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wmode="transparent" width="200" height="10" name="billy" align="middle" type="application/x-
shockwave-flash" /></center></br>

You thought it was a real good idea lying to me, hiding stuff from me, telling other people to lie just to
cover you and then acting very entitled and justified to do all those things, hm?

I think you`re unaware that i know about this since 5th december approximately and here we are at the
end of february, almost. Are you proud of yourself? I guess not, you should probably feel ashamed.

Also, i noticed you take me and my support very much for granted, maybe you should revise that
attitude, it would be really nice and considerate.

But how did you even get to that decision? Did i ever lie to you to deserve being lied to? We talked
about seeing things from the other person`s perspective, let`s switch places. How would you feel if i did
the same things to you, hm?

You know, i can only be lovely and supportive to a certain extent, i am tired too. It`s not very easy having
to deal with your constant failure but i`m still here because i have hope and i believe in you but here you
are acting on you short term,temporary own well being without a shadow of remorse. A bit selfish,
don`t you think?

And you start pulling off this kind of shit. You think i`m just gonna pretend this never happened? Did you
not think there will be some consequences to this? I am pretty tolerant but i won`t let this slide too
easy. Maybe you should think things through better next time.

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