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Samah Aboulsoud


“I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can
learn.” (Einstein).
As a teacher, I play different roles in my classroom. I facilitate, modulate, motivate,
guide, support, assess and evaluate in order to create an active teaching-learning
I strive to create an inclusive classroom atmosphere, as diversity is the most
remarkable characteristic in the dynamics of our classrooms today. My classroom is
a supportive and understanding environment where everyone feels comfortable and
motivated to learn at their own pace, and everyone feels confident to express their
perspectives. To me, students are unique individuals with their own unique needs,
abilities, thoughts, learning styles, personalities, and preferences. I strive to
address all those differences through the use of various teaching/learning tools like
discussions, videos, case-studies and/or practical approaches. Technology allows
me to reach out to our students who might feel more comfortable expressing
themselves in writing.
I design my courses to be student-centered learning objectives supported by
authentic assessments, consistent with Outcome Based Learning principles. The
core objective of my teaching is to ensure that my students develop the skills
stated in the course. Therefore, I bring my clinical experience to my classroom to
add value to my lesson and to show my students the relevance of what they are
learning and their career. Clear relevance fosters a sense of ownership and intrinsic
motivation to learn.
To keep up with a fast-moving subject area as teaching, I attend professional
development workshops and read related articles. I use feedback and comments
from my students, peers and supervisors as my guide to improve my teaching

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