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Christy Gonzalez

8 April 2018

My transcript is my frenemy. There are some parts that I like looking at, and then there

are parts that I ignore. Does my transcript reflect who I am? Yes. There are some B’s scattered

around and my C sprinkled on it, it conveys the struggles I have had during my highschool

career. My educational journey has not been easy, but it has taught me the type of learner I am. I

am a learner that likes it best when I have teachers that are passionate about their work. I was

misfortunate, to have every semester with teachers that didn’t like their job. I am not blaming all

my B’s and my one C, on unpassionate teachers, because sometimes it was my fault. I wouldn’t

study for quizzes and test, because I didn’t know the material. I am the type of person that likes

to use all my resources, so sometimes I would ask the teacher for help and I still would not

understand the material. When I would get at that point, I would just give up and accept that my

grade is not going to be an A. At the end of the day, my transcript does not reflect who I am,

because I didn’t put in all my effort. I don’t think I pushed myself to my limit. Maybe it was the

juggling of sports, clubs, and friends, that made me have to put my foot down to stop myself

from burning out. I take it back, my transcript does reflect who I am, because I told myself from

the beginning of freshman year, to not burn myself out.

My attendance is okay, it’s not the best. Growing up I had perfect attendance, but as I got

older I developed more reasons to miss. Some were from attending sporting events, being sick,

and medical appointments. I try not to miss school, because education is very important to me, so

my attendance record does reflect who I am.

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