Science

Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the
Brno, Czech Republic

Supervisor: RNDr. Pavel Čupr, Ph.D.


Author: Ondřej Sáňka

Faculty of Science, Masaryk University,

Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in
the Environment

Title of Dissertation: Use of Geographic Information System in

Environmental Science

Degree Programme: Chemistry

Field of Study: Environmental Chemistry

Supervisor: RNDr. Pavel Čupr, Ph.D.

Academic Year: 2015

Number of Pages: 156

Keywords: Environmental science, geographic

information system, cartographic
visualization, spatial data, environmental
pollution, spatial analysis, environmental

Autor: Ondřej Sáňka

Přírodovědecká fakulta, Masarykova

Univerzita, Centrum pro výzkum
toxických látek v prostředí

Název práce: Využití geografických informačních

Systémů v environmentálních vědách

Studijní program: Chemie

Studijní obor: Chemie životního prostředí

Školitel: RNDr. Pavel Čupr, Ph.D.

Rok obhajoby: 2015

Počet stran: 156

Klíčová slova: Environmentální věda, geografický

informační systém, kartografická
vizualizace, znečištění životního
prostředí, prostorová analýza,
environmentální modelování
First, I would like to thank my supervisor RNDr. Pavel Čupr, Ph.D. for the
guidance, support and valuable advice he provided to me during all my
postgraduate study. I am also very grateful to Luca Nizzetto, Ph.D. for his
support and advice, as well as to my colleague and partner Lisa Melymuk,
Ph.D. for moral and scientific support and unlimited patience in last years of
my study. I would also like to thank my work colleagues, friends and office
mates for creating a friendly and nice work environment. Finally, my
gratitude also belongs to my family, especially to my father, who gave me
the idea of doing postgraduate studies.
Environmental science as a young scientific discipline is undergoing rapid
development in recent decades. Together with population growth and the
introduction of new technologies the variety and number of environmental
issues is growing, resulting in diversification to more environmental
disciplines. One of these is environmental chemistry, dealing with chemical
pollution of the environment and its consequences. However, the challenges
of environmental chemistry, such as complex pollutant behaviour and fate
call for tools and techniques from scientific disciplines beyond only
chemistry, such as meteorology, geology, hydrology, sociology, geography,
and cartography and geographic information systems (GIS).

This thesis describes and demonstrates the importance of the spatial

component of information, which is a part of the absolute majority of
environmental chemistry data. These data have a large potential to be
processed, analysed and visualized by GIS, and GIS can help reveal possible
relations with other physical and socioeconomic environmental descriptors.
This thesis also describes the broad range of GIS approaches, tools and data
available for use in environmental chemistry, as well as some challenges
related to it. Several cases where GIS was successfully applied in
environmental chemistry studies are described more in detail in the
experimental part of the thesis, with particular emphasis on the use of GIS
in environmental modelling.

The first section of the experimental part of the thesis (Chapter 2) reports
on two case studies where GIS was used to process input data for modelling
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) dispersion in air, as well as to
visualize results of the modelling. GIS was an irreplaceable tool in these
studies, through its ability to deal with large amounts of input data, and also
contributed to understanding the reasons for differences between the
dispersion model and passive air sampling results. The second section of
Chapter 2 introduces the application of a complex multi-compartmental
environmental model on a watershed of the Morava River to estimate the
transport paths and fate of p’p-DDT in soils and river water. GIS also played
a crucial role in this study in the preparation and processing of input data
on the watershed. The third section briefly describes three cases where GIS
analyses were used to produce and visualize information supporting the
results of scientific studies.
Environmentální věda, jakožto mladá vědní disciplína, prochází
v posledních desetiletích rychlým vývojem. Společně s populačním růstem a
vznikem nových technologií roste rozmanitost a množství
environmentálních problémů, což vede k diverzifikaci na více
environmentálních disciplín. Jednou z nich je environmentální chemie,
zabývající se chemickým znečištěním životního prostředí a jeho následky.
Nicméně, problémy environmentální chemie, jako složitost chování
znečišťujících látek a jejich osud, vyžadují zapojení nástrojů a technik jiných
disciplín, než jen chemie, např. meteorologie, geologie, hydrologie,
sociologie, geografie, a kartografie a geografické informační systémy (GIS).

Tato disertační práce popisuje a demonstruje důležitost prostorové složky

informace, která je součástí naprosté většiny dat environmentální chemie.
Tato data disponují velkým potenciálem pro analýzu, a vizualizaci pomocí
GIS, přičemž GIS může pomoci objasnit vztahy s jinými fyzikálními a
socioekonomickými faktory. Tato práce zároveň popisuje širokou paletu
přístupů, nástrojů a dat GIS, vhodných k použití v environmentální chemii,
ale také problémy s tím spojené. Experimentální část této dizertační práce
detailněji popisuje několik případů úspěšné aplikace GIS v případech
environmentální chemie, s důrazem na využití GIS v environmentálním

První oddíl experimentální části práce (kapitola 2) popisuje dvě případové

studie použití GIS k přípravě vstupních dat pro modelování rozptylu
polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků (PAHs) v ovzduší, a pro vizualizaci
výsledků modelování. V těchto studiích se GIS ukázal jako nenahraditelný
díky své schopnosti zpracovat velké množství dat a jeho výsledky přispěly
k identifikaci možných příčin diferencí mezi rozptylovým modelem a
pasivním vzorkováním ovzduší. Druhý oddíl kapitoly 2 popisuje studii
použití komplexního modelu, zahrnujícího více složek životního prostředí
na povodí řeky Moravy k odhadu transportních procesů a osudu p’p-DDT v
půdě a říční vodě. Také v této studii představuje GIS významnou roli
v přípravě a zpracování vstupních dat o povodí pro model. Třetí oddíl
stručně popisuje tři případy použití GIS k analýze a vizualizaci dat,
podporující výsledky vědeckých studií.
BAP Benzo(a)pyrene
BBF Benzo(b)fluoranthene
BKF Benzo(k)fluoranthene
BFRs Brominated flame retardants
CHMI Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
DOC Dissolve organic carbon
DDT Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
DIBAVOD Digital Base of Data on Water Management
EEA European Environment Agency
EMEP European Monitoring and Evaluation Air Quality Monitoring
ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute
FRs Flame retardants
FOSS Free and open source software
GCS Geographic coordinate system
GIS Geographic information system
GMP Global Monitoring Plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants of
the Stockholm Convention
GPS Global positioning system
ICIMOD The International Centre for Integrated Mountain
IDW Inverse distance weighting
INCA Integrated Catchment Model
IPSI Index of potential source influence
IPY Indeno(123cd)pyrene
JRC Joint Research Centre
MONET Monitoring Network
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
OCPs Organochlorine pesticides
PAHs Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PBDEs Polybrominated diphenyl ethers
PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls
PCDDs/Fs Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins / furans
PCS Projected coordinate system
PERSiST Precipitation, Evapotranspiration and Runoff Simulator for
Solute Transport
PM Particulate matter
PM2.5 Particulate matter up to 2.5 µm diameter
PM10 Particulate matter up to 10 µm diameter
POPs Persistent organic pollutants
REZZO Registry of Sources of Air Pollution
RSD Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic
SOC Soil organic carbon
SVOCs Semi-volatile organic compounds
SYMOS’97 System of Modelling Stationary Sources
US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
USGS United States Geological Survey
WGS84 World Geodetic System 1984

List of figures ....................................................................................................................................3

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................6
1.1 GIS ......................................................................................................................................7
1.1.1 GIS structure.......................................................................................................7
1.1.2 GIS software........................................................................................................8
1.1.3 GIS Data structure and availability .........................................................9
1.2 Development of environmental science ...................................................... 13
1.2.1 Environmental Chemistry ........................................................................ 13
1.3 Use of GIS in environmental science ............................................................. 16
1.3.1 Overview of area of interest .................................................................... 16
1.3.2 Planning sampling campaigns................................................................ 17
1.3.3 Estimation techniques for unknown values ................................... 20
1.3.4 Spatial analyses and their use ................................................................ 25
1.3.5 The role of GIS in environmental models ......................................... 26
1.4 Challenges of GIS use in environmental science ..................................... 28
1.4.1 Environmental data availability and quality .................................. 28
1.4.2 Complexity of substance behaviour .................................................... 29
1.4.3 Linking GIS with models ........................................................................... 29
2 Experimental work........................................................................................................... 34
2.1 GIS-based assessment of PAHs concentrations in air using air
dispersion modelling ............................................................................................................ 36
2.2 Assessment of long term temporal trends of p,p’-DDT soil
concentration using GIS-aided mechanistic model .............................................. 41
2.3 Use of spatial analysis for environmental research support ............ 44
3 Highlights and Conclusions.......................................................................................... 52
4 References............................................................................................................................. 54
5 Short Curriculum Vitae .................................................................................................. 62

6 List of publications ........................................................................................................... 63
7 List of conference presentations and posters .................................................... 65
8 List of Annexes.................................................................................................................... 67

Figure 1-1: Example of (a) raster and (b) vector data. ............................................ 11
Figure 1-2: Structure a five-ring PAH: benzo[a]pyrene. ......................................... 15
Figure 1-3: Structure of p,p’-DDT ....................................................................................... 16
Figure 1-4: Example of overview map of a study are ............................................... 17
Figure 1-5: Example of visualization of population count variability in the
area surrounding sampling sites ......................................................................................... 19
Figure 1-6: Comparison between results of spatial interpolation method of
kriging and land use regression, where kriging performs poorly due to lack
of measurement points.. .......................................................................................................... 21
Figure 1-7: Examples of four types of spatial interpolations: inverse
distance weighting, ordinary kriging, spline and radial basis functions, on
the same generic dataset, showing differences between these methods. ..... 23
Figure 2-1: concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene in Valašské Meziříčí,
calculated by SYMOS’97 dispersion model in winter and summer................... 40
Figure 2-2: Concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene in Liberec, calculated by
SYMOS’97 dispersion model in winter and summer. ............................................... 40
Figure 2-3: Land Use, subcatchment division and measurement sites in
study area of the Morava River watershed. ................................................................... 44
Figure 2-4: PCB concentrations at different elevations of mountain forest
soils of China. Calculated values of index of potential source influence (IPSI)
are also displayed........................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 2-5: Example of overlaying population data and backward
trajectories for IPSI calculation in GIS environment. ............................................... 47
Figure 2-6: Overlaying population data and PBDE sampling frequency. ....... 48
Figure 2-7: Visualization of active air sampling volumes in relation to
latitude .............................................................................................................................................. 48


Many thousands of years ago, humans were creating rudimentary versions
of maps. These were simple two-dimensional depictions, such as 25000
year old drawing of a river valley etched on a mammoth tusk, found in the
Pavlov region of South Moravia (Klíma, 1988). Since that time, the art,
strategies, purposes and techniques of manufacturing maps has changed a
great deal, in parallel with the establishment of scientific discipline of
geography. Geography has always been considered as the discipline closest
to map-making, from its early beginnings in ancient times, through the
middle ages up to the present. Geography is a scientific discipline trying to
answer questions such as “where are things,” “how to get to them,” “what
are they like,” “what are the distances among them,” and “how can they be
influenced by things around them.” The most convenient and
comprehensive answers to these questions can be provided by a map.

As new parts of the world were being discovered in ancient, medieval, and
early modern times, new areas needed to be explored and documented and
maps were the best way of doing it. Beginning in the 1700s the
development of various scientific disciplines contributed to a massive
growth of phenomena and topics to be visualized in form of maps. So-called
“thematic maps” became an essential part of natural sciences such as
hydrology, geology, meteorology, geomorphology, climatology, glaciology
etc., as well as social sciences, such as sociology, history, economy, politics,
anthropology and many others (Buchroithner and Fernández, 2011; Clarke,
2003). As making maps for different fields of science could no longer be
considered as merely a part of geography, cartography was officially
acknowledged as an independent science in 1949 (Buchroithner and
Fernández, 2011). The development of technologies for map-making during
the 20th century enabled massive production of maps for both scientific and
also non-scientific purposes, such as tourism, decorative purposes etc.

The development and use of such a wide range of thematic maps led to the
demand for better tools for creation and manipulation of spatial data. This
need was answered by the development of geographic information systems
(GIS). The conceptual framework originated in the 1950s, when the now
common technique of map overlay was invented. Map overlay allowed
multiple topics to be combined, creating thematic maps that were useful for
many purposes (Clarke, 2003), although early use was much more

cumbersome, as it involved actual overlaying of transparent maps. The first
software packages appeared in the late 1960s and 70s, however the most
rapid development came with the boom of information technologies in the
1980s and 90s (Clarke, 2003; Goodchild, 2009). Today, there is a broad
range of software of dealing with spatial information, offering a multitude of
tools helping millions of users deal with data of many types, formats and
origins. Apart from professional licensed software there are also a many
free GIS software programs, together with much free spatial data available
online, which makes it possible for everyone with access to a PC to create
maps and/or spatial data. However, this can also have a negative aspect, as
it can increase the possibility of poor quality or erroneous spatial data and

The list of scientific disciplines taking advantage of cartography and GIS

continues to grow, as there are always new challenges, topics and
phenomena to be aided by spatial data and maps. As environmental science
arose in the 1960s and 1970s as a reaction to awareness of environmental
problems such as adverse effects of synthetic pesticides, industrial disasters
and other anthropogenic activities, spatial data and maps became important
tools in addressing these issues. For example, maps showing predicted
change of air temperature came with emergence of science on climate
change and maps of soil vulnerability to erosion were created due to the
extensive exploitation of soil for intensive agriculture. GIS was also
especially helpful in understanding chemical pollution, as maps displaying
and analysing the levels of pollution in environmental compartments were
used to assess newly identified pollutants. This thesis will explore in the
breadth of application of GIS in environmental sciences, present the current
state of the science, as well as suggest future directions and progress.

1.1 GIS
As mentioned above, geographic information systems are a powerful tool of
use in many scientific disciplines. Definitions of GIS typically characterize it
as the whole of the techniques developed in organizing, using and
presenting spatial data, e.g., “Geographic Information Systems is a
computer-based tool that analyzes, stores, manipulates and visualizes
geographic information on a map” (GIS geography, 2015).

This suggests that the expression “GIS” encompasses much more than just
software for making maps. Firstly, GIS datasets are very often unusually
large amounts of data, depending on spatial coverage, spatial resolution,
amount of detail and format. These require sufficient hardware capacity to
be able to create, store or update these datasets. Secondly, GIS would be of
no use without data of proper format and quality, adequate to the intended
use. These can be either purchased from commercial data providers,
obtained for free from online databases or created by the user, which is
usually very time consuming work, however sometimes the only possible
way. Finally, there are also qualified, trained and experienced people
needed to create, store and update the data, as well as to perform analysis
that provides reliable results and create a correct and high-quality maps.


Many GIS software packages are available, from commercial packages to
free and open source software (FOSS). Currently, probably the most widely
used one program is ArcGIS, developed by the Environmental Systems
Research Institute (ESRI) (ESRI, 2015), offering a user-friendly graphic
interface, ability to handle different types of geographic objects and a set of
powerful tools and extensions (Pistocchi, 2014). However, there is a
growing family of FOSS of different scripting languages and thoroughness.
Among the most comprehensive and popular are GRASS, QuantumGIS,
ILWIS, uDig, SAGA, OpenJump, MapWindow GIS and others (Shekhar and
Xiong, 2008; Steiniger and Bocher, 2008; Steiniger and Hunter, 2013).
These FOSSs may have wider use in the scientific community than in private
companies, as they are more suitable for developing environmental models
that need original equations and methods (Pistocchi, 2014).

In all the studies carried out for this thesis, the commercial ArcGIS software
was used, mostly due to its universality and broad functionality. ArcGIS is
also broadly used by scientific community and in scientific publications, e.g.
Gulliver et al. (2011), Hafner et al. (2005), Zou et al. (2011), Pistocchi et al.
(2010b), Kuboš ová et al. (2009) and VoPham et al. (2015). One of its
greatest advantages is also a very rich user support. This is provided
officially by ESRI thorough a Help section for the software, as well as
support discussions online ( or and a broad variety of handbooks and tutorials.
However, often more important and more useful are the many online GIS

forums and online discussions, where both the correct use of tools and
analyses is discussed and solutions given to errors that the software
occasionally encounters. Examples are or Finally, there are a number of free ArcGIS
tutorials available on university web pages as a support for their GIS
classes, e.g.,

A necessary part of any spatial data to be used in GIS is a coordinate system,
usually based on an ellipsoid (defined by shape, size and orientation) and
geoid, serving as an approximation of Earth’s surface. Many coordinate
systems exist, varying in dimensions of the area they are meant to be used
for. We distinguish between two basic types of coordinate systems:
geographic and projected.

In geographic coordinate system (GCS), coordinates are specified by

latitude, longitude and elevation above or below the surface of the geoid.
The most common GCS is the World Geodetic System, defined in 1984
(WGS84). Several geodetic institutions on the country level have also
developed their own GCS, based on different ellipsoids and geoids in order
to represent region-specific data with higher accuracy.

A projected coordinate system (PCS) is used when working with smaller

distances. Then it is beneficial to approximate locally the ellipsoid by a
plane, or another surface that can be flattened on a plane (cylinder, cone).
Coordinates can be represented by a pair of distances from a reference
point of an orthogonal system. A PCS is defined by a mathematical function
applied to transform the coordinates (a projection), the reference ellipsoid,
and the location of the reference point of the orthogonal coordinates
(Pistocchi, 2014). For example, a projected coordinate system S-JTSK was
developed for the area of former Czechoslovakia in 1920s, based on
Křovák’s conical projection, in order to minimize distortion of the specific
area covered by Czechoslovakia. This projection is still used today by Czech
cartographic agencies.

Projections vary by properties of the map being distorted (distances, angles
or areas). Depending on the shape of area being displayed, scale and
purpose of map being created, an appropriate projection should be chosen
so the distortion of the displayed area is as smallest as possible. Thus,
selection of a projection is one of the key factors in the process of map-
making, as inappropriate distortion can optically change proportions of
areas of different character or quality, potentially causing the reader to
misinterpret key elements of the map. GIS data formats

Apart from the coordinate system, another feature common to all GIS and
cartographic data is the spatially-referenced information. In other words,
the factual data (e.g., number of inhabitants, air temperature, elevation or
measured pollutant concentration) always has to have some kind of spatial
information attached (e.g., name of administrative unit, coordinates,
address...). These vary for the specific type of the data. Two basic types of
data formats are used: vector and raster (Fig. 1-1).

Vector data describe objects by points, having a position defined by

coordinates and the relations among the points. There are three main types
of vector data: (a) points, represented by a single pair of coordinates, (b)
polylines, represented by a sequence of lines (each defined by two points, so
called vertices) and (c) polygons which are closed polylines. An example of
a phenomenon represented by a point feature is a sampling site, an example
of polyline is a road or a stream, and example of polygon is a preserved area
or a water body. The most popular form of vector GIS data is ESRI shape file
which is represented by three or more files of the same name and different
extensions, each containing different pieces of information. The most
important ones are *.shp, containing information on the location of the
objects, and *.dbf, containing a table of various attributes related to the

a) b)
Figure 1-1: Example of (a) raster and (b) vector data.

In raster formats, data are associated to grid or cells, where the region of
interest is segmented into a regular network of squares, often called pixels
(picture elements). The location in the coordinate system is specified by
position of the corner (usually lower left), size of the grid cell, and number
of rows and columns of cells. The value of the phenomenon displayed is
represented by numeric values for each cell. Typically, continuous data are
presented in raster form, such as digital elevation models, remote sensing
data and results of spatial analyses such as spatial interpolations. The most
common raster formats are ESRI ASCII grid, GeoTIFF or NetCDF (The
network Common Data Form) (Pistocchi, 2014).

Typically, GIS software offers tools that allow data conversion from raster
to vector and vice versa, usually with certain level of information loss,
however for some types of analyses this conversion is necessary (Clarke,
2003). GIS data availability

It is often extremely costly and time consuming for the user to individually
create necessary input data for a GIS analysis, whether by data collection
and survey in terrain using GPS, scanning and vectorising older hardcopy
maps, or by processing data captured by remote sensing techniques.
Moreover, advanced GIS analysis and modelling often requires use of
datasets describing very specific phenomena and variables, which cannot be
acquired by any of abovementioned ways.

An important method for getting needed data is by downloading from
available online data sources. There are two main options: (a) data to be
purchased and (b) free data. Aside the cost, there may be another important
difference governing the choice of data. All GIS data contain some level of
generalization, compared to the reality, which itself means a specific and
also acceptable type of error. The level of generalization, accuracy,
precision, resolution and completion in the data will be defined based on
the requirements of the project and type of analysis. Thus, choice of data is
governed by the availability of data and the project requirements.

One major source of GIS data is governmental or public organizations, such

as the United States Geological Survey (USGS, and
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, for the USA, and the National Geoportal (
and Digital Base of Data on Water Management (DIBAVOD, for the Czech Republic. Some basic data is also
available from local software providers, such as ArcDATA, Czech Republic
( in the case of ESRI.

For global or regional data related to environment sciences, more options

are available. There are several public web portals, such as DIVA-GIS
( and EDENext (,
offering worldwide elevation and climate data as well as other human
geography data on the national or global level. More focused environmental
data, such as worldwide land use and vegetation coverage, is offered from On the other hand, and are more focused particularly on elevation data. If
not focusing strictly on global data, then webpages of European
Environment Agency (EEA) can be recommended, as well as Joint Research
Centre (JRC) European Soil Portal can be an
excellent sources. The International Centre for Integrated Mountain
Development (ICIMOD,,
focusing on glaciers coverage in Southern Asia, is a non-European example
of a regional data source. Links for a large number of other GIS data sources
can be found at An overview table of free
online GIS data sources can be found in Annex 7.

As concern for the environment and study of environmental sciences

continues to grow on a global scale, the amount of spatial data related to the

environment and its issues is also growing. This can make the process of
choosing the highest available quality and most up-to-date GIS data more
challenging than finding the data itself. However, the utility of GIS in
environmental science on a global scale will generally only be strengthened
with greater availability and accessibility of data.


The scientific discipline of environmental science evolved in the 19th
century, as the development of the steam engine brought on the Industrial
Revolution, and it continued into the 20th century. With growing population
and development of industries dependent on coal and liquid fuels, adverse
effects on humans and the environment started to be observed. Around the
middle of the 20th century several events accelerated the already growing
concern about the environment. For example, in London in 1953, thousands
of deaths were caused by smog formed by a combination of the intensive
use of coal for heating and poor air dispersion conditions; many
photochemical smog events triggered by traffic emissions occurred in the
USA from the 1940s to 1960s (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts, 2000); and several
accidents occurred in the chemical industry (Seveso 1976, Bhopal 1984,
etc.). As environmental pollution became a public concern, more research
was carried out and regulations on pollutant emissions were developed. As
pollutants were discovered to migrate among environmental compartments
and regions of the world, new questions arose. In addition to requiring
information on the risk of pollutants to humans and the environment,
suddenly important questions were also “where are they?” and “how and
why did they get there?” These questions cannot be answered solely by
chemistry and toxicology. Thus, environmental science became the
combination of many different scientific disciplines, such as meteorology,
oceanography, hydrology, biology, geography and cartography, and GIS
became a powerful tool to aid in understanding the fate and transport of
pollution in our environment.


In the 20th century a high number of new chemical substances came into use
for agriculture, industry and in daily use, such as organochlorine pesticides
(OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and brominated flame retardants
(BFRs). Other compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
started to occur in much higher levels mostly as by-products of industrial

activities and traffic (Gabrieli et al., 2010). However, it was not long before
adverse effects on both human health and the environment were
discovered. Moreover, many of these substances were measured in the most
remote regions of the world and in organisms that were never expected to
be exposed to these chemicals, and were found to bioaccumulate in the food
web (Schwarzenbach et al., 2003). The study of these compounds, their
emissions and their interactions with the environment has become known
as the discipline of environmental chemistry.

The focus of this thesis is specifically related to the use of GIS in

environmental chemistry applications, focussing on semivolatile organic
compounds in the environment, a few examples of which are described in
greater detail below.

Through the study of these substances’ properties, their environmental

behaviour and transport was better understood. With this better
understanding of their environmental properties and toxic effects, the
production and use of many of these compounds (e.g., DDT, PCBs) was
eliminated or greatly reduced (Schwarzenbach et al., 2003). However, large
amounts of these persistent and toxic pollutants were emitted to the
environment during their lifetime of use, and now are found distributed
across all environmental compartments and regions of the world
(Macdonald et al., 2000; Pozo et al., 2006). Some compounds (e.g., PAHs,
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans ̵ PCDD/Fs) are the unintended
by-products of fossil fuel combustion, and thus, while their emissions can be
reduced, they cannot be entirely eliminated. Moreover, new substances are
being constantly introduced to the marketplace, with poorly known
properties and effects (Howard and Muir, 2010), potentially creating
furthers risks for humans and the environment, and presenting another
challenge for environmental scientists and policy makers.

As certain pollutants are the focus of the studies described in this thesis
(Section 2.1 describes studies focussed on PAHs and Section 2.2 on DDT),
they will be briefly described in following paragraphs. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

PAHs are group of air pollutants formed and released into ambient air
during the process of incomplete combustion of organic matter (Finlayson-
Pitts and Pitts, 2000). They were always present in the environment due to

forest fires and volcanic activity, however today the most significant
sources of PAHs are linked to human activities such as industry,
transportation and heating. Levels of PAHs are often highest in urban areas
(Vallero, 2008).

PAHs are formed by two or more benzene rings (Fig. 1-2). PAHs vary in
their physicochemical properties and behaviour depending on the number
of benzene rings and their arrangement. In the atmosphere, their transport
and behaviour also strongly depends on the meteorological conditions. Due
to their carcinogenicity and mutagenicity, levels of PAHs are monitored and
regulated by many environmental monitoring programmes and national
environmental agencies. In Europe, this is through the Convention on Long-
range Transboundary Air Pollution
( and its associated
monitoring program, the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme.

Figure 1-2: Structure a five-ring PAH: benzo[a]pyrene. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)

Unlike PAHs, DDT (Fig. 1-3) is a substance that was synthetized by humans
and from the 1940s to the 1980s it was heavily used as an agricultural
insecticide. In the 1960s side effects of exposure to DDT were discovered
and described, leading to a ban on use and manufacturing of DDT in most
countries. Today use DDT is also regulated by the Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants, and only a limited use is permitted in some
countries to control the spread of malaria. Despite not being used for many
decades, due to its long environmental half-life DDT is still often detected at
high levels in soils, and not only in areas of past use. Moreover, DDT is a
substance with complex behaviour. It is subject to long range transport,
mostly by air and water, often accumulating in sediments, but also biota.
(Schwarzenbach et al., 2003)

Cl Cl

Cl Cl

Figure 1-3: Structure of p,p’-DDT


GIS is now an essential part of environmental science. A majority of
environmental data would be almost valueless without their spatial
reference component. Together with knowledge from other scientific
disciplines and GIS tools, spatial reference is a key piece of information,
helping to reveal relations between the measured concentrations and other
environmental parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, air
temperature, and human activity parameters such as population,
agriculture and industrial activity. In this section, several examples of
successful GIS use in environmental science will be described.


The first time GIS was used for purposes of environmental science is not
documented, but was likely for a simple visualisation of area of interest or a
sampling site. There is no major innovation or sophisticated analyses in
simply displaying a piece of land, possibly with some points of interest such
as sampling sites, sources of pollution or polluted areas. However, there is
still strong value in such a simple picture, giving a quick, clear and
comprehensive overview of the area of interest, which often eases and
improves a reader’s impression and understanding of the topic itself. It can
give a lot of valuable details and relationships that would need to be
described in text in a long and complicated way (Fig. 1-4).

Figure 1-4: Example of overview map of a study area (from Sáňka et al.,


A well-designed sampling campaign is a key component for a successful
environmental science study. When planning a sampling campaign, factors
such as money, sampling equipment and well trained staff must be
considered in order to select the correct number and the location of
sampling sites that will be sufficient for purposes of the study. Often, a
realistic limiting factor is cost, as sampling equipment and sample analysis
can be some of the most expensive items on a project budget. Therefore,
sampling campaigns should be developed considering many potential uses
of the data, so that resources are used as efficiently as possible. There are
usually two main purposes of sampling campaigns; (a) monitoring of
pollutant levels in relation to temporal or/and spatial changes and (b)
targeted case studies to address particular environmental questions about
fate and transport of particular compounds in particular locations,
providing data often used in environmental models. There are hundreds of

established environmental monitoring programs worldwide, focussed on
many types of substances and environmental matrices, varying also in
spatial scale of their coverage, time resolution of data they provide and
other parameters. Some major environmental monitoring programs
relevant to environmental chemistry are the European Monitoring and
Evaluation air quality monitoring programme (EMEP, and
the Global Monitoring Plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants of the
Stockholm Convention (GMP, Other
monitoring of matrices such as soil and water are collected by EEA,
( Smaller scale environmental monitoring campaigns
are carried on by national environmental institutes, government agencies or
other research institutes (e.g., Borůvková et al., 2015; Poláková et al., 2010).
The usefulness of monitoring depends in part on the choice of sampling
sites, and GIS can be used to improve the effectiveness of data through
better sampling design. For example, Behera et al. (2015) used spatial data
on NO2 levels, population density and urban land use to identify sampling
areas representative of traffic-influenced, urban and suburban pollution

Despite environmental matrices such as air, soil and water having very
different characteristics, GIS is a valuable tool to describe variability of all of
these and therefore potentially useful when designing a sampling campaign.
GIS provides an easy and efficient way of assessing the potential suitability
of each site by quantifying variables that can significantly influence
sampling results. Typical tasks may be to calculate total population in a
defined surrounding of the site (Fig. 1-5), assess local land use or air back
trajectories (Westgate and Wania, 2011), or to calculate the distance of the
nearest source of pollution (factory, road…). Often also characteristics like
hill slope, orientation or the site elevation are useful when taking the
decision of which site to select. A few examples on the most common
environmental matrices are given further.

Figure 1-5: Example of visualization of population count variability in
the area surrounding sampling sites (adapted from Čupr et al. (2015))

Ambient air is a very complex matter, mostly because of its high temporal
variability, driven mainly by meteorological processes. Therefore,
meteorological conditions such as prevailing wind direction, wind speed
and temperature are very important when choosing air sampling sites. A
good example of use of GIS to assess the appropriateness of sampling sites
is that described by Righini et al. (2014), who assessed the spatial
representativeness of air quality monitoring stations in Italy using spatial
variability in particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) emission sources,
suggesting sites with lower spatial variability in emissions are more
representative for the purposes of air quality monitoring.

Compared to air, soil has lower temporal variability, but spatial variability
of soils is much higher, and key characteristics often change within meters.
Therefore different sampling strategies are required. While air requires
greater temporal resolution in sampling, results of soil sampling requires
greater spatial resolution, and the temporal aspect is less important. Soil
sampling campaigns often focus on soils of specific type (e.g., fluvisols,
contaminated soils), use (agriculture, forestry), or other properties
(floodplains, soils with geogenic contamination). These features or their
intersection can be reliably determined by using GIS, given access to data

sources of sufficient quality and spatial resolution. Additionally, other
relevant conditions can be calculated, such as minimum distance from
potential pollution sources, maximum distance from a river, and elevation
(Daly et al., 2007). Finally, sampling sites can be selected using a random
selection function within the area of interest to ensure unbiased sampling
site selection, as it was done for example by Borůvka et al., (2014).

In case of sampling of surface waters such as streams and rivers,

information describing upstream watershed characteristics (area, average
slope, land use, population and presence of pollution sources) may be
required in order to support the choice of representative sampling sites
selection. Bridges or other river features potentially easing access to a river
for sampling, can be also identified by GIS analyses. In case of sediment
sampling, stream flow speed, derived from river slope, can be useful for
estimating potential sediment accumulation zones. The United States
Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) uses GIS-based site selection
techniques to select the >1000 stream sampling sites in their Wadeable
Streams Assessment Program (US Environmental Protection Agency, 2005).


As mentioned above, sampling is an extremely time-consuming and costly
process and the density of sampling points is often not enough to cover the
whole study area and fully address all the study goals. This becomes even
more critical with studies over larger areas. Thus, techniques for estimating
values at unknown locations/regions based on the known values and
conditions at measured points become a necessary tool. GIS offers a few
methods for estimating unknown values. Spatial interpolation

The term “spatial interpolation” refers to a group of methods developed to
estimate unknown values from point measurements. The majority of these
methods are based on the principle of spatial autocorrelation, which
assumes that the values of the environmental properties are more similar to
each other at sites that are closer to each other. This is, to a certain extent, a
limiting factor in these methods, as they are not designed to deal with
sudden changes and/or sharp gradients in environmental properties.
Therefore, while these methods can be extremely useful, careful
consideration should be given to which variables these methods can be
used for. For example, ambient air at background sites is a variable with a

sufficiently homogenous distribution (Halse et al., 2011), while in densely
populated urban areas with high heterogeneity in air concentrations, spatial
interpolation techniques fail (see fig. 1-6). Assuming there is enough
measurement sites, in soils, interpolation can also be useful for certain
parameters, such as concentrations of heavy metals (British Geological
Survey, 2015). However the concentration of a pesticide in soil is an
example of a phenomenon with a potential for abrupt changes, e.g., one field
could be treated with the pesticide, but not the neighbouring one or the
nearby forest.

a) b)

Figure 1-6: Comparison between results of (a) spatial interpolation

method of kriging and (b) land use regression, where kriging
performs poorly due to lack of measurement points. From Melymuk

Probably the simplest and most known spatial interpolation method is

inverse distance weighting (IDW), calculating unknown values for each
location based on weighting distances of measured values, where the only
parameters involved in the computation are the search radius from each
interpolated location and the number of points involved in the

Another spatial interpolation method is kriging, originally developed in the
1950s for mining and named after its inventor Danie Krige (Krige, 1951)
and which has since diversified into many types of kriging. The most
common types are simple kriging, ordinary kriging and universal kriging.
Instead of a distance power function, kriging uses a variogram, analyzing
the relationship between distance between measurement points and the
relative change of values. This method then allows estimation of the
maximum distance between points within which the values influence each
other. Based on the properties of the data kriging is applied to, a suitable
type of kriging using a slightly different type of variogram can be used. For
example, a 3-dimensional suface version of a variogram can reveal possible
differences in variance depending on direction and adjust the variogram
model accordingly. For example, this situation may occur when modelling
dispersion from a source of air pollution under conditions when the wind
has one strongly prevailing direction. Kriging was successfully applied by
Guo et al. (2007) and Shad et al. (2009), who used more advanced types of
kriging, fuzzy membership kriging and indicator kriging, to predict PM10
concentrations across study areas in California and Tehran, respectively.

There exist several more methods of spatial interpolation. A very simple

one is using Thiessen polygons, for each point delineating the area of the
surrounding surface which is closer to the point than to any other. The
triangulated irregular network method connects selected neighbouring
points with lines, resulting into a network of triangles with values derived
from known values of their corners. This method is often used for
interpolating variables that tend towards abrupt changes, such as flat
valleys bordered by hilly areas (Pistocchi, 2014). Spline methods use
polynomial curves, applied on parts of the interpolated surface,
guaranteeing continual changes of values. The application of radial basis
functions is analogous to fitting a rubber membrane through measured
sample values while minimizing the curvature of the surface. A specific
character of this method compared to other interpolation methods, such as
IDW, is the ability to model higher values than the highest measured or
lower than the lowest measured, e.g., to extrapolate values. This can be
useful in case of interpolating elevation of a mountain, but missing the
measurement of its top; in that case IDW would create a “fake crater”. The
comparison of results of four different types of spatial interpolation on the
same data is presented by Figure 1-7.

Figure 1-7: Examples of four types of spatial interpolations: (a)
inverse distance weighting, (b) ordinary kriging, (c) spline and (d)
radial basis functions, on the same generic dataset, showing
differences between these methods. Regression analysis

Regression analysis is able to provide a mathematical equation which can
serve to calculate values of an unknown (dependent) variable, based on
values of known (explanatory) variables at the same locality. Each
independent variable is associated with a regression coefficient describing
the strength and the sign of that variable’s relationship to the dependent
variable. Then, values of the dependent variable can be calculated using the
equation, in this case for linear regression:

= + + +⋯⋯ + (Eq. 1.1)

Where Y is the dependent variable, are the regression coefficients, X are
values of explanatory variables and ε is the residual.

Applying a regression equation on a raster data (as raster datasets are the
common type of data used in regression analysis) will calculate the values
of unknown (dependent) variable for each cell of the raster, creating a new
dataset of estimated values of the unknown variable, covering continuously
the whole study area. The new dataset can serve as a valuable aid for
decision makers, as well as an input for further analysis.

Regression analysis has been successfully applied in several studies aimed

of environment quality. Hafner et al. (2005) proved a strong regression
relation between PAHs levels and population within a 25 km distance from
sampling sites. However, the results also revealed different relationships
between PAH levels and population density in different parts of the world,
suggesting the possible presence of another explanatory variable not
considered in the study. Melymuk et al. (2013) used linear regression to
identify potential sources of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and
their distribution in Toronto, Canada, based on a sampling campaign across
the city and using appropriate explanatory variables such as building
sealant use for PCBs and distribution of transportation infrastructure for
PAHs. Similarly, Briggs et al. (1997) applied regression modeling on NO2
concentrations in three European cities, and traffic and land cover proved
to be the most important explanatory variables. In another study, Beelen et
al. (2010) compared concentrations of NO2 in a Dutch urban area acquired
by land use regression and air dispersion modeling, though revealing the
dispersion model performs better if results of both approaches are
compared to measured values. A similar statistical stochastic modelling
technique with regression trees was used to estimate soil concentrations of
persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including OCPs in soils of Czech
Republic (Kuboš ová et al., 2009).

However like any other method, regression analysis also has its risks and
challenges. There are several common problems one could encounter when
doing spatial regression. Important explanatory variables can be rejected if
the presence of outliers decreases the correlation with measured data. Also
selected explanatory variables may have a nonlinear relationship; they may
be redundant (multicollinearity) or differently related in different regions
of study area (nonstationarity). Another problem is spatial autocorrelation,

meaning spatial clustering of overpredicted or underpredicted values,
suggesting the model is missing a key variable. ArcGIS software and other
GIS software offer a broad variety of spatial regression tools, including also
those for detection of above mentioned issues.


Spatial analyses are any types of data analyses that extract and/or produce
spatial information based on operations on different layers of data. GIS
provides the organizational framework which allows numerical and
statistical analyses to be easily applied on real-world data (Clarke, 2003).
The simple, but essential and fundamental ability to overlay a basically
unlimited number of GIS layers together with hundreds of tools (GIS
functions performing computations on spatial data) to be used for solving
issues of spatial analysis and spatial statistics is what makes GIS so different
from using hardcopy maps. The possibility to combine those tools into
sequences further increases what they can be used for. Combining tools into
sequences allows unique and valuable information needed for a specific
type of research to be obtained in an easy and fast way. For example,
Mavroulidou et al. (2004) designed a simple screening model, composed of
a GIS functions, for estimating vulnerability to traffic-induced air pollution
based on weighting and combining raster layers such as topography,
buildings, and traffic, and this performed successfully compared a
dispersion model. In another study, population density together with
backward air trajectory density were used to calculate Index of potential
source influence (IPSI) for 30 mountain sites across China in studies of
(Zheng et al., 2015, 2014), in order to help to explain distribution of PCBs in
soils. Righini et al. (2014) used spatial analysis functions embedded in GIS
to combine different layers of emission sources of selected pollutants to
assess spatial variability of pollution as one of the key parameters for
monitoring station location representativeness. In this study, other GIS
layers such as road network, settlement and land cover were employed to
explain the acquired values of emissions spatial variability. In study of
Hafner et al. (2005) ArcGIS was used to calculate population within a 25 km
radius of sampling sites to serve as an input to a regression analysis.
Sharma et al. (2015) used spatial analysis for delineating watersheds and
calculating the percentage of glacier-covered area within the watersheds in
order to better estimate the meltwater contribution to the flow of the
Ganges River. Möller (2010) performed a GIS-based assessment of the

influence of the growing number of wind turbines on population in
northern Denmark, combining elevation, population density, and data from
the Danish national wind turbine registry, revealing that less than 5% of
population is located outside the viewshed of wind turbines. These are only
a few examples of studies where spatial analysis with GIS demonstrates the
breadth of its utility in the field of environmental sciences.


The complexity of pollutant fate was already mentioned in previous
sections. There is a desire and necessity not only to understand the current
fate and transport of pollutants, but also to predict their future behaviour.
Currently a large spectrum of environmental models is available, dealing
with different types of pollutants, environmental matrices and time and
scale resolution. A good overview is offered by Holmes and Morawska
(2006). Further, environmental models vary in their availability. Some are
commercial and costly, while there are others that are free and used mostly
for research purposes. There is also a high variability in the complexity of
environmental models, ranging from simple fugacity-based fate models
with less than ten input parameters (Mackay et al., 1992) to complex
models involving hundreds of parameters describing the substance
properties and inputs, as well as the conditions of the environment in great
detail (Nizzetto et al., 2015). Finally, the level of user-friendliness is an
important criterion when selecting appropriate environmental models.

Regardless of which environmental model the user picks, the need of at

least a limited amount of spatial information together with the contaminant
measurements or other input data is necessary. Such information can be a
digital elevation model, population in a watershed, soil organic carbon
content, river slope, location of pollution sources, etc. Moreover, many
environmental models also require receptor points into which the results of
the model are stored. These often must also be created by GIS. Although
recently several mainly commercial models have been updated to contain
embedded GISextensions, enabling the user both input data pre-processing
and model output visualization, generally there is still a lack of
compatibility between GIS and environmental models. Therefore many
environmental models, particularly those developed by research
institutions, do not offer the user the benefits of input GIS data pre-
processing. This makes the work with those models more challenging, time-

consuming and requires the user to have expertise in GIS in additional to in
modelling. The advantage of GIS extensions is that they allow the model to
be accessible to much wider user community, and this is one of the main
reasons why GIS extensions are more frequently incorporated in recent
environmental models, e.g. AERMOD (U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 2013). When using a model without a GIS data input/output
extension the only way of acquiring the spatial data required by the model
is using GIS separately, as demonstrated in the models of Bou Kheir et al.
(2014), Matějíček et al. (2006, 2003), Pistocchi et al. (2009), Sáňka et al.
(2014; 2013) and Zou et al. (2011).

An alternative and also a popular way that developed from the spatial
analysis techniques described in section 1.3.4 is incorporation of a simple
model into GIS itself. In this case, a GIS-based model incorporated within a
GIS environment takes advantage of opportunity of all tools offered by the
GIS software, usually enhanced by a sequence of equations representing the
modelled reality in a more authentic way. The model must be programmed
in the programming language used by the particular GIS software. In most
reported studies, ArcGIS and its programming language Python are used.
This approach’s advantages are (a) the possibility to use all available GIS
tools in the model, (b) compatibility with most common GIS data formats
and (c) no need of GIS data pre-processing and transformations into
different formats for the model input, as well as no need of model outputs
processing and transformations for visualization. Considering these
advantages, the approach of incorporating simpler environmental models
into GIS appears to be a potentially successfully developing field in the
future (Pistocchi et al., 2010a). Several examples proving this approach is
meaningful are given. For example, Briggs et al. (1997), in developing his
regression-based model for estimation of NO2 air concentrations, did all
modelling within a GIS environment. Gulliver and Briggs (2011) developed
an emission sources grid-based model embedded in an ArcGIS environment,
using GIS functions and simple Gaussian plume model. Similarly, Pilla and
Broderick (2015) used the ArcGIS “Model builder” tool and Python scripting
language to integrate various air dispersion models into one ArcGIS tool,
successfully modelling PM10 concentrations for Dublin, Ireland, based on
road network, traffic, building geometry, PM10 measurements and
meteorology data. In another study, Wan (2015) implemented a simple
model using population, land use and pesticide usage data into GIS,

resulting in estimate of vulnerability of population exposure to pesticides.
Atmospheric concentrations and deposition fluxes of PCBs and PCDDs/Fs
were estimated by Pistocchi (2008), applying map algebra and mass
balance equations on raster datasets of emission, transport, landscape and
climate maps. Complex input data pre-processing using GIS was done in the
study of Vienneau et al. (2009), who used several types of NO2 source
databases from across Europe to build a model within the ArcGIS
environment, based on the moving window principle, combining all input
datasets within a defined surroundings. The model was successfully tested
on measured NO2 data and the approach can be applicable to various


As was already outlined in previous sections, there will always be
challenges and issues to emerge when two scientific disciplines intersect,
and this is just as much the case for environmental sciences and GIS.
Although there is now more overlap between these two fields of study than
ever before, there are challenges and questions related to data availability,
quality reliability and compatibility, as well as on the suitability of GIS
approaches and visualization methods used for handling environmental
data. Some of the most common challenges are discussed further.


The possible ways for obtaining spatial data for GIS analysis were
mentioned in section As described earlier, the easiest way is to
obtain data from the large number of GIS datasets available online.
However, with this method, using datasets that someone else prepared, one
should always consider that the datasets are often the result of other
approximations. Thus, the values were produced using one of the
estimation methods (i.e., regression, extrapolation, interpolation or GIS-
based modeling) described in section 1.3.3, and

There is a large amount of both vector and raster spatial data available
online. An important considering with respect to available data is the level
of generalization applied, for example, socioeconomic data or pesticide use
data is often generalized at the level of administrative units; this can

present a challenge for the data user if that level of generalization is not
appropriate to the intended use.

To assess the suitability of GIS datasets for the intended purpose, metadata
are often helpful as they should contain information such as the data set
content, spatial resolution, coverage, format, recommended scale and year
of creation. Metadata of sufficient quality can ease and speed up the process
of selecting the most suitable dataset. This information is supposed to be
provided together with the data, however, it is often lacking. In reality, the
data user often has to rely on datasets of unsure origin, age and quality. Of
course there is a higher chance of encountering missing or incomplete
metadata in case of data that are available for free, rather than those which
the user must pay for.

Overall, it can be stated that there is a growing amount of environmental

data available for use in GIS analyses, enabling running more exact and
more reality representative analyses, however the background and the
origin of the data should be always kept in mind.


There are several challenges inherent in the sources and behaviour of
pollutants that make them challenging to characterize and model. Key
physicochemical parameters, namely solubility, vapor pressure, partition
coefficients and degradation rates, are determined based on results of
laboratory experiments (Pistocchi, 2014) or chemical structure modeling.
However, these values are often highly uncertain (Pontolillo and
Eganhouse, 2001). The conditions of the real environment are often much
more complex than in the laboratory, depending on many other
environmental properties, such as soil type, pH, organic matter content, air
temperature and humidity, biota etc., which are difficult to fully capture in
the necessary detail in spatial data or modelling.


As already mentioned in section 1.3.5, the availability of GIS input data pre-
processing extensions in environmental models is still not common. More
often, the model requires the data as a text file of a very exact structure.
This very often means multiple conversions among data formats and time-

consuming formatting of the input text files. Still, this approach can be
considered a time saving alternative to preparing input data manually, also
increasing the accuracy and reducing probability of random errors
occurrence. Moreover, GIS tools can be useful for preparing a more complex
receptor point grid. Examples of studies where this approach was
successfully applied will be given in Chapter 2.

Furthermore, results of modelling are often delivered in a form which needs

manual processing in order to be imported into GIS for further analysis or

There are several other minor issues to be considered, either when working
with a model that is able to deal with GIS data, or preparing the input files
outside the model environment. One of them is the coordinate system. It
was already mentioned in section 1.1.3 that there are many different
coordinate systems, often also using different units. Attention should be
given to ensuring that the coordinate system and units required by the
model are common among all input datasets. This avoids errors of incorrect
dataset placement and scaling. Another challenge is selection of the
appropriate level of spatial generalization of the input dataset. The
responsibility for this decision is mainly on the user, as he is the one to
select, e.g. which sources of pollution should be involved and which can be
neglected, or what is the required resolution of the input digital elevation
model. An overly high level of generalization increases the risk of skewing
the modelling results by omitting features influencing them. On the other
hand, using too detailed inputs can prolong the computational time. This
also depends on the performance of the hardware used, which is another
consideration when working with big datasets and models performing
complex computations.


The modelling of environmental pollution is a challenging task due to the
complexity of the environment, wide range of pollutant properties and
behaviours, and temporal and spatial heterogeneity. Therefore, there are
many different approaches to the modelling of environmental pollution.
Some are simple and fast, focusing only on one environmental
compartment, bringing results that are more likely suitable for screening
purposes; other ones can be complex, describing processes among more
matrices and giving a more reliable and more detailed elucidation, however
requiring long development, many types of input data and experienced

This chapter gives details on case studies where GIS was employed in
environmental modelling. Six scientific publications will be described in
three sections according to the type of study, environmental matrix and the
way in which GIS contributed to the study. The variety of environmental
compartments and breadth of GIS techniques used demonstrate the
potential of GIS in the field of environmental science.


Sá ň ka, O., Dvorská , A., Klá nová , J. & Čupr, P. Modelování rozptylu
vybraných atmosférických PAU v ovzduší Valašského Meziříčí
pomocí modelu SYMOS’97 a GIS a jeho porovnání s výsledky
pasivních odběrů ovzduší. Ochr. Ovzduší 25, 13–21 (2013).
 Ondřej Sáňka did all GIS-related work, prepared input data
for the model and ran it, interpreted the results and wrote
the manuscript
in Section
Sáňka, O., Melymuk, L., Čupr, P., Dvorská, A. & Klánová, J. Dispersion
modeling of selected PAHs in urban air: A new approach combining
dispersion model with GIS and passive air sampling. Atmos. Environ.
96, 88–95 (2014).
 Ondřej Sáňka did all GIS-related work, prepared input data
for the model and ran it, interpreted the results and wrote
the manuscript
Sanka, O., Kalina, J., Lin, Y., Brabec, K., Deutscher, J., Futter, M.,
Butterfield, D. & Nizzetto, L.,. Modeling hydrological and
biogeochemical controls of the dissipation of p,p’-DDT in soil.
Submitted to Environ. Sci. Technol. (2015).
in Section
 Ondřej Sáňka did all GIS-related work, prepared input data
for the models, ran and calibrated one of the models
prepared all maps and most graphs, and contributed to
writing the manuscript
Zheng, Q., Nizzetto, L., Mulder, M., Sáňka, O., Lammel, G., Li, J., Bing, H.,
Liu, X., Jiang, Y Luo, Ch. & Zhang, G. Does an analysis of
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in mountain soils across
China reveal a latitudinal fractionation paradox? Environ. Pollut. 195,
115–122 (2014).
 Ondřej Sáňka did all GIS-related work and the associated
data processing and produced 3 figures
Zheng, Q., Nizzetto, L., Li, J., Mulder, M., Sáňka, O., Lammel, G., Bing, H.,
Liu, X., Jiang, Y., Luo, Ch. & Zhang, G. Spatial distribution of old and Described
emerging flame retardants in Chinese forest soils: Sources, trends in Section
and processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49, 2904–2911 (2015). 2.3
 Ondřej Sáňka did all GIS-related work and the associated
data processing and produced 3 figures
Melymuk, L., Bohlin, P., Sáňka, O., Pozo, K. & Klánová, J. Current
challenges in air sampling of semivolatile organic contaminants:
sampling artifacts and their influence on data comparability.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 48, 14077–91 (2014).
 Ondřej Sáňka did all GIS-related work and produced all the

Despite decades of development, measuring SVOC concentrations in air still
remains challenging. Passive air sampling (PAS) is advantageous because it
is relatively cheap, not dependent on power supply and able to integrate air
concentrations over periods of weeks to months (Klá nová et al., 2006). PAS
are well suited to sampling gas-phase atmospheric compounds, and the
methods for quantifying air concentrations of these compounds are well-
validated (Bohlin et al., 2014; Klá nová et al., 2008). PAS are also able to
sample particle-phase atmospheric compounds, however there is greater
uncertainty in the uptake rates of particle-bound compounds, and thus this
is the topic of on-going research (Holt et al., in prep). PAHs are an important
compound for atmospheric monitoring because of the wide range of
emission sources and serious health effects (e.g., carcinogenic). However,
many PAHs can be challenging to quantify through PAS because their gas-
particle partitioning in air, determined by the volatility of the compound,
can shift between predominantly gas- or predominantly particle-bound at
ambient atmospheric temperatures. Thus, it is crucial to understand the
tools and techniques for proper quantification of these compounds.

In the Czech Republic, a national passive air sampling campaign called

MONET is on-going since 2003 (RECETOX Masaryk University, 2015). The
cities of Valašské Meziříčí and Liberec are characterized by the presence of
heavy industry and complex terrain conditions, making both of them
vulnerable to elevated concentrations of PAHs. Therefore, more attention
was given to these regions in the MONET sampling design, with four and
seven sites selected in Valašské Meziříčí and Liberec, respectively.Besides
direct air measurements, another method of air pollution assessment is air
dispersion modelling. SYMOS’97 (Stationary Sources Modeling System) is a
regional Gaussian dispersion model predicting atmospheric concentrations
of pollutants to a distance of up to 100 km from sources (Bubnik et al.,
1998). As Czech law requires the use of this model for air quality
assessment, it is used by state institutions, environmental agencies, and
private companies.

In two studies (Sáňka et al., 2014, 2013), SYMOS’97 was used to model
concentrations of four selected PAHs: benzo(a)pyrene,
benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene and indeno(123cd)pyrene

(BAP, BBF, BKF and IPY, respectively). These were selected based on their
known adverse effects on human health (Schwarzenbach et al., 2003) and
the availability of the emission inventory used for the purposes of
dispersion modelling. The pollutant emissions were adjusted to match the
13 passive air sampling intervals covering approximately the 2006 MONET
campaign. The SYMOS’97 model was run using the adjusted emission
inventory data, and the results from the dispersion modelling were
compared with measured values from the MONET sampling campaign.

Attention was given to precise preparation of four types of input data for
the dispersion modelling (elevation, sources, meteorology and receptors).
The model only allows loading input data in the form of a text file; therefore
several data format transformations were needed. Use of GIS was a crucial
part of preparation of all input data except for meteorology (obtained from
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute – CHMI), which is represented in a
limited way in the model, without considering any spatial aspects. GIS was
used to process the elevation data and prepare the elevation input file,
where a spatial resolution of 100 m was used for the study area of Valašské
Meziříčí and 150 m was used for the area of Liberec. Sources of pollution
required further division into three subcategories: (a) point sources, (b)
linear sources, and (c) areal sources. Point sources were mainly industry,
the records of which were taken from the Registry of Sources of Air
Pollution (REZZO) (CHMI, 1996), and located using their addresses. Linear
sources were road traffic; roads were digitized and the emissions were
calculated based on the major road census of the Road and Motorway
Directorate of the Czech Republic (RSD, 2006) and emission factors of
different fuel and vehicle types (Ntziachristos and Samaras, 2000). GIS was
used to convert linear features representing roads into points, each
representing emissions of a road segment of 50 m in the case of Valašské
Meziříčí and 100 m in the case of Liberec. Areal sources of pollution
described local heating, and were available in form of sums of fuels used per
settlement unit from REZZO. Annual fuel use was apportioned to individual
time periods based on daily mean air temperatures. Emission factors of
different fuels, which are part of the REZZO database, were used to convert
fuel into emissions. To locate the urbanized areas the CORINE Land Cover
database (European Environmental Agency, 2010) was used. As with the
linear sources, also these areas are required in the form of points.

Therefore, the polygons representing urban areas were converted into
regular grids of 200 m resolution.

Two grids of receptors were created to capture the outputs of the model
calculations. A regular grid was created to evenly cover both study areas,
and a extra irregular grid was added, increasing the density in urban areas,
along the roads and in the areas of sampling sites. The ArcGIS model builder
utility was used to automate the process of receptor creation along linear
pollution sources, placing receptors at the required distance from the road,
guaranteeing uniform distance between these receptors and linear
pollution sources to avoid predicting varying concentrations due to
different distances from the pollution source.

In both urban areas the dispersion model predicted lower concentrations of

PAHs compared to values measured by passive air sampling. Although both
approaches showed a seasonal trend with high concentrations in autumn
and winter months, the modelled trends were smoother than the measured
ones, showing also a significant variability between sequential samples.
According to the model, the strongest source of selected PAHs is local
heating, explaining the high concentration predictions in winter months,
and contrasting with concentrations close to zero in summer. An exception
is a site that is located close to a strong industrial source of pollution – a
bitumen mixing plant nearby Liberec. A better agreement between
modelled and measured data was observed at urban sites compared with
the suburban or rural sites. Suburban and rural sites are more likely to have
higher influence of emissions from unrecorded local biomass burning and
heating which are not captured in the model, thus accounting for some of
the disagreement between modelled and measured data. In comparison,
measured values at urban sites had lower variability between sequential
samples and a lower influence of sources not recorded in the emission
inventory, leading to better agreement between modelled and measured

The discrepancies between measured and modelled data were generally

attributed to three factors: (a) weaknesses of the dispersion model, (b)
uncertainties in air concentration quantification and (c) the impact of
sources not included in the emission inventory, as mentioned above. The
model SYMOS’97 has insufficient representation of meteorology and
pollutant behaviour and does not consider processes such as scavenging or

pollutant transformations. Another source of discrepancies may be the fact
that passive air sampling is a semi-quantitative method, and the methods of
sampling rate estimation and its dependence on meteorological conditions
are still being developed (Holt et al., in prep; Klá nová et al., 2008; Petrich et
al., 2013). Finally, discrepancies between measured and modelled values
can also be attributed to the presence of pollution sources that are not
included in the emission inventory, such as combustion of wood for heating,
other biomass burning and summer forest fires, documented in nearby
regions of Liberec at the time that elevated concentrations were measured.
(JRC-IES, 2008, 2007).

The results of air dispersion modelling were processed using GIS. For
visualization, a method of ordinary kriging was used (Fig. 2-1 and 2-2).
Results of these studies showed that GIS is a useful tool, capable of
simplifying and speeding up pre-processing of input data for environmental
modelling, and of visualizing modelling results. Passive air sampling was
shown to be a useful source of data for air quality assessment; together with
air dispersion modelling it can be used to reveal undocumented sources of
pollution. Further research should be aimed at development of models that
integrate GIS with better abilities to describe meteorology, atmospheric
processes and pollutant behaviour in a more thorough way. Also more
attention should be put on GIS data pre-processing extensions for
environmental models.

The results of these studies were published in Ochrana Ovzduší -

Modelování rozptylu vybraných atmosférických PAU v ovzduší Valašského
Meziříčí pomocí modelu SYMOS'97 a GIS a jeho porovnání s výsledky
pasivních odběrů ovzduší (English title: Dispersion modelling of selected
atmospheric PAHs in the city of Valašské Meziříčí based on the SYMOS’97
dispersion model and GIS, and comparison of results using passive air
sampling) (Sáňka et al., 2013) and in Atmospheric Environment - Dispersion
modeling of selected PAHs in urban air: A new approach combining
dispersion model with GIS and passive air sampling (Sáňka et al., 2014) and
are attached as Annexes 1 and 2 of this dissertation thesis.

Figure 2-1: concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene in Valašské Meziříčí,
calculated by SYMOS’97 dispersion model in (a) winter and (b)
summer (Sáňka et al., 2013) .

Figure 2-2: Concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene in Liberec, calculated

by SYMOS’97 dispersion model in (a) winter and (b) summer (Sáňka et
al., 2014).

Very often, pollutant behaviour requires the use of models that consider
processes in multiple environmental compartments, as the pollutants
exchange among them, i.e., multimedia environmental models. However,
more complex pollutant behaviour and more environmental compartments
also inevitably leads to higher data requirements in order to predict
pollutant distribution in the environment.

This study (Sanka et al., 2015) reports on an investigation into the long
term trends of the pool of p,p’-DDT in Central Europe. Organochlorine
pesticides (OCPs) were widely used for agricultural application on a global
scale until successive prohibitions on their use from the 1970s to 1990s,
and their subsequent restriction through the Stockholm Convention. Today,
many agricultural soils have the legacy of the wide use of OCPs due to past
local use and long-range transport. For this study, the Morava River
catchment was selected due to its high agricultural land use, and the
availability of a unique dataset of several hundreds of records of OCP
concentrations in air, soil, river water, and river sediment. p,p’-DDT was
chosen for environmental modelling as a representative of the OCP
compound class. A stochastic model was used to determine temporal trends
of p,p’-DDT levels in soils using soil concentration measurements. These
trends were compared to the results of p,p’-DDT fate modelling performed
with the Integrated Catchment Model – Contaminants (INCA-
Contaminants). INCA-contaminants is a recently developed complex, high-
resolution integrated hydrobiogeochemical multimedia fate model,
designed for water quality assessment (Nizzetto et al., 2015).

The INCA-contaminants model required a broad set of spatial and

hydrological inputs, ranging from river parameters, meteorology, and
measured p,p’-DDT concentrations. For the description of the catchment
and river structure, data on stream orders, their length and width between
reach points, as well as characteristics of individual subcatchments,
including soil properties and land use information were required. Further,
the INCA-Contaminants model requires hydrologically effective rainfall and
soil moisture deficit time series to generate daily run-off and river flow
predictions; this was computed using the Precipitation, Evapotranspiration
and Runoff Simulator for Solute Transport model (PERSiST, Futter et al.,

2014). PERSiST outputs were calibrated using catchment-specific
observations of river flow, air temperature and rainfall that were obtained
from CHMI. The calibration of INCA–Contaminants for dissolved organic
carbon (DOC), size and properties of the sediment compartment and p,p’-
DDT concentrations was based on measured values from 2007 and 2008
(Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, 2015; Prokeš et al., 2012).

In this study GIS played a crucial role in acquiring spatial data for
representation of geographical and meteorological properties of the Morava
river catchment and its subcatchments. The river network was generalized
for the purposes of the study and the DIBAVOD database was used for
subcatchment delineation based on locations of discharge gauging stations
(Fig. 2-3). Attributes such as area and land use class coverage (from the
International Steering Committee for Global Mapping, 2015) for all
subcatchments were calculated, as well as length and average slope and
width of each river stretch. Daily rainfall and temperature data from nine
CHMI measurement stations were extrapolated to cover the whole
catchment using Thiessen polygons. From the polygons, the subcatchments
were allocated to measurement stations by the fraction coverage of the
polygons, and the fractional coverage was used to calculate a weighted
average for meteorological records. In this way, daily weighted mean
temperature and rainfall records for 2006-2008 were approximated for
each subcatchment. To verify the correctness of this approach, the total
amount of water discharge from each subcatchment for 2006-2008 was
calculated and compared to the total amount of precipitation each
subcatchment received within the same time period. Results ranged
between 91% of precipitation volume leaving the subcatchment as river
water in case of the subcatchments with the most forest, most precipitation
and lowest population density, and 8% in case of the catchments that were
driest, most densely populated and most heavily used for agriculture, which
is in agreement with expectations. GIS data on soil organic carbon (SOC)
and DDT concentration in soils of the Czech Republic at a spatial resolution
of 1 km, created by Kubošová et al. (2009) were averaged per land use class
and used as initial input values for the INCA model runs. GIS was further
used for visualization of model input data for the purpose of publication.

Based on these inputs and a successful calibration of water DOC, suspended

sediments and concentrations of p,p’-DDT in water and sediments, the
INCA–Contaminants model predicted temporal trends in p,p’-DDT soil

concentrations in the Morava catchment and overall p,p’-DDT fate in the
catchment for the period between 2006 and 2008. Results of the model
showed a satisfactory agreement with the observed values in terms of the
decline in concentrations of p,p’-DDT in soil compared to the trend
observed in hundreds of samples taken in the Czech Republic during last
decades (Borůvková et al., 2015). According to the model’s results the
catchment acts as a sink of p,p’-DDT as total losses are predicted to be more
than an order of magnitude higher than total atmospheric inputs to the
catchment. Degradation appeared to be the major dissipation pathway of
p,p’-DDT from the catchment, explaining approximately 90% of total losses.
The second most important dissipation pathway was runoff, exceeding
degradation only in cases of extreme floods. Additionally, the watershed
parameterization and calibrations of DOC and sediment can be useful for
modelling other pollutant fates for the same time period and area.

Results of this study were submitted to Environmental Science & Technology

- Modeling hydrological and biogeochemical controls of the dissipation of
p,p’-DDT in soil (Sanka et al., 2015) and are attached as Annex 3 of this
dissertation thesis.

Figure 2-3: Land Use, subcatchment division and measurement sites in
study area of the Morava River watershed (Sanka et al., 2015).


As described in Chapter 1, there are a great number of techniques in GIS
which can be useful in environmental research. This section describes
additional studies in which GIS served as a complementary technique,
improving the development of studies, interpretation, and visualization and
presentation of results.

Spatial analysis was used in two studies focused on assessment of PCBs and
flame retardants (FRs), in mountain forest soils of China (Zheng et al., 2015,
2014). Thirty mountains were selected across China, from which 159 soil
samples were collected at 82 locations in 2012 and 2013. GIS was used to
plot measured concentrations of PCBs in relation to elevation (Fig. 2-4) as
well as to plot FRs in relation to population. Total annual precipitation and
annual mean temperature values were extracted for all mountain sites from
interpolated global climate data (Hijmans et al., 2005). In addition, Index of

potential source influence (IPSI) was created and calculated for each site.
IPSI combines data on population density distribution (expected to be a
proxy for PCB and FR source distribution) with backward trajectory
density. For each site, 360 ten-day backward trajectories were calculated,
covering one year preceding the sampling, for the purpose of IPSI
calculation, which was limited to radius of 6000 km for each site. An
example of IPSI calculation source data for one site is given in Fig. 2-5.

For PCBs it was not possible to separate the influence of IPSI due to a close
covariance between IPSI and total yearly precipitation. For concentrations
of the flame retardants, 13 of 16 measured FRs showed positive correlation
with IPSI; for seven substances this correlation was statistically significant
(p < 0.05). These are mostly brominated flame retardants (BFRs) that are
currently undergoing phase-out. This suggests that the primary sources of
these substances are mostly consumer products remaining in use, which are
expected to show high correlation with population density, from which IPSI
is derived. In contrast, FRs that are not regulated have significant
production in industrial and manufacturing areas in China, and thus show
lower correlation with population density-based IPSI.

Results of these studies were published in Environmental Pollution - Does

an analysis of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in mountain soils
across China reveal a latitudinal fractionation paradox? (Zheng et al., 2014)
and Environmental Science & Technology - Spatial distribution of old and
emerging flame retardants in Chinese forest soils: Sources, trends and
processes (Zheng et al., 2015) and are attached as annexes 4 and 5 of this

Figure 2-4: PCB concentrations at different elevations of mountain
forest soils of China. Calculated values of index of potential source
influence (IPSI) are also displayed (Zheng et al., 2014).

Figure 2-5: Example of overlaying population data and backward
trajectories for IPSI calculation in GIS environment (Zheng et al.,

Spatial analysis was also used in a review paper describing the challenges in
air sampling of SVOCs. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were
selected as an example group of pollutants representing typical air
monitoring campaigns and case studies over the past ten years. All available
PBDEs sampling campaigns from 2003 - 2013 were reviewed and recorded,
noting variability in sampling methods, and spatial and temporal density of
air sampling. The sampling points corresponding with these studies were
imported into GIS, for a total of 779 records, to allow visualization of global
biases in the distribution of air sampling. Discrepancies between population
density and PBDEs sampling density were emphasized, as well as high
variability of PBDEs active air sampling volumes with a geographic bias
towards polar regions. The review suggests that due to the effects of air
sampling artifacts such as breakthrough, degradation, particle fractions and
sample deployment periods, different sampling methods may
underestimate SVOCs concentrations by up to 95%. The GIS allowed
visualization of how these air sampling artifacts may have geographic
biases (fig. 2-7) and a disconnect between population density and density of
air sampling for PBDEs (fig.2-6).

Results of these study were published in Environmental Science &
Technology - Current challenges in air sampling of semivolatile organic
contaminants: sampling artifacts and their influence on data comparability
(Melymuk et al., 2014) and are attached as annex 6.

Figure 2-6: Overlaying population data and PBDE sampling frequency

(Melymuk et al., 2014).

Figure 2-7: Visualization of active air sampling volumes in relation to

latitude (Melymuk et al., 2014).


Many environmental issues are related to chemical pollution and its effects,
which is the focus of environmental chemistry. The complex behaviour of
thousands of pollutants requires a multidisciplinary approach to
environmental pollution assessment, using knowledge and tools from other
scientific disciplines, such as meteorology, climatology, geology, hydrology,
demography, geography and cartography and geographic information
systems (GIS). This thesis described and demonstrated the potential for use
of cartography and GIS in environmental science, and particularly in
environmental chemistry.

The theoretical part of this thesis briefly introduced both environmental

chemistry and GIS, described the reasons for and benefits of use of GIS in
environmental chemistry and demonstrated the most useful GIS techniques
for solving the challenges of environmental chemistry. In particular, spatial
interpolation, regression analysis, and use of GIS in conjunction with
environmental models was discussed. The discussion also addressed the
most common challenges and complications related to the use of GIS in
environmental chemistry.

The experimental part of the thesis introduced six environmental studies

grouped in three sections, each focusing on a different use of GIS. The first
section (2.1) described the use of GIS to prepare input terrain, source, and
receptor data for modelling dispersion of PAHs in two case studies of cities
in Czech Republic. The results of the modelling were also processed and
visualized using GIS and further compared to results of passive air
sampling, identifying the presence of undocumented sources of pollution
such as local-scale biomass burning, heating and possibly also forest fires.

The second section of the experimental part of this thesis (2.2) described
the use of GIS for processing, preparation and visualization of input data for
complex, multi-compartmental modelling of p’p-DDT fate and transport in
the Morava River catchment in central Europe. The model was calibrated
with several types of p’p-DDT concentration measurements and predicted a
decline of p’p-DDT soil concentrations with a half-life of 3000 -3800 days, in
agreement with trends based on measurements. Degradation in soil was
identified as the major p’p-DDT dissipation pathway in the catchment. The
use of GIS played a crucial role in this study, creating the model of the

subcatchment network and relating data on meteorology, hydrology, land
use and soil properties to the subcatchment areas, resulting in a successful
model calibration. Moreover, the parameters of the watershed properties’
calibration can be used in further studies for modelling other pollutants’

Third section of the experimental part (2.3) introduced three studies where
GIS analysis was used as an important support to the outcomes of the
studies. Two studies were focused on analyzing and explaining the
distribution of PCBs and FRs in mountainous areas of China. Soil
concentrations of PCBs and FRs were evaluated in relation to temperature
and rainfall data and a site classification index, based on the combination of
population density and back trajectories. Finally, GIS analysis was used in a
review study on current air sampling techniques, revealing discrepancies
between population and air sampling network density and analyzing the
variability of air sampling methods across different parts of the world.

The broad variety of GIS techniques used in the studies presented in this
thesis for many areas of environmental chemistry research and on many
environmental compartments (air, soil, water) proves the potential for use
of GIS not only in environmental chemistry, but also broadly within the
environmental sciences. While there are still certain challenges to be
overcome when using GIS techniques in environmental sciences, the future
of data interpretation in environmental science will be greatly strengthened
by a multidisciplinary approach incorporating GIS techniques.

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Personal information

Name: Ondřej Sáňka

Address: Mošnova 21, 61500 Brno, Czech Republic
Date of birth: March 27th, 1984
Employer: Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the
Environment (RECETOX), Masaryk University, Brno,
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 549 495 956


1999 – 2003 High School Elgartova 3, Brno

2003 – 2006 BSc. Cartography and Geoinformatics, Masaryk
University, Brno
2006 – 2008 MSc. Cartography and Geoinformatics, Masaryk
University, Brno
2008 onwards Ph.D. Environmental Chemistry, Masaryk University,

Work experience
2008 onwards Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the
Environment (RECETOX), Masaryk University, Brno,
Czech Republic

Scientific stays

2010 (5 months) Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University,

Lancaster, United Kingdom
2014 (1 month) The Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo,

Language skills Fluent English

Sáňka, O., Melymuk, L., Čupr, P., Dvorská, A., Klánová, J., 2014. Dispersion
modeling of selected PAHs in urban air: A new approach combining
dispersion model with GIS and passive air sampling. Atmos. Environ.
96, 88–95. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.07.002
Sáňka, O., Dvorská , A., Klá nová , J., Čupr, P., 2013. Modelování rozptylu
vybraných atmosférických PAU v ovzduší Valašského Meziříčí pomocí
modelu SYMOS’97 a GIS a jeho porovnání s výsledky pasivních odběrů
ovzduší. Ochr. Ovzduší 25, 13–21.
Sanka, O., Kalina, J., Lin, Y., Brabec, K., Deutscher, J., Futter, M., Butterfield, D.,
Nizzetto, L., 2015. Modeling hydrological and biogeochemical controls
of the dissipation of p,p’-DDT in soil. Submitted to Environ. Sci.
Melymuk, L., Bohlin, P., Sáňka, O., Pozo, K., Klánová, J., 2014. Current
challenges in air sampling of semivolatile organic contaminants:
sampling artifacts and their influence on data comparability. Environ.
Sci. Technol. 48, 14077–91. doi:10.1021/es502164r
Zheng, Q., Nizzetto, L., Li, J., Mulder, M.D., Sanka, O., Lammel, G., Bing, H., Liu,
X., Jiang, Y., Luo, C., Zhang, G., 2015. Spatial distribution of old and
emerging flame retardants in Chinese forest soils: Sources, trends and
processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49, 2904–2911.
Zheng, Q., Nizzetto, L., Mulder, M.D., Sáňka, O., Lammel, G., Li, J., Bing, H., Liu,
X., Jiang, Y., Luo, C., Zhang, G., 2014. Does an analysis of polychlorinated
biphenyl (PCB) distribution in mountain soils across China reveal a
latitudinal fractionation paradox? Environ. Pollut. 195, 115–122.
Sharma, B.M., Nizzetto, L., Bharat, G.K., Tayal, S., Melymuk, L., Sáňka, O.,
Přibylová, P., Audy, O., Larssen, T., 2015. Melting Himalayan glaciers
contaminated by legacy atmospheric depositions are important
sources of PCBs and high-molecular-weight PAHs for the Ganges
floodplain during dry periods. Environ. Pollut. 206, 588–596.

Vacha, R., Sanka, M., Sanka, O., Skala, J., Cechmankova, J., 2013. The Fluvisol
and sediment trace element contamination level as related to their
geogenic and anthropogenic source. Plant, Soil Environ. 59, 136–142.
Borůvka, L., Sáňka, M., Vácha, R., Šrámek, V., Drábek, O., Tejnecký, V.,
Antonín, N., Němeček, K., Houška, J., Fraňková, A., Ash, C., Galušková, I.,
Hubová, P., Fadrhonsová, V., Jurkovská, L., Čechmánková, J., Čermák, P.,
Horváthová, V., Skála, J., Čupr, P., Hofman, J., Sáňka, O., Rotter, P.,
Vašíčková, J., 2014. Metody hodnocení zátěže lesních půd rizikovými
látkami a identifikace ekologických rizik kontaminace lesních půd.
Final project report (project NAZV QI112A201), Czech University of
Life Sciences, Prague.
Sáňka, M., Hofman, J., Vácha, R., Čupr, P., Čechmánková, J., Sáňka, O., Mikeš,
O., Skála, J., Horváthová, V., Šindelářová, L., Vašíčková, J., Nečasová, A.,
2015. Metodické postupy k omezení vstupu rizikových látek do
rostlinné produkce v oblastech postižených periodickými povodněmi,
1st ed. Masaryk University, Prague.
Skála, J., Čechmánková, J., Vácha, R., Horváthová, V., Sáňka, M., Sáňka, O.,
2013. Soubor map - Regionální struktura půdního pokryvu
zemědělsky využívaných půd ve vztahu k povodňové zonaci, 1st ed.
Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation, Prague.
Skála, J., Čupr, P., Hofman, J., Sáňka, O., Čechmánková, J., Sáňka, M., Vácha, R.,
Horváthová, V., Mikeš, O., 2014. Obsahy rizikových prvků ve
fluvizemních půdách ČR – soubor map. Mapy s odborným obsahem,
1st ed. Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation, Prague.
Rotter, P., Malý, S., Kalábová, T., Čižmár, D., Sáňka, O., Zbíral, J., Sáňka, M.,
Čechmánková, J., 2015. Is glomalin an appropriate indicator of forest
soil dynamics and reactive nitrogen status? Submitted to Eur. J. Soil Sci.
Čupr, P., Prokeš, R., Sáňka, O., Přibylová, P., Bednářová, Z., Borůvková, J.,
Chropeňová, M., Šebková, K., Václavíková, J., Vaňková, L., Kalina, J.,
Audy, O., Kalábová, T., Holoubek, I., Klánová, J., 2015. Časové a
prostorové hodnocení koncentrací perzistentních organických
polutantů ve volném ovzduší ČR. Specializované mapy s odborným
obsahem. Brno, in press.


Lammel, G.*, Nizzetto, L., Sáňka, O., Spitzy, A., Beudert, B., Kukučka, P., and
Přibylová., P. 2015. “Surface water pollution by PAHs, PCBs and
organochlorine pesticides in a central European subalpine mountain area
since 1985.” 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the
Environment. 20 - 24 September, Leipzig, Germany. Poster presentation.

Sáňka, O., Melymuk, L., Čupr, P.*, Dvorská, A. and Klánová, J. 2014.
“Dispersion modelling of PAHs in urban air: A new approach combining
dispersion model with GIS and passive air sampling” The 15th European
Meeting on Environmental Chemistry. 3 - 6 December, Brno, Czech Republic.
Platform Presentation.

Čupr, P.*, Prokeš, R., Moche, W., Weiss, P., Škrdlíková, L., Baráková, D., Sáňka,
O., Kukučka, P., Šebková, K., and Klánová, J. 2013. “Monairnet – Air-borne
POPs in the Czech-Austrian border region.” Sixth Meeting of the Conference
of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention. 28 April – 10 May, Geneva,
Switzerland. Platform presentation.

Prokeš, R.*, Čupr, P., Moche, W., Weiss, P., Hohenblum, P., Sáňka, O.,
Kukučka, P., Přibylová, P., and Klánová, J. 2013. “Results of passive air
sampling.” Final conference of Monairnet project. 3 December, Linz, Austria.
Platform presentation.

Prokeš, R.*, Baráková, D., Čupr, P., Moche, W., Weiss, P., Hohenblum, P.,
Sáňka, O., Kukučka, P., Přibylová, P. and Klánová, J. 2013. “Passive air
sampling and needles sampling – methodology, advantages and limitations.”
Final conference of Monairnet project. 5 December, Brno, Czech Republic.
Platform presentation.

Čupr, P.*, Prokeš, R., Vaňková, L., Baráková, D., Chropeňová, M., Václavíková,
I., Sáňka, O., Kukučka, P., Klánová, J., Holoubek, I., Přibylová, P., Šebková, K.,
Bányiová, K., Moche, W., Hohenblum, P. and Weiss, P. 2013. “Monitoring
network of ambient air in Czech Republic and Austria.” International

conference on Air quality, 27 – 29 November, Štrbské pleso, Slovakia,
Platform presentation.

Chropeňová, M., Čupr, P., Prokeš, P., Škrdlíková, L., Baráková, D.,
Václavíková, I., Sáňka, O., Kukučka, P., Klánová, J., Přibylová, P., Šebková, K.,
Moche, W. and Weiss, P. 2013. “MONAIRNET - Monitoring network for
persistent organic pollutants in ambient air of Czech Republic - Austria
region.” 14th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the
Environment. 25 - 28 June, Barcelona, Spain, Poster presentation.

Čupr, P.*, Václavíková, I., Prokeš, R., Škrdlíková, L., Kukučka, P., Sáňka, O.,
Klánová, J., Moche, W., and Weiss, P. 2013. “MONAIRNET – Monitoring
persistentních organických polutantů v ovzduší příhraničních regionů ČR a
Rakouska.” 11th conference Ovzduší 2013, 15–17 April, Brno, 2013. Platform

Sanka, O., Sweetman, A., Kohut, L.*, and Cupr, P. 2012. “Modelling of
pesticides concentrations using air dispersion modelling and GIS” 3rd
SETAC CEE Annual Meeting. 17 – 19 September, Krakow, Poland. Poster

Sáňka, O.,* Sweetman, A. and Čupr, P. 2011. “Modelování imisních

koncentrací pesticidů s využitím rozptylových modelů a GIS.” 10th
conference Ovzduší. 4 – 6 April, Brno, Czech Republic. Poster presentation.

Sáňka, O.,* Dvorská, A. and Čupr, P. 2009. “Aplikace rozptylového modelu

SYMOS´97 na město Valašské Meziříčí s využitím GIS, srovnání s výsledky
pasivního vzorkování.” 9th conference Ovzduší. 26 – 29 April, Brno, Czech
Republic. Poster presentation.

Sáňka, O.,* Alice Dvorská and Čupr, P. 2008. “Automatizace přípravy dat pro
modelování imisí některých PAHs z dopravy pomocí GIS v rámci rozptylové
studie provedené rozptylovým modelem SYMOS’97 pro město Valašské
Meziříčí.” 3rd conference Doprava, zdraví a životní prostředí. 4 – 5 November,
Litomyšl, Czech Republic. Poster presentation.


Annex 1:

Manuscript of Sá ňka, O., Dvorská , A., Klá nová , J. & Čupr, P. Modelování
rozptylu vybraných atmosférických PAU v ovzduší Valašského Meziříčí
pomocí modelu SYMOS’97 a GIS a jeho porovnání s výsledky pasivních
odběrů ovzduší. Ochr. Ovzduší 25, 13–21 (2013).

Annex 2:

Manuscript of Sáňka, O., Melymuk, L., Čupr, P., Dvorská, A. & Klánová, J.
Dispersion modeling of selected PAHs in urban air: A new approach
combining dispersion model with GIS and passive air sampling. Atmos.
Environ. 96, 88–95 (2014).

Annex 3:

Manuscript of Sanka, O., Kalina, J., Lin, Y., Brabec, K., Deutscher, J., Futter, M.,
Butterfield, D. & Nizzetto, L. Modeling hydrological and biogeochemical
controls of the dissipation of p,p’-DDT in soil. Submitted to Environ. Sci.
Technol. (2015).

Annex 4:

Manuscript of Zheng, Q., Nizzetto, L., Mulder, M., Sáňka, O., Lammel, G., Li, J.,
Bing, H., Liu, X., Jiang, Y Luo, Ch. & Zhang, G. Does an analysis of
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in mountain soils across China
reveal a latitudinal fractionation paradox? Environ. Pollut. 195, 115–122

Annex 5:

Manuscript of Zheng, Q., Nizzetto, L., Li, J., Mulder, M., Sáňka, O., Lammel, G.,
Bing, H., Liu, X., Jiang, Y., Luo, Ch. & Zhang, G. Spatial distribution of old and
emerging flame retardants in Chinese forest soils: Sources, trends and
processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49, 2904–2911 (2015).

Annex 6:

Manuscript of Melymuk, L., Bohlin, P., Sáňka, O., Pozo, K. & Klánová, J.
Current challenges in air sampling of semivolatile organic contaminants:
sampling artifacts and their influence on data comparability. Environ. Sci.
Technol. 48, 14077–91 (2014).

Annex 7:

List of free online GIS data sources.


Manuscript of Sá ň ka, O., Dvorská , A., Klá nová , J. & Čupr, P. Modelování
rozptylu vybraných atmosférických PAU v ovzduší Valašského Meziříčí
pomocí modelu SYMOS’97 a GIS a jeho porovnání s výsledky pasivních
odběrů ovzduší. Ochr. Ovzduší 25, 13–21 (2013).


Modelování rozptylu vybraných atmosférických PAU

v ovzduší Valašského Meziříčí pomocí modelu
SYMOS'97 a GIS a jeho porovnání s výsledky
pasivních odběrů ovzduší
Ondřej Sáňka, Alice Dvorská, Jana Klánová, Pavel Čupr
RECETOX, Centrum pro výzkum toxických látek v prostředí, Masarykova Univerzita, Brno,

ABSTRAKT Dispersion modelling of selected

atmospheric PAHs in the city of Valašské
Cílem studie bylo pomocí rozptylového modelu a geografického informač- Meziříčí based on the SYMOS'97 dispersion
ního systému (GIS) predikovat koncentrace vybraných polycyklických model and GIS, and comparison of results
aromatických uhlovodíků (PAU) ve  volném ovzduší a  získané hodnoty using passive air sampling
srovnat s výsledky pasivního vzorkování ovzduší. Na město Valašské Mezi-
říčí a jeho nejbližší okolí byl aplikován český rozptylový model gaussovské-
The aim of this study was to predict concentrations of selected polycyclic aro-
ho typu SYMOS'97. Při přípravě vstupních dat pro rozptylový model bylo
matic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ambient air using a Geographic Information
ve  významné míře využito GIS, který se ukázal pro realizaci rozptylové
System (GIS) and to verify modelling results using the outcomes of the high-
studie podobného formátu jako klíčový. Zejména při zpracování liniových
density passive air sampling (PAS). SYMOS'97 (Czech Gaussian dispersion
a plošných zdrojů emisí, přípravě výškopisných dat a tvorbě referenčních
model) was applied on the area of the city of Valašské Meziříčí and its close
bodů bylo použití funkcí GIS nevyhnutelné. Výsledky modelování byly
surroundings. The application of the GIS turned out to be crucial when execut-
opět zpracovány a  vizualizovány pomocí GIS. Srovnání atmosférických
ing such a large dispersion study. It was used massively when processing input
koncentrací předikovaných modelem s experimentálními daty získanými
data for the dispersion model, but its application was inevitable especially
dlouhodobou kontinuální expozicí pasivních vzorkovačů ovzduší uká-
when processing the linear and areal emission sources and elevation data, or
zalo rozdíly, pro jejichž vysvětlení bylo navrženo několik hypotéz. Jako
when creating receptor points. The modelling results were also processed and
nejpravděpodobnější se jeví teorie, že na  kvalitu ovzduší mají velký vliv
visualized using the GIS. Several factors can contribute to the observed lack of
zdroje, které nejsou zahrnuty v použité emisní inventuře, například spa-
agreement between the modelled results and the outcomes of the passive air
lování biomasy. Dalším zdrojem nejistot mohou být některá zjednodušení,
sampling campaigns. An effect of significant emissions sources not included in
použitá při kvantifikaci emisních toků, ale také fakt, že pasivní vzorkování
the applied emission inventory (e.g. biomass combustion) can be one of them,
poskytuje pouze semikvantitativní výsledky. Jakkoli má tato jednoduchá
together with uncertainties stemming from simplifications in quantification
a  levná metoda nepřehlédnutelný potenciál pro dlouhodobé sledování
of emission flows. Semi-quantitative character of the passive air sampling
kvality ovzduší, je třeba mít na mysli, že v současné podobě je vhodná spíše
technique can also generate some uncertainties. While this simple method
pro relativní srovnání vzorkovacích lokalit nebo pro identifikaci dlouho-
certainly offers a significant potential for a long-term air quality monitoring,
dobých trendů, než pro přesnou kvantifikaci atmosférických koncentrací.
it is important to beare in mind that it is more suited for an assessment of the
Koeficienty umožňující přesnější přepočet koncentrací naměřených v pa-
long-term trends or relative comparison of the sampling sites than for precise
sivních vzorcích na objemové jednotky jsou předmětem neustálého výzku-
quantification of the atmospheric concentrations. Refining the coefficients
mu a zpřesňování. Tato omezení ovšem nemění nic na tom, že integrativní
enabling conversion of passive air sampling data to atmospheric concentra-
pasivní vzorkovače nabízejí finančně dostupnou možnost velkoplošného
tions is a subject of the on-going research. These drawbacks, however, do not
vzorkování ovzduší s  vysokým rozlišením potřebným pro verifikaci roz-
diminish a fact that integrative passive air samplers offer an opportunity for
ptylových modelů. Výsledky této studie ukazují zřejmé nedostatky rozpty-
cost-effective large-scale and high-density air monitoring which is needed for
lového modelu SYMOS'97. Přestože se stále těší velké oblibě uživatelů,
verification of dispersion models. Results of this study pointed out also several
v  mnoha ohledech se již jeví jako překonaný a  nevyhovující současným
drawbacks of the SYMOS'97 dispersion model. While it is still very popular
požadavkům a trendům. Realizace dalších podobných studií se zapojením
among the users, it does not seem to be fully meeting current trends and ex-
multiparametrických modelů pro interpretaci dat z pasivního vzorkování
pectations. The follow-up studies employing new multi-parametric model for
umožní lépe popsat slabá místa současných rozptylových modelů a pod-
interpretation of passive sampling data should further assess the weaknesses
pořit tak vývoj modelů nové generace.
of current dispersion models and support development of dispersion models of
Klíčová slova: polycyklické aromatické uhlovodíky (PAU), Valašské Me-
new generation.
ziříčí, modelování rozptylu, model SYMOS'97, Geografický informační
Key words: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Valašské Meziříčí, dis-
systém, pasivní vzorkování ovzduší
persion modelling, SYMOS'97 model, Geographic Information System, pas-
sive air sampling

ÚVOD a jejich distribuce krví však často způsobuje i jiné zdravotní pro-
blémy [14]. Tento jev vyvolal zvýšený zájem o kvalitu životního
S rozvojem průmyslu a automobilismu v 19. století byl zazna- prostředí, především ovzduší. Během první poloviny 20. století
menán také nárůst znečištění všech složek životního prostředí tak byly matematicky popsány základní děje v  atmosféře, což
včetně ovzduší. Častý výskyt událostí s prudce zvýšenými kon- v 60. letech umožnilo vznik gaussovských modelů, zaměřených
centracemi polutantů v  ovzduší, nebo kontinuální vystavení především na studium vlivu bodových zdrojů znečištění v lokál-
obyvatelstva jejich zvýšeným hladinám mělo za následek pro- ním měřítku. Především rozvoj výpočetní techniky v posledních
blémy především plic a dýchacího ústrojí. Absorpce polutantů desetiletích dal vzniknout mnoha rozptylovým modelům s nej-

– 13 –

různějšími vlastnostmi. Samotný rozptylový model však nestačí časové vymezení intervalů pasivního vzorkování bylo v  této
k  získání relevantních výsledků. Nedílnou součástí rozptylo- studii určující pro stanovení intervalů pro rozptylové modelo-
vého modelování je také použití kvalitního a úplného souboru vání, a to z důvodu co nejvyšší relevance porovnání výsledků
vstupních dat, stejně jako jejich správné zpracování a příprava modelování a vzorkování. Z důvodu zjištění možného příspěv-
pro vstup do rozptylového modelu. Zdaleka ne všechny rozpty- ku vzdálenějších zdrojů ke  koncentracím sledovaných látek
lové modely však touto schopností disponují. Stejně tak běžnou ve Valašském Meziříčí byl výpočet rozptylového modelu pro-
vlastností modelů nebývá schopnost generovat mapové výstu- veden pro dvě varianty zájmového území (viz obr. 2).
py, prezentující výsledky výpočtu. K  přípravě vstupních dat Autoři jsou si vědomi faktu, že polycyklické aromatické uhlo-
a prezentaci výsledků modelování tedy musí být často použito vodíky vybrané pro tuto studii nejsou svými vlastnostmi příliš
dalšího softwaru, ať už statistického, nebo geografického. vhodné pro validaci rozptylového modelu SYMOS'97 pasivními
Při hodnocení znečištění ovzduší mají nepostradatelnou úlohu vzorkovači, jelikož ani jeden z přístupů není pro tyto látky opti-
také odběrové vzorkovací techniky. Důležitost pravidelných mální. Rozptylový model SYMOS'97 nedokáže zcela zohlednit
měření koncentrací polutantů ve  vzduchu na  různých loka- fyzikálně chemické vlastnosti látek (a  tedy významné rozdíly
litách a  potřeba monitorovacích studií na  různých úrovních, v chování různých PAU v atmosféře), pasivní vzorkovače jsou
od bezprostředního okolí lokálních bodových zdrojů až po kon- primárně určeny pro měření atmosférických koncentrací polu-
tinentální měřítko, inspirovala vývoj nových metod pro monito- tantů v plynném stavu, nikoli vázaných na částice, což je případ
rování kvality ovzduší [19]. K nim patří zejména různé varianty PAU. Lepší možností by se mohla jevit například aplikace mo-
pasivních vzorkovačů [1] jako zařízení, která mohou být pou- delu na skupinu polychlorovaných bifenylů (PCBs), které mají
žita na celé řadě lokalit současně, což nabízí nové možnosti při mnohem uniformnější vlastnosti a v atmosféře se vyskytují pře-
přípravě rozsáhlejších monitorovacích kampaní. Poskytují in- vážně v plynném stavu. Pro tuto skupinu látek ovšem neexistuje
formaci o dlouhodobé kontaminaci vybraného místa a mohou shoda mezi výběrem kongenerů, pro něž jsou dostupná data
být použity jako screeningová metoda pro semikvantitativní v  databázi REZZO (Registr emisí a  zdrojů znečištění ovzdu-
srovnání různých lokalit s  výhodou malé citlivosti ke  krátko- ší) a kongenery, které jsou běžně sledovány v monitorovacích
dobým náhodným změnám koncentrace polutantů. Stanovení programech. Z metodického hlediska a s ohledem na charakter
koncentrace ve vzduchu je pak odvozeno z kalibrace založené a rozsah použitých dat se však jedná o unikátní a zcela nový typ
na paralelním aktivním a pasivním vzorkování [7]. přístupu hodnocení rozptylové studie.
Na Centru pro výzkum toxických látek v prostředí byl k pro-
vedení této rozptylové studie pro město Valašské Meziříčí METODIKA
použit rozptylový model SYMOS'97 [2](Idea – Envi s.r.o.).
Cílem této studie bylo nejen zjištění hlavních zdrojů znečištění Pasivní vzorkování
v ovzduší vybranými polycyklickými aromatickými uhlovodí-
ky (benzo[a]pyren, benzo[b]fluoranten, benzo[k]fluoranten Pasivní vzorkování je jednoduchá metoda monitoringu kvality
a indeno[123cd]pyren), ale také vzájemné porovnání výsledků ovzduší, při jejíž aplikaci sledované látky samovolně difundují
realizované odběrové kampaně s  pasivními vzorkovači a  vý- z prostředí do sběrného média. Množství látek akumulovaných
sledků rozptylového modelu SYMOS'97. Výběr těchto látek v odběrovém zařízení je funkcí délky expozice. Po skončení od-
vycházel z průnikové shody informací jak vstupních emisních běru se vzorkovací médium chemicky analyzuje a získaná data
dat, tak i výsledků pasivního monitoringu. K přípravě vstup- se převádějí na skutečné atmosférické koncentrace za pomoci
ních dat a vizualizaci výsledků modelování bylo použito GIS různých modelů. K  výhodám pasivního vzorkování patří ze-
softwaru firmy ESRI, ArcGIS 9.2. Jako srovnávací data byly jména nízká cena zařízení a nízké provozní náklady (není nutná
použity koncentrace zjištěné metodou pasivního vzorkování přítomnost obsluhy a  zdroje elektrické energie), nehlučnost,
ovzduší na čtyřech lokalitách během roku 2006. Ten byl z dů- a malé nároky na instalaci a technickou údržbu. K jejich nevý-
vodu koncepce pasivního vzorkování rozdělen na 13 intervalů hodám patří zejména nemožnost exaktního stanovení objemu
po 28 dnech (viz tab. 3). vzorkovaného vzduchu a  ovlivnění průběhu vzorkování me-
teorologickými podmínkami. Mezi hlavní faktory ovlivňující
POUŽITÁ DATA sorpční kinetiku pasivních vzorkovačů patří teplota a rychlost
větru. Pasivní vzorkovač používaný v  této práci se skládá ze
Realizace rozptylové studie není možná bez použití velkého dvou nerezových nádob miskovitého tvaru umístěných napro-
množství dat různého charakteru. Jedním z klíčových vstupů ti sobě na společné ose, která slouží i k upevnění vzorkovacího
jsou data o  emisích průmyslových zdrojů a  zdrojů vytápění. média (obr. 1). Vnější průměr větší mísy je 30 cm, menší misky
Ta byla stejně jako větrné růžice poskytnuta Českým hydro- 24 cm. Mezi nimi je mezera o  velikosti 3 cm, která umožňuje
meteorologickým ústavem (ČHMÚ). Potřebné informace průchod vzduchu k vzorkovacímu povrchu. Všechny části vzor-
o mobilních zdrojích byly získány za pomoci Centra doprav- kovače jsou vyrobeny z nerezové oceli [8]. Vzorkovací médium
ního výzkumu v.v.i.. Pro simulaci tvarů reliéfu v modelovaném je umístěno uprostřed mezi miskami. Tento design umožňuje
území a tvorbu sítě referenčních bodů byla použita GIS vrstva tlumit vlivy rychlosti větru na  sorpci a  chrání vzorkovací me-
vrstevnic s krokem 50 m, z databáze ArcČR 500 (firma ArcDa- dium proti atmosférickým srážkám, usazování hrubých částic
ta Praha, s. r. o.). Vzorkovací kampaň, součástí jejíchž výstupů a  ultrafialovému záření, které by mohlo rozkládat sledované
byla také srovnávací data, byla měřena Centrem pro výzkum sloučeniny [19]. Pro pasivní vzorkování perzistentních orga-
toxických látek v  prostředí. V  případě této studie se jednalo nických polutantů (POPs) se jako sorpční médium používají
o data ze čtyř lokalit v centru nebo v blízkém okolí Valašského filtry z  bílé, nebarvené polyuretanové pěny (PUF). Polyureta-
Meziříčí (Hvězdárna, Juřinka, Mštěnovice a  Příluky). Právě nová pěna je vzorkovací médium běžně používané v tradičních

– 14 –

vysokoobjemových vzorkovacích zaří- Tab. 1: Kategorie zrojů REZZO

zeních a je velmi dobře popsané. Disky Kategorie REZZO REZZO1 REZZO2 REZZO3 REZZO4
jsou kruhového tvaru, tloušťky 15 mm Typ zdrojů bodové bodové, plošné plošné liniové
a  průměru 150 mm a  před umístěním Výkon > 5 MW 0,2 – 5 MW < 0,2 MW –
do  vzorkovače jsou čištěny Soxhleto- cementárna, kotelna, výtopna, souvislá městská silniční
vou extrakcí 8 hodin v acetonu a 8 ho- spalovna, obalovna menší podnik zástavba doprava
din v dichlormethanu [7].
Tab. 2: Rozptylovým modelem požadované parametry pro jednotlivé druhy
Velkou výhodou použité metody pa- zdrojů znečištění
sivního vzorkování je její integrativní
Parametr Bodový zdroj Plošný zdroj Liniový zdroj
charakter umožňující kontinuální sledo-
Jednotné identifikační číslo ü ü ü
vání situace a  poskytování dlouhodobě
X souřadnice zdroje ü ü ü
reprezentativních dat. Na rozdíl od jed-
Y souřadnice zdroje ü ü ü
norázových krátkodobých měření ak-
Nadmořská výška zdroje ü ü ü
tivními metodami, kdy se dostáváme
Typ zdroje ü ü ü
sice k velmi přesným, ale v podstatě ná-
Indikace shluku ü ü ü
hodným hodnotám o znečištění ovzduší
Indikace skupiny ü ü ü
bez jakékoli informace o  tom, zda jsou
Množství látky odcházející komínem ü ü ü
to hodnoty minimální, maximální nebo
Výška koruny komína nad terénem ü ü
průměrné a  bez vazby na  dlouhodobou
Objem spalin odcházející komínem ü ü
situaci, v  případě pasivních vzorkovačů
Teplota spalin ü ü
s delší periodou měření dostáváme data
Vnitřní průměr komína ü ü
za dané období průměrná. Jejich dosta-
Výstupní rychlost spalin ü ü
tečné časové rozlišení nám přesto umož-
ňuje sledovat sezónní variabilitu dat. Relativní roční využití max. Výkonu ü ü ü
Jak bylo zmíněno výše, pasivní vzor- Počet hodin za den, kdy je zdroj v činnosti ü ü ü
kovače ovzduší jsou primárně určeny X souřadnice počátečního bodu elementu ü
ke  vzorkování plynné frakce, nikoli at- Y souřadnice počátečního bodu elementu ü
mosférických částic. K  přepočtu kon- X souřadnice koncového bodu elementu ü
centrací sledovaných látek v odběrovém Y souřadnice koncového bodu elementu ü
médiu (ng/PUF) na atmosférické kon- Šířka úseku ü
centrace (ng/m ) se v  hrubém přiblí-
3 Výška exhalací ü
žení používá pro dobu expozice 28 dní Vzdálenost zdrojů od sebe ü
koeficient 200 m3 [7]. Tento koeficient
představuje experimentálně stanovenou průměrnou hodnotu Práce s rozptylovým modelem SYMOS'97
objemu, z  něhož pasivní vzorkovač během doby své expozice
(objem je funkcí času) vyextrahoval sledované polutanty. Tento SYMOS'97 je český model gaussovského typu. Stejně jako
koeficient může být pro konkrétní lokality dále zpřesněn korekcí ostatní rozptylové modely také SYMOS'97 vyžaduje pro
na meteorologické podmínky (teplotu a rychlost větru). Pro tuto provedení studie různé druhy dat, která musejí být náležitě
korekci se běžně používá například obohacení vzorkovacího upravena podle specifických požadavků modelu. Vzhledem
média před expozicí izotopicky značenými standardy, přičemž k  velkému množství dat, která bylo třeba různými způsoby
rychlost jejich úniku je úměrná rychlosti záchytu nativních kon- zpracovat, bylo k  tomuto využito funkcí nejen GIS, ale také
taminantů z prostředí. Pokud jde o látky vázané na atmosféric-
ké částice, bylo v předchozích studiích prokázáno, že efektivita Tab. 3: Počet pracovních dní a denostupňů v jednotlivých
modelovaných intervalech, odpovídajících intervalům
jejich záchytu je ve srovnání s plynnými kontaminanty přibližně pasivního vzorkování
desetinová. Pro přibližný výpočet atmosférických koncentrací je
tedy možné použít koeficient 20 m3. Je třeba ovšem vzít v úvahu, Rozsah intervalu Prac. dnů Denostupně
že jednotlivé PAU jsou mezi plynnou a částicovou frakci distri- 1 30. 12. 2005 – 27. 1. 2006 20 657,8
buovány v různém poměru v závislosti na teplotě a jejich fyzikál- 2 27. 1. – 24. 2. 2006 20 614,6
ně-chemických vlastnostech. Je tedy žádoucí vyvinout komplex- 3 24. 2. – 24. 3. 2006 20 606,1
nější model, který pracuje se všemi potřebnými proměnnými. 4 24. 3. – 21. 4. 2006 19 354,4
Na vývoji tohoto modelu se intenzivně pracuje, zatímco pro tuto 5 21. 4. – 19. 5. 2006 18 150,3
práci byl pro všechny sledované PAU aplikován jednotně koefi- 6 19. 5. – 16. 6. 2006 20 83,6
cient 20 m3. Vzhledem k podobnosti vybraných 4 sloučenin ne- 7 16. 6. – 14. 7. 2006 18 0
bude toto zjednodušení zřejmě generovat významné chyby spe- 8 14. 7. – 11. 8. 2006 20 0
cifické pro jednotlivé látky. Dá se nicméně očekávat, že pro letní 9 11. 8. – 8. 9. 2006 20 0
období, kdy je distribuce PAU v ovzduší posunuta více směrem 10 8. 9. – 6. 10. 2006 19 22,9
k plynné fázi, budou odhadnuté vzorkovací objemy podhodno- 11 6. 10. – 3. 11. 2006 20 249,7
cené a atmosférické koncentrace tedy nadhodnocené. V zimním 12 3. 11. – 1. 12. 2006 19 351,1
období může toto zjednodušení naopak způsobovat nadhodno- 13 1. 12. – 29. 12. 2006 18 445,5
cení objemů a podhodnocení koncentrací. suma 251

– 15 –

tabulkových a textových editorů. Tím byl proces přípravy dat Údaje o zdrojích
pro rozptylový model zkrácen na přijatelnou dobu a bylo také
možné se touto cestou vyhnout mnoha nahodilým chybám. Zdroje emisí je nutné zpracovávat zvlášť s  ohledem na  je-
Požadovaná vstupní data lze rozdělit na  (a) výškopisná data jich odlišný charakter. Na zdroje bodové (viz obr. 3), liniové
(b) větrné růžice, (c) údaje o zdrojích a (d) referenční body [2], a plošné bylo proto nutné nahlížet odděleně. Rozptylový mo-
del SYMOS'97, podobně jako většina ostatních modelů, rozli-
Výškopisná data šuje zdroje emisí právě na zmíněné tři kategorie.
Jako hlavní zdroj informací o činnosti zdrojů znečištění byl po-
Tvar reliéfu je jedním z důležitých činitelů, ovlivňujících šíření užit Registr emisí a zdrojů znečišťování ovzduší – REZZO (viz
zplodin od  jejich zdroje. Pomocí meteorologických informací tab. 1) poskytnutý ČHMÚ, jehož Oddělení emisí a zdrojů je
dokáže model předpovědět, zda zplodiny ovlivní např. místo od roku 1993 správcem této databáze.
ležící ve  vyšší nadmořské výšce nebo za  horským hřebenem. Naprostá většina potřebných údajů o bodových zdrojích byla
Pokročilejší modely lagrangeovského a eulerovského typu, ma- získána z databáze REZZO1 a 2. Velké zdroje byly zpracová-
jící zabudovaný preprocesor meteorologických dat, navíc infor- ny odděleně podle původního členění na spalovny, energetiku
mace o tvarech reliéfu využívají k převodu izolovaných měření a  technologie. Bylo nutné identifikovat provozovny, u  kte-
směru a síly větru na plošnou informaci ve formě gridu [6]. rých lze předpokládat činnost pouze v  pracovní dny. U  těch
Do  modelu SYMOS'97 je možné vložit pouze pravidelnou síť pak byla celková suma emisí za  konkrétní 28denní interval
výškopisu. V  případě potřeby simulovat rozptyl látek v  urči- rozdělena pouze mezi pracovní dny (viz tab. 3). Důležitou
té části území ve větším detailu však lze vložit podrobnější síť součástí bylo určení emisních faktorů velkých zdrojů katego-
menšího rozměru, nadřazenou síti primární [3]. Než však data rie REZZO1 závisejících na  výkonu zařízení a  druhu paliva.
dospějí do podoby na obr. 2, musejí projít několika kroky zpra- S pomocí těchto emisních faktorů byl možný rozpočet sumy
cování. Původním zdrojem dat byla v případě zde prezentované 4 PAUna jednotlivé látky. To již nebylo nutné v případě zdrojů
studie GIS vrstva obsahující vrstevnice s krokem 50 m pokrý- kategorie REZZO2, pro které byly emisní toky dodány odděle-
vající zájmové území. Z té byl vytvořen rastrový digitální model ně pro jednotlivé látky.
terénu s velikostí hrany pixelu 100 m (požadovaná vzdálenost Hlavním zdrojem dat pro liniové zdroje emisí (silniční doprava)
bodů výškopisu). Jednotlivé pixely pak byly převedeny na body byly informace ze sčítání dopravy, provedeného Ředitelstvím
a těmto byly přiřazeny souřadnice v souřadném systému S-JT- silnic a  dálnic v  roce 2005 [13], doplněné o  expertní odhad
SK. Pro úpravu dat do formátu textového souboru, který lze vlo- konzultovaný se zaměstnanci CDV, v.v.i.. Informace o  složení
žit do modelu, bylo použito prostředí tabulkového editoru MS dynamického vozového parku v ČR byly zjištěny ze studie Píši
Excel. Finální podobu získala tato data exportem do textového et al. [12]. S přispěním informací o intenzitě dopravy pak byly
formátu a následnými drobnými úpravami. vypočteny hodnoty emisí vztažené k délce úseku komunikace.
K výpočtu bylo použito emisních faktorů z příručky k programu
Větrné růžice COPERT [11]. (software k  výpočtu emisí z  dopravy) (http:// Kombinací dat z  výše zmíněných
Příprava a  vložení větrných růžic do  modelu SYMOS'97 byla zdrojů bylo při výpočtu emisí z  dopravy zajištěno zohlednění
poměrně jednoduchou záležitostí. Větrné růžice představují parametrů, jako jsou složení a stáří vozového parku, podíl vo-
především oproti zdrojům emisí nesrovnatelně menší objem zidel spalujících olovnatý a bezolovnatý benzin nebo naftu nebo
dat, proto bylo využito poměrně příjemného uživatelského roz- jejich výskyt na různých typech komunikací.
hraní SYMOSu’97 a data o větrných růžicích byla do modelu Vzhledem k tomu, že rozptylový model SYMOS'97 neumožňu-
vložena manuální cestou. Zároveň jsou větrné růžice jediným je vložení liniových zdrojů v podobě linií, bylo nutné tyto linie
vstupem do modelu, který neobsahuje informaci o poloze, neby- nejprve převést na skupiny bodů v pravidelné vzdálenosti (v pří-
lo tedy potřeba jejich předzpracování pomocí GIS. Nutností je padě této studie 50 m) zastupující určitý úsek komunikace.
však rozdělení větrných růžic na pět tříd stability ovzduší podle K těmto bodům je následně nutné přiřadit hodnotu emisí, vy-
klasifikace Bubníka a Koldovského pro definování zastoupení počtených pro příslušný úsek liniového zdroje [2]. K provedení
výskytu různých podmínek pro rozptyl polutantů v atmosféře. výše popsaných kroků bylo ve značné míře využito funkcí GIS.
Zároveň je třeba větrné růžice rozdělit do  tří kategorií podle Informace o  plošných zdrojích (zdrojích lokálního vytápění)
rychlosti větrů v  rámci každé třídy stability [2]. Nejběžnějším byla stejně jako v  případě bodových zdrojů získána z  databá-
formátem pro SYMOS'97 je větrná růžice rozdělená do 8 směrů ze REZZO. Tento typ emisí byl dodán ve formě sum jednotli-
(po 45°), avšak je možné vložit i větrnou růžici s počtem směrů vých druhů paliv spotřebovaných za  dobu kalendářního roku
v rozmezí 4 (po 90°) až 36 směrů (po 10°). v  jednotlivých obcích. Takto rozdělená data však bylo třeba
Pro tuto studii byly větrné růžice dodány Českým hydrometeo- rozpočítat s ohledem na provoz vytápění. K tomu bylo využito
rologickým ústavem. K jejich tvorbě bylo použito softwaru spe- informací o délce topného období [18], které je závislé na prů-
ciálně zkonstruovaného pro tento účel. Mezi hlavní výhody to- měrných denních teplotách, a počtu denostupňů [16] (viz tab.
hoto softwaru patří schopnost vygenerovat větrnou růžici pro 3) vypočítaných pro každý 28denní interval. Součástí databáze
jakékoli místo a jakékoli časové rozmezí, čehož zde bylo využito. byly v případě zdrojů lokálního vytápění i emisní faktory, před-
Proto mohlo být v práci použito 13 větrných růžic pro 28den- stavující poměr hmotnosti do ovzduší přecházející znečišťující
ní období totožná s  intervaly pasivního vzorkování ve  čtyřech látky ke hmotnosti nebo objemu paliva [17]. Pomocí nich pak
sledovaných lokalitách. Použitím tohoto přístupu je tato studie byly vypočteny celkové emise vztažené k obcím. Podobně jako
do jisté míry ojedinělá, neboť většina rozptylových studií je pro- liniové zdroje, také zdroje plošného charakteru je nutné pro im-
váděna pro kratší (denní) nebo delší (roční) časové intervaly. port do  modelu SYMOS'97 transformovat na  body [2]. Toho

– 16 –

bylo dosaženo opět pomocí GIS. Zastavěné plochy obcí byly po- Obr. 1: Princip fungování pasivního vzorkovače. Schéma
kryty pravidelnou sítí bodů a celkové emise za každou obec byly naznačuje vertikální průřez zařízením, PUF disk je uprostřed.
Šipky naznačují proudění vzduchu vzorkovačem. (Upraveno
pravidelně rozděleny bodům tuto obec pokrývajícím. podle [7])
Referenční body
Referenční body (receptory) jsou body, do kterých jsou ulože-
ny výsledky výpočtů modelu. Z důvodu následného zpracová-
ní v  GIS pomocí prostorových interpolací je vhodné vytvořit
pravidelnou síť referenčních bodů. Na rozdíl od výškopisných
dat však lze vytvořit a  vložit také nepravidelnou síť, čehož
bylo využito pro zahuštění sítě referenčních bodů v oblastech,
kde je při vizualizaci výsledků požadována větší prostorová
přesnost. Takovými oblastmi jsou např. blízké okolí linio-
vých zdrojů znečištění, které působí těsně nad povrchem. Pro
tvorbu této skupiny referenčních bodů byl v GIS vytvořen spe-
ciální algoritmus, který vhodně kombinuje jednoduché funkce
GIS, jako např. vytvoření bufferu, Thiessenových polygonů,
odečítání vrstev nebo převedení linie na bod. Pouze v případě
velmi husté sítě komunikací algoritmus není schopen zajistit Obr. 2: Ukázka výškopisných dat
vzájemnou protilehlost bodů po  obou stranách komunika-
ce. Při správném použití naopak eliminuje nežádoucí efekt
doprovázející generování referenčních bodů pouze z  buf-
ferů. Tímto efektem je nahodilé rozmístění referenčních bodů
podél komunikace, a tedy jejich různá vzdálenost od bodů, re-
prezentujících liniový zdroj, která může mít za následek mo-
delování nepravých maximálních koncentrací v referenčních
bodech blíže k bodu liniového zdroje a nehomogenitu koncen-
trací, modelovaných podél komunikace.
Možnost vložení nepravidelné sítě byla využita také pro výpo-
čet koncentrací sledovaných škodlivin přesně v bodech pasiv-
ního vzorkování, což umožňuje lepší možnost porovnání vý-
sledků bez nutnosti spoléhání na výsledky interpolace.

Vizualizace výsledků
Výstupem rozptylového modelu SYMOS'97 je soubor uži-
vatelem předem definovaných referenčních bodů obsahující
predikované koncentrace. Aby měly výsledky srozumitelnou
a dobře čitelnou formu, je třeba referenční body dále zpraco-
vat, nejlépe pomocí GIS. Vhodným nástrojem k získání spo-
jitého pole koncentrací z  diskrétních bodů jsou prostorové
interpolace, kterých je však několik druhů. Obecně lze říci,
že čím hustší je síť interpolovaných bodů, tím méně rozdílné
výsledky jednotlivé metody podávají. V této práci byla použita
interpolační metoda Ordinary Kriging.

Koncentrace sledovaných látek predikované pro lokality pa-
Pro všechny látky byly popsaným postupem vytvořeny mapy sivního vzorkování modelem SYMOS'97 se oproti tomu nej-
koncentrací predikovaných rozptylovým modelem a  grafy častěji pohybují okolo 0,2 ng/m-3, tedy na  hladinách přibliž-
srovnávající časový průběh predikovaných a  pasivními vzor- ně 5× nižších. Pouze v případě benzo[b]fluorantenu dosáhla
kovači měřených koncentrací na jednotlivých lokalitách. Zde predikovaná zimní maxima až 0,7 ng/m-3. V letních měsících
uvádíme pouze výstupy pro benzo[a]pyren (obr. 4 – 8), jakož- se predikované koncentrace sledovaných PAU na všech sledo-
to nejtoxičtější ze čtyř PAU sledovaných v této studii, Koncen- vaných lokalitách blíží nule.
trace ostatních PAU s koncentracemi benzo[a]pyrenu korelují
a výstupy jsou analogické. Nejvyšší koncentrace (kolem 2 ng/ DISKUZE
m-3) byly pasivním vzorkováním zjištěny na  všech lokalitách
pro benzo[b]fluoranten, extrémní hodnota 7 ng/m-3 byla na- Atmosférické koncentrace sledovaných látek měřené pasivními
měřena pouze na lokalitě Mštěnovice v předposledním vzor- vzorkovači vykazovaly na všech vzorkovacích lokalitách sezónní
kovacím období. Koncentrace ostatních látek se pohybovaly variabilitu s nejvyššími hladinami v zimním období. Měsíční va-
na přibližně polovičních hodnotách, do 1 ng/m-3. riabilita koncentrací na lokalitě Juřinka byla přitom výrazně vyšší

– 17 –

Obr. 3: Lokalizace zdrojů REZZO1 a 2 v okolí Obr. 4: Koncentrace benzo[a]pyrenu zjištěné na sledovaných
Valašského Meziříčí lokalitách metodou pasivního vzorkování (ng.m-3) v průběhu
jednoho roku

devším na lokalitách Juřinka a Příluky. Mez tolerance koncentra-

cí však v roce 2006 byla 4 ng/m-3, přičemž do začátku roku 2010
postupně klesala na 0 % povolené koncentrace [9]. Nejnižší kon-
centrace byly pasivním vzorkováním zjištěny v městské lokalitě
Hvězdárna, která je pravděpodobně méně ovlivněna náhodnými
zdroji emisí, které nejsou obsaženy v použité emisní inventuře.
Proto i srovnání výsledků modelování a vzorkování vychází nej-
lépe pro tuto lokalitu. V časových řadách pasivního vzorkování
pro ostatní lokality lze pozorovat zvýšené koncentrace především
v  podzimním období, kdy lze ve  venkovských sídlech očekávat
činnosti jako pálení biomasy na  zahradách, které by tyto jevy
než na ostatních lokalitách. V chování čtyř sledovaných látek ne- do značné míry vysvětlovalo.
byly pozorovány významné rozdíly. Je třeba si uvědomit, že pro Predikované časové řady se vyznačují výraznější sezonalitou s té-
výpočet atmosférických koncentrací bylo v  tomto případě pou- měř nulovými koncentracemi v  letních vzorkovacích obdobích
žito zjednodušeného modelu, kdy se pro celý rok používá stejná (obr. 7). Ty jsou způsobeny absencí emisí ze zdrojů lokálního vy-
hodnota teoretického vzorkovacího objemu. Ve skutečnosti může tápění ve výpočtech modelu pro letní období a podstatně lepšími
být ale rozdíl ve vzorkovaném objemu mezi těmito obdobími až rozptylovými podmínkami [5]. Nejvyšší modelované koncentra-
řádový. Skutečné letní hladiny by pak byly až několikrát nižší, než ce benzo[a]pyrenu dosahují přibližně poloviny uvedeného cílové-
vyplývá z této práce, zatímco zimní hladiny naopak vyšší. ho limitu.
V mnoha případech jsou naměřené hodnoty vyšší, než je průměr- Zjištěné rozdíly ve výsledcích pasivního vzorkování ovzduší a mo-
ná roční zákonem povolená koncentrace 1 ng/m-3 [10], a to pře- delovaných koncentrací pro benzo[a]pyren (obr. 5) lze vysvětlovat
Obr. 5: Predikované a měřené koncentrace benzo[a]pyrenu na lokalitách Hvězdárna (a), Juřinka (b), Mštěnovice (c) a Příluky
(d). Levá osa y se vztahuje k výsledkům modelování, pravá k výsledkům pasivního vzorkování

– 18 –

několika způsoby. Ze strany rozptylového Obr. 6: Srovnání průměrných koncentrací benzo[a]pyrenu ve Valašském Meziříčí
modelu mohlo mít vliv na  výsledky mo- v prvním (27. 12. 2005 – 24. 1. 2006) vzorkovacím období (vlevo) a sedmém
(13. 6. – 11. 7. 2006) vzorkovacím období (vpravo) vypočtených rozptylovým
delování jak několik zobecnění vyplý- modelem SYMOS'97
vajících z  podstaty modelu, tak některé
generalizace provedené při práci s  mo-
delem. Rozptylový model SYMOS'97
především není určen pro modelování
emisí v městské zástavbě a uličních kaňo-
nech [2]. V této studii může toto omezení
ovlivňovat především městskou lokalitu
Hvězdárna. V metodice je také uvedeno,
že model nelze použít pro modelování
rozptylu pod inverzní vrstvou a za bezvět-
ří. Ve větrných růžicích speciálně vygene-
rovaných pro použití v této studii je však
bezvětří zastoupeno nezanedbatelným
podílem. Stejně tak výskyt inverzí je bě-
hem celého roku pravděpodobný. Menší
vliv může mít na  výsledky modelování
zobecnění tvaru liniových zdrojů, kdy byl
segment komunikace v modelu nahrazen přímou spojnicí počát- ho pracovat s těmito typy látek (představujícími potenciální riziko
ku a konce segmentu. Tato délka je brána jako délka komunikace, zdravotních efektů). K tomu je ovšem třeba zlepšit úroveň zna-
a  proto došlo ke  zkrácení některých klikatějších segmentů ko- losti o vlastnostech sledovaných látek (reakční konstanty) a jejich
munikace. V neposlední řadě bylo po odborné osobní konzultaci chování v různých environmentálních matricích [4].
zanedbáno pravidlo stanovující maximální délku elementu linio- Správnou cestou by tak v  budoucnu mohlo být zavádění
vého zdroje a maximální délku strany elementu plošného zdroje lagrangeovských a eulerovských modelů, které dokáží věrněji
ve vztahu ke vzájemné vzdálenosti nejbližších referenčních bodů. vystihnout rozptyl látek v atmosféře a poskytují často nástroje,
Pro dodržení tohoto pravidla by bylo třeba vytvořit síť referenčních které umožňují zohlednit specifické vlastnosti různých látek
bodů s přibližně pětkrát větší vzdáleností sousedních bodů, nebo a procesy, kterým tyto látky v ovzduší podléhají. Zde je třeba
naopak výrazně zmenšit délky elementů liniových zdrojů a stran dodat, že tyto modely jsou podstatně náročnější na data, pře-
elementů plošných zdrojů. Oba tyto postupy by znamenaly kom- devším data popisující meteorologii.
plikace v podobě ztráty prostorového rozlišení výsledku nebo neú-
měrného prodloužení výpočtu. ZÁVĚR
Významné zkreslení výsledků může být způsobeno také neú-
plností emisních dat či jejich nepřesnostmi. Jak již bylo uve- Popsaná studie demonstruje užitečnost propojení rozptylo-
deno výše, použité emisní inventury nezahrnovaly náhodné vého modelu SYMOS'97 s Geografickým informačním systé-
zdroje emisí. mem. Toto propojení podstatně urychlilo a  zautomatizovalo
Další nejistoty generuje technika pasivního vzorkování ovzduší. přípravu dat pro vstup do modelu a vyloučilo náhodné chyby
V této studii nebylo využito obohacení odběrového média izoto- při jejich zpracování. Funkcí GIS bylo následně využito také
picky značenými standardy a teoretické vzorkovací objemy byly pro přehlednou vizualizaci výsledků modelování.
odvozené z databáze dlouhodobého paralelního měření aktivní Dalším přínosem projektu je ověření metodicky nové mož-
a pasivní technikou na stanici ČHMÚ v Košeticích. Tato expe- nosti použít pasivní vzorkovač ovzduší k ověření atmosféric-
rimentální data naznačují, že dlouhodobá mediánová hodnota kých koncentrací sledovaných látek predikovaných modelem
vzorkovacího objemu se pro čtyři sledované PAU pohybuje při- SYMOS'97. Metoda pasivního vzorkování má pro verifikaci
bližně na 10 % vzorkovacích objemů atmosférických polutantů rozptylových modelů velký potenciál především díky své ceně,
v plynné fázi, tedy kolem 0,4 – 0,7 m3 za den (12 – 20 m3 za jed- jednoduché logistice a nízkonákladovému provozu. Umožňují
no vzorkovací období). Při tomto zjednodušení se ovšem nezo- tak paralelní vzorkování v husté síti lokalit nejen v krátkodo-
hledňuje vliv sezónních meteorologických podmínek. S rostou- bém, ale i  dlouhodobém horizontu. Právě schopnost postih-
cí teplotou se distribuce vysokomolekulárních PAU posunuje nout i sezónní variabilitu koncentrací je pro srovnávání mode-
od atmosférických částic k plynné fázi a s tím roste i vzorkovací lových výstupů s reálně naměřenými hodnotami klíčová.
rychlost (teoretický vzorkovací objem), v některých případech Ačkoli srovnání měřených a  modelovaných koncentrací vyka-
až řádově. Je proto nezbytné v dalších studiích použít zpřesněný zuje rozdíly různé míry závažnosti, studie ověřila, že kombinace
multiparametrický model zahrnující i meteorologické vlivy. rozptylového modelu s  geografickým informačním systémem
Největší slabinou rozptylového modelu SYMOS'97 je ovšem zřej- a  reprezentativními daty z  terénních měření je do  budoucna
mě to, že neumožňuje modelování látek vyskytujících se v obou správnou cestu. Dalším krokem by mělo být vytvoření multipa-
fázích. PAU byly proto v této studii modelovány pouze v plynné rametrického modelu pro interpretaci výsledků pasivního vzor-
fázi, což zcela neodpovídá realitě. Zejména v zimním období bude kování ovzduší v závislosti na meteorologických parametrech.
podstatná část vybraných PAU vázaná na atmosférické částice, Toto zpřesnění koncentračních dat s vysokým prostorovým i ča-
což ovlivní jejich chování i  perzistenci v  atmosféře. Logickým sovým rozlišením ukáže jasněji skutečné nedostatky rozptylo-
krokem by proto měl být vývoj rozptylového modelu umožňující- vých modelů a umožní jejich další cílený vývoj.

– 19 –

Obr. 7: Srovnání koncentrací benzo[a]pyrenu ve Valašském Obr. 8: Srovnání příspěvků jednotlivých kategorií REZZO
Meziříčí v jednotlivých vzorkovaných intervalech, k celkovému znečištění ve Valašském Meziříčí v prvním
vypočtených rozptylovým modelem SYMOS'97 vzorkovacím období (27. 12. 2005 – 24. 1. 2006),
vypočtených rozptylovým modelem SYMOS'97

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Ilona Dvořáková
Český hydrometeorologický ústav Praha, oddělení emisí a zdrojů,


Článek je zaměřen na problematiku zařízení pro tepelné zpracování od-
padu v ČR. Evidence těchto zařízení je vedena od roku 2002 na základě The article is focused on the issue of installations for thermal treatment
legislativních povinností. Od této doby jsou na stránkách ČHMÚ zveřej- of waste in CR. Evidence of these installations is led since 2002 according
ňovány údaje z registru spaloven a zařízení ke spoluspalování odpadu, to requirements of legislation. Information from register of waste incin-
provádí se rovněž reporting k implementaci směrnice o spalování od- erators and co-incinerators are made available to the public on website
padu. Důraz je kladen na inventarizaci emisí, ze které vyplývá, že podíl of Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. The article is mainly focused on
emisí všech znečišťujících látek na  celkovém množství je velmi nízký. emission inventory, which shows that the share of emissions of all pol-
Tepelné zpracování odpadu má proto velkou perspektivu z hlediska eko- lutants in the total number is very low. Therefore, thermal treatment of
nomického i ekologického. waste has great potential both economically and environmentally.
Klíčová slova: tepelné zpracování odpadu, evidence, legislativa, zne- Key words: thermal treatment of waste, evidence, legislation, pollutants
čišťující látky

SOUVISEJÍCÍ LEGISLATIVA odpadů. V případě zařízení pro tepelné zpracování odpadu však
došlo pouze k  nepatrným změnám oproti původní legislativě
Evidence zařízení tepelně zpracovávajících odpad v  ČR je vede- včetně zachování emisních limitů.
na od  roku 2002, kdy vstoupil v  platnost zákon č. 86/2002 Sb.,
o  ochraně ovzduší a  o  změně některých dalších zákonů (zákon POSKYTOVÁNÍ INFORMACÍ VEŘEJNOSTI
o ochraně ovzduší) a jeho prováděcí předpisy. Jedním z nich bylo
nařízení vlády č. 354/2002 Sb., kterým se stanovily emisní limity Český hydrometeorologický ústav zpracovává a  průběžně
a další podmínky pro spalování odpadu, které byly v souladu s ev- aktualizuje databázi zařízení pro tepelné zpracování odpadu.
ropskou legislativou (směrnice 2000/76/EC, o spalování odpadu). Na  webových stránkách ČHMÚ zpřístupňujeme tyto úda-
Podle § 13 zákona vznikla povinnost vést registr emisí a zdrojů je z  registru spaloven komunálních a  nebezpečných odpadů
znečišťování ovzduší (REZZO), jehož součástí je i evidence spalo- a zdrojů znečištění ovzduší spoluspalujících odpad:
ven odpadu; nařízení vlády č. 354/2002 Sb. dále uzákonilo povin- – Měsíčně aktualizovaný přehled spaloven a zařízení spoluspa-
nost vést evidenci povolení včetně závazných podmínek provozu. lujících odpad (
Výše uvedené předpisy byly zrušeny v  roce 2012, kdy nabyl oez/emise/spalovny/index.html)
účinnost nový zákon o  ochraně ovzduší (zákon č. 201/2012
Sb.) a vyhláška č. 415/2012 Sb., o přípustné úrovni znečišťo- Potřebné údaje jsou získávány z pravidelných měsíčních hlá-
vání a jejím zjišťování a o provedení některých dalších ustano- šení ČIŽP na základě informací oblastních inspektorátů, které
vení zákona o ochraně ovzduší (tzv. emisní vyhláška). oznamují aktuální změny v provozu zařízení − změny názvu
Ke změně došlo na základě implementace směrnice č. 2010/75/ nebo provozovatele, změny technologií, stavební úpravy, změ-
EU, o  průmyslových emisích (integrované prevenci a  omezo- ny složení spalovaného odpadu, odstavení zdroje z  provozu
vání znečištění), která nahrazuje několik doposud platných nebo uvedení do provozu, poskytují informace o provedených
právních předpisů včetně směrnice 2000/76/EC, o  spalování měřeních a plnění emisních limitů.

– 21 –

Manuscript of Sáňka, O., Melymuk, L., Čupr, P., Dvorská, A. & Klánová, J.
Dispersion modeling of selected PAHs in urban air: A new approach
combining dispersion model with GIS and passive air sampling. Atmos.
Environ. 96, 88–95 (2014).
Atmospheric Environment 96 (2014) 88e95

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Atmospheric Environment
journal homepage:

Dispersion modeling of selected PAHs in urban air: A new approach

combining dispersion model with GIS and passive air sampling
Ondrej Sa
 ka, Lisa Melymuk, Pavel Cupr *  1, Jana Kla
, Alice Dvorska nova

RECETOX e Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5/753, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Passive air sampling data and

dispersion modeling gives insight
into PAH sources.
 The study identified probable pres-
ence of unquantified sources of PAHs.
 Combined GIS and dispersion
modeling is promising for future air
quality assessment.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study introduces a new combined air concentration measurement and modeling approach that we
Received 14 April 2014 propose can be useful in medium and long term air quality assessment. A dispersion study was carried
Received in revised form out for four high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an urban area with in-
30 June 2014
dustrial, traffic and domestic heating sources. A geographic information system (GIS) was used both for
Accepted 2 July 2014
Available online 11 July 2014
processing of input data as well as visualization of the modeling results. The outcomes of the dispersion
model were compared to the results of passive air sampling (PAS). Despite discrepancies between
measured and modeled concentrations, an approach combining the two techniques is promising for
Passive air sampling
future air quality assessment. Differences between measured and modeled concentrations, in particular
Air dispersion modeling when measured values exceed the modeled concentrations, are indicative of undocumented, sporadic
GIS pollutant sources. Thus, these differences can also be useful for assessing and refining emission
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inventories.
Emission inventories © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction techniques, and have specific advantages and disadvantages

depending on sources, compounds and study application.
Methods for obtaining spatially-distributed air concentration Various passive air sampling (PAS) devices have been intro-
information for persistent organic pollutants (POPs)/semi-volatile duced and applied since late 1990s (Choi et al., 2007; Klanova et al.,
organic compounds (SVOCs) remain a key challenge within the 2006; Santiago and Cayetano, 2007) as they are capable of sampling
field of environmental science, despite their ongoing development. various SVOCs in a cost-effective and logistically easy manner
However, knowledge of air concentrations of these compounds is allowing for a dense spatial sampling coverage. Interpretation of
important both for regulatory treaties and human health risk PAS results continuous to be, however, a major challenge. Theo-
assessment. Both measurement and modeling are commonly used retical sampling volumes enabling derivation of atmospheric con-
centrations of selected chemicals from their mass in PAS are usually
based on the field intercalibration of active and passive air sampling
devices (Harner et al., 2013; Hazrati and Harrad, 2007; Chaemfa
* Corresponding author.
 et al., 2008; Melymuk et al., 2011). For the gas phase-associated
E-mail address: (P. Cupr).
Current address: Global Change Research Centre AS CR, v.v.i., Belidla 4a, 603 00 chemicals, they can be further refined using depuration com-
Brno, Czech Republic. pounds (Persoon and Hornbuckle, 2009), which also account for
1352-2310/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Sa  ka et al. / Atmospheric Environment 96 (2014) 88e95 89

Fig. 1. Location of the PAS sites and major industrial sources in the study area.

the effects of meteorological conditions. However, results for two types of software. However, use of GIS functions is becoming
chemical compounds associated with atmospheric particles are more common in the last decade, as popular dispersion models
more difficult to interpret. Their gas-particle partitioning is a incorporate GIS extensions to ease both data input and results
temperature-dependent process affecting their distribution among visualization, or offer additional software tools enabling users to
the atmospheric phases and thus, also the efficiency of their sam- take advantage of GIS functions.
pling (Klanova et al., 2008). Sampling of particulate matter cannot This paper reports on a novel application of a dispersion model
be described easily nor quantified by depuration compounds, and supported by GIS analysis to atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydro-
thus we rely on experimental data to estimate the efficiency of carbons (PAHs). Four PAHs, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene,
particle sampling. benzo(k)fluoranthene and indeno(123cd)pyrene (BAP, BBF, BKF and
Modeling tools are also frequently used in characterizing con- IPY, respectively) were selected as the compounds of interest as they
centrations of SVOCs, particularly fugacity-based multimedia are associated with significant negative health effects, particularly
models (Csiszar et al., 2013; Mackay, 2001) and atmospheric carcinogenicity; BAP is identified as a known carcinogen, while BBF,
dispersion models (Hsu et al., 2003; Morselli et al., 2012; Tao et al., BKF, and IPY are classified as possible carcinogens (IARC, 2013), and all
2006). A recent development is the use of PAS data in the evalua- are largely particle-bound at ambient temperatures, which can lead to
tion of modeling results (Csiszar et al., 2014, 2013; Estellano et al., more complex environmental behavior. Additionally, these four
2014; Halse et al., 2011), as in this study. However, the majority of compounds had both measured concentrations and emission in-
current models do not include a spatial analysis component or ventories available, allowing for comparison of model results with
ability for adequate visualization and spatial interpretation of re- measured data. The dispersion model was used to predict the atmo-
sults. Employing spatial tools can improve confidence and clarity of spheric concentrations of these PAHs, and GIS were used to process
modeling results. This can be either in the form of built-in spatial source and elevation input data, create a receptor grid, and carto-
functions or through incorporation with geographic information graphically visualize model results. These results were then verified
systems (GIS). using data from a passive air sampling network (Dusek et al., 2010).
The use of GIS in air pollution modeling and assessment has
seen significant growth in last decade. GIS alone can be useful in air 2. Methods
quality assessment as studies by e.g. (Guo et al., 2007; Shad et al.,
2009) show. It has also been used to make dispersion modeling 2.1. Study area
easier and more precise (Briggs et al., 2010; Gulliver and Briggs,
2011). Nevertheless, despite its utility, its application is still This case study was carried out in the area of Liberec (in
seeing limited use because of lack of compatibility between these northern Czech Republic, close to the German and Polish borders)
90 n
O. Sa  ka et al. / Atmospheric Environment 96 (2014) 88e95

(Fig. 1). The city of approximately 100,000 inhabitants is situated in The annual fuel use totals were then apportioned to individual time
a basin elevated between 330 and 500 m ASL, protected by two periods based on the daily mean air temperatures (using temper-
mountain ranges reaching 1000 m from southwest and northeast. ature records obtained from the CHMI) thus accounting for the
Lower natural barriers enclose the city from southeast and north- heating season. The Corine Land cover database (European
west. These orographic conditions suggest that local pollution Environmental Agency, 2010) was used to map urban areas, and
sources (including a waste incineration plant) are expected to have small villages were added by manual vectorization. As the model
a significant impact in this area. requires data on non-point sources, such as settlement areas, in the
form of a grid, all polygons were converted to grids with a resolu-
2.2. Dispersion model tion of 250 m (Fig. S2). The total emissions for each settlement were
divided by the number of corresponding grid cells in order to
The applied SYMOS0 97 (Stationary Sources Modeling System) spread the emissions evenly over the entire area of each city/
model is a regional Gaussian dispersion model predicting atmo- village.
spheric concentrations of pollutants to a distance of up to 100 km As the emission data for mobile (linear) sources from the Czech
from sources (Bubnik et al., 1998). As Czech law requires the use of Registry of Emissions and Air Pollution Sources are not of sufficient
this model for air quality assessment, it is used by state institutions, resolution, an alternative approach was developed using various
environmental agencies, and private companies. However, the other data sources. As a first step, all roads were vectorized using the
model has some drawbacks, such as an inability to predict disper- GIS (Fig. S3). Traffic volumes were obtained from the 2005 major
sion under inversions and calm wind conditions, and poor incor- road traffic census of the Road and Motorway Directorate of the
poration of the physicochemical properties of modeled substances. Czech Republic (RSD, 2006). Using these figures, fuel consumption
On the other hand, the model does not limit the number of input was calculated for each type of road and vehicle (Pisa et al., 2001).
emission sources or receptors. Four types of input data are needed Fuel-specific emission factors (Ntziachristos and Samaras, 2000)
in order to perform a model run: (a) terrain elevation, (b) meteo- were used to convert the amounts of fuel consumed to emissions
rological data, (c) emission data, and (d) receptors; all are discussed per length of each road. Similar to the non-point pollution sources,
further below. the linear/mobile sources were input into the model in the form of
points placed in a line (Fig. S4). The distance between two adjacent
2.2.1. Terrain elevation data points was set to 100 m, where each point represented a specific
Terrain elevation data are important for modeling the influence emission flux equivalent to the amount of fuel burned on that road
of natural topography and modifying the emission dispersion segment. Use of GIS was crucial for all these steps.
The SYMOS0 97 dispersion model only allows for insertion of a 2.2.4. Receptors
regular rectangular grid of terrain elevation data. In this study the The last crucial input for the SYMOS0 97 dispersion model was a
spatial resolution of the terrain elevation grid was 150 m, which receptor point grid. These points did not affect the results of
was sufficient to prevent smoothing of the terrain; a denser grid calculation, but rather served to store the results. Sufficient density
would have negatively affected the computation duration. of the grid and appropriate point placement was essential for
proper visualization of the model results. Unlike the terrain
2.2.2. Meteorological data elevation grid, receptor points can also be embedded into the
The only meteorological data required for SYMOS0 97 are wind model as an irregular grid. This option was used in cases where
speed and direction. These have to be entered in a specific form, higher spatial resolution was required, such as in heavily populated
classified according to five stability classes according to the classi- areas, near major PAH sources, or in zones parallel to roads (Fig. S5).
fication of Bubnik and Koldovsky (1974). Each stability class is Also, to avoid relying on spatial interpolation when model results
divided into three wind speed classes with average wind speeds of were compared to field monitoring data, receptors were also placed
1.7, 5.0 and 11 m s1. For this study, meteorological data were directly on the seven passive air sampling sites located in the study
provided by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) in a area (Fig. 1).
form of 13 wind roses for an elevation of 10 m above ground and As traffic emissions are released close to ground level, reduced
covering the sampling periods of the passive air samplers dispersion conditions and greater harmful effects are to be ex-
(Table S1). pected (Tomlin et al., 2009). Thus, a simple model enabling gen-
eration of receptor points along roads and at a constant distance
2.2.3. Emission data from roads was created using the ArcGIS Model builder. This is in
Emission data (year 2006) for industrial and local heating contrast to simply generating the receptor points by converting the
sources were provided by CHMI, Department of Air Quality Pro- boundaries of buffers created along linear features into points. This
tection. Their Registry of Emissions and Air Pollution Sources (CHMI, approach eliminates variations in distances between receptors and
1996) provides emission data of selected pollutants for the linear sources. A similar approach to modeling atmospheric con-
following air pollution source categories in the Czech Republic: centrations along linear sources has been incorporated in some
small, medium and large stationary sources and mobile sources. For other models (Banerjee et al., 2011; Ganguly et al., 2008). A model
medium (e.g. small enterprises) and large (industry) sources, schematic is shown in Fig. S6 and examples of both approaches are
additional parameters such as smokestack height, diameter and given in Fig. S7.
emission speed are included. All pollution sources were localized
using geographic coordinates (Fig. S1). Emission data were further 2.3. Modeled data visualization
processed to obtain emission totals coinciding with the PAS sam-
pling intervals (Table S1). Emission data from sources outside of the The output of each dispersion model run was an MS Excel file
Czech Republic were not available. containing almost 12,000 receptors, which were then processed
Emissions from domestic heating sources (i.e. small sources in using ArcGIS software. Ordinary kriging (Krige, 1951) spatial
the Registry) were provided in the form of individual fuel type use interpolation was used to map modeled values, using different
per village/city per year. Emission factors (CHMI, 1996) were then color shades to represent predicted pollutant concentrations
used to convert the amounts of fuel to emitted pollutant quantities. (Fig. 3).
O. Sa  ka et al. / Atmospheric Environment 96 (2014) 88e95 91

2.4. Passive air sampling data values during summer (Fig. 2, Figs. S8 and S9) caused by the
absence of domestic heating sources in summer and better condi-
Passive air samplers were deployed for 13 consecutive 28-day tions for pollutant dispersion (Vecchi et al., 2004). The highest
periods at seven sampling sites in the centre and vicinity of Lib- concentrations of all PAHs were predicted at the urban sites near
erec, Czech Republic. Samplers were deployed from December 2005 the Liberec city centre (U1, U2, U3), likely as a result of higher
to December 2006. Three of them were situated in the inner city (1U, density of local heating as well as traffic sources. High concentra-
2U, 3U), two in rural areas (4R, 5R), and two in the neighboring tions of BAP, BBF and BKF were also predicted at the 5R sampling
mountains (6M, 7M) (Fig. 1 and Fig. S1). All sampling sites belong to site, near the largest regional industrial source of PAHs (a bitumen
the RECETOX long-term MONET air quality monitoring network mixing plant near Liberec, at 1850 m from the 5R site, Fig. S10). IPY
(Dusek et al., 2010). The atmospheric concentrations of the selected did not have elevated concentrations at 5R because the plant is not
PAHs (BAP, BBF, BKF and IPY) were calculated by adapting the a significant source of this compound.
experimental values of the sampling rates of gas-phase compounds. For BAP, the only PAH addressed in air quality regulations, the
For this type of PAS, the gas-phase sampling rate is 7 m3/day over a modeled concentrations were always less than 0.25 ng m3, and
28 day sampling periods, and the sampling efficiency of particle- well below the Czech and European regulatory limit of 1 ng m3
associated chemicals is estimated to be an order of magnitude (European Union, 2014; Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of
lower (Klanova et al., 2008). Thus, assuming that the selected high- The Czech Republic (2012)) at all sampling sites and over the
molecular weight PAHs were mostly sorbed to particles during the whole study duration.
whole experimental period, we used a PAS sampling rate of 0.7 m3/ The modeled concentrations had a strong negative relationship
day to estimate their atmospheric concentrations. However, it with both elevation and settlement size, as can be observed at the
should be noted that gas-particle partitioning is strongly tempera- rural (4R) and mountain (6M and 7M) sampling sites (7M is at the
ture dependent, and the possible implications on results of the study peak of Jested Mountain, 1000 m ASL). The lowest elevation site
are further discussed in section 3.2. (4R) is at 520 m ASL and is situated in a large village, 6M is at 740 m
ASL and in a small village, and there is almost no settlement on the
3. Results and discussion peak (7M). All three sites have almost the same distance to the
Liberec city centre (6 km) and a similar share of the winds blowing
3.1. Modeled concentrations from the city centre (5e7%) during the winter season. However,
concentrations of BAP at 7M are on average 1.67 times lower than at
The results generated by the SYMOS0 97 dispersion model show 6M and 2.32 times lower than at 4R, and distributions are similar
smooth seasonal trends, with higher values during winter and low for the other three PAHs. As there are no industrial sources that

Fig. 2. Measured, smoothed measured (smoothed by weighted moving means of medians of adjacent values) and modeled concentrations of selected PAHs at one urban sampling
site (1U).
92 n
O. Sa  ka et al. / Atmospheric Environment 96 (2014) 88e95

Fig. 3. Spatial distribution development of BAP concentrations during 1st (winter) and 7th (summer) sampling period, obtained by air dispersion modeling. Note the emissions
from the bitumen mixing plant in northwest corner of the study area.

could be responsible for such differences in concentrations, it 2.8% in winter season and 4.0e84% in summer season due to
suggests that the differences are attributed to the combined effects absence of local heating sources. Very low summer BAP levels were
of population density and elevation. Higher population density in predicted at the urban sites where traffic was the only summer
an area is associated with increased local emissions (Hafner et al., source (Figs. S11, S13).
2005), and higher elevation is associated with lower concentra-
tions of atmospheric particulates and higher dispersion 3.2. Measured data
(Whiteman, 2000), and thus, by extension, lower concentrations of
particulate-bound PAHs. However, due to the correlation of set- Measured PAHs air concentrations showed expected seasonal
tlement size and elevation we are not able to identify the relative trends; winter concentrations were highest, while summer con-
significance of each contribution. centrations were often below detection limits (Fig. 2 and S9, S14).
Based on the model results, more than 95% of the winter BAP However, overlying the general seasonal trend, there was also
emissions at all sampling sites except 5R originated from domestic significant variability between sequential samples. For example, in
heating. The remainder was from traffic and industrial emissions. the eighth sampling interval (July 14eAugust 11) at the 4R site
However, at the site closest to the bitumen mixing plant (site 5R), concentrations of all studied pollutants were 18 times higher than
25% of winter emissions are attributed to the bitumen plant in seventh and ninth sampling periods, while in the eleventh
(Fig. S11), and an even higher fraction of the summer emissions. sampling interval (October 6eNovember 3) at the 2U site concen-
This is supported by the fact that at the 5R site almost 30% of winds trations were three times higher than in tenth and twelfth sam-
are blowing from the direction of the plant both in winter and pling periods.
summer. The causes of the elevated concentrations in individual months
Modeled concentrations of BAP were very low during summer are uncertain. Concentrations in the eighth sampling period were
due to the lack of domestic heating sources. The highest summer elevated at all sites, but the highest levels were measured at the
levels were predicted at the 5R site due to the presence of the rural site (4R), situated in the southeastern part of the region. The
bitumen mixing plant. A stronger contribution of traffic emissions wind conditions at this site and in this sampling period were
was predicted at the urban sites (1U, 2U and 3U). At the rural (4R) similar to other sampling periods, and thus do not provide an
and the mountain sites (6M and 7M), predicted BAP levels were adequate explanation for the elevated concentrations; therefore
close to zero. This also confirms the hypothesis that local heating the most probable causes are incidental sources of pollution (e.g.
sources are the major factor controlling the atmospheric levels of biomass burning, barbecuing, forest fires) (Lemieux et al., 2004)
BAP. which are not included in the emission inventory. In cases such as
While none of the individual sampling sites had modeled con- the eighth sampling period, when elevated concentrations were
centrations exceeding 1 ng m3, the model did predict a concen- observed across the whole study region (Fig. S14), this is suggestive
tration hot spot at the bitumen mixing plant where BAP levels of a larger regional unquantified source, such as forest fire; in fact,
exceeded the Czech regulatory air quality limit. The dispersion Liberec and surrounding regions of Czech Republic, Poland and
model predicted BAP concentrations exceeding this regulatory limit Germany had 440 ha burned by forest fire in 2006 (JRC, 2012).
at this site in all time periods, with an annual average of Furthermore, in Czech Republic, Poland and Germany, the peak of
1.38 ng m3 and a maximum predicted concentration of the 2006 fire season was in July (JRC-IES, 2008, 2007). Elevated
2.05 ng m3. As demonstrated in Fig. 3 and S12, the impact of the levels of PAHs in individual months could also be related to tem-
bitumen mixing plant was constant throughout the year while local perature and precipitation conditions. The elevated PAH concen-
heating sources only contributed in winter. The estimated contri- trations measured during the eighth sampling period coincided
bution of traffic sources was surprisingly small, between 0.6 and with very hot and dry weather compared to the long-term summer
O. Sa  ka et al. / Atmospheric Environment 96 (2014) 88e95 93

average, increasing volatilization and limiting wash-out/rain-out, SYMOS0 97, as a simple Gaussian model, cannot reflect the
while the following sampling period was relatively cold and very impact of complex meteorological conditions that affect the
rainy. Additionally, the PAS themselves can be biased by meteoro- dispersion of pollutants. In addition, it is not very sensitive to the
logical conditions: PAHs shift towards the gas phase at higher various physicochemical properties of chemical compounds. This
temperatures, and thereby experience higher PAS sampling rates model is also not recommended for modeling concentrations in
during the hot seasons (Klanova et al., 2008). Therefore, derivation street canyons and in complex terrain during inversions and calm
of PAS air concentrations from a simple flat rate model could result periods (Bubnik et al., 1998). More advanced Gaussian models have
in overestimation of the atmospheric concentrations of these been improved with tools enabling prediction of chemical trans-
compounds in warm periods. The likely explanation for the formations of pollutants and their atmospheric scavenging, as well
anomalous high concentrations in the eighth sampling period is a as modeling the air flow over complex terrains. Nevertheless, the
combination of sampling artifacts, meteorology and unquantified use of Lagrangian and Eulerian models appears to be better. These
regional sources. models often enable modeling of multiple substances with
The autumn extreme was most significant at the Liberec city different physicochemical properties and perform more success-
centre site (2U), close to the waste incineration plant (Fig. S14). fully with respect to simulation of atmospheric conditions and air
Interestingly, elevated PAH concentrations were not observed at flow affecting pollutant dispersion. On the other hand, the use of
the other two urban sites (1U and 3U), despite these sites being in more complex models usually requires higher computing capacity
close proximity (940 m north and 590 m south of 2U, respectively), as well as detailed meteorological data, which is not always avail-
suggesting a relatively localized source. Although a change in pre- able. Thus, appropriate choice of a model requires consideration of
vailing wind direction observed during this sampling interval (34% available data, properties of the compounds to be modeled, and the
coming from south and only 6% coming from northwest) can requirements of the intended output in terms of temporal and
partially explain some of the concentration variability, it cannot spatial resolution. In this study, the large discrepancy between the
explain very different levels measured at sites in close proximity. measured and modeled data suggests SYMOS0 97 may not be
The spatial variability is most likely the result of unregistered local appropriate to model particle-bound PAHs. While SYMOS0 97 has
sources of PAHs, such as domestic biomass burning. been shown to effectively model contaminant plumes and volatile
air contaminants on small scales (Keder, 2008; Keder et al., 2005),
3.3. Comparison between modeled and measured data the discrepancies observed here suggest that more information is
needed to determine to model contaminants with multiple diffuse
Measured PAH concentrations were generally higher and more non-point sources and complex partitioning behavior.
variable than those predicted by dispersion model (Fig. 2 and S9). Therefore further research is recommended to apply more so-
Correlations between measured and modeled data (Table 1) phisticated air quality models on this type of data.
demonstrated that for the full yearly data, the relationships were The second potential source of discrepancies between modeled
weak, with a maximum of R ¼ 0.326 (p ¼ 0.278). This is attributed and measured values is the estimation of air concentrations using
to presence of too many values below the detection limit during passive air samplers, as described in Section 3.2. In recent years,
winter and spring. To exclude this influence, we examined the several methodologies for estimation of the sampling rates have
correlation for only summer and autumn. This gave much higher been used, and work on improving the characterization of PUF-PAS
values, up to R ¼ 0.980 at maximum. However, the lowest corre- (especially for particle-bound compounds) is continuing. Incorpo-
lations were for sites 2U and mainly 4R, due to occurrence of ration of the influence of meteorological parameters (temperature
elevated concentrations in individual months (as discussed in and wind speed) is crucial when developing such models as gas-
Section 3.2). If excluding these two sites, the mean correlation co- particle partitioning is the most important process driving the
efficient between measured and modeled data for all studied sub- sampling efficiency: for example, BAP is entirely particle bound
stances in summer and autumn season is 0.772, p value is 0.104. at 6  C but shifts to 10e20% gas phase at 22  C, leading to higher
Discrepancies between measured and modeled data are attrib- PAS sampling rates (Klanova et al., 2008).
uted to (1) weaknesses in the dispersion model, (2) uncertainties in When interpreted with care, passive air sampling data can be
quantification of the air concentrations, and (3) the impact of local extremely valuable in identifying sources not included in emission
sources not included in the emission inventory. inventories (biomass burning, open-fire cooking), and assessing

Table 1
Correlation coefficients and p-values for comparison of measured and modeled data for whole year and summer þ autumn (S þ A) only for each site. Correlations that are
statistically significant (p < 0.05) are in bold italics.


R p R p R p R p

1U Whole year 0.276 0.361 0.026 0.932 0.247 0.415 0.230 0.450
SþA 0.889 0.018 0.670 0.146 0.665 0.150 0.769 0.074
2U Whole year 0.026 0.933 0.065 0.833 0.125 0.685 0.013 0.965
SþA 0.357 0.487 0.368 0.473 0.356 0.488 0.403 0.428
3U Whole year 0.111 0.718 0.018 0.953 0.236 0.438 0.236 0.437
SþA 0.582 0.226 0.400 0.432 0.398 0.434 0.604 0.204
4R Whole year 0.322 0.283 0.288 0.340 0.329 0.272 0.331 0.269
SþA 0.220 0.675 0.156 0.768 0.260 0.619 0.155 0.769
5R Whole year 0.021 0.946 0.007 0.981 0.082 0.789 0.247 0.415
SþA 0.836 0.038 0.898 0.015 0.931 0.007 0.661 0.153
6M Whole year 0.161 0.599 0.284 0.347 0.326 0.278 0.111 0.717
SþA 0.970 0.001 0.938 0.006 0.910 0.012 0.908 0.012
7M Whole year 0.075 0.807 0.110 0.720 0.062 0.842 0.014 0.964
SþA 0.769 0.074 0.913 0.011 0.944 0.005 0.785 0.065
94 n
O. Sa  ka et al. / Atmospheric Environment 96 (2014) 88e95

their impact on local and regional air quality. These sources include attributed to undocumented sources and model limitations. This,
not only incidental combustion sources (other than domestic however, requires further investigation in follow-up studies
heating sources) but also various secondary pollution sources, focused on reduction of both measurement and modeling un-
including releases from historically contaminated areas. It is, certainties. However, overall the results suggest that the combi-
however, very important to select an appropriate time resolution of nation of air dispersion modeling, GIS and passive air sampling has
passive sampling for the specific source types. Passive air sampling a great potential in the future of air pollution modeling and
periods vary between sampling networks. XAD samplers have a monitoring, and further, can be useful in human risk assessment.
high capacity and can be deployed over a period of one year
(Barthel et al., 2012; Hayward et al., 2010), providing annually- Acknowledgments
averaged data which are useful for assessment of long-term time
trends. Conversely, PUF-based PAS are typically deployed in 3- This research was supported by the Ministry of Education of the
month intervals, which can provide information on the season- Czech Republic (LM2011028 and LO1214), by the Technology
ality of data, and winter and summer extremes (Gouin et al., 2005; Agency of the Czech Republic (TB010MZP057) and the project
Melymuk et al., 2012; Motelay-Massei et al., 2005) It is still rather “Employment of Best Young Scientists for International Coopera-
difficult to interpret seasonally-resolved data as a function of tion Empowerment” (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0037) co-financed from
meteorological parameters. Monthly deployment is an option European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic.
when assessing chemical compounds with variable but sufficiently We thank the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute for providing
high levels in the atmosphere. Additionally, combinations of pas- meteorological and emission inventory data.
sive sampling devices can be used for short-term surveys. Passive
samplers provide a strong advantage in areas with high spatial Appendix A. Supplementary data
heterogeneity in air concentrations, e.g., urban and industrial areas,
because they allow dense spatial coverage which can strengthen Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
the application of air quality models in such challenging locations.
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Modeling hydrological and biogeochemical controls of the dissipation
of p,p’-DDT in soil
Ondej Sanka†, Jiri Kalina†, Yan Lin§, Jan Deutscher ¶, Martyn Futter‡, Dan Butterfield⊥, Karel
Brabec†, and Luca Nizzetto*†§

† Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX), Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice
5/753, Pavilion A29, Brno 62500, Czech Republic
§ Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo NO-0349, Norway
¶ Department of Landscape Management, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno,
Zemědělská 3, Brno 61300, Czech Republic
‡ Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
⊥ Enmosys, Glen Ellyn, IL 60138, USA

Despite not being used for decades in most countries, DDT is still one of the most abundant
pollutants in the environment, mostly present in soils. This study assesses p,p’-DDT dissipation in a
large Central European river catchment, comparing dissipation rates acquired by statistical analysis of
a large dataset of soil concentration measurements and mechanistic modelling. INCA-Contaminants,
a recently developed multi-compartment model was calibrated against hydrological records, organic
carbon, sediment and water concentration data, covering the period of 2006-2008. The INCA-
Contaminants model results were in agreement with the statistical model, suggesting p,p’-DDT half-
life in soil of 3000 < τ < 3800 days. Degradation appeared to be the main driver of dissipation, almost
an order of magnitude higher than the sum of runoff, river discharge, and erosion. In this study an
integrative model framework linking hydrological, biogeochemical and physical processes with a very
high level of detail in parameterization was used for the first time, delivering results with a high level
of detail and reliability, giving deeper insight in the fate of p,p’-DDT.

1. Introduction
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites are arguably among the most
environmentally-relevant endocrine disruptors ever studied.1 DDT was mainly used as pesticide for
crop protection and after international bans on its application; current use is essentially limited to
malaria disease vector control in several tropical countries. In Europe, DDT was the most used
pesticide until the late 1970s (27,000 T y-1). Since then its use in Europe dropped to about 300 T y-1 in
the early 1990s, following evidence of bioaccumulation. After 1995 no legal use is thought to have
occurred in European countries.2

p,p’-DDT and its homologues are highly hydrophobic, semivolatile3 and environmentally persistent4
compounds. The combination of these properties explains DDT’s ubiquitous occurrence in the
environment and its effective storage in soils and sediments, both in areas where the substance was
used and in background areas receiving DDT loads from atmospheric deposition.5 The largest
environmental pool of DDT is stored in global soils. This is estimated to represent 95% of the total
environmental burden.6 Changing environmental conditions or different types of disturbances can
enhance remobilization from soils to the atmosphere or to the aquatic ecosystem.7 In countries that
have completely banned DDT, re-volatilization from contaminated agricultural soils represents the
principal atmospheric source. Monitoring data from these areas generally display a steady decline of
DDT in both biota and abiotic compartments.6,8–11 It is important to track such a decline and address
the mechanisms of the underlying processes to enable meaningful prediction of the future
environmental and human exposure to this harmful substance.

Large scale multimedia fate models have been successfully used to reproduce the long term trend of
DDT environmental contamination.6 Nevertheless these approaches miss the level of detail necessary
to mechanistically assess hydrological and biogeochemical controls on its dissipation.

We focused on investigating the processes controlling the long-term trends of the pool of p,p’-DDT in
soil in a region representative of a temperate environment (i.e. a large Central European river
catchment) where DDT use was banned several decades ago. The study area (the Morava River
catchment in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria) was selected based on the availability of a
unique dataset encompassing several hundred historical records of air, soil, river water, and river
sediment concentration data spanning over one decade.

The analysis followed three steps: i) analysis of long-term p,p’-DDT concentration trends in central
European soils using stochastic models; ii) set-up and calibration of a state-of-the-art integrated
hydrobiogeochemical/contaminant fate model (INCA-Contaminants) to mechanistically simulate the
observed p,p’-DDT trends in soil, water and sediment of the catchment; and iii) analysis of p,p’-DDT
fluxes modeled through the mechanistic framework to assess the relevance of different hydrological
and biogeochemical controls influencing p,p’-DDT dissipation from soils.

Figure 1: Morava River catchment land use, sampling sites and river and subcatchment structure
used for INCA-Contaminants parametrization.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Case study and contamination datasets
The area selected for this study is the Morava River catchment. The Morava is a left tributary of the
Danube River with a confluence located at the border between Austria and Slovakia, draining an area
of 26658 km2, mainly in the eastern part of the Czech Republic. The river is 354 km long, originating
in northeast of Czech Republic at an elevation of 1371 m. The average discharge is 120 m3/s. Land
use types include croplands (58.7 %), forests (39.4 %), grasslands (1.4 %) and urban (0.5 %) (Table
S2).The landscape is typical of central Europe. DDT usage peaked in Czechoslovakia during the early
1970s, and was banned in 1974.12

A large dataset of DDT soil concentration is available for the Morava catchment, spanning 2 decades
(1995-2015). Data are categorized by soil type (e.g. agricultural, forested, industrial, urban, etc.), soil
horizon, level of impact (i.e. impacted or not directly impacted). The time series of atmospheric
concentrations for DDT are also available for this region from the Košetice monitoring station in
central Czech Republic. Air measurements for DDT started in 1996 and are currently on-going with a
weekly resolution. Similarly, DDT concentration data in river water and sediments are available from
a case study conducted in 2007 and 2008 in two central reaches of the Morava, covering a full year of
continuous monitoring.13,14 All the DDT data used in this study were generated over the years by the
Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX) and the Central Institute for
Supervising and Testing in Agriculture (ÚKZÚZ) laboratories using consistent methods and quality
assurance/control standards. The entire dataset is included in the RECETOX GENASIS database, an
open-access information system reporting geo-time referenced contamination data.15

In summary, this study incorporated a total of 1269 records of soil concentrations from 221 different
sites across Czech Republic,15 15 records of river water concentrations (truly dissolved phase)
collected using passive samplers, 29 records of river bed sediment concentration, 60 records of liquid
phase and particulate phase concentrations13,14 and 884 records of air concentrations.15

2.2. Statistical analysis of p,p’-DDT time trend in soils

Statistical regression analysis was conducted to resolve the temporal trends of p,p’-DDT in soil. Of
the 1269 available records, about 10% were below limits of detection or limits of quantification.
During the statistical analysis, these values were replaced by half of these limits in order to
semiquantitatively preserve information on low concentrations. Only records from areas labeled in
the GENASIS dataset as “non-impacted” were considered (in total 816 records). Five apparent outlier
values were also removed (threshold for exclusion was set at >100 ng g-1). The final dataset
encompassed 811 soil concentration records from 137 sites, including locations with detailed
information on four soil horizons (thus, 182 individual combinations of sites and soil horizons).

The stochastic analysis of DDT temporal trends in soils was conducted using two approaches: a
“naïve” approach (ignoring labels of location and horizon), and ii) an “informed” approach
(computing a globally-averaged trend from reiterated trend analyses of individual combinations of
locations and soil horizons). For the “informed” approach all combinations of site and soil horizon,
having less than three records were excluded. In total, 69 site-horizon combinations of 664 records
were considered.
An exponential model was chosen to regress soil concentration data over time in both the naïve and
informed approaches. This model was assumed to be a good descriptor of the decline of an
environmental pollutant with no current use. This is consistent with the general assumptions of first-
order kinetics controlling multicompartment exchange and degradation of contaminants in the
environment (e.g. MacLeod et al.16 and Wania et al.17). Trend analysis was therefore conducted after
linearization through the logarithm function. The non-parametric Theil-Sen estimator was chosen to
estimate the trends.18,19 In addition, the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test was run to calculate p-
value of the trend and tau statistics. Resulting trends from the two different approaches were
compared to assess the robustness of the analysis.

2.3. Mechanistic analysis of p.p’DDT time trend in soil

To quantitatively infer the processes controlling the long-term fate of p,p’-DDT in soil, a state-of-the-
art high-resolution integrated hydrobiogeochemical-multimedia fate model – INCA-Contaminants –
was employed. INCA (Integrated Catchment) models are a family of complex, one-dimensional
dynamic flow catchment models.20,21 INCA-Contaminants22 was recently developed by integrating a
multimedia contaminant fate model, a hydrological model, a biogeochemical model detailing organic
carbon budget in soil and river water (INCA-C23 simulating organic matter mass balance in multi-
branched, multi-land use catchments), and a sediment dynamics model (INCA-Sed24 simulating soil
erosion and in-stream transport, deposition and entrainment of sediments). Briefly, the
discretization of catchment and river structure is provided by detailing the order of streams, their
length and width between reach points, and by compiling dimension and characteristics of individual
subcatchments (including soil properties and land use information).20 An underlining rainfall-runoff
model (PERSiST)25 computes hydrologically-effective rainfall and soil moisture deficit time series that
are used by INCA models to generate daily run-off and river flow predictions. PERSiST outputs are
calibrated using catchment-specific observations of river flow. INCA-C computes carbon (C) budgets
in soil, sediment and stream water by linking different pools (solid organic C (SOC), dissolved organic
C (DOC) and inorganic C) using calibrated first-order transformation kinetics in individual
compartments. Exchange of C across the different pools, surface and diffuse run-off from soil,
vertical water advection and riverine transport of mineral and organic C are computed as function of
hydrology and temperature. The same representation of terrestrial soil structure used by INCA-C is
employed in INCA-Contaminants

Within INCA-Contaminant all submodules are automatically coupled. For example SOC fluxes from
land phase run-off are distributed across different sediment size classes. This was done to facilitate
particle-size dependent contaminant partitioning and in-stream sediment transport. The
contaminant fate module is effectively a multimedia box model overlying the INCA-C/INCA-Sed
coupled structure. It computes mass budgets of organic contaminants as a function of compound-
specific, user-definable physical-chemical properties. Once informed with atmospheric contaminant
concentration data, atmospheric deposition data and meteorological data (i.e. information on
hydrologically-effective precipitation and air temperature) INCA-Contaminants tracks, on a daily
basis, the mass budget of water, C, sediments and contaminants as a function of land use, soil
properties, river network structure, river bed morphology and contaminant-specific physical-
chemical properties, in soils and in selected locations of the river network.
2.3.1. Morava catchment representation in INCA-Contaminants
The watershed was divided into 16 sub-catchments (Fig. 1) based on a geographic information
system (GIS) layer with information of streams and relative sub-catchment boundaries.26 For each
sub-catchment and reach, parameters such as area, reach length, width and slope were extracted
(see table S3). Detailed information on daily discharge data were available for 10 sites in the
catchment from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), as well as average daily air
temperature and daily precipitation records for nine stations across the watershed (Fig. 1).
Temperature and precipitation data were extrapolated from the available measuring stations to
cover the whole watershed. The values for each sub-catchment were calculated as a function of
proximity to nearest measuring stations using an ArcGIS function creating Thiessen polygons. Daily
meteorological and hydrological data covered a three-year period (2006 – 2008). This time frame
coincided with the availability of data of river water and sediment concentrations.

In INCA models, each sub-catchment is divided in land use units. Land use data were obtained from
International Steering Committee for Global Mapping webpage.27 An initial 16 classes were clustered
into six major classes encompassing broadleaf forest, needle leaf forest, mixed forest, arable land,
grassland and urban (Fig. 1, S1 and table S2). Daily data of hydrologically-effective rainfall and soil
moisture deficit for each land use type and sub-catchment were calculated starting from measured
precipitation and river discharge data using the rainfall-run-off model (PERSiST).25 The initial range-
finding of PERSiST parameters was performed manually, and final optimization was performed using
Monte Carlo analysis.

2.3.2 Organic carbon and suspended sediment: data structure and model calibration
To provide a realistic simulation of organic C fluxes and suspended sediment dynamics the model
was calibrated against data collected in different sections of the Morava and its tributaries.28 The
carbon cycle, as described in INCA-Contaminants include inputs to soils from litterfall and/or
amendments (for agricultural soils). From these inputs OC is distributed by first-order functions
across the different pools, including degradation to DOC and full mineralization. C can reach the
stream in different forms by superficial or diffuse run-off. In the stream OC transformation can also
occur, following dynamics that are independent from those of the land phase. OC can also be
incorporated to the sediment bed through deposition of suspended sediment (for SOC) or by
diffusion for DOC. Sediments classified by size and density are delivered to the stream by erosion
from soil or entrainment from the sediment bed. Both these functions are regulated by climate
through soil hydrology and stream conditions. Calibration of the C and sediment modules consisted
of manually setting data on litterfall inputs for individual land use classes, tuning first-order rate
constants for the transformation of C among different forms, tuning the parameters defining the
physical characteristics of the sediment classes and the thresholds for their dynamic entrainment
from soils and sediment bed, as described elsewhere.23,24 To initialize the model, simulation was set
to start six years before the periods of calibration data availability.

2.3.3. Inputs and parameterization of p,p’-DDT in INCA-Contaminants

The initial set of p,p’-DDT properties (including KOW, Henry’s law constant, the enthalpies of phase
transfer between octanol and water and air and water, molecular weight and volume, and
degradation rates in soil and sediments were taken from the literature.3,4

The initial soil concentrations were set according to the historical time series of p,p’-DDT in soils from
the GENASIS database.15 Data were clustered as averaged concentrations for individual land use
classes using a regression-tree based approach, as described elsewhere.29 Finally, using the time-
regression models (described in Section 3.1), data were scaled according to their expected values on
1 January 2000 (initial date of simulations).

Air concentration and atmospheric deposition data were used as inputs assuming that feedbacks
from volatilization from soil and water do not significantly affect atmospheric loadings. This approach
is appropriate for models that describe the sub-regional scale in which the average residence time of
air is of the order of few hours (as for the Morava catchment). Daily atmospheric concentrations of
p,p’-DDT were estimated by regressing measured concentrations from Košetice monitoring station
against time. After screening for different types of decay models, satisfactory results were obtained
simply using an exponential decay curve. This model was previously assumed to describe declining
atmospheric concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (e.g. Gioia et al.30).

Other inputs of DDT to the soil and water include atmospheric wet and dry deposition and litterfall-
associated deposition. Litterfall-associated deposition was estimated by considering yearly averaged
deposition velocities from Horstmann and McLachlan31 combined with the modeled air
concentrations. Daily wet deposition inputs were generated by assuming equilibrium between air
and raindrops/snow combined with rainfall and snowfall measurements (and their extrapolation
through the sub-catchments). Particle-bound deposition was calculated starting from particle-bound
concentrations estimated using a KOA-based model,32 assuming a molecular weight of aerosol organic
matter of 500 g·mol-1 as recommended by Götz et al.33 Historical records of background atmospheric
particulate organic carbon for this region were taken from the Košetice monitoring station (data for
PM10 generated through low-flow air sampler) and available from the EBAS database
( The average value of 5 ± 3 μg m3 was assumed throughout the period of the
simulations. The gas-particle partitioning model yielded a particle-bound fraction of p,p’-DDT in the
range of 10%-20%. A generic dry particle deposition velocity of 1 cm·s-1 was assumed which is in the
range of data measured in other locations in the world.34–38 This deposition velocity and the modeled
daily p,p’-DDT gaseous concentrations were used to calculate daily dry deposition data as an input
for INCA-Contaminants.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Long term trends of DDT in soils
The concentration of p,p’-DDT in background soils of Czech Republic displayed a highly significant
(p<0.001) decline. Similar result was achieved both through the naïve and informed statistical models
(Table 1). Results of the trend analysis for individual locations and soil horizons used to calculate
overall trends in the informed method are reported in Table S1.

Table 1. Statistical model of p,p’-DDT trends.

Model method a b Half-life (y)
yearly decline
Naïve 56.3 -0.0904 8.64 7.69
𝐶𝐷𝐷𝐷 = 𝑎 ∙ 𝑒 𝑏(𝑦𝑦𝑦𝑦−1970)
Informed 19.89 -0.0490 4.78 14.146
Figure 2: Estimate of p,p’-DDT soil concentrations in Morava watershed ( INCA-Contaminants,
“informed” approach, naïve approach, ◦ p,p’-DDT soil concentration measurement)

The two methods delivered slightly different trends with a slower (factor of 2) decline resulting from
the informed method. These rates are consistent with previous observations from other regions of
Europe. Schuster et al.39 observed a decline in organic matter normalized soil concentrations of p,p’-
DDT along a UK-Norwegian transect with an average half-life of 10 years. DDT dissipation in
European soils described by Schenker et al.6 is consistent with half-lives in the range of 15 years.
Finally, Meijer et al.40, by analyzing archived agricultural soil samples collected between 1968 and
1990 reported dissipation half-lives of 10.5-11.8 y.

The decline obtained in the present study are in agreement with decline of p,p’-DDT observed in air
samples from at the Košetice monitoring station (percentage yearly decline: 7.48, half-life: 9.26 y)
suggesting that the decline of atmospheric inputs may represent the limiting factor controlling p,p’-
DDT clearance from soil.

3.2. Simulation results

The simulated daily runoff of the river was successfully calibrated against measured river discharges
(Figure 3a and 3b). The Nash-Sutcliffe (N-S) coefficient reached 0.667.41 Due to an insufficient
number of observations and low variability of measured data of dissolved OC and suspended
sediments, a N-S evaluation of the calibration process is not useful, however the model captured
with an acceptable level of accuracy both trends and levels of DOC and suspended sediment
simultaneously measured in different reaches of the river (Fig. 3c-3f). Mean percentage error
between modeled and observed data was 20% and -14% for DOC and suspended sediment
concentrations, respectively (Fig. 3), demonstrating that INCA-Contaminants can typically predict
these parameters with an error of less than a factor of 1.2. The values of the parameters controlling C
mass budgets obtained from the calibration exercise were in the range of those obtained from a
previous application of INCA-C in which the model was thoroughly calibrated against a detailed
dataset of observed DOC concentration in rivers of boreal catchments.42

Concentrations of p,p’-DDT in water and sediments were simulated with an acceptable level of
accuracy (Figure 4). Considering the uncertainty of passive sampler-derived water concentrations,
conservatively assumed to range 2x above and below the measured value, there was no significant
difference between mean dissolved phase concentrations predicted by the model and those
measured continuously over two years in two central reaches of the Morava. Assumptions about the
accuracy of passive sampler performance were defined by conservatively considering the errors in
silicon rubber/water equilibrium partitioning, its temperature dependence, and performance
reference compound release rate.43 The 50th and 75th percentiles of the ratio between predicted and
observed values were 0.7 and 1.1, respectively. Predicted dissolved concentrations were significantly
higher than those measured through the passive samplers in only three cases in Reach 345 and one
case in Reach 350. These experimental data points were outliers displaying levels of p,p’-DDT at least
one order of magnitude lower than the mean of other samples at the same sites.

The magnitude of bed sediment concentrations was also successfully simulated in the same two sub-
catchments. The 50th and 75th percentiles of the ratio between predicted and observed values were
3.8 and 11.6 showing that the model typically successfully captured the order of magnitude of
sediment concentrations. For bed sediment, the model failed in predicting three experimental

The bulk of DDT (over 90%) in the water column was predicted to be associated to suspended
particles and DOC. This was confirmed by experimental data from grab sampling and sediments traps
sampling performed simultaneously with the passive sampling campaign (Fig. 4).13,14 The simulations
revealed highly dynamic trends in water. Temporal variations of water concentrations had both short
term variation (with typical periods of 4-15 days), determined by fluctuations in river hydrology and
temperature, and seasonal fluctuation, with summer bulk water concentration higher than winter.

The model simulated the effect of an extreme flood event during 2-3 weeks in 2006, in which river
discharge was over one order of magnitude higher than its yearly average (Fig. 3). As a result p,p’-
DDT discharge was also higher during this high flow event, however bulk water concentration
displayed minima in this period (Fig S3) suggesting dilution had a pivotal role in controlling
concentration in the suspended and DOC-bound phases.

700 a Reach 345 - Zlin district

Flow measured
m 3/s





2006 2007 2008


Reach 350 - Uherske Hradiste district
Flow measured
m 3/s





2006 2007 2008

c Reach 345 - Zlin district
Open Water DOC INCA

7 Open Water DOC measured

m g/L

2006 2007 2008

9 Reach 350 - Uherske Hradiste district
Open Water DOC INCA
7 Open Water DOC measured

m g/L

2006 2007 2008

e Reach 339 - Olomouc district
Open Water DOC INCA

7 Open Water DOC measured

m g/L

2006 2007 2008

900 Reach 350 - Uherske Hradiste district Suspended Sediment INCA
Suspended Sediment measured

2006 2007 2008

Figure 3: Hydrobiogeochemistry calibration results of INCA-Contaminants for selected sub-

catchments: a) Morava discharge in Zlin district, b) Morava discharge in Uherske Hradiste district, c)
open water DOC in Zlin district, d) open water DOC in Uherske Hradiste district, e) open water DOC in
Olomouc district, f) suspended sediments in Uherske Hradiste district.
Figure 4: p,p’-DDT concentration calibration results of INCA-Contaminants for selected sub-
catchments: a) truly dissolved concentrations in Zlin district, b) truly dissolved concentrations in
Uherske Hradiste district, c) upper sediment bulk concentrations in Zlin district, d) upper sediment
bulk concentrations in Uherske Hradiste district.

3.3. Simulated long term trends of p,p’-DDT in soil and analysis of dissipation fluxes
The calibrated model predicted a similar long-term temporal trend of p,p’-DDT in soil to what was
observed from experimental data (Fig. 2). The dissipation trend was primarily sensitive to
degradation half-life in soil, suggesting degradation as the controlling process. The best agreement
between predicted and observed dissipation trends was obtained by using a degradation half-life in
soil (τ) in the range 3000 < τ < 3800 days. There is a large uncertainty in DDT degradation half-life in
soil. The τ obtained from INCA-Contaminant calibration was 3x longer than the upper τ range
reported by Mackay et al.4 but within the range of 187 to 4331 days reported by Hornsby et al.44
Recent observations identified a τ for p,p’-DDT >7000 days in Canadian soils.45 To our knowledge this
is the first landscape-based assessment of p,p’-DDT half-life that considered a large set of soil
concentration data repeatedly measured over one decade.
That degradation of p,p’-DDT is the controlling process for the dissipation in soil is confirmed by the
flux analysis (Figure 5). When INCA-Contaminants used the optimal set of parameters, degradation
represented 88% of the total p,p’-DDT loss (on a yearly base) from the soil, while the remaining loss
was due to diffuse and superficial run-off (Figures 5a and 5d). Previous applications of INCA-
Contaminants investigated the sensitivity of model output to individual parameters.20,21,23,42 The most
influential parameters for water and sediment concentrations outputs were organic KOW, τ and the
SOC mineralization rate. To acknowledge the uncertainty around these sensitive parameters, flux
analysis was conducted considering combinations of these parameters values ranging one order of
magnitude around their “optimal” value (Table S7). When this uncertainty is considered, the
influence of diffuse run-off on p,p’-DDT dissipation increased to 40 %. During periods of high
precipitation and high discharge the run-off flux can temporarily exceed total degradation in soil
(Figure 5a), demonstrating that hydrologically- and biogeochemically-driven remobilization from soil
to the water is non-negligible when assessing the fate of p,p’-DDT, even over long temporal scales
and large spatial scales.

Figure 5: p,p’-DDT fate and processes in the Morava watershed, calculated by INCA-Contaminants:
a) two main p,p’-DDT removal processes from soil – run-off and degradation, b) comparison of air-
water and air-soil exchange rates, c) rate of total atmospheric input to soil and total losses form soil,
d) all processes contribution to p,p’-DDT removal from soil.
Total atmospheric inputs had a very small influence on the overall budget of p,p’-DDT in the
landscape. The sum of wet and dry deposition, forest litter-associated deposition, and net dry
gaseous exchange was over one order of magnitude lower than the total p,p’-DDT losses from the
catchment (i.e. sum of degradation, run-off, erosion and volatilization) (Fig. 5c). Total atmospheric
input was also lower than the remobilization (i.e. sum of run-off and erosion) by about one order of
magnitude. Similarly, the dry gaseous exchange between soil surface and the atmosphere is strongly
oriented toward volatilization throughout the catchment. The volatilization flux was however a
negligible loss process for the overall budget of DDT in soil if compared to the sum of degradation
and run-off (i.e. more than one order of magnitude smaller) (Figures 5b and 5d). The catchment is
predicted therefore to behave as a strong net secondary source of p,p’-DDT to the water and air, the
bulk source being the historical burden accumulated in soils during past decades.

Interestingly, contrary to what predicted on land, the dry gaseous exchange over the river surface
was oriented toward deposition (Figure 5b), suggesting that the biogeochemical processing within
the water column and sediment bed act in maintaining low fugacity in the truly dissolved phase. The
sorption on DOC and suspended particles in water and burial of contaminated sediments in river
depositional areas likely represent the major drivers behind this behavior. Net deposition over the
water was however one to two orders of magnitude smaller compared to the total net volatilization
from the land when these fluxes are spatially integrated over the landscape (Figures 5b and 5d).

The processes controlling the long term dissipation of p,p’-DDT from soils were elucidated in a
catchment representative of central European conditions. For the first time this assessment was
obtained from an integrative model frame linking hydrological, biogeochemical and physical
processes with a very high level of detail in scenario description. The model was also constrained to
simultaneously reproduce a large number of historical time series of experimental observations. In
agreement with previous model assessment, degradation was the main dissipation driver; however
the hydrological- and biogeochemical-driven remobilization (i.e. the sum of run-off and erosion) is
not negligible. This process is often under-parameterized in many multimedia fate models. The
assessment also provided a new estimate of p,p’-DDT degradation half-life that exceed by a factor of
1.5-3 the values commonly adopted to parameterize multimedia fate models.

The research leading to these results has acquired a financial grant from the People Program (Marie
Curie action) of the Seventh Framework Program of EU according to the REA Grant Agreement No.
291782. The research is further co-financed by the South-Moravian Region. This paper reflects solely
the authors’ views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the
information contained therein. This work was supported by the GENASIS core facility of the Research
Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, with financial support from the Czech Ministry of
Education (LM2011028 and LO1214) within the framework of “Major infrastructures for research,
development and innovations” and the National Sustainability Programme. This study was supported
by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) through its Strategic Program on contaminants
of emerging concern (CECs).

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Manuscript of Zheng, Q., Nizzetto, L., Mulder, M., Sáňka, O., Lammel, G., Li, J.,
Bing, H., Liu, X., Jiang, Y Luo, Ch. & Zhang, G. Does an analysis of
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in mountain soils across China
reveal a latitudinal fractionation paradox? Environ. Pollut. 195, 115–122
Environmental Pollution 195 (2014) 115e122

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Environmental Pollution
journal homepage:

Does an analysis of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) distribution in

mountain soils across China reveal a latitudinal fractionation paradox?
Qian Zheng a, f, Luca Nizzetto b, c, *, Marie D. Mulder b, Ondrej Sa
n ka b,
Gerhard Lammel b, d, Jun Li a, Haijian Bing e, Xin Liu a, Yishan Jiang a, Chunlin Luo a,
Gan Zhang a, *
State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China
Masaryk University, Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Brno, Czech Republic
Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany
The Key Laboratory of Mountain Surface Processes and Ecological Regulation, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China
Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Organic and mineral soil horizons from forests in 30 mountains across China were analysed for poly-
Received 9 July 2014 chlorinated biphenyl (PCB). Soil total organic carbon (TOC) content was a key determinant of PCB dis-
Received in revised form tribution explaining over 90% of the differences between organic and mineral soils, and between 30% and
17 August 2014
60% of the variance along altitudinal and regional transects. The residual variance (after normalization by
Accepted 20 August 2014
Available online
TOC) was small. Tri- to tetra-CB levels were higher in the South in relation to high source density and
precipitation. Heavier congeners were instead more abundant at mid/high-latitudes where the advection
pattern was mainly from long range transport. This resulted in a latitudinal fractionation opposite to
theoretical expectations. The study showed that exposure to sources with different characteristics, and
PCB possibly accumulation/degradation trends of different congeners in soils being out-of-phase at different
Fractionation latitudes, can lead to an unsteady large scale distribution scenario conflicting with the thermodynamic
Cold trapping equilibrium perception.
Mountain © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction waste management (Breivik et al., 2002; Li et al., 2009). Secondary

emissions from environmental reservoirs such as soils, vegetation
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been the focus of and oceans hosting PCBs burdens emitted during the past, also
research and regulation due to their persistence, ubiquitous dis- significantly contribute in feeding long-range atmospheric trans-
tribution and bioaccumulative and toxic properties (Aichner et al., port (e.g. (Lammel and Stemmler, 2012)).
2013; Jones and de Voogt, 1999; Klanova et al., 2011; Zhang et al., Predicting the future of POP exposure requires understanding
2008b). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) represent a class of the dynamic balance between atmospheric sources, atmospheric
POPs with a broad range of physicalechemical properties (Bozlaker depositions, environmental degradation and remobilization from
et al., 2008), ideal for investigating the mechanisms involved in the environmental reservoirs. Analyzing the current regional and
control of fate and global distribution of POPs in general (Aichner global distribution of the environmental burden of POPs in the
et al., 2013). major reservoir compartments (such as soils) represent an effective
Although PCBs are banned in most parts of the world, primary approach to gather information useful for predicting possible
emissions continue mostly from old equipment and inadequate future exposure conditions (Meijer et al., 2003).
China has 134 million hectares of forested land including a range
of different biomes including subtropical forests, boreal forests, and
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses:, (L. Nizzetto), semi-arid environments (Fang et al., 2001). Large geographic scale, (G. Zhang). climate variability, complex topography, ecosystem diversity, and
0269-7491/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
116 Q. Zheng et al. / Environmental Pollution 195 (2014) 115e122

densely populated conglomerates in well-defined areas make was carefully removed and a preliminary classification of the soil layers was per-
China a very interesting case study (Jiang et al., 1999). formed in-situ based on colour and structure of the material present in each horizon.
Samples from the O- (organic) and A- (mineral) horizons were collected separately
In order to provide an assessment of anthropological and from each trench using a metal spoon, folded in aluminium foil, placed in poly-
environmental controls on POP distribution, the patterns of PCBs in ethylene zip-bags, cooled and transported to the laboratory where their mass, water
forest soils of several mountain sites in China were investigated in content, bulk density and total organic carbon (TOC) content were determined. The
this study, considering gradients such as soil depth, soil type, alti- samples were then freeze dried and stored at 20  C for maximum 3 months before
chemical analysis began.
tude, latitude and distance from urban/industrial clusters.

2. Materials and methods 2.3. Chemical analysis

2.1. Monitoring design Dry samples were sieved in order to remove stones and aggregates larger than
2 mm. The samples from each trench were homogeneously mixed to create aggre-
Thirty mountain sites across China were chosen (shown in Fig. 1). In each
gated samples of the O-horizon and A-horizon reflecting average conditions of the
mountain site, up to four sampling locations were selected along the same aspect on
sampling location at the selected altitude. Sample extraction and preparation,
the altitudinal transect. In total 159 forest-soil samples were collected in 82 loca-
instrumental analysis and adopted quality assurance and control methods were
tions from the 16th of May 2012 to the 15th of March 2013. Major gradients
consistent with those described in a previous study (Huang et al., 2013). Details on
included: latitude ranging between 21 and 53 ; altitude ranging between 200 m
analytical methods are also reported in the Supplementary information (SI) avail-
and 3800 m; yearly mean temperature (ymt) and averaged total yearly precipitation
able on line.
(typ) ranging 6  Ce21  C and 245 mme2129 mm, respectively; distance from the
major urbanized areas (assumed here as proxy of major primary sources locations)
ranging between a few tenths to several hundred km. 2.4. Geographic information
The monitoring plan was defined taking into consideration the need of sampling
in all major accessible mountain areas of China, achieving homogeneous A set of spatially explicit datasets were used in this study to feed the exploratory
geographical distribution, and collecting multiple samples along slopes at locations analysis performed in order to assess physical and anthropogenic influences on
differing at least 200 m in elevation. contaminant distribution. Geo-referenced datasets of elevation, ymt, typ (0.50
resolved) and human population counts (2.50 resolved) were obtained from
WorldClim (Jurado et al., 2004; WORLDCLIM) and CIESIN (CIESIN; Gioia et al., 2006).
2.2. Sampling of soil
Geographic information was elaborated using ArcGIS Desktop software. Multiannual
Three small trenches located at about 5 m distance from each other were averaged ymt of individual sites was calculated using monthly averages of time
excavated at the depth of 30 cm in each individual altitude location. Vegetation litter series (1950e2000). The information on human population distribution was used as

Fig. 1. Altitudinal and regional distribution of PCBs in organic (red bars) and mineral (blue bars) soil horizons, and the index of potential source influence (IPSI) (defined in Section
2.6). Different climate zones are represented by points with different colors: green: Climate zone 1: humid continental climate; orange: Climate zone 2: humid subtropical climate;
purple: Climate zone 3: semiarid continental climate. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Q. Zheng et al. / Environmental Pollution 195 (2014) 115e122 117

proxy for the distribution of PCB primary atmospheric sources in China, as further from Europe and Central Asia moves eastwards and turns south
discussed in Section 2.6 of this paper. under the influence of a large semi-permanent high pressure sys-
tem. Advection from west is prominent for upper tropospheric
2.5. Atmospheric back trajectories analysis
levels eventually intersecting high altitude sites in western China.
Atmospheric back trajectories were analysed using Hysplit (Draxler and Hess,
In summer, there is a semi-permanent low pressure system above
1998) to evaluate, on an annual base, the main origin of air masses reaching indi-
vidual sampling sites. For each sampling site, a total of 360 ten-days backward Central Asia, with air masses flowing mainly from the North-
trajectories were computed covering the full year preceding the sampling. Back Northwest and less frequently from the Northeast toward the low
trajectories were released from an altitude of 100 m above ground level every 2 days pressure system.
at 6 and 18 UTC (2 and 14 Beijing time (CST)) in order to take into account the day/
IPSI values for different sampling sites ranged between 1 and 37
night variation of the depth of the (mixed) planetary boundary layer (BL). The in-
formation on air mass trajectory was elaborated to obtain maps of back trajectories
(Fig. 1) following a negatively skewed distribution with most
density. The back trajectory density fx,i value for a given point in space i (identified by frequently observed values around 25. The highest IPSI values are
the area delimited by grid cells with 2.5' resolution) was calculated in relation to observed in the South-East reflecting the distribution of highly
each sampling location x as: populated areas. The trajectories arriving at sampling locations in
BTnx;i this part of China (in particular sites 21e23) are estimated to have
fx;i ¼
360 spent a considerable fraction of the last 5 days before arrival to the
where BTnx,i is the number of times a back trajectory originated from site x was sampling site within the BL. These were the locations which likely
passing over location i during the year preceding the sampling, and 360 is the total received the highest contribution from local sources. In contrast,
number of computed back trajectories. The rationale of such an elaboration was to
sites located in the South-West (Yunnan province), despite
obtain aggregated information showing the areas surrounding the sampling loca-
tions with the highest potential to serve as source of airborne PCBs for the selected frequently receiving air masses from highly populated areas in
sampling areas. For example, emissions of contaminants from locations with low fx,i Northern India, scored with intermediate IPSI values, reflecting
value are likely to have little influence on the contamination profile of site x. relatively low population density in the local-regional domain.
The lowest IPSI values were observed in the Northern part of
2.6. Index of potential source influence
China and along the Greater Khingan range in Inner Mongolia
In order to further parameterize the potential influence of primary urban (NorthEast), due to relatively low population in this region of China.
sources on the regional distribution of PCBs in China, a numerical index of potential
These sites too, received often air masses from large scale advection
source influence (IPSI) was defined combining the information on back trajectories
density and human population distribution. More specifically IPSI was calculated as: carrying contamination signals from long range transport.
X  Unfortunately typ and IPSI geographical distribution co-varied
IPSIx ¼ 108 fx;i $pi
(p < 0.05). This was essentially due to the fact that human popu-
lation in China is concentrated in the Southern and Western
where pi is the human population residing within a generic point in space i, and the provinces experiencing higher precipitations, while sampling sites
numerical parameter is simply a scaling factor. IPSI for a given sampling site x is
proportional to the product of back trajectory density and human population counts
in populated region of northern and eastern China are located
calculated for a circular geographical area (6000 km diameter) centred in x. mostly upwind of conurbations. Because of this covariance, it was
In the definition of IPSI it is implicitly assumed that the geographical distribution not possible to separate IPSI and typ during exploratory and
of human population reflects the distribution of PCBs primary sources. PCBs were regression statistical analysis to assess their individual influence on
used in China mainly in electric equipment and painting (SEPA, 2003). Similarly to
PCB distribution.
other parts of the world (Motelay-Massei et al., 2005; Yeo et al., 2004; Zhang et al.,
2008a), previous assessment of PCBs distribution in soils and other environmental
compartments in China evidenced the existence of an urban-rural gradient with 3.2. Summary of PCB concentration results
highly populated urban and industrial districts representing the areas with highest
density of potential primary atmospheric sources (Cui et al., 2013; Ren et al., 2007; Measured total PCB concentrations are displayed in Fig. 1 indi-
Xing et al., 2005; Zheng et al., 2010). In China industrial and major urban clusters
closely overlap (Xing et al., 2005). For this reason population count is an adequate
vidually for O-horizon and A-horizon. The full dataset including
proxy for describing potential PCB usage and primary source location while the individual congener results is reported in Table S3.
associated back-trajectory density value weights different locations influence based The total concentrations of PCBs ( 29PCBs) averaged over all O-
on how often they were upwind the sampling point. The IPSI values defined here and A-horizon samples were 510 ng kg1 (57e1320 ng kg1) and
represent therefore a strategy to rank the influence of potential primary source areas
227 ng kg1 (36e679 ng kg1), respectively. These concentration
on the contamination pattern in the receiving mountain soils. In addition, IPSI can be
considered as an index of potential influence from sources in the subregional/local ranges are consistent with those reported by a previous study on
domain rather than from long-range transport. This derives from the fact that fx,i background soil contamination in Asia (Li et al., 2009). PCB con-
values, which obviously tend to be higher in proximity of the back trajectory origin, taminations in Chinese background soil appeared to be consider-
were not weighted for the effect of distance. The potential influence of long-range ably lower than in North America (mean 4300 ng kg1) South
transport was instead assessed by computing the fraction of time air masses were
traveling above the BL using the Hysplit outputs for BL height and back trajectory
America (mean 1400e4300 ng kg1) (Li et al., 2009), and Europe
elevations. (e.g. UK (mean 4500 ng kg1) (Meijer et al., 2002) and forest soils in
Germany (mean 24,700 ng kg)(Aichner et al., 2013)). This reflects
2.7. Statistical analysis lower historical usage of PCBs in China compared to the western
Multivariate statistical analysis was carried out using principal component countries (Breivik et al., 2002). Seven indicator congeners (PCB 28,
analysis (PCA). Principal components were calculated based on correlation matrixes PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 118, PCB 138, PCB 153 and PCB 180) accounted
using normalized, standardized and centred data. Raw data of contamination and P
for approximately 49.8% of 29PCBs, while PCB -28, -138 and -153
typ data were normalized by natural logarithm transformation. All variables were
standardized by dividing by one standard deviation and centred by subtracting the
were the main contributors.
mean. Non-parametric rank correlation (Spearman) analysis was performed on raw The differences between the highest and lowest concentrations
or transformed data, to elucidate significance of observed co-linearity. were within a factor of 20. When considering dry weight based
concentration data, no outliers were found. TOC normalized con-
3. Results and discussion centration data showed instead a considerably lower variance (i.e. a
factor of 10 between the highest and the lowest measured values).
3.1. Air mass patterns and index of potential source influence (IPSI) In this case only a single outlier was found. This was the Dinghu
Mountain in the south of Guangdong province (Site 23) with TOC
The dominant large-scale air mass advection pathway into the normalized concentrations about 2e3 times higher compared to
BL of China at locations above 30 N is from northwest. In winter, air the maximum of any other site (consistently for all sampled
118 Q. Zheng et al. / Environmental Pollution 195 (2014) 115e122

elevations). Site 23 was among the locations with the highest IPSI
value, suggesting significant impact from local sources, while its
soil had the lowest TOC content observed in this study.

3.3. Distribution across soil layers

Concentrations in the O-horizon were generally higher (average

factor of 2.2) compared to the A-horizon. This difference nearly
completely disappeared when TOC normalized data were
compared. After TOC normalization, the residual difference be-
tween O-horizon and A-horizon concentrations scattered following
a normal distribution with mean approaching 0 (Fig. S3). Such a
residual variance could not be explained by any environmental
factor considered in this study. TOC normalized concentrations
were consistent and significantly correlated (p < 0.01) between the
two soil horizons (Fig. S2) confirming the expected pivotal control
of soil layer specific TOC content on the vertical distribution of POPs
(Moeckel et al., 2008), and showing lack of significant influence of Fig. 2. Correlation between scaled TOC normalized PCB concentrations of tetra- and
other potential drivers (e.g. climate, altitude, soil type, distance higher congeners and scaled altitude. r values are Spearman's rank correlation
from sources) over such a control.

3.4. Distribution along the altitudinal gradient congeners (Wania and Westgate, 2008). Coincidently these were
also the congeners for which significant altitudinal trends were
The analysis of the altitudinal trends was based on selected 20 observed in the present dataset.
sites (86% of the entire data set), as, obviously, mountain sites with Unlike previous observations from other few mountain sites in
only one location sampled along the altitudinal gradient and sites China (Chen et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2009), the influence from local
with two sampling locations less than 500 m apart in altitude were PCB sources at lower altitudes was visible here only in few cases
excluded. (sites 9, 14, 25 and 26). Here in fact, TOC normalized concentrations
An increasing trend of TOC normalized concentrations of penta- of heavier PCBs had maxima at lower altitudes. Coincidently these
CBs or higher chlorinated congeners was observed at increasing sites had IPSI values in the medium-to-high range (13.5, 28.1, 25.6
altitude in 16 sites out of 20. In order to assess the relevance of this and 27.4, respectively); they were exposed to air masses with
result from a statistical point of view, the significance of the relatively high residence time in the BL; and were located in
observed trend was estimated from the p-value of the correlation proximity (e.g. less than 100 km apart) of major conurbations.
analysis between the scaled values of concentration and altitude of
all the 20 considered sites. Scaling was performed by dividing in- 3.5. Soil TOC influence on regional distribution
dividual data points of concentration and altitude by their median
value at each respective mountain transect. The occurrence of a The exploratory analysis of factors controlling regional distri-
significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation between TOC normalized bution of PCBs was performed here considering the following set of
concentrations in soil and altitude was confirmed for all penta-CBs uncorrelated (when considering the entire dataset) environmental
and higher chlorinated congeners (Fig. 2). variables: ymt, altitude, TOC and typ. It is recalled that typ has to be
The present result highlights the tendency of enrichment of regarded here also as a proxy of IPSI owing to the significant pos-
heavier PCBs in high altitude soils. This trend was consistent across itive correlation (p < 0.05) between these two variables (Table S4).
sites with different climates and conditions and confirms some TOC content explained large part of the variance of PCB concen-
previous evidences of orographic cold trapping collected in Chinese trations (expressed on soil dry weight) for both the O-horizon and
high mountains (Chen et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2009) and other A-horizon as illustrated by the biplot in Fig. S4. Covariance is
regions of the world. showed here by the similar orientation of the vectors representing
Many physical, ecological and anthropological factors can 29PCBs and TOC.
contribute to determine the observed altitudinal distribution Several previous studies had provided parameterizations for the
pattern. Although the present dataset does not allow a detailed relationship between PCB concentrations and TOC using data from
analysis of the influence of individual drivers due to co-linearity global and regional scale surveys (Meijer et al., 2003; Salihoglu
(e.g. temperature, precipitation, vegetation type, and potential et al., 2011). TOC in the O-horizon and A-horizon ranged
exposure to local sources co-varied, as expected, with altitude), 3.9e44.6% with mean 26.8% and 2.0e26.4% with mean 10.9%,
temperature and wet deposition are suggested as pivotal variables. respectively. The relationship between PCB concentrations and TOC
These were in fact the only variables significantly (p < 0.05) was analyzed individually here for O-horizon and A-horizon. In
correlated with PCBs enrichment trends along the slopes. Such a order to perform such an analysis, PCB concentrations ([PCB]) and
result is consistent with theoretical expectations of altitudinal cold TOC were log-transformed. As expected, a significant (p < 0.05)
trapping. Orographic cold trapping is expected to mainly derive positive relationship between log TOC and log [PCB] was observed.
from different magnitude of wet depositions along altitudes (Wania Table 1 reports correlation coefficients and slope values of the
and Westgate, 2008). A number of other factors can also contribute regression curve for selected representative congeners. Regression
to the observed pattern, including higher capacity of fugacity of parameters are generally consistent with previous observations
soils and slower bio-degradation processes at lower temperature/ (Meijer et al., 2003). PCBs high thermodynamic affinity for organic
high altitude soils. Differential wet deposition along altitude, matter, as described by the very high values of the octanoleair and
however, specifically results in a more effective entrapment of octanolewater equilibrium partitioning (Li et al., 2003), and
compounds with values of the scavenging ratio (at 25  C) between elevated persistence in soil solids bounded phase, underpin such a
103.5 and 105.5 represented here by penta- and heavier-CB strong relationship.
Q. Zheng et al. / Environmental Pollution 195 (2014) 115e122 119

Table 1
Spearman correlation coefficient (r) and regression line slopes describing the relationship between PCB concentrations and soil TOC. Data are reported for the analysis
including the full dataset and grouped climate type. Bold numbers highlight correlation coefficients of significant (p < 0.05) relationships.
PCBs PCB 8 PCB 28 PCB 52 PCB 101 PCB 118 PCB 153 PCB 138 PCB 180

r Slope r Slope r Slope r Slope r Slope r Slope r Slope r Slope r Slope

Global 0.47 0.48 0.18 0.26 0.35 0.33 0.42 0.54 0.45 0.71 0.47 0.48 0.18 0.26 0.35 0.33 0.42 0.54
Group 1 (Temperate) 0.41 0.81 0.12 0.28 0.37 0.68 0.41 0.95 0.34 1.02 0.41 0.81 0.12 0.28 0.37 0.68 0.41 0.95
Group 2 (Subtropical) 0.66 0.37 0.41 0.26 0.42 0.37 0.62 0.52 0.59 0.45 0.66 0.37 0.41 0.26 0.42 0.37 0.62 0.52
Global 0.50 0.48 0.17 0.18 0.28 0.34 0.28 0.29 0.44 0.60 0.50 0.48 0.17 0.18 0.28 0.34 0.28 0.29
Group 1 (Temperate) 0.52 0.55 0.32 0.32 0.44 0.56 0.21 0.26 0.37 0.59 0.52 0.55 0.32 0.32 0.44 0.56 0.21 0.26
Group 2 (Subtropical) 0.56 0.35 0.06 0.14 0.14 0.04 0.39 0.32 0.63 0.48 0.56 0.35 0.06 0.14 0.14 0.04 0.39 0.32

The analysis of the present dataset, including observations precipitation and IPSI which both had the highest values in the
performed across the boundaries of different climate zones, can southern part of China (e.g. PCB 28: p < 0.01, r ¼ 0.41, and p ¼ 0.06,
contribute to establish a relationship on how the relationship be- r ¼ 0.22, for typ and IPSI respectively). In contrast heavier conge-
tween soil organic matter and POP distribution is modulated in ners did not display such dependence but when only the temperate
different environmental and ecological conditions. To this end, humid climate zone dataset was considered they tended to increase
sampling locations were divided into 3 climate zones individuated their abundance at northern latitudes. These trends for the heavier
based on typ and ymt values. These zones are: Climate type 1 with congeners were poorly significant or non-significant (e.g. PCB 180:
ymt and typ of 4.8  C, and 736 mm, respectively, identified as the p ¼ 0.056, r ¼ 0.27).
humid continental climate zone; type 2 with ymt ¼ 13.7  C and
typ ¼ 1700 mm identified as the subtropical climate zone; and type 3.7. Latitudinal fractionation
3 (cold semi-arid climate zone) with ymt ¼ 4.2  C and
typ ¼ 255 mm which only included a single site (#30). Sampling Latitudinal cold trapping is a process expected to influence
sites grouped based on their climate zone are shown in Fig. 1 and phase distribution equilibrium of semivolatile chemicals between
Table S2. PCB concentrations were correlated to TOC (p < 0.05) for the atmosphere and earth's surface resulting in varying contami-
most of the congeners (with the exception of PCB 8) also when nant patterns along the latitudinal temperature gradient (Wania
climate specific sub-datasets of data were considered. Slope values and MacKay, 1996). Experimental evidences of cold trapping
for the regression between OC and PCB concentrations (in case of driven latitudinal fractionation of POPs were reported by previous
O-horizons) were generally lower by a factor of 2e10 in the sub- studies in a range of geographical scales and locations and in
tropical climate (zone 2) compared to the temperate climate relation to different environmental matrixes, including vegetation
(Table 1). This behavior is consistent with previous observations of (Calamari et al., 1991) and soils (Meijer et al., 2002). In agreement
lower dependence of PCB concentration on soil organic matter with thermodynamics-based predictions these results show that
content at lower latitudes (Meijer et al., 2003). Interestingly, the
same behavior was not observed for the A-horizon dataset. This
possibly reflects the influence of different characteristics of soil
organic matter or even a higher influence of precipitation and
temperature, which had consistently higher values in the sub-
tropical China. Less acidic constituents in vegetation litter and
higher soil organic matter turn-over are important distinguishing
characteristics of subtropical soils (compared to soils in temperate
areas). These properties are both dependent on temperature and
precipitation and might have an influence in determining the lower
slope values observed here in climate zone 2. Recent experimental
evidences seem in fact to suggest a relationship between fast turn-
over of labile organic matter and rapid remobilization of hydro-
phobic contaminants from soils (Liu et al., 2013; Wong and
Bidleman, 2011). The detailed study of the dynamic coupling be-
tween soil organic matter turn-over and remobilization of POPs
from soils is however still in its early stages.

3.6. Residual variance of TOC normalized concentrations

After normalization by TOC content, the residual variance of the

dataset considerably dropped (factor of 2) making difficult to find
significant relationships with possible environmental or anthro- Fig. 3. Biplots from the Principal Component Analysis depicting relationships between
pological drivers. However some spatial distribution trend could be TOC normalized PCB 28 and PCB 180 (taken as examples) concentration patterns and
observed. For example (Fig. 3), TOC normalized concentrations of environmental descriptors. Light blue vectors in the biplots represent auxiliary variable
more volatile congeners tended to be higher at lower latitudes, which were correlated with one of the variables included in the analysis and for this
reason not directly included in the computation of principal components. Vectors
especially in relation to the more populated areas in the subtropical having similar orientation indicate covariance between the associated variable. (For
humid climate zone. Altogether up to 20e40% of the residual interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
variance of lighter congeners could potentially be associated to the web version of this article.)
120 Q. Zheng et al. / Environmental Pollution 195 (2014) 115e122

the lighter congeners tend to increase their relative abundance at trends of tri- to hexa-CBs for this subset of data were consistent
high latitudes (low myt) in the condensed phase (e.g. soil) while with those obtained considering the entire dataset. In this case,
heavier congeners are more abundant in the south (high myt) however dependence on latitude was higher with correlation co-
(Gouin and Wania, 2007; Wang et al., 2012). Latitudinal fraction- efficients higher of a factor of 2) (Table S5). Increasing trends of
ation of PCBs was investigated here by calculating the ratio be- heavier congeners (PCB 138 and 180) relative abundance were
tween the concentrations of selected congeners representative of observed too, however they were still not significant from a sta-
different homologue groups and 29PCBs. Results are plotted in tistical point of view (Table S5).
Fig. 4. When the full dataset is included in the analysis a progressive The PCB fractionation displayed in Fig. 4 is opposite to that ex-
decline of relative abundance of tri- and tetra-congeners could be pected from the cold trapping theory (Wania and MacKay, 1996)
observed at increasing latitude (p < 0.05), while penta- and hexa- and previously observed from other global scale surveys (Meijer
congeners were more abundant in the north (both in relative and et al., 2002). As highlighted in Section 3.6 considerably higher
absolute terms (p < 0.05)). Fractionation trends were not significant precipitations and proximity to PCBs sources have likely deter-
for PCB 138 and PCB 180 (Fig. 4). In order to reduce the possible mined the higher levels of di- to tetra-chlorinated PCBs in Southern
confounding factor associated to source proximity to the sites China forested soils. The latitudinal pattern displayed by lighter
located in the southern part of China, the analysis was repeated congeners had a strong influence in determine the general frac-
considering only high altitude sites (e.g. >1500 m). These sites were tionation results. The relative importance of heavier congeners (or,
more prone to receive air masses with a shorter residence time in in other terms, the relatively lower abundance of lighter PCBs) in
BL and therefore less influenced by local sources. Fractionation Northern China could not be ascribed to the influence of different

Fig. 4. “Inverse” latitudinal fractionation of PCB congeners in Chinese soils. Blue data points and black trend line and regression parameters refer to the full dataset. Data points
highlighted in red and red trend lines and regression parameters refer to the high altitude (i.e. locations above 1500 m) subset of data (see Section 3.6). (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Q. Zheng et al. / Environmental Pollution 195 (2014) 115e122 121

types of local sources since all the sites in this region scored with Toxic Compounds in the Environment, project number LM2011028,
low values of IPSI (Fig. 1). Sites in the Northern China (especially funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech
those located at the higher altitudes) were instead more prone to Republic under the activity “Projects of major infrastructures for
receive contamination signals associated to long range atmospheric research, development and innovations”.
transport from North-West (as described in Section 3.1). It is likely The authors wish to thank Dusan Lago for running Hysplit and
these signals carried a different PCB profile compared to that post-processing of the output and Klara Komprdova  for providing
expressed by local sources in Southern China. Higher abundance of advice on statistical analysis methodology.
low chlorinated congeners in commercial mixtures are in fact a
peculiarity of PCB usage in China (Ren et al., 2007; Xing et al., 2005). Appendix A. Supporting information
Some considerations on soil exposure dynamics may also
contribute to explain the apparent inverse fractionation pattern Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
displayed by the present data. Spatially resolved multicompart-
ment modeling (Lammel and Stemmler, 2012) highlighted that
temporal trends of different PCB congeners in soils are out of phase,
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Manuscript of Zheng, Q., Nizzetto, L., Li, J., Mulder, M., Sáňka, O., Lammel, G.,
Bing, H., Liu, X., Jiang, Y., Luo, Ch. & Zhang, G. Spatial distribution of old and
emerging flame retardants in Chinese forest soils: Sources, trends and
processes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49, 2904–2911 (2015).

Spatial Distribution of Old and Emerging Flame Retardants in

Chinese Forest Soils: Sources, Trends and Processes.
Qian Zheng,† Luca Nizzetto,*,‡,§ Jun Li,† Marie D. Mulder,‡ Ondřej Sáňka,‡ Gerhard Lammel,‡,∥
Haijian Bing,⊥ Xin Liu,† Yishan Jiang,† Chunling Luo,† and Gan Zhang*,†

State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou
510640, China

Masaryk University, Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Brno 601 77, Czech Republic
Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo NO-0349, Norway

Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz 55128, Germany

The Key Laboratory of Mountain Surface Processes and Ecological Regulation, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, China
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: The levels and distribution of polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs),

novel brominated flame retardants (NBFRs) and Dechlorane Plus (DP) in soils and their
dependence on environmental and anthropological factors were investigated in 159 soil
samples from 30 background forested mountain sites across China. Decabromodiphenyl-
ethane (DBDPE) was the most abundant flame retardant (25−18 000 pg g−1 and 5−13 000
pg g−1 in O-horizon and A-horizon, respectively), followed by BDE 209 (nd-5900 pg g−1
and nd-2400 pg g−1 in O-horizon and A-horizon, respectively). FRs distributions were
primarily controlled by source distribution. The distributions of most phasing-out PBDEs,
DP isomers and TBPH were in fact correlated to a population density-based index used as
proxy of areas with elevated usage and waste of FR containing products. High
concentrations of some NBFRs were however observed in industrialized regions and FR
manufacturing plants. Strongly positive correlations were observed between PBDEs and
their replacement products suggesting similar emission pattern and environmental behavior.
Exposure of mineral subsoils depended on precipitations driving leaching of FRs into the
soil core. This was especially evident for some emerging BFRs (TBE, TBPH, and TBB etc.) possibly indicating potential for
diffuse groundwater contamination.

1. INTRODUCTION avoiding compounds with POP characteristics, some NBFRs

Flame retardants (FRs) are a class of chemicals used to reduce were shown to have potential for long-range atmospheric
flammability in different kind of products. They are commonly transport, persistence, and bioaccumulation.4,8,9
added in construction materials, furniture, electronics, etc.1 Dechlorane plus (DP) belongs to the CFRs group and is
Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and chlorinated flame common in electrical and electronic items such as wires and
retardants (CFRs) are among the most widely used. cables, as well as plastic roofing materials.10,11 DP has been
BFRs are structurally heterogeneous.2,3 Among them, shown to be bioavailable, bioaccumulative and potentially
polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) were historically toxic.12
marketed as three different commercial mixtures commonly Soils represent a principal receptor and environmental
referred to as penta-BDE, octa-BDE, and deca-BDE.1 However, reservoir for many persistent semivolatile organic contami-
due to their persistence and bioaccumulative properties some nants.13 Forest soils, in particular have been pointed out as
tetra-BDE, penta-BDE, hexa-BDE, and octa-BDE were added effective accumulators of several hydrophobic and persistent
to the list of banned Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) substances due to the forest canopy effect in enhancing
under the Stockholm Convention.4 Restrictions on the use of atmospheric depositions, elevated soil organic carbon (OC)
PBDE congeners have paved the way for the use of “novel” content (representing the bulk capacity for storing these
BFRs (NBFRs).5,6 Most commonly used NBFRs are 1,2- contaminants), and relatively low level of disturbance, which
bis(pentabromodiphenyl)ethane (DBDPE), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-
tribromophenoxy)ethane (TBE), 2-ethylhexyl-2,3,4,5-tetrabro- Received: December 3, 2014
mobenzoate (TBB), bis(2-ethylhexyl)-3,4,5,6-tetrabromo- Revised: February 7, 2015
phthalate (TBPH), hexabromobenzene (HBB), and pentabro- Accepted: February 8, 2015
moethylbenzene (PBEB).5,7 Despite the impelling demand for Published: February 8, 2015

© 2015 American Chemical Society 2904 DOI: 10.1021/es505876k

Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 2904−2911
Environmental Science & Technology Article

could prevent remobilization.14−17 Research on soils as The samples were mixed by pooling together equivalent
environmental reservoirs of semivolatile contaminants have amounts of sample from the three trenches in order to create
mainly focused on legacy POPs.18,19 Forest soils may also be aggregated samples of the O-horizon and A-horizon (sepa-
important reservoirs of airborne old and emerging FRs,20,21 and rately), reflecting average conditions of the sampling location.
high persistence in soils has been described for some NBFRs Sample extraction and preparation were consistent with those
(e.g., the half-lives of TBE and HBB in soil are reported to be described in a previous study.32 Details are reported in the
8600 h).22 Supporting Information. Total organic carbon (TOC) in soil
China has 134 million hectares of forested land including samples was determined with an elemental analyzer (CHNS
tropical, subtropical, temperate, and boreal biomes.23 Main Vario Ei III, Elementar) after removal of carbonates with HCl
forested areas in China are prevalently far away from major as described somewhere else.33
conurbations and therefore possible primary sources. Con- 2.4. QA/QC. Ten procedural blanks and 20 repeated analysis
taminant levels and distribution in these soils can therefore be of an individual sample were included in the running list to
regarded as indicators of background environmental contam- assess potential laboratory derived contamination and ensure
ination expectedly reflecting the influence of major environ- repeatability of analysis. The Instrument Detection Limit (IDL)
mental drivers of distribution and distance from sources.24 ranged from 0.09 to 0.36 pg (injected) and Method Detection
Meteorological conditions (temperature and precipitation Limit (MDL) 1.1−28.6 pg g−1, depending on substance
patterns),25 influence distribution of semivolatile contaminants (further details are reported in SI Text S1.2 ). 20 ng PCB
over large geographical scales.26 The large land area, climate 198 and PCB 209 recovery standards were added to each
variability, topographic complexity, ecosystem diversity, and sample prior to extraction to monitor quantitative analysis
expected elevated production, use and emissions of FRs make performance. Obtained recoveries were respectively 82% ±
China an interesting case study and possibly an important 4.9% and 85% ± 3.7% (variance is expressed here as standard
region influencing global contamination and distribution error). Results reported in the study are expressed on a dry
pattern of these contaminants.27 weight basis (pg g−1 dry wt) and not corrected for recovery
Research on NBFRs and DP have traditionally mainly results.
focused on air, sediment, water, sewage sludge, and dust with 2.5. Atmospheric Back Trajectories Analysis and
very limited information on accumulation and levels in Index of Potential Source influence. In a primary sources
soils.5,8,28−31 The scope of this study was to (i) identify the controlled scenario, FRs concentrations will be highest close to
levels and spatial distribution of target compounds in emission sources. Similarly to other parts of the world,34
background forest soils along a range of environmental and previous assessment of FRs (such as PBDEs) distribution in
anthropological gradients, (ii) explore colinearity between the soils and other environmental compartments in China
distribution of the target compounds, and (iii) assess possible evidenced the existence of an urban-rural gradient with highly
influences of environmental and geographical variables populated urban and industrial districts representing the areas
(namely: precipitation, altitude, soil OC content, and exposure with highest density atmospheric sources.35,36 In China,
to/distance from primary sources) on contaminant distribution. industrial and major urban clusters closely overlap.37 For this
reason population count is an adequate proxy for describing
2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION potential sources from FRs usage, wasting and manufacturing.
2.1. Monitoring Design. Thirty mountain sites across A few important industrial plants manufacturing or processing
major accessible mountainous areas of China were chosen NBFR can however be also found in areas with intermediate
(shown in Supporting Information (SI) Figure S1). In each site population density. In order to track the possible influence of
1−4 sampling locations were chosen along the same aspect on use/related primary sources from high density urban areas on
the altitudinal transect. In total, 159 forest-soil samples background soil contamination, air mass back trajectories (BT)
including O-horizon (77) and A-horizon (82) were collected and a numerical index of potential source influence (IPSI) in
at 82 locations between 16 May 2012 and 15 March 2013. the regional domain were computed. We elaborated the
Major transects included: latitude ranging from 21° to 53°; concept of IPSI in a previous paper38 (details are also reported
altitude ranging from 200 to 3800 m; the yearly mean in SI Text S2 of the present paper). In short, IPSI combines
temperature ranging from 6 to 21 °C and mean yearly data on population density distribution (as proxy of source
precipitation ranging from 245 mm to 2129 mm. Geo- distribution) and BT density calculated for each sampling
referenced data sets of elevation, yearly mean temperature location considering a full year of simulations (twice a day). BT
and precipitation (0.5′ resolved) were obtained from density is used by IPSI to weigh the influence of potential
WorldClim. Details on sampling location characteristics are sources in a given area for an individual sampling location based
presented in SI Table S2. on how often this area was upwind of the sampling point.
2.2. Sampling of Soil. In each sampling location, three
small trenches located at about 5 m apart from each other were 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
excavated. Vegetation litter was carefully removed and the soil 3.1. Summary of FRs Concentration Results. All 16
layers were classified based on color and structure of the selected compounds were analyzed in all the samples. SI Table
material present in each horizon. Samples from the O- (humus) S3 reports data of individual compounds in the O-horizon and
and A- (topsoil) horizons were collected separately from each A-horizon. The concentrations of target compounds in O-
trench, folded in aluminum foil, placed in polyethylene zip- horizon were generally higher than those in A-horizon by an
bags, cooled and transported to the laboratory. The samples average factor of 5.4, possibly reflecting the more direct
were then freeze-dried and stored at −20 °C until chemical exposure to atmospheric deposition of the superficial O-
analysis began. horizon. (SI Table S3 reports details of soil characteristics).
2.3. Chemical Analysis. In order to remove stones, each The mean concentrations of the total PBDEs (∑8PBDEs) in
dry sample was sieved to exclude structures larger than 2 mm. the O- and A-horizon samples were 920 pg g−1 (3−6300 pg
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g−1) and 220 pg g−1 (not detected-2500 pg g−1), respectively. PBEB and the major components of PBDE congeners (i.e.,
As expected from previous results, BDE 209 was the most BDE 28, BDE 153, and BDE 183) showed a considerably lower
abundant PBDE congener in these samples,33,39 accounting for variability, due to the lower usage volume or possibly current
more than 60% of ∑8PBDEs, followed by BDE 47 and BDE regulation. Figure 1 shows the spatial variations of target
99. The concentrations of BDE 209 were in the range of nd-
5900 pg g−1 and nd-2400 pg g−1 in O and A-horizon,
respectively. These values are much lower than those reported
for agricultural soils in southern China (39.8−95.2 ng g−1)40
and soils in proximity of e-waste recycling areas (28.8−468 ng
g−1).41 They are nevertheless much higher than forest soil
concentrations measured in Sweden (15−750 pg g−1).42 Such
elevated values can be linked to the higher consumption of
PBDEs in China (30 000 t in 2005) which experienced a sharp
increase during last several years.43 The concentrations of other
PBDEs (∑7PBDEs excluding deca-BDE) in O- and A-horizon
were 3−800 pg g−1 and nd-320 pg g−1, respectively. ∑7PBDEs
in A-horizon was comparable to that observed in other
locations in background soils, including Kuwait (24.7−296 pg
g−1),34 UK (73.5−285 pg g−1),44 and Brazil (434 pg g−1),39
somehow lower compared to that found in mountain soils in
Italy (710 ± 830 pg g−1),45 however higher than that in the
Tibetan Plateau soils.20,21
NBFRs and DP data sets of the soil compartment are very
limited. DBDPE was the FR with the highest concentrations
measured in this study. It ranged 25−18 000 pg g−1 (mean
2643 pg g−1) and 5−13 000 pg g−1 (mean 660 pg g−1) in O-
and A-horizon, respectively. The present data are lower than
data reported for agricultural soils in southern China (28.1 ng
g−1).40 DBDPE predominance in environmental samples was
also previously shown in air samples at a rural site of China.36
Such a behavior can be related to the large success of this
product in the market. DBDPE market is currently increasing at
a yearly rate of 80% in China.5 Some studies however have
reported DBDPE concentrations lower than BDE 209 in
sewage sludge samples in Europe2,16 and air samples in Chinese
e-waste area.36 This discrepancy might be attributed to several
factors including regional and temporal variability in FR usage
and emissions and type of samples.
The remaining set of NBFRs was present at generally lower
concentrations. TBB: nd-1400 pg g−1 (mean 250.5 pg g−1) and
nd-1600 pg g−1 (mean 184.0 pg g−1), TBPH: 4.0−643.7 pg g−1
(mean 131.7 pg g−1) and 5.5−526.4 pg g−1(mean 68.9 pg g−1),
TBE: nd-330 pg g−1 (mean 48.5 pg g−1) and nd-240 pg g−1
(mean 22.9 pg g−1), HBB: nd-340 pg g−1 (mean 46.0 pg g−1)
and nd-42 pg g−1(mean 7.2 pg g−1), and PBEB showed the
lowest concentrations in the range of nd-92 pg g−1 (mean 6.8
pg g−1) and nd-70 pg g−1 (mean 9.0 pg g−1) in O-horizon and
A-horizon, respectively. The detection frequencies varied
among different compounds (details are given in SI Table S3).
Both anti-isomer and syn-isomer of DP were detected in
100% of the samples, demonstrating the currently broad
Figure 1. Spatial distribution of selected FRs in organic (O-horizon)
distribution of this FRs in the Chinese markets. The soil samples. (a:BDE47, BDE99, anti-DP, syn-DP, TBPH, TBB, HBB
concentrations of anti-isomer and syn-isomer were 5−680 pg and TBE; b:BDE 209;c:DBDPE).
g−1 and 4−390 pg g−1 in O-horizon and 3−220 pg g−1 and 2−
170 pg g−1 in A-horizon, respectively. Concentrations measured
in the selected forest soils were lower than those previously compounds in O-horizons. Overall, high levels of many FRs
measured in urban, rural, and remote surface soils of Northern were mainly found in the Southeast China. For instance, the
China (nd-8.45 ng g−1 and nd-3.76 ng g−1 for anti-DP and syn- highest average concentrations of BDE 47, BDE 99, and TBPH
DP, respectively).28 were measured in site 21; whereas, anti-DP, syn-DP, BDE 209,
3.2. Spatial Trends in Superficial Soils. High spatial and TBE showed peaking concentrations in site 23. Sites 21
variability of FR concentrations was observed during this and 23 are both in the Guangdong province, already reported
survey. For DBDPE, the differences between the highest and as one of the important e-waste recycling and the most
lowest concentrations were up to a factor of 2300. In contrast, urbanized/industrialized regions in South China.36,41,46 Some
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interesting and informative outliers were found too. DBDPE

displayed the highest average concentration in site 10 (Figure
1c) in Shandong Province, due to important DBDPE
production facilities are located in this area,5,8 while two
outliers for TBB and HBB were located in site 6 and 7 (Figure
1a) in Hebei province, also an important industrial area. In
China, 600 tons/year of HBB are produced in Shandong
province,5 and as expected high concentration could be found
in site 10. Unfortunately, there is no production or usage
information publically disclosed for TBB.5,8 As far as we know,
TBB combined with TBPH was used in Firemaster BZ-54,
Firemaster 550 (in a 4:1 ratio) and DP-45 (91% TBPH
together with 2−6% TBB by weight).47 The ratios of TBB to
TBPH in samples in Northern China averaged 5.2 (in contrast
with diagnostic ratios observed in the Southern part averaging
0.55), indicating different sources or fate in these subregions as
well as the northern samples probably been more affected by
proximity to manufacture related sources. The high con-
sumption of Firemaster 550 in Northern China, especially in
Hebei province appears to be related to the peculiar type of
manufacturing district present here which includes oil, coal,
metallurgical, mechanical, and electronics industry. The
considerably lower ratio value found in Southern China
suggests that manufacturers in this area may have used different
FR formulations (such as DP-45, neoprene and polyvinyl
chloride (PVC)31) with a relatively higher level of TBPH.
Moreover, TBB has been reported to be more vulnerable to
photodegradation with a half-life twice shorter than TBPH.47,48
Warmer climate and higher solar radiation in Southern China
might accelerate degradation and result in lower ratios observed
in the soils of this region. In general, the presence of these
outliers highlights the strong influence of local production
point sources for the exposure of background mountain soils.
These data indicate that the current emission control measures
applied during industrial production and processing in China
may be insufficient to prevent off-site exposure to FRs at the
subregional level.
In summary, spatial distribution of flame retardants in
background soils in China appears to be dependent on source
distribution and sensitive to the typology of sources (e.g., e-
waste facilities and manufacturing facilities as well as highly
populated areas where the majority of FR containing products
are used).49
In order to provide a more quantitative assessment of this
hypothesis, we statistically explored the interaction between
concentrations of FRs in the O-horizon and the results for IPSI.
IPSI values for different sampling sites ranged between 1 and
37 following a slightly negatively skewed distribution, with most
frequently observed values around 25 (Figure 1). Consistently, Figure 2. Correlation between selected FR concentrations and IPSI
the highest IPSI values are observed in the Southeast (in values.
particular sites 21−23). Most of the target compounds in the
O-horizon showed high levels in locations with a high IPSI.
Nearly all the FRs (with the exception of PBEB, HBB, and point of view, penta-BDE and octa-BDE technical mixtures are
TBB) showed positive correlation with IPSI with correlation currently undergoing phasing out, therefore primary emissions
coefficients (Spearman) typically ranging between 0.1 and 0.5 are continuing mostly from consumer products still in use or
(with exception of BDE 28: r = 0.08 and BDE 209: r = 0.06) inadequate waste management. These types of sources are
(SI Table S6). These relationships were statistically significant obviously associated with the use of FR rather than
(p < 0.05) for most of the PBDE congeners (BDE 47, BDE manufacturing. Hence use-related sources are a function of
100, BDE 153, BDE 154, and BDE 183), DP-isomers and population density which in turn is a key for IPSI calculation. In
TBPH (Figure 2 and SI Table S6a). We can only speculate on contrast, BDE 209 is still produced and largely used in China.
the reasons behind the higher sensitivity of these PBDEs on Similarly to emerging FRs, emissions from production and
use-related source distribution, compared to other FR which processing plants is expected to lower the dependence on IPSI.
did not display a clear dependence on IPSI. From a regulatory As an example, the extremely high level of BDE 209 observed at
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site 10 (Shangdong province, in spite of the relatively low IPSI properties controlling environmental fate of the different
score) is likely associated with the documented presence of ingredients have to be considered among the most likely
production plants in this area.50 As for DPs and TBPH causes, as also discussed in section 3.2 of this paper.
(displaying dependence on IPSI), may already follow a In spite of the great variation in DP levels across different
consolidated distribution in the market and their usage- and forest sites, anti- and syn-isomers showed extremely strong
disposal-related sources. In contrast, the distribution of some relationship (R2 = 0.96, p < 0.01 and R2 = 0.92, p < 0.01 in O-
more abundant NBFRs in soils appeared to be influenced by horizon and A-horizon, respectively) (SI Figure S2). This is
production plant/processing location and did not display consistent with other reports focusing on different matrices
dependence on IPSI. This trend is in general agreement with (e.g., soil of Huai’an City (R2 = 0.98)55 and ambient air around
previous studies that had shown that the signal of FR sources Shanghai (R2 = 0.93).56 The ratio between anti- or syn- isomer
from manufacturing locations can be detected in air and other has widely been used as a proxy of remoteness (in space and
media on the local scale range.8,51 The present results expand time) of the contamination following their different environ-
this paradigm showing that emission point sources can possibly mental behavior.55,56 In this study, fanti is defined as the ratio of
affect soil concentrations even at subregional level. canti‑DP/c(anti‑DP+syn‑DP) (SI Table S5). fanti ranged 0.43 to 0.72
3.3. Co-Linearity between Compound Distributions. (mean 0.56) in O-horizon and 0.41 to 0.79 (mean 0.58) in A-
The large-scale data set of both discontinued and current use horizon. Possibly because of the large spatial scale covered in
flame retardants presented here provides a unique opportunity our survey, these ranges are larger and their mean values are
to explore how market shifts may have affected environmental lower than those reported by Wang et al. (0.67−0.85),55 Hoh
levels and distribution patterns. For example a mixture of et al.57and Qiu et al.(0.75−0.80),57,58 but similar to those
TBPH and TBB, TBE and DBDPE are used as alternatives for reported in a case study in Lake Ontario (0.53).59 Lower fanti
penta-BDE, octa-BDE, and deca-BDE formulation, respec- values (<0.5) were also observed in Great Lakes air and
tively.5,7,31,52,53 Hence, a spatial distribution pattern with sediment samples, which were collected in distal sites from
PBDEs levels being negatively correlated to NBFR levels production facilities.57 The forested sites selected in the present
could be hypothesized as a result of growing emissions of study are classified as semiremote areas. fanti values lower than
NBFR and simultaneously declining emissions and ongoing 0.5 measured here can also be discussed as a result of different
degradation of the environmental burden of PBDEs. In contrast environmental behavior of the two isomers (including stereo-
to this hypothesis, levels of PBDEs and NBFRs were strongly selective degradation) and remoteness from sources.
positively correlated, suggesting similar drivers controlling their 3.4. Influence of Environmental Parameters. Biogeo-
spatial distribution. A summary of the correlation analysis chemical Control. The spatial trends of FRs in the A-horizons
results are reported in SI Table S4. Significantly positive were often poorly consistent with those observed in O-
relationships between BDE 209 and DBDPE were observed in horizons. The O-horizon is directly exposed to atmospheric
both O- and A-horizon, such a behavior was previously depositions, while the presence of flame retardants in the
observed by Ma et al. in the Great Lakes atmosphere.7 “aged” A-horizon has to be related to the effects of a range of
Similarly, BDE 183 and TBE (TBE being a replacement for processes driving to their downward vertical transport in the
octa-BDE) were strongly positively correlated in both O- and soil column. These processes, in particular, are water driven
A- soil horizons (SI Table S4). TBPH was significantly leaching, vertical diffusion and, up to a minor extent,
correlated to the penta-BDE mixtures (sum of BDE 47, 99, bioturbation. The generally higher measured levels and
100, 153, and 154) in both O- and A-horizons, despite this detection frequency of TBE (66%) in A-horizon compared to
novel FR is used as a substitute of banned PBDEs. This result its “predecessor” BDE 183 (29%) suggested that mobility in
indicates that emission patterns and environmental behavior of soils might be significantly higher for TBE. Levels of TBE and
old and emerging FRs are, to a certain extent, similar. In other NBFRs (TBPH and TBB, etc. (SI Table S3)) in the A-
addition, there is evidence here that the reduced emissions of horizon were in some cases similar to those observed in the O-
PBDEs following the international ban are not yet reflected in horizon, confirming rapid vertical translocation of these
background soil samples over the large spatial scale. Kawai et al. contaminants in soils. In soil ecotoxicology, the concepts of
proposed half-lives of brominated organic compounds in soil mobility and “availability” (including bioavailability) are strictly
(e.g., BDE 35 and BDE 99 in the order of 17 000 and 55 000 h, related.60 High leaching rates are also associated with higher
respectively).54 These values reflect the elevated persistence of potential for groundwater contamination. The fact that many
PBDEs in soil. Hence it is unlikely that management actions to NBFRs are found in mineral soils at similar levels as observed in
reduce emissions can be reflected in changes of soil superficial soil, after relatively short time from their
contamination in the short term. In addition, the observed introduction is of some concern. Interestingly, NBFRs were
correlation between the behavior of old and emerging flame more frequently detected in the A-horizon of forested sites of
retardants shed (at least from the environmental exposure point the subtropical part of China, where precipitation is more
of view) a critical light on the effectiveness of the substitution intense and turnover of organic matter in O-horizon is faster. In
strategy adopted in recent years by the FRs industry. conclusion, the climatic and ecological conditions of this region
TBB and TBPH distribution were negatively correlated in may configure an increased risk for leaching.61
soil samples despite these substances are used together (yet Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in Soil. Soil OC is a key
with varying proportions) in FR commercial formulations. The parameter controlling distribution of hydrophobic persistent
ratio of cTBB/c(TBPH+TBB) in these soil samples ranged from 0 to contaminants (including POPs) at the global scale. The
0.97 (mean 0.48) and 0 to 0.99 (mean 0.45) in O-horizon and relationship between concentration of POPs and soil OC is
A-horizon respectively (shown in SI Table S5). A wide range of underpinned by the large affinity of these compounds to the
cTBB/cTBPH (0.05−50) was also previously reported in another organic matter and their persistence.24,38,62 In contrast, the
study focusing on the analysis of dust samples.31 Differences in present assessment shows that among the PBDE congeners
sources (e.g., commercial formulations) and physical chemical only BDE 47 had a significantly positive correlation with soil
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OC in both O- and A-horizon (SI Table S6). Only PBEB was

significantly and positively correlated with OC in A-horizon.
This work is supported by the National Scientific Foundation
Some compounds were negatively related to OC either in O- of China (Nos. 41125014, 41390240), the Joint Funds of the
horizon or A-horizon (TBE in O-horizon (r = −0.14; p > 0.05); National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Natural
BDE 183 in A-horizon (r = −0.05; p > 0.05)). These negative Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (Nos.
correlations have to be regarded as spurious and essentially due U1133004). Part of the work was carried out with the support
to the contingent inverse (nonsignificant) relationship between of core facilities of the Research Centre for Toxic Compounds
source distribution (as described by IPSI) and soil TOC. in the Environment (RECETOX) − National Infrastructure for
The majority of the target compounds did not display any Research of Toxic Compounds in the Environment, project
dependence on TOC. This is an important result supporting number LM2011028, funded by the Ministry of Education,
the hypothesis that source distribution (rather than environ- Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under the activity
mental factors) is pivotal for controlling distribution of both “Projects of major infrastructures for research, development
“old” and novel FRs in background soils. and innovations”. OS participation to the study was supported
Precipitation, Temperature and Latitude. Precipitation and by the RECETOX GENASIS infrastructure.

temperature influence deposition, degradation and reemission
processes of many POPs,25 possibly resulting in a general
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2911 DOI: 10.1021/es505876k

Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 2904−2911

Manuscript of Melymuk, L., Bohlin, P., Sáňka, O., Pozo, K. & Klánová, J.
Current challenges in air sampling of semivolatile organic contaminants:
sampling artifacts and their influence on data comparability. Environ. Sci.
Technol. 48, 14077–91 (2014).
Critical Review

Current Challenges in Air Sampling of Semivolatile Organic

Contaminants: Sampling Artifacts and Their Influence on Data
Lisa Melymuk,*,† Pernilla Bohlin,*,† Ondřej Sáňka,† Karla Pozo,† and Jana Klánová†

Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX), Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5/753,
Pavilon A29, Brno 62500, Czech Republic
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: With current science and policy needs, more attention

is being given to expanding and improving air sampling of semivolatile
organic contaminants (SVOCs). However, a wide range of techniques
and configurations are currently used (active and passive samplers,
different deployment times, different sorbents, etc.) and as the SVOC
community looks to assess air measurements on a global scale,
questions of comparability arise. We review current air sampling
techniques, with a focus on sampling artifacts that can lead to
uncertainties or biases in reported concentrations, in particular
breakthrough, degradation, meteorological influences, and assump-
tions regarding passive sampling. From this assessment, we estimate
the bias introduced for SVOC concentrations from all factors. Due to
the effects of breakthrough, degradation, particle fractions and sampler
uptake periods, some current passive and active sampler config-
urations may underestimate certain SVOCs by 30−95%. We then recommend future study design, appropriateness of sampler
types for different study goals, and finally, how the SVOC community should move forward in both research and monitoring to
best achieve comparability and consistency in air measurements.


Recent scientific and policy discussion has addressed air
regional monitoring networks, with differences in sampling
methodology and procedures, cannot adequately provide the
sampling of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs)/ data needed for global assessments, such as the GMP.1
persistent organic pollutants (POPs), particularly regarding Furthermore, scientific concern is also growing regarding
long-term monitoring networks and the data needs of the currently unregulated SVOCs such as endocrine disrupting
SVOC community.1−3 SVOCs are organic compounds with compounds (EDCs).4
vapor pressures typically between ∼1 and 10−10 Pa. Many of the Beyond the policy demands of international conventions, the
SVOCs are classified as POPs, and are subject to international SVOC scientific community also requires air sampling to
agreements and conventions such as the Aarhus protocol on understand the fate and transport of SVOCs and to provide
POPs (1998) under the Convention on Long-Range Trans- necessary information for scientific models and human
boundary Air Pollution (LRTAP, 1979) (http://www.unece. exposure assessments.2 This type of data is often produced
org/env/lrtap/) and the Stockholm Convention (SC) on POPs through smaller-scale case studies or local- or regional-scale
(2001/2004) ( These conventions aim to monitoring networks. While less standardized than long-term
eliminate or restrict the production and emission of a range monitoring networks, some very critical knowledge of SVOCs
of SVOCs, notably organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), has come from case studies, as they allow specific questions to
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p- be addressed in a focused manner. In particular, they provide a
dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), polybrominated diphenyl platform for testing samplers (e.g., polyurethane foam (PUF)
ethers (PBDEs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), passive air samplers,5 XAD-passive air samplers6) and provide
per- and polyfluorinated compounds (PFCs). To provide data in vulnerable areas that are not covered by long-term
information on long-term trends and effectiveness of regulatory monitoring networks (e.g., e-waste sites in China7 or Africa,
actions, air monitoring strategies have been established,1 intensive agricultural regions in India or South America8−10).
including the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
(EMEP) for LRTAP compounds (1999) and the Global Received: May 2, 2014
Monitoring Plan (GMP) for SC compounds (2008). 1 Revised: September 23, 2014
Monitoring networks require appropriate sampling strategies Accepted: October 20, 2014
to provide reliable and broadly comparable air data and current Published: October 20, 2014

© 2014 American Chemical Society 14077 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 14077−14091
Environmental Science & Technology Critical Review

Figure 1. Global distribution of PBDE measurements in air (active and passive) from 2003 to 2013, as an example of the unbalanced spatial
distribution of SVOC sampling. Shading is used to aid in visualization of aggregated sampling distribution and frequency. Darker orange indicates a
high density of sampling (e.g., regular sampling over many years), while the lightest orange indicates collection of a single event sample (e.g., ship
cruises). Dots reflect global population density as of 2000 (

Together, monitoring networks and case studies provide our sampling. While some studies have assessed comparability
information on the global distribution of SVOCs, their between samplers or sampling networks,14−21 efforts never
atmospheric transport, fate, and relationship with sources. went beyond these to address the potential implications. Most
However, there are still crucial gaps and biases in this current discussion focuses on the problems related to spatial
information which may lead to uncertainties in comparability distributions, as well as analytical quality assurance and quality
of data, namely spatial distribution and temporal coverage of control (e.g., interlaboratory or inter-network compari-
measurements, and lack of sampling standardization within and sons14,16,17,22,23), but little attention is given to sampling
between networks/case-studies. Problems related to spatial artifacts or spatial intercomparability. Herein, we review and
distributions of established networks are discussed by Hung et discuss influences on the most frequently used SVOC air
al.2 and Klánová and Harner.1 The uneven spatial distribution is sampling methods/techniques in both established networks and
somewhat improved when one considers the contribution of case studies and analyze how they impact measurements and
case studies (Supporting Information (SI) Figure S1b) and thus data comparability. We then make recommendations on
new/planned monitoring networks in Australia, Southeast Asia, what sampling techniques are appropriate for particular study
and South America,2 but the issue of data comparability goals, how to enhance data comparability, and what is needed
remains. Additionally, there are discrepancies in the spatial to improve SVOC air measurements.
distribution of measurements and the spatial scale of
concentration variations; SVOCs vary on small scales11−13
and current sampling distributions infrequently address this.
Active Air Sampling Methods. Active air samplers (AAS)
There are also discrepancies in the frequency of sampling at are currently perceived as the most accurate method of
each site, with some regions having repeated continuous obtaining SVOC air concentrations as they accumulate both gas
monitoring capturing seasonal trends and short-term variability, and particle phase compounds under a controlled flow. Despite
and others with only one or two reported measurements in the identified sampling artifacts,24 this technique is almost
past ten years (Figure 1). Although individual monitoring unchanged over the past 40 years.25−27
networks are effective at accomplishing their respective goals AAS are commonly classified as either high volume or low
(e.g., providing data for modeling exercises, or broad spatial volume samplers, with the main differences being the flow rate
coverage) the different network structures may lead to and sample collection time. In high volume samplers, flow rates
problems with the intercomparability of scientific results. are typically 15−80 m3/hour16,28,29 yielding total sample
With increasing international collaboration and data sharing volumes of >400 m3, although there is a large variation in
(e.g., the GMP) the question of inter-network comparability is what is considered a high volume sample. For example, the
brought to the forefront.1 There are a wide range of techniques Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN) typically
used across different networks and case studies, including active collects ∼820 m3 of air at American sites, and ∼350 m3 at
and passive air samplers, and differences in sampling volumes, Canadian sites,16 while some Arctic sampling networks collect
sorbents, sampling length and sampling frequencies. There has up to 13000 m3.30 Low volume air samplers typically have flow
never been an agreed mandate to establish standardized rates of <3 m3/hour.15,31−34 This often results in small sample
procedures within and between SVOC networks and there is volumes (e.g., <200 m3), but low volume samplers can also be
a lack of quality standard operating procedures for SVOC used for longer deployment times, for example, 7−14 days of
14078 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 14077−14091
Environmental Science & Technology Critical Review

Figure 2. Distribution of active air sampling volumes used in measurements of PBDEs from 2003 to 2013. Studies that did not report a sample
volume are excluded. There is a general trend of larger volumes collected in remote areas, particularly the Arctic, however there is also significant
variability in air volumes that is not directly related to the expected concentrations at a given site and this variability may affect what is reported as
concentrations in a given location (e.g., occurrence of either breakthrough or lack of detection).

Table 1. Common Active and Passive Sampling Techniques for SVOCs

sampler high volume sampler low volume sampler double-bowl PUF PAS XAD PAS SIP PAS
type of sampler active active passive passive passive
typical sampling 600 m3 100 m3 80−400 m3 100−200 m3 100−500 m3
volume (m3)
typical sampling 15−80 m3/hour <3 m3/hour 0.3−20 m3/day 0.4−0.8 m3/ 4−12 m3/day
rate/flow rate day
sampling time hours to month days to weeks weeks to months months to weeks to months
gas-phase sorbent PUF, XAD or combination PUF, XAD or PUF XAD XAD-impregnated PUF
of PUF, XAD combination of
particle-phase GFF or QFF GFF or QFF debatable. inconsistent. with lower no debatable. inconsistent. with lower
sampling sampling rate than gas-phase (10%). sampling rate than gas-phase (10%).
use in long-term yes (inter alia EMEP, IADN, rarely (selected yes (GAPS, MONET) yes (GAPS) yes (GAPS)
monitoring AMAP, MONAIRNET) OSPAR stations)

continuous sampling resulting in air volumes of 500−1000 of the influences of sample volume and sampling media is given
m3.31−33 Low volume sampling is rarely used in long-term in the following sections.
sampling networks; only the Coordinated Atmospheric Passive Air Sampling Methods. Passive air sampling
Monitoring Programme of OSPAR and EMEP use low volume techniques for SVOCs were introduced in the end of 1990s to
samplers at selected stations.31,35 simplify and reduce the costs for air monitoring of SVOCs.
Environmental parameters and SVOC concentrations vary Unlike AAS, passive air samplers (PAS) do not need electricity;
widely, for example, very low concentrations in remote/polar instead chemicals are trapped by diffusive uptake to a sorbent
regions or high temperatures in tropical regions, and thus it can material. PAS have enabled broader monitoring network
be problematic to use identical sampling configurations in all distribution and, as a result, increased the spatial breadth of
locations. The use of different sampling configurations results SVOC measurements.1,36 Several types of PAS have been
in different sampling artifacts. Sampling events can only be evaluated and used during the last 10−15 years, and a few of
compared if a sufficient measure of accuracy has been reached. them have received greater attention and been implemented in
Current sampling procedures/protocols have wide variations in monitoring networks (Table 1). Currently, the disk-shaped
sampled volumes that may not always reflect the best choice for PUF−PAS,5 and the XAD-resin based PAS6 are most used in
the temperature and concentrations in a region, and rather may monitoring networks. Recently, an XAD sorbent-impregnated
simply rely on established sampling protocols not tailored to PUF (SIP) PAS has also been implemented in the Global
specific sampling conditions (Figure 2). While these choices Atmospheric Passive Sampling network (GAPS).37 Other PAS
allow individual networks to have long-term temporal data samplers have been used (e.g., POGs,38 SPMDs39), and new
continuity, they may reduce the accuracy of results and techniques are under development,40 however these are largely
comparability between networks or studies. A greater analysis used in case studies. The available PAS differ in characteristics
14079 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 14077−14091
Environmental Science & Technology Critical Review

and applicability, which affects data comparability, as described samplers and SIP-PAS.56,57 The main difference between
below. For an in-depth review of PAS theory and application XAD and PUF is sorptive capacity; for equal amounts of
we recommend dedicated articles on theoretical framework,41 sorbent material, PUF has a much lower capacity than XAD,
calibration,42 indoor use,43 new developments and techni- largely due to differences in surface area. PUF has a specific
ques.40,44 surface area of 0.007−0.035 m2/g while the surface area of

Below, we describe and discuss some of the major sampling
XAD-2 is 300−600 m2/g.53 On a practical basis, this means that
samplers using XAD as the gas-phase sorbent can collect larger
volumes of air before breakthrough occurs (for AAS) or be
influences for both AAS and PAS. All air sampling techniques deployed for longer periods of time before equilibrium is
have biases that may affect measurements and thereby also the reached (for PAS). However, PUF does have the advantage of
comparability of results between different sampling events. We lower cost and ease-of-use compared to XAD, as manipulation
consider: (i) is the sampling technique accurate−does it of the PUF is simple and blanks are often lower.
provide the real picture of atmospheric levels of the target There are also differences in the surface bonding of particular
contaminants, (ii) is the sampling technique robust−how compounds to PUF and XAD.58,59 XAD is a stronger sorbent
sensitive is it to environmental conditions, and (iii) are data for PFCs, current-use pesticides (CUPs), and other emerging
from different techniques comparable−do we get the same chemicals,59,60 yet the differences are not fully understood, and
number when using different sampling techniques and different research is ongoing. Both sorbents are influenced by temper-
sampling approaches? A focus is often on analytical procedures ature and humidity, but the amount of variability introduced by
and intercomparisons of chemical analyses;17,23 comparisons of these parameters is unclear and needs further research.53,59
sampling procedures/methodologies/techniques are less com- Generally, they are linked to changes in sorptive capacities,59
mon. Yet, given the range of sampling techniques, the and thus effects can be significant when large seasonal shifts are
parameters of sample collection (e.g., sorbent type, sample expected (e.g., monsoon-impacted areas). The choice of PUF
volumes) should be carefully considered, as they have the vs XAD should be based on the choice of compound to be
potential to introduce significant biases. A summary of the sampled and the sampling parameters, but is often due to
advantages and disadvantages of individual sampler config- previous regional practices (e.g., PUF is more commonly used
urations is given in SI Table S1. in AAS in Canada and Europe, while XAD is more commonly
Sampling InfluencesActive Air Sampling. Sampling used in the U.S.). PUF/XAD combinations are seeing
Head. The most commonly used sampling heads in AAS are increasing global use in recent years (SI Figure S2).
the TSP (total suspended particulates) and PM10 (particles Three types of filters are used in AAS for SVOCs: quartz
with aerodynamic diameter <10 μm). TSP theoretically fiber filters (QFF), glass fiber filters (GFF), and Teflon/Teflon-
includes all airborne particulate matter, although in practice, impregnated filters. GFF and QFF are most common, and are
the upper particle size cutoff of a TSP sampling head is between perceived to give comparable results,61 although specific studies
50 and 100 μm, dependent on flow rate and ambient assessing differences between them are limited. The recom-
conditions.45 As a result of new legislations within the mendations on filter type instead suggest that choice of filter
European Union (EU), recently PM2.5 (particles <2.5 μm) should consider what, if any, additional analyses will be
has also been suggested as a sampling threshold for monitoring
completed in conjunction with SVOCs (e.g., PM, SO2, organic/
networks. Different sampling heads and a specific particle cut-
elemental carbon, or metals).45,62
point can be useful, as particles <10 μm are most important for
While the choice of sampling head determines the upper end
atmospheric chemistry and physics46 while particles <2.5 μm
of the particle sizes collected on the filter, the lower size cutoff
are most relevant for human health and risk assessment
is related to filter choice, but is more ambiguous. Typical GFFs
estimates,47 but may result in lower data comparability. The
choice of sampling head should not result in large differences in or QFFs have a collection efficiency of >99%, but do not often
reported SVOC concentrations, as the majority of SVOCs are have a specified fine particle cutoff. Particles <50 nm may pass
typically associated with the finest particles (e.g., <1.5 μm), through the filter and subsequently be trapped by the gas-phase
which are sampled by the TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 sampling sorbent material.63 This might be an issue for ultrafine particles
heads.48−52 On average PM2.5 represents >75% of TSP by mass (typically <100 nm) which are of concern for human
and most of the SVOCs (>80%) are found in this fraction.51,52 health.64,65 Although numbers of ultrafine particles are high,
However, there may be circumstances when the use of different their total mass is small and therefore they are challenging to
sampling heads leads to very different results, such as quantify and require adaptations of current instrumentation or
environments with high TSP, or industrial settings where new sampler types. There is limited information on how
SVOCs are found on coarser particles. ultrafine particles are distributed within an AAS, and this may
Sorbent and Filter Type. A range of different sorbent types contribute to uncertainty in gas-particle partitioning.
are used for sampling gas-phase SVOCs in AAS (e.g., PUF, Breakthrough. An important consideration in AAS is what
XAD, Tenax TA, polydimethylsiloxane), but published data on volume of air can be collected before the sampling medium
SVOCs is dominated by sampling with PUF and XAD, and we experiences “breakthrough”, that is, the loss of compounds
focus our discussion on these. PUF is a low density foam downstream of the sampling medium. This can be a result of a
consisting of a polymer bound by urethane links that has been saturated sampling medium or desorption of compounds from
used in SVOC air sampling for over 40 years.25 XAD is a the sampling medium. Sampling design must achieve the right
styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer more recently used in AAS, balance between collecting sufficient sample for analysis of
either independently or in conjunction with PUF. Two types of lower concentration SVOCs, while not collecting so much
XAD are commonly used in SVOC air sampling:53 (i) volume as to have breakthrough of more volatile SVOCs. In
Amberlite XAD-2, commonly used in AAS and XAD- breakthrough estimates or controlled experiments <10%
PAS,6,54,55 and (ii) Amberlite XAD-4, in active denuder breakthrough is considered an acceptable threshold.66−68
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The key factors affecting breakthrough are (1) type and If filter blowoff/adsorption occurs, bulk air concentrations
geometry of sampling medium, (e.g., PUF vs XAD), (2) target may be correctly characterized, but gas-particle partitioning
compound properties and concentration, (3) competition for estimates may be incorrect. This is expected to be most
the sampling medium (i.e., from other gas-phase compounds), significant for compounds with short-term temporal variations
(4) sample volume, (5) sampler flow rate, (6) temperature, and in concentrations71 (such as CUPs) which may not be in
(7) humidity. Of these, sampling medium, sample volume and equilibrium between the gas and particle phases, and those with
sampler flow rate are the most easily controlled, and therefore intermediate gas-particle partitioning that vary between largely
breakthrough is most often discussed in terms of what sampling gas- and largely particle-associated at ambient air temperatures.
medium and sample volume are appropriate for a given class of Degradation. Degradation of atmospheric SVOCs occurs as
compounds. a natural process, caused by reaction with atmospheric reactive
Basic chromatographic relationships can be used to estimate species, in particular hydroxyl radicals, ozone, and NO3, or by
breakthrough,24,67 but given the number of variables influencing photolysis (SI Figure S3). Degradation has been found to
breakthrough, it can be more reliable to conduct small significantly affect ambient atmospheric concentrations, notably
breakthrough experiments with the exact study configurations. for PAHs through reaction with OH, ozone, and NO3,73,74 for
Results from early breakthrough studies67,68 tend to be used as PCBs and pesticides through reaction with OH,75−78 and for
an accepted framework for present studies and little PBDEs and novel flame retardants (NFRs) through photol-
consideration is given to breakthrough in typical sampling ysis.79−81 While a sampler should provide a snapshot of the
set-ups. Despite this, measurements and calculations suggest atmospheric SVOC concentrations which may be already
that in a typical high-volume AAS breakthrough of more affected by degradation, there is also the possibility for
volatile compounds (e.g., PCB-28, HCB, HCHs, fluorene) can degradation to continue within the sampler, as atmospheric
occur already at <600 m3.24,34,59,66,68−70 For example, at reactive species are drawn into the sampling medium along with
tropical temperatures (e.g., around 30°C) a typical high volume the SVOCs themselves. Within-sampler degradation is an
AAS (2 PUF plugs, 600 m3 of air, 24 h) can lose 10−15% of the unwanted sampling artifact that can result in underestimation
PCB-28 due to breakthrough (calculations in SI). However, it of ambient concentrations.
should be noted that this is also highly temperature dependent: UV radiation has a minimal direct influence on within-
with the same sampling configuration at 5°C the breakthrough sampler degradation due to the protection provided by the
volume is >3000 m3. Many current AAS configurations may sampler housings, but there is the potential for degradation due
experience breakthrough for lower molecular weight SVOCs, to ozone, hydroxyl radicals and other atmospheric reactive
leading to systematic underestimation of these compounds; species to continue within the sampler. Significant within-
consideration of this is warranted in interpretation of results. sampler degradation has been observed for PAHs both on
Filter Artifacts. The filter within the AAS (GFF or QFF) can filters82,83 and in gas-phase sorbents.84 Particle-phase PAH
be the site of two sampling artifacts which influence measured concentrations can typically be underestimated by 20−40% due
concentrations: blowoff and filter adsorption. Blowoff is the to degradative losses on AAS filters, with underestimates >70%
volatilization loss of SVOCs from the filter, thereby for particularly reactive compounds (e.g., benzo[a]-
disproportionately reducing SVOC filter masses, while filter pyrene).82,83,85 Gas-phase PAHs may also experience degrada-
adsorption is the adsorptive partitioning of gaseous compounds tion within the sorbent, with losses of up to 50% due to
onto the filter, increasing the mass of SVOCs on the filter. reaction with both OH and ozone.84,86
This is affected by sampler configurations (e.g., flow rate, The amount of potential within-sampler degradation
sampling time, filter type) and occurs largely under three depends on sampling conditions, site conditions, and
conditions: (i) when there are large variations in the SVOC compound, but the range of variability due to these factors is
concentration in incoming air, (ii) when there are large highly uncertain. For example, there are large spatial and
temperature variations, (iii) when there is very high particle temporal ranges in levels of atmospheric reactive species. On a
loading to filters. Under these conditions, the gas-particle global scale, ozone varies by a factor of 2−3, with higher levels
distribution of SVOCs in the AAS may no longer be in in populated areas,87 while OH varies by a factor of 6, with
equilibrium with the influent air, and filter blow-off can occur in higher levels in tropical regions,75,88 and there is potential for
the case of higher temperatures/lower concentrations, or filter even higher local-scale variability in both ozone and OH.89
adsorption in the case of lower temperatures/higher concen- Ozone can vary seasonally by a factor of 2 and diurnally to a
trations. By using a higher flow rate or longer sampling time, lesser extent87 while OH can vary up 10× both seasonally and
surface-sorbed SVOCs can more easily be stripped from diurnally.75,88,90 Given the direct relationship between the
particles than those that are less available for exchange with the amount of degradative losses and levels of atmospheric reactive
atmosphere. In large sample volumes or in areas of high PM, species, within-sampler degradation may be significantly higher
overloading of filters can cause further artifacts. If the filter (up to 100%) if the concentrations of atmospheric reactant
becomes physically blocked by PM, sampler flow rates can be species are very high.84,85 This can then affect the temporal
reduced and thus true sample volumes could be lower, resulting (e.g., summer vs winter) and spatial comparability (urban vs
in an underestimate of concentrations. remote) of measured concentrations. For example, estimates
Filter adsorption and blowoff further vary by compound, based on reaction with ozone74,91 suggest that measured
depending on partitioning coefficients, ionic interactions, and concentrations at an urban site in summer with 60 ppb ozone
hydrophilicity.71,72 For example, significant filter adsorption was would be underreported by 30% due to particle phase reaction
identified for perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), and certain with ozone, while at a remote site in winter with 20 ppb ozone,
perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) in a high-volume AAS, there would be minimal within-sampler degradation. While site
resulting in overestimation of particle-associated fractions by up and season are very important for degradation, filter and
to 80%, while other PFCs did not have significant filter sorbent type, sampling duration, amount and composition of
adsorption.24 PM, temperature and humidity also affect reactive losses.74 The
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length of sampler deployment may have a minor influence on partitioning coefficient). Method (i) is considered most
degradation,74,85 but more characterization of these processes is accurate, and is particularly advantageous when calibrating
needed. compounds with high short-term variability, which could be
Experimental evidence only exists for PAHs, but within- biased with intermittent high volume AAS depending on the
sampler degradation should also be of importance for other timing of sampling.31 DCs account for site-specific environ-
reactive SVOCs, according to their susceptibility to degradation mental conditions but do not cover the full-range of
in the atmosphere. Gas-phase compound degradation is largely compounds, as they are not applicable for particle-associated
via reaction with the OH radical,73,86,92 and thus we expect compounds, and cannot be used for XAD samplers due to their
other gas-phase compounds with OH reaction rate constants in high sorptive capacity.
the same range as PAHs to also have potential within-sampler PAS for SVOCs are used as time-integrated samplers, and
degradative losses (SI Table S2). In contrast, on-filter sampling rates are only applicable when the sampler is in the
degradation is largely through reaction with ozone,82,86 and linear uptake phase.41,95 The length of the linear uptake phase
thus degradative losses of particle-associated compounds are varies for compounds within a SVOC class as well as between
important mainly for PAHs (SI Table S3). Based on rate classes and it is important to keep deployment times within the
constants and gas-particle partitioning, we estimate that PAHs, reported linear time frames for each compound. While the
CUPs and some NFRs may experience significant within- conventional PAS model assumes uniform distribution of a
sampler degradative losses. compound within the sorbent,41,95 recent studies have
Sampling InfluencesPassive Air Sampling. Despite identified that kinetic resistance within the sorbent material
the benefits and widespread use of PAS1 they are still associated may be limiting and as such, model-based calculations may
with challenges and limitations affecting the comparability of overestimate the length of the linear uptake phase.59,100,108 This
measurements. These are important to recognize and control, contention is supported by experimental work.33,93 For
but few of them can be fully quantified in a field deployment example, penta+hexachlorobenzene and low molecular weight
setting. PAHs and PCBs enter a curvilinear uptake after 6−9 weeks,93
Calculation of Air Concentrations. The most relevant and thus air concentrations from a three-month PUF−PAS
limitation of PAS is their lower accuracy compared to AAS.5 deployment may be underestimates. Furthermore, the length of
PAS have a semiquantitative nature, since air concentrations the linear uptake phase may be affected by environmental
can only be derived if an estimated sampling rate (m3/day) is conditions such as temperature, wind speed and air
applied. The sampling rate is specific to the type of sampler concentrations, but this is not yet fully characterized.
(e.g., sorbent, sampler housing) and the environmental Sorbent Material. Two sorbent types are commonly used in
conditions (e.g., indoor, outdoor, meteorology), and can vary PAS: PUF and XAD. As with AAS, other sorbents have been
by orders of magnitude due to these differences.6,93−96 In used but not applied on a large scale. Their specific
theory sampling rates should not vary by compound, but in characteristics result in different sampling potentials. The
practice large variations are found due to compound-specific PUF sorbent has a lower capacity and higher sampling rate than
behaviors or uncertainties in the methods of determining the XAD sorbent (Table 1).31 Typical deployment times in
sampling rates. For example, measured sampling rates for established air monitoring networks are months (∼1−4
PUF−PAS span 3 orders of magnitude (e.g., 0.02−20 m3/ months) for PUF−PAS36,101,109 and up to one year for XAD-
day),32,33,94,95,97−99 and some studies have observed systematic PAS.6 As a consequence, data from the two samplers are only
variations in sampling rates according to compound physical- comparable if sampling is conducted within the linear uptake
chemical properties.32,33,93,100 The choice of using one general phase of each sampler, and time weighted average concen-
sampling rate or nongeneric sampling rates is an important trations from multiple PUF−PAS cover the same sampling
current discussion point within the PAS community. The use of period as XAD-PAS.
nongeneric sampling rates (such as homologue-specific) can Another difference between the two sorbents is the type of
“correct” for some of the potential errors a general sampling compounds they can sample. While XAD is solely a gas-phase
rate may introduce under certain circumstances. For example, sampler, PUF is able to accumulate both gas-phase and particle-
using a general sampling rate of ∼4 m3/day36,101 vs a associated SVOCs, although particles are sampled with a lower
nongeneric sampling rate of 0.3 m3/day for benzo[a]pyrene94 accuracy and more variable sampling rates.93,97 On the other
results in 13× concentration differences due to the choice of hand, PUF−PAS have shown poorer or inconsistent perform-
sampling rate alone. However, a general sampling rate for all ance for more volatile and polar SVOCs (e.g., CUPs, PFOS/
SVOCs is often used in monitoring networks, as it is unclear PFOA), for which XAD perform well.31,56,59,110 The low
whether the corrective potential of nongeneric sampling rates is sorptive capacity of PUF−PAS for most PFCs60,110 suggests
significant considering the semiquantitative nature of PAS. It different partitioning mechanisms for polar and nonpolar
may not be a problem when the goal is to study the sum of compounds. The SIP-PAS has been shown to be more effective
compounds but may lead to errors if compound-specific for PFCs,56 CUPs,37 methyl siloxanes,111 and phthalates.112
concentrations or the SVOC fingerprint is of interest. The PAS However, consistency with SIP-PAS may be challenging, as
community has not yet reached consensus regarding selection XAD resin can be lost from the SIP disk during sampler
of appropriate sampling rates. deployment, particularly in windy, outdoor conditions,113
The methods for obtaining sampling rates add an additional thereby introducing added uncertainties.
level of uncertainty to their validity. Sampling rates are obtained PUF disks of different densities (0.021, 0.030, and 0.035 g
from three methods: (1) use of depuration compounds (DCs)/ cm − 3 ) are currently used by diff erent research
performance reference compounds (PRCs),102,103 (2) calibra- groups.36,105,114,115 Although density is included in the
tion studies with comparison to (i) continuous low volume theoretical calculation of PUF-air partition coefficients, the
AAS,31,33,104 or (ii) intermittent high volume AAS,18,19,59,105 or comparability of results from different densities is not fully
(3) modeling exercises106,107 (e.g., applying a PUF-air understood. A higher density PUF disk has higher capacity for
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SVOCs and thus a longer linear uptake phase. However, kinetic windy conditions.106,120 In contrast to the PUF−PAS, the
resistance within the PUF also differs with density. This can XAD-PAS sampling rates double between winds of 0 and 1 m/
result in different uptake scenarios, with lower density PUFs s, but the effect on sampling rates is less with higher wind
having enhanced rates of SVOC transfer into the interior of the speed.6,120
disk, whereas higher density PUF has a rapidly filling “surface Temperature affects PUF and XAD-PAS in similar ways.
compartment” and slower filling of the interior of the disk (e.g., Temperature controls the gas-particle partitioning of SVOCs,
a two-phase uptake mechanism).114 Additionally, particle thus affecting the sampling rate (discussed below). However,
uptake may be enhanced in a lower-density PUF, which temperature also affects the sampling medium: for example,
could be a contributing factor in the discrepancies found for higher temperature leads to higher diffusivity and thus higher
particle associated PAHs (0.1 vs 5.0 m3/day) in different sampling rate95 and higher temperature leads to lower sorptive
studies.93,96 capacity and thus shorter linear uptake phase. The effect of
Sampler Housing. PAS sorbents are deployed inside a these two factors on the overall sampling rate is complex and
sampler housing (chamber) to reduce the influence of varies by compound,106 but can lead to underestimation of
environmental factors that affect the performance of the PAS, concentrations in warm/tropical conditions if deployment
such as wind speed and UV radiation. Studies have indicated times are the same as in colder/temperate regions. Further
that the PAS configuration, including the position of the complicating matters, variations in temperature also affect
sampling media (both PUF and XAD) inside the housing as ambient air concentrations (e.g., higher temperature leads to
well as the alignment of the housing (tight or open), affects higher volatilization and thereby higher air concentrations)
uptake/accumulation and sampling rates.108,116,117 which impacts one of the major assumptions of the PAS theory,
The housings used for PUF−PAS consist of two stainless that the air concentration is constant.
steel bowls fixed on a common vertical axis around the PUF Particle-Associated Compounds. A big question when using
disk. This type of housing may vary slightly in geometry and PAS for SVOCs is their performance for particle-associated
deployment. Differences in the bowl geometries do not compounds. The XAD-PAS is considered a purely gas-phase
significantly affect uptake114 but the way the housing is fixed sampler while the PUF−PAS also accumulates particle-
results in different uptake scenarios, especially under windy associated compounds. Current findings are not consistent;
conditions. A freely hanging sampler housing dampens the some suggest similar PUF−PAS sampling rates for gas- and
variation in external wind speed and results in small variations particle-phase compounds,33,96,121 others show poorer perform-
in sampling rates, while a fixed sampler results in up to 3× ance and up to 100× lower sampling rates for the particle-
higher sampling rates under windy conditions.115,118 The XAD- associated compounds.93,105 The reason for inconsistent results
PAS housing consists of two parts: an inner stainless steel mesh is not known but may be related to site characteristics, PUF
tube in which the XAD is placed and an outer larger stainless types, or analytical differences. High TSP values and high wind
steel cylinder acting as a protective shelter.6 Differences in speeds may favor the uptake of particle-associated compounds
housing configuration for XAD-PAS and air movement within to a level similar to gas-phase compounds. Another possible
the sampler housing also cause significant variation in sampling reason may be differences in PUF density, as mentioned
rates (up to 50%).108 above.93 The influence of particle-associated compounds on
Degradation. No study has investigated degradation in PAS overall sampling rates can be exacerbated at colder temper-
in detail. However, it is expected to affect the same compounds atures when a higher fraction of SVOCs are associated with
and be related to the same environmental variables as in AAS. particles. The variable results imply large errors and low
Kennedy et al.119 identified photodegradation when PUF−PAS comparability for particle-associated compounds between sites,
were not shielded by a sampler housing and that this is reduced and it is difficult to draw a general conclusion that is applicable
by the double bowl chamber; typical PAS housings should limit to all or most of the sites in monitoring networks.
UV exposure. The long deployment times of PAS and thereby The ability to use PAS for particle-associated compounds is a
long exposures to atmospheric reactive species may exacerbate key need of the SVOC community, as regulated and emerging
degradation, both of the SVOCs and the sorbent material itself. SVOCs (PAHs, PBDEs, NFRs, PFCs, CUPs) tend to have high
The effect on the structure and uptake capacity of the sorbent is particle fractions. The applicability of PAS for these compounds
unknown. Compound-specific degradation may also be a source is uncertain, and the subject of ongoing research.

of variability in sampler calibrations.
Environmental Factors/Location. The main causes of
variability in PAS are environmental variables (e.g., wind
speed, temperature, air concentrations) and most refinements Implications for Air Sampling. Given the aforementioned
to PAS aim to quantify/control these, through calibration of sources of bias and potential error in AAS and PAS, it is clear
sampling rates, sampler housing design, use of DCs, etc. that each individual measurement is associated with some
Despite these efforts, environmental factors continue to lead to degree of uncertainty which may be a bigger contribution than
bias/errors in estimated air concentrations. the analytical uncertainty. However, more importantly, the
Sampler housings are effective up to wind speeds of 4 m/s as uncertainty, accuracy, and precision of the measured values vary
they maintain the air flow within the chamber at less than ∼1 widely by sampling technique and sampler configuration, and
m/s, which has a minor effect on sampling rates.115 At wind thus there may be poor comparability between different data
speeds >5 m/s the sampler housing cannot sufficiently dampen sets.
outdoor winds, resulting in a higher air velocity within the Key issues for comparability are (i) sampling times, sample
chamber and a rapid increase in sampling rates.115 This is volumes and frequencies, (ii) PUF−PAS assumptions about
supported by results from DCs, which have shown much higher particles, (iii) PAS sampling rates, (iv) spatial coverage, and the
sampling rates at windy, coastal, and mountain sites.36,99,101 For associated larger range of environmental variables as sampling is
XAD-PAS, sampling rates are also significantly higher under expanded to more geographic regions.2
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Table 2. Percent of Ambient Air Concentration Captured by Given Sampler Configurationsa
% of air concentration captured by sampler
high-volume sampler PUF−PAS XAD-PAS
(24 h, 600 m3) (90 day deployment) (1 year deployment)
example vapor pressure (Pa) at log octanol-air partitioning coefficient atm. half-life (hrs) estimated particle fraction
compounds 0 °C, 25 °C (KOA) at 0 °C, 25 °C at 25 °C at 0 °C, 25 °C 0 °C 25 °C 0 °C 25 °C 0 °C 25 °C
PFOS 0.0973, 0.981 5.23, 4.84 917 0.00, 0.00 70% (1) 6% (1) 1% (3) 1% (3) 50% (3,4) 0% (3,4)
fluorene 0.630, 0.819 8.03, 6.74 15 0.01, 0.00 4% (1, 2) 3% (1, 2) 20% (2,3) 4% (2, 3) 100% 80% (3)
α-HCH 0.105, 0.376 8.37, 7.37 224 0.01, 0.00 70% (1) 20% (1) 60% (3) 20% (3) 100% 90% (3)
PCB-28 0.0314, 0.123 9.28, 8.06 108 0.03, 0.00 100% 100% (1) 90% (3) 50% (3) 100% 100%
chlorpyrifos 0.00399, 0.00536 9.56, 8.41 1.4 0.04, 0.01 0% (2) 0% (2) 80% (2,3) 60% (2, 3) 70% (2) 70% (2)
endosulfan 5.06 × 10−4, 10.58, 9.28 16 0.16, 0.03 90% (2) 90% (2) 80% (2, 3) 80% (2, 3) 80% (2) 80% (2)
2.31 × 10−5
Environmental Science & Technology

PBDE-47 4.91 × 10−7, 12.09, 10.54 128 0.64, 0.15 100% 100% 50% (4) 90% (4) 40% (4) 90% (4)
2.19 × 10−5
benzo[a]pyrene 0.00550, 6.26 × 10−6 12.29, 11.15 2.5 0.97, 0.76 60% 60% (2) 8% (2, 4) 20% (2, 4) 3% (4) 20% (4)
PBDE-209 1.01 × 10−8, 16.51, 15.26 3810 1.00, 1.00 100% 100% 10% (4) 10% (4) 0% (4) 0% (4)
2.23 × 10−4
The percentages represent the combined effects of breakthrough/degradation/exceedance of linear uptake phase at 0 and 25°C and 50 ppb ozone. Causes of the losses corresponding to each compound
are indicated by the numbers following the percentage. (1) indicates breakthrough, (2) is degradation, (3) is exceedance of the linear uptake phase, (4) is a high particle fraction. Full details on the
estimates are given in the SI. References: PCB, HCH, and PAH physical-chemical properties and temperature adjustments are from Beyer et al.131 and Paasivirta et al.;132 PBDE physical-chemical
properties and temperature adjustments are from Harner and Shoeib,133 Tittlemeier et al.,134 and Wang et al.;135 PFOS, chlorpyrifos and endosulfan physical-chemical properties and temperature
adjustments are from Odabasi and Cetin136 and EpiSuite.137 Particle-phase fractions were calculated using the methods of Harner and Bidleman126 using the temperature-adjusted KOA values.

Breakthrough was calculated using the equations of Pankow.67 Length of the linear uptake phase was calculated using the equations of Shoeib and Harner.95 Degradation was estimated based on field study
data from Armstrong et al.,138 Schauer et al.,85 Tsapakis and Stephanou,84 Peters et al.,139 Menichini,82 and Goriaux et al.140 Full details on all assumptions/estimates are provided in the SI.
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For example, an intermittent AAS can easily be biased for summarized in Table 2 and details are given in SI Table S4.
compounds with short-term temporal concentration variability These estimates have significant uncertainty, due to the very
(e.g., CUPs, combustion-related SVOCs)31 and a long-term different data sources, but they emphasize the large possibility
time weighted average concentration from a PAS cannot for sampling artifacts to influence measured concentrations.
provide information on episodic events. If intermittent sample The estimates suggest combined effects of breakthrough
timing results in sampling on the same weekday or period of a and/or exceedance of the PAS linear uptake phase lead to large
month, this can be biased by daily, weekly or monthly activity underestimates in the reported values of the volatile SVOCs,
patterns (e.g., weekday traffic). This can lead to an over- or notably PCB-28, α-HCH, fluorene, PFOS, and by extension,
underestimation of concentrations if the sample either other SVOCs with similar physical-chemical properties. This
coincides with or completely misses a high concentration effect also influences XAD-PAS for more volatile SVOCs (e.g.,
event. Furthermore, as we have moved to measurement of
α-HCH, fluorene, PFOS) at higher temperatures.59,106 Within-
emerging compounds and lower concentration ranges (pg/m3
and fg/m3 levels), sample collection volumes have been pushed sampler degradation, although not well-characterized, is also
higher in order to achieve detection, particularly in remote estimated to contribute to large losses, particularly for fluorene,
environments, without thoroughly assessing the associated benzo[a]pyrene, and chlorpyrifos. Similar degradation is
breakthrough potentials. expected for gas-phase compounds with short reactive
As described earlier, there is much uncertainty in how atmospheric half-lives, which includes all PAHs, many CUPs
particles behave in PUF−PAS. Comparability issues are and some NFRs (SI Table S2). The particle-associated SVOCs
introduced because users of PUF−PAS make different are under-sampled by PUF−PAS and not sampled by XAD-
assumptions about the fraction of the particle phase sampled PAS. Estimates in Table 2 assume PUF−PAS collect 10% of the
by the PUF. The assumptions range from treating PUF−PAS as total particle fraction, but this may range from 1 to 100%. Thus,
gas-phase only to assuming 1−10% of particles are reported concentrations may vary between 15 and 100% of the
sampled,93,105 to assuming all particles are sampled.96 If actual concentration, depending on the fraction of particles that
PUF−PAS are treated as bulk samplers when they are only is truly collected by the PUF−PAS.
sampling a fraction of particles, measured values may be biased Attention is frequently given to issues of analytical
low, particularly for higher molecular weight SVOCs. comparability, but sampling comparability affects many
The systematic variations in PAS sampling rates by physical- compounds which we assume have minimal analytical
chemical properties identified in some studies,32,33,93,100 reflect uncertainties. For example, BDE-209, which has frequently
situations where the conventional PAS framework does not been identified to have difficulties in laboratory analysis,122 is
apply, such as when volatile compounds enter the curvilinear “correctly” sampled, for example, 100% of the air concentration
uptake phase, or when only a fraction of atmospheric particles
should be captured by a typical high volume air sampler,
are sampled. Thus, the use of a general sampling rate may
whereas PCB-28, a compound that has been consistently
introduce bias in either the low molecular weight or high
molecular weight compounds and different compound/ included in global monitoring networks and is one of the seven
congener distributions.33 It is also not well quantified how typical indicator PCBs, may experience losses of up to 15%
much sampling rates differ between different climate zones/ based on breakthrough alone, and thus reported values may be
seasons, thus considering the global range of average biased low in many situations.
temperatures (SI Figure S4), large biases may be introduced Problematic Chemicals. Many “emerging” SVOCs have
when comparing PAS measurements from very different different physical-chemical properties compared to the legacy
regions or seasons. SVOCs and this may introduce challenges in sampling. Current
Spatial distributions of sampling networks further bias our sampling networks and techniques were developed for legacy
global knowledge of air concentrations.1,2 While coverage is SVOCs and may not be appropriate for providing representa-
somewhat improved when one also considers case studies, tive data on these newer SVOCs. For example, the use of PAS
there continue to be areas of the world with limited in the future may be more challenging because target
measurement coverage (Figure 1). For example, if one compounds are either too volatile (volatile methylsiloxanes,
considers available PBDE data for the period 2003−2013, phthalates) or too involatile (CUPs, NFRs) and thus have high
only 2% of the global land mass is within 100 km of a reported uncertainty in conventional PAS. As a consequence of
PBDE air concentration, and 0.1% is within 20 km. By regulatory actions, newer compounds are often designed to
population, only 30% of people live within 100 km of a be less persistent in the environment, but as a result are also
reported PBDE measurement, and only 6% within 20 km. less persistent in samplers (leading to more within-sampler
Southeast Asia has some coverage for PBDEs measured by case degradation) and thus more difficult to correctly quantify.
study, but these largely consist of one-time measurements,
Degradation is also of concern when measuring nitro- and
thereby limiting temporal information. Additionally, land-based
southern hemisphere sampling is largely PAS (SI Figure S1), other substituted PAHs,123 and existing data on these
furthering the spatial bias. compounds is likely an underestimate. The lack of data on
Examples of Bias. To demonstrate the potential combined degradation and the potential importance for many emerging
effects of the aforementioned sampling artifacts and biases, we compounds highlights the need for more studies.
estimated the potential errors in measured concentrations for Furthermore, we must be aware that chemicals currently
three typical sampler configurations: (1) a high-volume active measured by the SVOC community are a small fraction of the
air sampler with GFF or QFF and two PUF plugs, collecting chemicals in use that may be of environmental and/or human
∼600 m3 of air over 24 h, (2) a PUF−PAS, deployed outdoors health concern.124 Adding more chemicals to the lists of
for 90 days, and (3) an XAD-PAS, deployed outdoors for one analytes without adapting current sampler configurations will
year, and two temperature scenarios: 0 and 25 °C. Estimates are introduce more uncertainty in measured concentrations.
14085 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 14077−14091
Environmental Science & Technology Critical Review


term established techniques and continuation of the same
techniques allows for temporal comparisons. Furthermore,
universal standardization of techniques would not be
Recommendations to Enhance Comparability. Given
the wide range of potential biases and uncertainties in air appropriate for all regions. For example, sampling in high
sampling identified above, it is clear that careful consideration temperatures tropical regions may require a different sampling
must be given to sampling approaches. This consideration approach to low temperature polar regions. However, when
should first consider the study goals and outcomes. For different techniques are used it is important for the SVOC
example, what sampling designs are best suited to address community to understand the biases from techniques/
global distributions vs data for human exposure assessments vs configurations/approaches. Instead of implementing identical
source identification, long-term vs short-term trends, and the sampling techniques, data from different sampling configu-
target SVOCs? The sampler type, frequency, and sampling rations may be adjusted using standardization factors. Stand-
materials should correspond to the specific question and ardization factors can account for effects of breakthrough,
compounds to be addressed. But ultimately, as the GMP and temperature differences, wind, etc., and can be tailored to
other initiatives aggregate international data, study design specific sites/sampler types/seasons/sampling approaches. For
should also aim for comparability with global data sets. example, if degradation was better characterized, a stand-
Overall, PAS are best for broad spatial coverage and long- ardization factor could be used to account for the under-
term temporal trends, while AAS are best for short-term estimation caused at sites with high levels of reactive trace
temporal trends and coverage of a broader set of compounds. gases. For cases where large sample volumes are needed,
When the intended result of a study is long-term integrated standardization factors can be used to account for losses of the
average concentrations (e.g., monthly to yearly scale), and more volatile SVOCs. In fact, this is already done to a certain
particularly for largely gas-phase compounds, PAS have a clear extent when compound-specific sampling rates are used for
advantage. The simplicity of PAS (no electricity, cheaper) make PAS; these rates account for nonlinear uptake of volatile
them best suited to resolve concentration gradients where levels SVOCs and lower sampling of particle-associated SVOCs.
vary by orders of magnitude. AAS are recommended when One way standardization factors can be determined,
absolute concentrations are needed, smaller concentration particularly for long-term monitoring networks, is at “super-
variations are expected or high time resolution is needed. sites” where samplers and sampling approaches from different
AAS are the only choice when gas-particle partitioning is networks are used simultaneously.125 Quality assurance
important or particle-phase concentrations are expected to be techniques such as spiking samplers with labeled compounds
dominant and when short-term trends (hourly to weekly) are should also be used periodically across different networks to
of interest. Because congener/compound ratios can be biased further evaluate comparability.
in PAS, AAS are best for source identification/fingerprinting However, standardization factors, once developed, should
techniques. Regulations for human exposure assessment are not be treated as a perfect solution. Better consideration of
often based on particle-associated SVOCs and the best sampler study design should be given in advance of sampler
choice is a low volume AAS providing continuous gas- and deployments. There is sufficient theoretical and experimental
particle-phase concentrations, while PAS are not as well suited. knowledge to allow researchers to estimate PAS linear uptake
However, current research continues to demonstrate the broad phases,41,95 gas-particle partitioning of target compounds,126,127
applicability of PAS,96,97 and, although they have higher and AAS breakthrough67 in advance of sampler deployment. A
uncertainty, particularly for particle-phase compounds, the necessary part of sampling campaign should be estimating these
uncertainty in a temporally integrated PAS could be lower than effects and structuring the sampling campaign to reduce these
uncertainty in intermittent AAS for compounds with daily artifacts. New monitoring networks and case studies should aim
concentration variations. to harmonize, where possible, with existing networks to
Sorbent choice should be considered with respect to the maximize data comparability.
length of sampling period and target compounds. In PAS, PUF Recommendations for Future Work. Extensive exper-
is recommended for capturing seasonal trends for stable, legacy imental, modeling and calibration work has and continues to be
compounds, while XAD-PAS are recommended for longer term done on PAS techniques with the goal of improving the
(e.g., yearly, decadal trends)31 and also to cover emerging gas- accuracy of measured concentrations and better understanding
phase SVOCs (more polar compounds). In AAS, for best uptake processes. This should be continued. However, limited
applicability to a broad range of SVOCs and conditions, we efforts have been made to improve AAS, despite knowledge of
recommend a combination of PUF and XAD, as this reduces uncertainties from degradation, breakthrough, etc. and this
breakthrough concerns and allows quantification of both polar should be an additional focus.
and nonpolar SVOCs. While PUF and XAD are the current For PAS, there are some obvious improvements needed,
focus of the majority of the SVOC community, new sorbents particularly in the determination of sampling rates. Currently,
should be investigated for their applicability to a wider range of sampling rates are determined either with calibration studies or
compounds. DCs, but sampling rates could be improved by combining these
Although there is a need for standardization in SVOC air two methods. Sampling rates (determined from calibration
measurements, with large regional differences and equipment studies) could be adjusted according to differential losses of
constraints, implementation of standardization can be challeng- DCs between sampling sites to account for site-specific
ing. This could be addressed in the long term through the influences. Further studies should also focus on understanding
development of international standards for SVOC sampling the performance of PUF−PAS for particle-associated SVOCs
(e.g., an ISO standard), but in the short term resetting of all under different conditions and for different PUF densities, to
sampling campaigns and networks to the same configurations is better understand why current studies obtain inconsistent
not practical, nor necessarily useful. Many networks have long- results.
14086 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 48, 14077−14091
Environmental Science & Technology Critical Review

For AAS there are also clear improvements needed,

particularly in the study of breakthrough and degradation.
Corresponding Authors
Current sampling configurations are based on information from
*(L.M.) Phone: +420 54949 5149; fax: +420 54949 2840; e-
breakthrough studies from 1980s and early 1990s24,67,128 when
different SVOCs were the primary concerns and concentrations
*(P.B.) Phone: +420 54949 5149; fax: +420 54949 2840; e-
were often higher. Today, larger volumes are used to detect mail:
compounds at the pg/m3 and fg/m3 level, particularly in low
concentration regions (e.g., polar regions, Figure 2) without a Notes
good understanding of the associated impacts (breakthrough, The authors declare no competing financial interest.
degradation). Since the use of denuders in conjunction with
AAS has yielded important information regarding the
degradation of PAHs, this avenue should be further investigated
This research was supported by the projects “Employment of
to better understand within sampler degradation for PAHs and Best Young Scientists for International Cooperation Empower-
other reactive SVOCs. As the relationship between ozone levels ment” (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0037) and “Employment of Newly
and degradation appears relatively consistent,85 it may be Graduated Doctors of Science for Scientific Excellence”
possible to estimate SVOC losses based on ozone levels, which (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.009) cofinanced from European Social
could be especially important in locations/times of year when Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic. The
losses are expected to be large. Additionally, we should RECETOX research infrastructure was supported by the
reconsider the paradigm that AAS provide more accurate projects of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
results. We have summarized numerous well-known sampling (LM2011028) and (LO1214). We thank Jana Borůvková and
artifacts associated with PAS and AAS, but due to limited Roman Prokeš for assistance.

experimental evidence, the question of the overall effect of
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Annex 7

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