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Media Majalah Ilmu Faal Indonesia

Volume : 8 - No. 2 Terbit : 2--2009

Penulis : Hamim -
Muhammad Arifai -
Triadiati -

Photosynthesis and Ascorbic Acid of Rice, Green Mustard,

Echinochloa, and Amaranthus Subjected to Drought Stress
Abstrak :

Response of photosynthesis and ascorbic acid content of C3

(upland rice and mustard green) and C4 plant (Echinochloa crussgalli.L and Amaranth) was observed in
response to drought. Plants were grown in 6 kg pot containing soil and sand (1:1, v/v) under green house
conditions. Drought stress was provided by withholding water for 12 days for cultivated upland rice,
mustard green and Amaranth, and 14 days for E.crussgalli. Observation was carried out during drought
period by measuring soil water content (SWC), relative water content (RWC), plant growth, ascorbic acid
content (ASA), and photosynthetic chlorophyll fluorescence parameters including the maximum efficiency
of photosynthesis (Fv/Fm), photochemical quenching (qP), non-photochemical quenching (qN), quantum
Yield (qY),. The results showed that drought stress caused decrease of SWC by average of 17.42% and
RWC of 60%.
Drought stress decreased plant dry weight by 48.85% and seed production by average of 43.80%. The
longer drought
decreased significantly
Fv/Fm, qP, and qY, while it increased
qN. The Fv/Fm of
C4 (E.crussgalli.L and spinach) was higher
than that of C3 plants (upland rice and mustard green) on 12 days after drought stressed. ASA content
generally increased after 4 days and the it was maximum at the last period of drought except in spinach
even though it reduced
after rewatering.

Keyword :

Daftar Pustaka :

Sutrian Y Pengantar anatomi tumbuh-tumbuhan. Rineka Cipta Rineka Cipta 1992 Jakarta

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