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Imperialistic Wars


1. Cubans wanted independence from Spain, 1895 – Spanish American War

a. America was sympathetic, but divided on how/should they intervene

b. Theodore Roosevelt pushed for war as Secretary of the Navy

c. President William McKinley was very vocally against the war.

i. Newspapers, and public opinion, forced him into war

2. Congress declared war after the USS Maine exploded

a. Only after the Teller Amendment

i. No imperialist ambitions, no acquisition of Cuba

3. The United States did defeat Spain, and set up a military government in Cuba

a. Platt Amendment in order for the U.S. to withdrawal soldiers

i. Gave U.S. right to intervene in Cuba to protect “life, property, and individual liberties”

b. U.S. also gained control over Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam

4. Philippine-American War, February 1899 – July 1902

a. U.S. a major power in the Pacific

b. Many spoke out against American expansion

c. National debate

i. Racism, xenophobia, immoral, inconsistent with American values

ii. “white man’s burden”, “we must never forget that in dealing with Filipinos, we deal with


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