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Great scientists. He met for the first time Dr.

Feodor Jagor, celebrated German scientist –traveler and

author of travels in the Philippines, a book which Rizal read and admired during his student days in
manila. Dr, Jagor visited the Philippines in 1873-60. Before rizal was born. In his book (published in berlin
in 1873). He foretold the downfall of Spanish rule in the Philippines and the coming of America to
Philippines shores. Rizal had a letter of introduction by blumentritt for him .

Dr. jagor, in turn, introduced Rizaql to Dr. Rudolf Virchow , famous German anthropologist. And the
latter’s son. Dr. Hans Virchow . professor of Descriptive anatomy. Rizal also met Dr.W. joest. Noted
German geographer. He worked in the clinic of Dr. Karl Ernest Schweigger , ( 1830-1905) famous
German ophthalmologist.

Rizal become a member of the Anthropological Society, the Ethnological Society, and the Geographical
Society of Berlin, upon recommendation of Dr, Meyer. His membership in these scientific societies
proved that his scientific knowledge was recognized by Europe’s Scientists. He was first Asian to be
accorded such quarters.

Dr, Virchow , who recognized Rizal’s genius, invited the latter to give a lecture before the Ethnographic
Society of Berlin. In response to Virchow’s invitation. Rizal wrote a scholarly paper in German, entitled
Tagalische Verkunst (Tagalog Metrical Art )which he read before the society in April 1887. This paper
was published by the

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