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Lesson 46 © Turkish Tea Time
I Was Robbed! Made with love.
We hope you never have to use the phrases in today's lesson, but better
safe than sorry. Join us and learn how to tell someone you're lost or that
someone just ran off with that bag you just knew you should have left at

Asking for help. Noobie


1 | Merve İmdat! İmdat! Bana yardım edin!

2 | Polis Ne oldu?

3 | Merve Siz kimsiniz?

4 | Polis Ben polisim. Size yardım edebilir miyim?

5 | Merve Kayboldum! Ayrıca pasaportumu, çantamı, ve cüzdanımı kaybettim!

6 | Polis Bir kimlik var mı?

7 | Merve Yok - ben turistim. Kimliğimi de kaybettim. Bence soyuldum.

8 | Polis Tamam, benimle gelin. Karakola gidiyoruz.

Dialog Translation

1 | Merve Help! Help! Help me!

2 | Polis What happened?

3 | Merve Who are you?

4 | Polis I am a police officer. Can I help you?

5 | Merve I'm lost! And I lost my passport, bag, and wallet!

6 | Polis Do you have an ID?

7 | Merve No - I'm a tourist. I also lost my ID. I think I was robbed.

8 | Polis Alright, come with me. We are going to the police station.

Language Points

Asking for Help

In absolute emergencies, you can use imdat! to call for urgent help. Otherwise, use yardım etmek to ask for help.


Bana yardım edin.

Help me.

Bana yardım edebilir misiniz lütfen?

Can you please help me?

Police, a Police Officer, and the Police Officers

In Turkish, singular nouns refer to a category or a specific member of that category: polis, the police or the police
officer. To create an indefinite singular case for a noun, use bir: bir polis, a police officer. To create a plural case,
use the suffix -ler/-lar: polisler, police officers. In the examples below, pay particular attention to how the singular in
Turkish can take a more collective and categorical meaning than in English singulars.

Şiir yazar.
He writes poetry.

Bir şiir yazar.

He writes a poem.

Şiirler yazar.
He writes poems.

Elma yer.
He eats apples.

Elmalar yer.
He eats apples. (literally, more than one)

Bir elma yer.

He eats an apple.

Changing K to Ğ

Whenever you add a suffix that begins with a vowel to the end of a word that ends in k, you have to change the k
to a silent g (ğ). Köpekim (for example; my dog) forces an unnaturally hard k sound in Turkish; replacing it with ğ
(köpeğim) serves to maintain the flow and rhythm of the spoken language.

Koltuk. Koltuğumuz.
Chair. Our chair.

Köpek. Köpekler. Köpeğin.

Dog. Dogs. Your dog.

Gelecek. Geleceğim.
He will come. I will come.

Kimlik. Kimliği bana verin.

Id. Give me the id.

ne oldu what happened?

kimlik id card

imdat help!

yardım etmek to help

karakol police station

soyulmak to be robbed

cüzdan wallet

çanta hand bag

kaybolmak to be lost

polis police


1. Siz kimsiniz?

a. Sana yardım edebilir miyim?

b. Ne oldu?

c. Ben turistim.

d. Bence soyuldum.

2. What's the best way to make the general statement "I drink alcohol."
a. İçkiler içerim.

b. İçki içerim.

c. Bir içki içerim.

d. İçkiyi içerim.

3. Which of the following are correct constructions? (pick all)

a. köpekim

b. çiçekin

c. çiçeğler

d. köpeğim

e. köpekler

f. çiçeğim

4. What would you shout to ask for urgent help? (write)

5. Ask for help politely. (use -ebil) (write)

Answer Key

1. c
2. b
3. d e f
4. Imdat
5. Bana yardım edebilir misiniz lütfen , Yardım edebilir misiniz lütfen , Yardım edebilir misiniz lütfen , Yardım
edebilir misiniz
More. . .

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