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Randi Aguilar


English 12

8 April 2018

Personal Statement

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced

others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

I once experienced leadership when I was captain of my JV basketball team in my junior

year of high school. It helped a lot and gave me so much experience helping others on my team.

Most of the girls were younger than me so they always asked for advice on certain situations

that may happen during a basketball game and I was glad enough to help them out. For example,

when we would take a time out during the game, the girls would always look at the other captain

and I and asked what we should do next, or what play we should call to make some points. Also,

a lot of the younger players in basketball look up to me because of my dribbling skills, defensive

skills, and my speed on the court and how coordinated I am when I am playing. For instance,

during practice my coach would always tell me to take a few girls to the side and help them out

on dribbling. I also experienced leadership from being the starting point guard. They are the

leaders on the court and call out the plays. I had a big advantage of being a leader; being point

guard and captain of the team.

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