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AESEARCH METHODS MIVTERNATONAL RELATIONS. RHUAN 5 QUALITATIVE METHODS IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS “The next three chapters will address Q Chapter 7. These three approaches to data collection, and analysis, include cific research tools and techniques that are frequently used by students, research- crs, and scholars of IR alike. However, one b 98 on to these next three chapters Foran example, see Chapter 1 of Lamont, International Criminal Justice, explanatory studies of norm jtion within IR scholarship in the FESEARH ETHODS BM IVTERNATONAL RELATIONS (QUALITATIVE METHODS IN FTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 9 pointed out by Klorz, ch is approached from Qualitative Methods numer dat In fact, qualitative researchers include empiricist, such ¢s King, Keohane, and fen 23 been referred to tive and quantitative racial guide to major qualitative data collection and analysis techniques wed 2 Within the field of IR. ‘and instead seek to understand the meaning of. described in this chapter will include encompass both the empirical and Qualitative Methods in International Relations: What are they? And Why use them? broadly to data of the spoken or ming. This is because 2008, a period of time which included the country’s turbulent interviewed members of political parties on their electoral party system as party officals were aware that they were talking to an outs! researcher and wanted to present their parties in the best possible light, In this 18: 366), qualitative methods which have been used by scholars Seance METHODS iv INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS k Obama's 2014 State of the Union address, you would be engaging with document, whereas, if you have instead referenced an article criminal trial would in themselves be secondary sources. Official Documents and Archival Research documents can give us a however, in most cases, you will not have ion’s documents. While most organizations 0 a particular organi tnlimised access (0 an gad CQUALATVE ETHODS WRETERNATIONAL RELATIONS {orcign policy and salient questions in international politics means that we will be seeking to collect document have an interest, fr need, to conceal much making processes in the actors who might use that informat ind decision-making is wide range of documents that are pul documents to a wide range of bsence of access to 2 central authoritative archive on our topic of th you could methodically and systematically go through to conduct sch for documentation on your particular topic, we should guard ‘against focusing too narrowly on a few documents that could give us a distorted picture of the topic under study. One way to do this is to be transparent about the documents you have used and those that you have not used. Clearly define the scope of documents you set out to collect and those that you have examined. Media and Secondary Source Collection Media reports can ‘upon media sources with basic background information on our research it is important to distinguish between international media sources, such whether of not politcal grouping. local media sources cater to a particular ideological or a

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