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ZenQ Hyderabad written test questions for selenium experienced professionals

1. write a program to sort the numbers in ascending order

2. Please write selenium webdriver snippet to configure the implicit wait to 30
3. Please write atleast 5 xpath expressions to locate the following div
<div-id="searchinput" class="search-bar-test fk-font-13 ac_input" type="button"
size="20">search box </div>
4. Please write the selenium webdriver snippet to perform the draganddrop actions
from the following webelements to the respective ID values
Drag from element with ID "ELementID1"
Drop to element with ID "ElementID2"
5. Please find the following javascript snippet and call this using selenium
6. Please find the following selenium locator and arrange them in the order of
their priority
7. Assume that a file called application.txt is stored at
"c:\selenium\" folder and has the following content in
username = "abc"
password = "def"
please implement the following function which reads application.txt, takes key as
parameter and returns respective value
public string readvalueOfKey(String keyName)
String value;
//implement the code
return value;
eg: readvalueOfKey(username) should return abc
8. Assume that selenium grid server is hosted at IP Address and multiple nodes are connected to it with different
configurations of os and browsers
please write selenium webdriver snippet which connects to the above server and runs
the test only on node which has windows platfform and running chrome browsers
Hint: Please use Remotewebdriver and capabilities class
9. Please write a selenium webdriver snippet to handle popups/alerts during the
test execution
10. Please write any 4 exceptions that selenium throws
11. what is the latest version number of selenium wedriver

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