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Research Project Reflection: First Connection Assessment Proposal

For this selection of written work, I have selected my final project from Lisa Davidson’s

Evaluation in Higher Education class, which I worked on the entire semester with my friend and

peer, Jazminn Williams. I believe that the program learning outcome that aligns with this artifact

most is research and assessment competence, though it also aligns with the communication skills

learning outcome.

Our First Connection Assessment Proposal embodies all of the core components of the

research and assessment competence learning outcome. We designed an entire program

assessment proposal and provided it to the staff of the office, who plan to implement the

assessment. Creating a successful assessment proposal required us to have a thorough

understanding of different paradigmatic assumptions and how they influence the research

process, especially since the program we researched serves students who hold marginalized

identities. Before beginning the assessment proposal, we developed an understanding of a

variety of research and assessment methodologies and an understanding of and appreciation for

the ethical dimensions of research and assessment which informed our approach and actual

proposal (i.e. the use of qualitative and quantitative measures, considering our own social

identities and their effect on how we interpreted information, etc.). This proposal also highlights

our communication skills. It shows effective written communication skills that demonstrate high

levels of clarity, comprehension, synthesis, critical thinking and analysis. In addition, given that

we presented this proposal to our peers and professor, I believe that this proposal also

demonstrates effective oral communication skills, including presenting ideas and research

findings to different audiences and constituencies. The presentation component of this proposal

shows the ability to use technology in administration, research and instruction.

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