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Ariana Negron

April 7, 2018

Book Summary
“FLASHPOINTS: The Emerging Crisis in Europe” by George Friedman

The eye-opening book by George Friedman is political in nature and explains why Europe is

currently in a crisis and its effects on the world at large. The author begins his analysis by starting with

his upbringing and his family’s challenge to reach the United States in seek of refuge after the 2nd world

war. His background explains his fascination about Europe, his family’s opinions and horrific

experiences encouraged him to ask questions, do research and educate himself in the matter. Friedman

analyses the history of Europe, starting mostly with their conquest on the world in the 1600s and

explaining that the European obsession and fascination with dominating the world is of a negative

quality that has been plaguing the countries within. Friedman explains the fragmentation of the

European mind as meaning Eurpeans had lost their moral compass after reason had elevated community

and science and technology dominated. Friendman continues the idea with the shaken realities of Europe

after the 2nd world war and how the issues accumulated were not actually addressed but forced to be

forgotten, not in the way that no one remembers what had happened but in a way that makes modern

Europeans disconnect themselves from the idea and pretend that everything is okay. The integration of

Europe in the form of the European Union had tried to address these issues by “abolish[ing] European

wars permanently” (Friedman, p. 96). It is explained further that at its core Europe wants perfection

without paying for it. The main point in this book that Friedman is trying to make is that Europe is not as

stable as the world may see it. While we all know that the world wars are over and assume that Europe

has changed foro the better, it is important to know that “nothing is over” and that Europeans will still

deal with their issues, as will the world.

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