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二、签证流程 (以北京为例)
1. 提前30分钟集合抵达使馆门口,排队等待进入
2. 排队进入后,按照预约的时间,在使馆工作人员的安排下耐心等待;

3. 安检;

4. 进入使馆里面,提交DS-160表格;

5. 采集指纹(左右手四指,左右手大拇指)

6. 等待面谈;

7. 面谈(若成功,会将护照收回,并给申请者一个蓝色的卡片;若不成功,会立即将护照返还)

8. 整个过程约需1-5个小时,请合理安排时间。


How old are you? Which grade are you in?
Where do you live? Do you live with your parents? What does your father/mother do?
What is the annual income of your family? Do you have any family members in the US?
关于ASDAN SMT Programme 项目的问题及参考答案:

What is the purpose of your trip to the US?

I would go to the US for the Stanford Math Tournament.

What are you going to do in the US?

To mainly participate in SMT, other than that, we would be visiting San Francisco and some famous
universities. (请同学们对行程一定要非常了解)

How long would be your trip?

7 days/1 week from 11/Feb/2015-17/Feb/2015.

What is ASDAN?
ASDAN stands for Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network.
ASDAN is an awarding body from UK. ASDAN'sprogram is offering students from around the world
with international experience based on different topics. ASDAN SMT Programme in US is one of its

What is SMT?
SMT is Stanford Math Tournament. It’s the biggest Math Tournament hosted by university. It has 1200
students, around 150 teams would participate.
如果他们想要更加详细了解SMT。你可以说:SMT includes three rounds of competition, individual
test, gust round, team round.
比如说:Algebra 代数,Geometry 几何。如果你没有听懂可以让他们重复一次。

When is SMT?
SMT would be hosted at Feb 14.

How many students would go with you for this tournament?

Our school choose 8. We are in one math team.

Why do you want to join?

I am very interested in Math, and also I have very good grade in Math. (如果可以,请带上由学校盖章

How are you going to prepare for the conference?

We have one math teacher coming with us to coach us. Before leaving China,ASDAN China gives us a
training, and some past math problems for us to practice.

Have you ever participated in any Math competition before?

YES/NO. (如果你参加过奥数,你可以说Yes,然后说 I used to participate in Chinese Olympic Math
competition. 如果曾经拿过奖,请带上奖状或是参与证书)

Where are you going to stay in the US?

We are going to stay in the hotel(如果知道酒店的名字最好)
Do you have any other travel plans apart from the conference?
Yes, we would be staying for another 6 days in the US to travel around with the school group

Do you intend to study in US in future?

Please tell the truth.

Who is your faculty advisor (teacher)? Who will take care of you in the US?
Please tell the name of your teacher.

Who will pay for your conference/trip? How much did you pay for this conference? Can you
parents afford this?
My parents are paying for me, it's around 30,000 RMB(回答完这个问题,可能他们需要看你们家的

Are there any other schools going to this tournament?

Yes. as far as I know there are from Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou and other cities.


Have you been to the US before?( Please tell the truth)

What did you do there last time?( Please tell the truth)
Why was your visa got rejected last time?( Please tell the truth)

I am going to the United States to participate in ASDAN Stanford Math Tournament Programme, which
I'm very happy that I have the chance to experience US. I am really excited about the competition.
Besides,I would be visiting different famous university and have a day trip in San Francisco. We will
have advisors from ASDAN and my school to take care of us during the trip. My parents will pay for
this trip.

 必读注意事项:
 签证官基本都能够使用中文对话,但由于我们是赴美参加学术性的活动,让签证官了解到你拥有可以正
 问题是一对一的,你一次只需要回答签证官问的一个问题。如果签证官没有问到的部分,请大家不用给
 如遇到拒签或被要求补充材料的情况,请不要慌张,保持与签证官的互动,向其询问拒签的原因/需要补

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