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Slogan: “100 years after the Great October Socialist Revolution we draw conclusions.

We fight for
socialism, which is our future!”

I salute you all on behalf of SKOJ.

Firstly, I would like to thank the youth of TCP on their hospitality and wish us successful

Dear comrades,

The great socialist October revolution presented the most important historical event for
all of humanity. That was the first victory of socialist revolution which abolished man-by-
man exploitation, enabled education for masses, healthcare, option for people to live
from their own work, to have roof over their heads and live their lives according to the
basic principles of humanity. Soviet Russia became the first country of labourers and
peasants in which, for the first time ever, people had the complete authority because all
resources were in their hands. What Capitalism was trying to accomplish for centuries,
Socialism accomplished over the course of only a few decades. Thanks to the legacy of
October, the Soviet Union managed to defend the entire civilization from the greatest evil
of all – Fascism, and discard it into the waste of history. Legacy of October established
the norm and inspiration for all the other Socialist revolutions in Eastern Europe, Asia,
Cuba and other countries which eliminated famine and which made decisive
civilizational strides in economical and cultural sense. All those countries were
industrialized and they became independent from the Imperialist countries in the period
of Socialism. The Soviet Union became the first science oriented country; it also was the
first one to send a man into the outer space. Thanks to the legacy of October, many
Capitalist countries of the West had to create better working conditions for the working
class in their own countries, fearing that the working class will take control over the
government. The Great October was the inspiration for many anticolonial movements
which were offered help by the Soviet Union and other Socialist countries in the just
struggle for the liberation from the grip of colonial invaders.

In those times, Communist parties had major influence in creation of new reality.
Masses saw them as means of their salvation. However, in time, they started to detach
themselves from the masses, which lead to temporary fall of Socialism in Eastern Europe.
Great ideological crisis contributed to that detachment. Human resources in late years of
Socialism in Eastern Europe isolated themselves more and more from the people and
ideals of the revolutionaries of the Great October. They traded their revolutionary ideals
for leather armchairs and comfortable offices. Gradually, they incorporated Capitalist
elements into the processes of production which prevailed in the end and brought about
the reestablishment of Capitalism. Opportunists of various colours contributed to the
tragedy which took place during the fall of the Berlin Wall on the wrong side. Many
human resources who performed high functions in the Party later became leaders of
reformist and reactionary organisations which participated in general depredation of the
people after the temporary collapse of Socialism in Eastern Europe. All those countries
were deindustrialized, factories were privatized, and workers were living in the streets.
Education and healthcare were systematically destroyed and privatized. In all the
countries which suffered from the temporary collapse of Socialism historical revisionism
is widely used in order to depict the liberators as culprits while quislings and Nazis are
presented as innocent victims of Communist terror. The things that working men fought
for with their own hands in western countries are taken from them on daily basis,
because the mass Capital acts as if it’s not under any realistic threat from the Socialist
countries of Eastern Europe. Usurer institutions such as IMF and World Bank rob people
from all around the world and if anyone tries to oppose them, they are punished by the
staggering imperialistic forces of NATO pact. West Imperialism was spreading
triumphantly by bombing and obliterating disobedient regimes. Some of the victims were
peoples of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and many others.

Nowadays, we have a situation where West Imperialism competes with Russia for
conquest of new markets. The world has been pushed to the brink of Third World War.
Wars in the Middle East and Ukraine caused many civilian casualties. The consequences
of such policies are refugees who are spread all across Europe, while still on the run
from the war. The problem we are facing is the rise of Fascism and persecution of
Communists in the entire Europe. Fascism appears under similar historical
circumstances in which it reaches its peak, and that is systemic capitalist crisis.

The other problem we are facing nowadays is reformism. Various Eurocommunist and
other false left movements financed by the mass Capital wish to present themselves as
fighters for social justice, which they are not. They wish to replace class struggle with
social dialogue. They often point out that our methods are dated and surpassed,
presenting themselves as innovators. However, their innovations are dated because they
don’t fight for revolution, but for evolution and struggle which will remain under
framework of the system. Thus, anticommunist left movements hinder communist
movements because their goal is to limit the struggle for social justice of an everyman.
Their politics in practice, that is, the antipoplulist extent of them is best seen today from
the example of Greece where SYRIZA is in power.

However, it’s not enough to simply say that we stand on the positions of the Great
October, read speeches to each other, applaud and say privately that Socialism is better
than Capitalism. It’s not enough to say in words how we support proletarian
Internationalism, but we must show that in practice, as well. Lenin always said that we
must be aware of the historic moment and actuality of slogans. The October revolution
attracted masses with slogans ‘’BREAD, PEACE and LAND!’’. Bolsheviks seized the
dialectic moment, lead the masses and turned the tides of history towards progress. We
must do the same thing. We must abandon empty rhetoric and focus on actual work. We
must decisively fight against every form of dogmatism. We must lead a brutal ideological
struggle against reformists of all colors. We mustn’t let our discussions become boring
and abstract for common men. We have to bring our discussions and programs closer to
the masses. They must represent a call for action and not some empty debating. With all
progressive forces, we must fight in order to create a world of peace, freedom and
justice which is impossible to realize in Capitalism. With all progressive forces, we must
fight for a world of Socialist alternative and Communist perspective. We must strengthen
our internationalist positions and connect our organizations to ensure better cooperation.
People must recognize us as their avant-garde. We must be the ones who will create the
new world – a world of Socialism – Communism!

We strengthen the youth struggle in Europe for the new society without imperialist wars, crises,
refugees, unemployment, poverty and capitalist exploitation. Socialism is our future!”

Long live Marxism-Leninism!

Long live proletarian Internationalism!


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