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New staff Training Program Report:

One year ago I start to work for the company and one of the first thing I have to do is

approve the training program. First we took 2 conferences that explain all the points in the

company from the bottom to the top, the first conference was imparted by the dr. Armando

Rodriguez who spoke to us about the importance of security and the knowledge of the

danger that we face then the guru of communication Catalina Creel, she gave us the

conference in a very interactive way, which made us learn by having fun. Also for the next

day we take the las conference that was imparted by the boos of the company who he told

us about enjoying life and family. Then we have a dinner in the top of the building where

we meet in person all the boos. That experience makes un interested in forming an integral

part of the company.

Four me was very good, y only changes the star hour because we don’t have enough time

Carlos Eduardo Faudoa Alvarado

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