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Brainstrom a list of pros ( good things ) and cons ( bad things ) about eachbof the three methods of

Methods of brainstrom Good things Bad things

Free writing In this method we can write If we in the blank situation, like
anything in our mind this we don’t ideas to write it will be
methods also help us to writing difficult to start this methods
quickly and easily

Making list This method is so easy because If we make or write many list
we can write anything from our we should choose or remove
mind and don’t have to write them.
complete sentences

Mapping This method help me when I If we can choose this method

have many plans. Make a we have to draw or we need
mapping help us easily see one paper to make a mapping.
relationship between our ideas We have to write the topic in
the middle and make some line

Page 10.

7. complete the crossword puzzle


1. Narrow , 3. Brainatrom , 4. List , 6. , 8. Fluency


2. Board , 7. Free writing , 9. Accurancy

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