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176 be dear deat become begin bite blow break bring build burn burst buy can catch choose come cost cut deal dig do draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight tind fly forbid forget forgive freeze get five g0 row ‘ang have hear hide hit hole hurt keep know lead lear leave lend was/were bore beat became began bit blew broke brought built burt, burned burst bought could caught chose came cost cut dealt dug aid drew dreamt, dreamed drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forbade forgot forgave froze got gave went grew hung, hanged had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew led learnt, learned left tent Irregular Verbs been born(e) beaten become begun bitten blown broken brought built burnt, burned burst bought beer able to caught chosen come cost cut dealt dug done drawn dreamt, dreamed drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt Fought found flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen got given gone grown hung, hanged had heard hidden hit held hurt kept. known led leamt, learned left lent let tight lose make mean meet pay put tead ride ring rise run say see sell send set sew shake shine shoot show shrink shut sin sin sit slee smell speak spell spend spill spread stand steal stick sting swear sweep swim take teach tear tell think throw understand’ wake wear win write tet lit lost made meant met, paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sold sent set sewed shook shone shot showed shrank shut sang sank sat slept smelt, smelted spoke spelt, spelled spent spilt, spilled spread stood stole stuck stung swore swept swam took taught tore told ‘thought threw understood woke wore won wrote | stolen tet lit lost made meant met paid ut. read ridden rung risen run said seen sold sent set sewn shaken shone shot shown shrunk shut sung sunk sat slept smelt, smelled spoken spelt, spelled spent spilt, spilled spread stood stuck stung sworn swept swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written ‘© Present simple © Subject /Object pronouns and ppacsascive adjectives ‘= Adverbs of frequency = Can! Have /Do += Question words "© Present continuous «© Prezent simple vs present. continucus 1 Relative clauses p48 * Past simple Forming adverbs = Time words ‘= Present perfect/Present Tr: perfect continuous pp. 29-37 6 Sead, ye, Jt since, for 4 {ast smote vs oesent : perfec! Self Check ip. 38 © Have been Have gone ‘= Past continuous ‘= Pasi simple v3 past ‘continuous « Past perfect/Past perfect continuous * be going to/Will/ Present continuous ‘© Ist, 2nd, 3rd conditional, wishes * odals (must have to/ should/can/may/ might? ‘coutd) Nodals (past) |_# Reported spaech ¥ Comparative & superlative forms Too — enaugh, question tags « Reflexive pronouns articles a/an — the ‘© The passive (present simple, past simple, present perfect, {1 | pp. 70.87 v future simple) Self Check ap. 38 ¢ The causative * Nouns — singular/plurat * Countable/Uncountable nouns — quantifiers + Tparto five ntitve | ° wtthout | © Prepositi a Some! An} "one)/eh ‘of movement [Nel Every + body ig where Pronunciation (9.128) ‘American English British English (p. 128) Songsheets (pp. 109-111) Grammar Reference (pp. 43-127) Key to Word List (pp. 129-182) Daily routines © City life — Country tite * Jobs Personality adjectives, ' = Word power: feel + Feelings ‘ Natural phenomena. # Word power: spend Tioliday time © Types of holidays © Mears of transport ® Places to visit © Activities # Word power: keep ‘= Typos of media © Word power: make = High Lech = Word power: devetop Breaking the law ‘© Teenage problems ‘© Word power: carry = Appearance * Character adjectives © Ambitions © Word power: break Environmental problems 1 Materials ‘> Shopping and products © Food/drinks © Word power: give Sports © Music © Word power: raise beat Irres, Seif Check Sections (pp, 153-154) [Goeaking & Functions) Writing Ic eactenoin) es outines “and arate = routine = The Yeoman Warders '* Mexico City (Geograchy) “+ an email to your English Pen friend 's an interview an article about yourself ‘a text about a popular tourist attraction in your country '* a text about New Dein, India * aholiday experience * asea disaster * astory about an unusual ‘ Sarah’s Diary Annabel's Diary = '* Photography ts the key to the whole world © Being 15 “© buying an underercurd ticket ‘© Pronunciation f1/, fié ‘STiua Stories (Tsunami) | * narrating past events # Itcould happen to you! | © Pronunciation: -ed ending + Experiences, (ti, 101, Fd2)5 Fil, Pel © The Gift of Storytelling ‘© The Canterville Ghost (Literature) * Legoland «Safe splashing (Physical Education) ‘British tecnage ‘experience a popular folk tale a postcard from a holiday, resort an email about your holiday # ashort article about a special place in your country ‘Toles’ Underses Looge — Edinburgh’s Ghost Walks * Greetings trom... + inviting accepting refusing invitations, © Pronunciation /3,/, (= © News items @ giving/reacting to news | ® asix page magazine An interview choosing TV programmes | * anews roport for the magazines © Anows report ‘= Pronunciation /6/, /2s/ school magazine ‘© Turn on & Tune in foot © present how radio stations} (Media Studies) ‘work to the class: “ Digital Divide * giving instructions * ashort text about + Are you optimistic or | expressing opinions technology inthe future pessimistic about the | agreeing/disagrecing | an opinion article about future? ‘= Pronunciation /a:/, /a/ Uife tthe fucure predictions about the future ‘safe in the sun (@ leaflet) an email giving advice on hhow to keep safe from crime = an ematl giving advice on exam stress, ‘a short biography ‘Danger on the Great ‘= exprossing sympathy Barrier Reet ‘Pronunciation /n/, /a0/ © Safety in the street ‘+ RCMP: Royal Canadian ‘Nounted Police «© Safe Surfing (ICT) = The Art of Transformation | = applying for a job ‘> Traditions; The Faka Life's Turns expressing certainty/ # alleiter of application Dance possibility ‘© Children in Victorian © Pronunciation /e/, (2e/ times (History) ' High tech teens ‘+ Simulating Reality (ICT) Protected ‘donating money "an essay discussing the | ® Scoiland’s natural ‘The Earthship—The ‘© Pronunciation /ai/, /aw! | advantages & world ‘ Perfect Green Home disadvantages of keeping | @ Acid Rain (Science) ‘essay on the pros and cons wild animals as pets ‘of Keeping animals tn 2005 a short text about the : Great Sphinx ‘Choices. You make them| ® offering presents The right food for the expressing thanks __ ight moed © Pronunciation /5/, 171 # etter of invitation ur eating habits a letter of invitation a quiz on idioms/sayings Let's talk food? © The food chain (Science) “> giving directions — | # buying tickets at the Vocabulary © Daily routines { (G2 Listen and repeat. Explain these phrases in your language. play computer games hhave lunch. do homework 2 a ‘Ask questions to find out about your partner’s daily routine. Use: MA | BR =e ie tmecoyoveros B: At about 7:30. 3 4 1 2 2 4 i Reading (Who's the person in the picture? What do you think hts datly routine is like? Listen and read to find out. - e's young, he gets good grades at school H and he has lots of friends and a good telationshio with his parents. He also plays basketball for Huntington High School, Virginia, USA. Life is good for OJ Mayo. But it isn’t always easy! “| really want to be a professional basketball player and | know I have to work hard,” he says. He wakes up at 6:30 am every day. He starts the day with a big breakfast, then he goes jogging in the park for an hour. After ‘hat, it’s time for school. When he finishes, he usually goes to besketball practice. The HHS team practises four days @ week. They often play two games a week. OJ is always sad when they lose. “Well, | know it's only @ game,” he says, “but losing always makes me think we could do better.” So, with such a full programme, how does he manage? "Well, Inever miss practice. | somatimes worry about school because | want to get good orades, but I'm well organised so | never fall behind with my homework. | never stay out late. | always do my best and work hard, both at school and on the court.” Any advice for ambitious teenagers like himself? “Always stay motivated and never give up|” Ol says, Read the text and answer the questions. Who's OJ Mayo? Speaking What does he want to be? 5 How similar is your What is a typical weekday in his life like? daily routine to OJ Mayo's? How does he cope with school and basketball practice? Tell your partner, Do you think he’s happy? Workbook Starter Unita] 5 jade] ecg Blavas h Grammar =, x © Present simple Czas present simple 1 a) Read the theory, How do we form the present simple? ‘Crasu present simple ubywany, opine: © eynnosi codzienne izwyezione. Joan leaves for school at 8:00, — Does she finish at 3:00? ‘No, she doesn’t. © sanycwde. Her father tives in Bertin, +) BY Find examples of the present simple in the text on p.5. ‘Complete the third person singular, I play — he we Iwant —he ... | know ~ he .. | work —he .. I wake up — he I start —he ... 1 g0— he vee | finish — he Hose — he ss. Imiss he BSwoaweusene 3 (QO How is the -s ending pronounced? Complete the table with verbs from Ex. 2. Listen and check. Isf > wants a CC oo Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present simple. 4AM ves 2. She usually (wake up) at 7 o’clock in the morning. (live) in Londen. 3 She (travel) to school by tube. 4. She «sss. (not/have) lessons in the evening, 5 She ...... Ee (play) the flute. 6 She +» (not/like) rock music. 5 ZX Put the words in the correct order. Then answer the questions. 1. Where/you/live/do? » Where do you live? Hive in... 2. Dofearty/you/wake up? 3. do/to/How/you/ travel school? 4 does/What/your/do! dad? 5 Do/like/you/football? 6 your/Does! work/mum? nm © Pronouns and possessive adjectives Zaimki osobowe w funkg}l pdmiotu i dopetnienia Praymiotniki dzlertowcze 6 Complete the table in your notebook. What are these words in your language? ( Si | ‘Object pronouns 7 Replace the words in bold with the correct pronoun or 5 complete with the correct possessive adjective. 1. John is sixteen years old. " » He is sixteen years old. 2 Susan and Paul are friends. .... My grandparents have two dogs. .....+ 5 Jonathan 1s sick. ‘Are you talking to your sister? ..... Ihave a bicycle. It’s .. bicycle. My mother and | love swimming, I want to buy a present for John. .....- 9. We have a collection of stamps, They're ...... stamps. 10 Mary’s dog is black, © Adverbs of frequency Praysiowki czestotliwoscl 8 Read the sentences about: Jane. Explain the highlighted words in your language. never ‘wears a uniform sometimes AN at schoo, ‘ye walks to school 42 Listen and repeat. Explain these phrases in your language. 10 match * make models chat on the phone 11 » A: What do you do in your free time? free-time activities. * go skating A Find out about your partner’s favourite 8; {often play basketball. What about you? © The verbs can/have/do often watches TV before _Czas0Wnlkl can/have/do She-poss to bed, { Complete the gaps with can, have, has, do or does. { usually foes ‘Answer the questions. ae . ris hesbieycle + Can you make models? | 5 .- you got a bike? e > Yes, | can ; kr i teeta 2 you go dancing? | 6 ...... your best friend go | homework : : skating? «.. a | inthe afternoon. Bowness yOUF dad got a car? | 7 vecesssevene YOU hang Out aa lusiensiesisiinneeeees | With your friends? | 7 example. What about you? Sera oe 2 chat on the phone? entost 100s james ir 50, Meyeemptr meen 75, Ea} Qs goto schoo! on foot 100, gotobedt 1030 190), 25% meet iriends ater schoo! [ls 50s 0. walk the dog 1 Steve never goes to school on foot. 2» Laura atways .. © Question words Zaimki i wyrazenia rozpaczynajace pytania 13 © Fillin the correct question word(s). Then match the questions to the answers, Listen and check, a He's from Barcelona, b Twice a month ¢ He watches TV. 4 -- does he start school? |g ai g 49, Le Coes hetravel 10 SCHOOI? Fn gp -~-doeshe goto the cinema? | par, does he doin the everings? : does he have art lssons? J 9 He'9 18. ‘h Every Monday and Tuosdey, “aermneemrrerenemrnrene Workbook Starter Unit b 7 Starter elara C Reading 1 Read the letter and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Pecro’s a teenager. 2. He's Canadian. 3 There are four people in his family. 4. He's older than his sister. 5 He always walks to school. 6 He goes to karate lessons three times a week. i z QA ssicand answer | questions based on the text. Use question words. j > A: How old is Pedro? B; He's 15. Where does he tive? etc Listening (> Listen to Steve talking about his family and complete 3 the gaps (1-5). Seperate eee ee eu 4 ee Name: Steve (15), Sumame: | 0) > Miller Father: 1) age 37, job: 2)... Mothers Helen, age 3) .. job: teacher Sister: ey Brother: Andy, age 8) ———_—_— f ds pe Dear Steve, tae for your letter. | hope we get to know each other First of all, let me tell you a few things about myself | am 15 years old and | five in Earcelona, Spain. My mum isa doctor She works at the local hospital, My dad isa police officer. They oe ee hours. I'm a student at Reading Secondary 100, = 0 we a sister, Laura, who is 17. We get along quit School starts at 8:30. | wake up every day at 7:00, have breakfast and go to school on foot. Sometimes my dad takes ime in the car, especially when the weather is bad. | get back home at 3:30 in the afternoon. | usually do my homework in the evenings for an hour or two. Then, | often watch TV, On Mondays and Tuesdays, | have karate lessons. On Saturdays, "always go out with friends, We ike going to the cinema What about you? What kind of fims do you like? What kind of music do you like? Please write soon! : Yours, : Pedro “ Writing (a letter) | You’ve got a new pen friend. Answer the questions in the plan, then write your | letter (50-60 words). thank friend for letter write about you and your family (How old are you? Where are you from? How many people ‘are there in your family? What do your parents do for living?) describe a typical weekday & your free-tine activities (What is a typical weekday ike? What do you do in your free time?) ‘as friend about his/her weekdays & what he! she likes doing in his/her free time Para ts Pare 2: Para 3: Para 4 Workbook Starter Unit c Co What's in this module? « city life, country life © present continuous 7 ® people & jobs ® present simple vs present continuous al * people's lifestyles © relative clauses @ free-time activities © forming adjectives from nouns (Find the page number for pictures 1 & 2. + Find the page numi for © an email © risky jobs © twomen in uniform [ ‘© a map of the London underground Vocabula ry at. What are tt e words in your EESTI Lo0k at the pictures. Which place do you prefer: a village or a busy town? Why? Use the phrases and your own ideas to tell the class. @ i con't mina © | uke @ i can’t stand Reading Describe the pictures. Imagine you are there. What can you hear, see, smell? How do you feel (relaxed, stressed, etc)? D I DAY 2 Everyone gt 2 senerat | 20 ate ase 985 aS om because thre’ 2 everyone siays inbed late here | ®teosenta fit! mane ne Bam and Anabel's mum is making oO Siemamyenmenmcmyaa 3 ankast Tris ateroon, were gor | Shomer oa eming n Oxtore treat and then WeTE < @ Pic te 5 going te the cinemal 'm so excted os Ricomnnitin cams on 9 snabel’s schoo! by te fers ihr. The anna {travel to Annabe's school byt ana : Pa chon huge wit 1,500 students andl bus every el KES Me o meet the sh trees leaves arene We cre five mtes angi regone, put mostoi a 1fove the facies, ie yaa 40 Tha computet room and the ewimming Pao omnes i k ate fs vm hap Learning about farming is interestir Today, I feeling aitted. is elways, Fieri een S29 home tomorow. The oak ee pate and you can hear he tei ree let her. also oe eotsien 4 Meh tm gating a bt nomesck, 00, 1s | Bieaaueelcetaine Fey 15 poautut countryside and my friends OM MY fas Sen cag een = hometown. fm happy rr going home y tewtiencs, but don't want to leave on, Tomerton, but Im sure vist LONCOT, 3 : . vod cea Annabel’ lovely family €9ai" i 2 \W Read and listen to the diaries and answer the questions. Explain the words in bold. Who feels excited? Why? What can't Annabel stand? Whose school is very small? What does Annabel miss? What does Sarah miss? Who's getting homesick? Vocabulary 3 Look up these words/phrases. in the Word List, Make sentences using them. * by tube * facilities © traffic © get homesick # miss © milk the cows * barn # feed the chickens © can’t stand the smell # mect the bus * feel isolated © close at hand hustle and bustle 4 ECS complete the sentences, 1 | like my city because 2 | love my schoo! because 3 | enjoy being in the countryside because ...... we Grammar "1 © Present continuous Czas present continuous 5 Read the theory. How do we form the present continuous? Find two examples in the text. Explain the use. [Ceasu present continuous uzywamy, opisuige: © crynnosci erwaigce w chwli méwiend, ies steeping now. * piany na praysztose, Jim seeing my friends tonight 6 Complete the sentences by putting the verbs leave, visit, make, go, milk into the present continuous, 1 Mum. breakfast now. 2 We ssacs shopping this afternoon. 3) Hurry up. The school bus . — 4 She sssseceeesesss Her aunt this weekend. 5 Harry's in the barn. He.. - the cows. ® Present simple vs present continuous Cant present simple | present continuous 7 Read the sentences, What tenses are the verbs in bold in? Which tense shows: an action happening now? a habit routine? a future arrangement? Find examples In the texts on p. 10. 1 Ann usually does her homework in the afternoon. 2. Look! She’s doing her homework. 3. She's going out later. 8 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, Present simple or present continuous. Give reasons. Hi, Steve, Thanks: very rei for your eral A the ore 11) ~. (study) really hard. 1 2)... (sit) my exams next week, My lessons 3) . | school, I go to my part-time job. 1 4) .. | (work) in @ librery for the next few montns. Tonight, | (start) at 8:30. After 15). . (meet) my friends. Thave to finish now. Write again soon Victor 9 B In pairs, ask and answer questions based on the text. D A: Where does Annabel live? B: In London. Writing (an emait) 1 Portfolio: Write an email to your English pen friend. Follow the plan. thank your friend, write what you are doing now write about your dally routine & what you are doing tonight Para 3: closing remarks Workbook ta 1 b) Explain the words in bold. Say two things you remember about each person. Vocabulary ® Jobs There are people who don't ike desk jobs. ae ‘They preter adventure and 1) valiinacese 1 £2. copy the spidergram in ‘Sometimes, they even 2) ..alitle danger! 6 your notebooks. Add as many jobs as possible in four minutes. Warren Faidley is a real-lfe siorm chaser oe ig to photograph tomadoes, lightning strikes and 3) ... “ SS VOY 4) vessnsensissne Goma it foul pata eee oiebetama npn pela the things which he ikes most about his job. Money Pa ee) ee Jonathan Alpeyria is a war photogranber. Every day, he wakes ») weseer centist in the middle of a war zone where 6) ... af@ going off all the time. I's 7). - . job which requires a fot of courage. ‘Media ‘Tiansport Jonathan wanis to show the world the horrors of war so that side Diet governments do more to stop them. Sports Joa! Sartore is @ 8)... wilfe photographer who works coach with the National Geographic Society. “Photography is the key to ee ‘the whole world,” he says. "You Nave 10 DE 9) nransmen ANd careful, but when you 00 the picturas you've taken, then you feel Other Law & Order maa ee ee y farmer “Restaurants/ police officer : Hotels i freuen 5 EER wnat is more important in a job: making a lot of money or persanal satisfaction? Give reasons. 2 «) Listen to the sounds and match them to the pictures (A-C). What is each person's job (1-3)? What do they have to do? Dare fre 3 Check the meaning of these words in the Word List. * talented © proud mA * travel look for © hurricanes i * bombs and rockets * patient * excitement © dangerous © brave od = dat 4 9 QQinpairs, Qstorm chaser complete the texts 1 e ne oe x Qwar photographer isten to a radio interview and check. e 2 © viitogranver ( eomino Reon = an Wyrany 0 znaczeniu praeciwnym FPraymictnkifatwo jes zapamigywa jako pary przeciwiciistw. Vocabulary ® Personality adjectives 6 a) 4) Match the opposites, Listen and check. arava” a. unfriendly ) lazy f dishonest. 7 polite” “8 careless ‘8 smart h impatient 5 honest = 1 impolite “Fo. careful tosh at skifal k_ stupid » IT! OQ Which of the adjectives above best describe: “alamyert “Galker?) 4 docsort Decide in pairs, > Awar reporter needs to be brave and smart. Read the rule. Form adjectives from the nouns in brackets. Od rzeczownikow mozna oworzy¢ przymiotniki Za pomocg prayrostkéw -ous,-y lub-jul. danger ~ dangerous, risk — risky, care— careful 1 She’s very likes her jokes. 2 Ricky Martin is a . 3 Angelina Jolie is very . Grammar »" © Relative clauses Zaania wagledne Read the examples and complete the rules with: who, which, whose or where. Find -xamples in the texts on Complete the sentences with: © wha * which © where * whose laughs last, laughs best. ly is the place. she often spends her summer holidays. 3. My parents are the only people always support me. 4 An orphan sa child... alive any more. 5. She enjoys watching films ... make her cry. . Parents aren’t 1 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Use who or which. 1 | like people m wlio are sensitive and fionest. 2 | often go to the park, .. .- is the perfect place to 3 | can’t stand people .. and ... “ 4 | like reading books are... are about 5 | prefer hotels ............ have ... Speaking { 4 Q ‘Work in groups of four. You are an interviewer. Your partners take the Toles of the three people in the text. Prepare your questions and interview them. Act out your interview. ‘Workbook 1b 8 14 Reading & Writing 1 do you think John's lifestyle ts like? Listen and read to find out. ‘Py 2 €SQ Explain the words in bold. Ask and answer questions based on the text. mA: How old is John? B; 15. Where does he come fram? Word power Read the box. Which phrase can you find in the text? Make sentences using the phrases. + adjective (- feelings) /le feels sad + like + ing form (= fancy) Do you feet like going out? + about (= think) How do you feet about your new teacher? Read the theory. Find examples in the text, then join the sentences. (earring ffibieamn Spojnikt Spojnikand taczy eementy podebre. Spojnik but taczy elementy prasclwstawne Spojnikor czy elementy do wyboru. 1 Is anice place. It is very expensive. 2 We often go to Pierre's. We have lunch there. 3. We can go by bus. We can walk. 4 We swim there. We play beach volleyball. Ge Look at the pictures. What 4 ara 1 present yourself (Who are you? How old are you? Where do you [ive in. a small house very close to the ‘each. Every mocning | wake up to the sound of seagulls My raom is onthe second fcr and has ¢ groat view ofthe b sea. I love looking at the sea. tt makes me feel calm. vy fammly n't very big, just my parents and myself, My dad works with ciloren wit special needs and my mum ig a nurse at the local hospital. They both work tong hours but they don’t mind. They really enjoy thelr jobs. | PPE nave a lot of fiends. Somo of us are in “a nano. (play te guitar We often play forthe locas. My bestfriend lives in the house next to mine. When we are together we ta about musi or we rake plans and éream about he future Writing (an article for a school magazine) 5 Portfolio: Answer the questions in the plan. come from? Where da you live? What is your town like?) ora 2: your house (What's your house like? What's your room tke?) Para 3: your tamily (How mary people are there tn your family? What do your parents ¢o for a iving?) Para 4: your friends (How do you spend your free tine with your friends Where does your test friend tive? Wht do you do together?) Use your answers to write an article about yourself for, an international school magazine (60-80 words). Workbook 1¢ os The Yeoman Werder ‘wip (© London is never complete without a visit to the Tower of London. The Yeoman Wanders, or ‘Beefeates’, puard the Tower, King Henry VII first introduced Beefeaters in 1485, They were his bodyguards. They looked after’ the prisoners in the Tower and guusded the Crown Jewels, These days they guide the tourists who visit the Tower. They also take care of the eight big black ravens which live in the Tower: There are 36 Yeurnan Wanders. They all tive in the Tower with their families. The Reefesters are famous for their red and gold uniform. hut they only wear this on formal occasions. Mest of the time they weur a dark blue ‘uniform with red timings. No one is exactly sure where the name ‘Beefeater’ comes from, One theory is that the wanders got meat inslead of money as salary! Others say thatthe name ‘somes from the French word dufener. Bulfeviers were the guards inthe palace of the Fronch king, They protecied the king’ fou. look are pleco anata eda dante ing a) G)) Look at the title and the picture, Who are these men? Where do they work? What is the bird called? Listen and = read to find out. The Tow 4 (You will hear some information about the Tower of London. Liston and complete the gaps (1-5), b) Explain the underlined } Fire bult in: 0) » words, | Bultby: 1) the Conqueror You can: take a tour, earn about the Tower's 2 sea the Crown Jewel You can buy: quice books, jewellery, 3) Tower closes at: 4) Tickets. ecults 9) 2 Read the text again, Mark the statements T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). chidren £9.50 1. Beefeaters guard the Tower of London, 2 They give free tours. 3 They have three uniforms. 4 Beefeaters eat lots of meat. .... Project 5 Portfolio: Collect information about a popular tourist a attraction in your country where you can see people 3 ireaie youn {n special uniforms. Write: Beefeater. Present yourself to the class. Say who you are, where you where it is/its history work, what you do at work and * who you can see there/their job/their uniform what you wear at work, 6 3 (Everyday English) Find phrases in the dialogues which mean: ® Buying an underground ticket 4 Whats ne? 3 Itcoste £6.00. 2. Where are you 4. Thank you very much, How do you usually travel? going? 5 It’s my pleasure. 4 A Portfolio: You and your friend are in London. You want to go from Liverpool Street to Westminster. Use the map to act out a dialogue between you and the ticket seller. Use dialogue B as a model. Record yourselves. a > J usually travel by tube. a) () Listen and repeat. Say the sentences in your language. © Next, please, © Where to? © Single or retum?.® Return to Barbican, please. # That’s £6.00. # Which line do | take, please? You're welcome. b) \) Who says each sentence/phrese in Ex. 2a: a ticket seller or a passenger? Read and listen to the dialogues and check. ‘Where does each person want to go? Next, please. Two tickets, please. Where to? ‘St James's Park. Single or return? Single, please. That’s £6.00. aAxraxzraed Pronunciation //, /:/ i 5 ) Listen and tick (7), Listen and repeat. & /( Think of two more words with the same ae p Al Yes, please? wo return tickets to Barbican, please. That's £12.00. Here you are. Which line do | take, please? Take the Circle Line. Thanks a lot. You're welcome, sivid vee Pete (Hil Capital city of Mexico CONTINENT: North America POPULATION: 20 million Language: Spanish ‘CURRENCY: peso. what's new? ‘piofiles forums FG awa. T] Mexico City is one of the world's largest citias. It has got beautiful oid buildings, green parks museums and an exciting nightifo, Its a graat place t0 visit. Nine milion people vist t each year. Mexico City is « difficult city to drive in because of the heavy traffic. The city's fantastic metro network, however. has 11 lines and is very cheap. There are hundreds of buses, trolleybuses and peseros (minibuses), too [3] in thelr ree time, Mexicans shop at colourful street markets. They also enjoy going to the cinema and theatre. They even have stiest parties, Football and horse racing are the most popular sports, [4] The people of Mexico City are very itiendly. The food is excellent, too! The restaurants serve dellclous local food like tortillas and roles (beans) / «» Listen to the sounds and look at the pictures. Imagine you are there. What do you think itis like there (noisy, quiet, crowded, busy, clean, polluted, etc)? Tell your partner. Brat. Bb / think it is busy. There are ... {can smell . 3 IcT. a Work in groups, Collect information about living conditions in New Dethi, India and write a similar text. Present it to a 2 a) Think of three questions you wauld like to ask about Mexico City. Read the text. Can you answer any i of your questions? the class. You can visit this website: Search keyword: New Delhi b) (2 Read again and label sections 1-4 with headings A-D, Listen ang check. Explain the words in bold. fs gy) OO fe | Workbook 1f | 17 eet 18 1 ‘Match the words. 2 wavaununs ounun ‘A homesick B transport C streets D traffic E F G [T]_] close [21] heavy ie} at hand air isolated (Points: —) Choose the correct word. MEN) He usally travels on train/foot. She's a talented/rewarding photographer. He never lies. He’s a(n) honest/patient person. | miss the hustle and neise/bustle of LA. Public transport is convenient/heavy here. I'm hometown/homestck. | miss home, | hate the constant/crowded noise in Peris. He feels lonely/friendly away from his family. War reporters must be proud/brave. {oins: \xa 77} Fill In: who, which, whose, or where. | like people ... . are funny and kind. That's the café ‘we go every Saturday. She's the girl ........ won the science award. | prefer books have lots of action, That's the girl father is a war reporter. (Bars: 3) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. John -- (visit) his parents this weekend. He .. sess (take) me to school every day. Be quiet. The baby ....... .. (sleep). He ...e (meet) his friends tonight. She usually . (get up) at 7:00 am. The bus. . (leave) every evening at 6:30. @: Can ... {he/do) his homework now? Sy (you/start) work? (not/watch) TV now, Fo & Whattime DF He saveres 10 She vsessssoreseeees (notilike) flying by plane. N He. sosssnses (they/leave) next week? 12 Lisa (not/milk) the cows now. _)*W mp 5 Complete with: * Which line do | take, please? ® One ticket to Oxford Circus, please. * That's £3.00. # Thanks alot, * Return, please, ‘A Next, please. B: 1) . ‘Az Single or return? . BE 2). How much sit? * ApS) susie B: Here you are. 4) . wi A: Take the Cirle Line, then change at Baker] 0 Street and take the Bakerloo Line. Fi BiB) ics re Poe (fais: 5 \ sea . {My score: aap! *talkiwrite about city/country lite ‘write about my daily routine * talk about people's jobs & personalities ‘write an article sbout myself * buy tickets on the London underorcund “write a text about a tourist attraction in my county, « in English Have you a any brothers isit? Baker sin thi * people's experiences & feelings * natural phenomena * past simple ® forming adverbs from adjectives * time words * sequence of events * stories Which of the pictures (1-8) can you find in Module 22 Vocabulary h the pi © surprised © relieved * tired @ bored © terrified * worried © calm © excited What are these words in your language? When was the last time you felt this way? See a ol a December was wwatm and sunny on Phi Pi Don Island in Thalana. the sunshine was a welcome change from the ‘wet, rainy wealher in Lancion. After breaktast we went to the beach, My parents, clecided to sunbathe and rer straight into the crystal lear water. Nothing could fprepare me for what was about to happen Suddenly, | heed a loud roar, The water under my feet disappeared | heaic! pecple screaming ond poiniing at the 90a, “What's going on” | wondered as | turned to see a massive wave coving towards mo, "Mark, run!” | heard my mum shout betore the huge wave swallowed me Iwas under the water. | tried to breathe and reach the surface but the fores of the waler just pusher! me down. Then, out of nowhere a hand grabbed me and pulled me up. | gasped for ar and looked around. | was in a palm ree wih @ Thal man. | could see people in the dislanas running in panic | elt like erying Dut | was too shocked to even do thal. The only thing | could do was to st and watch, unable to move, The hours passed slowly, Suddenly, the Thai man started shouting and porting to helicopter. The pilot saw us and carne lo rescue us. Half fan hol later we were sefe in the hils, There ware a lat of people there, | fet lonely and lost, "Mark, you're sate,’ heed my mum's vooe sey. 1 don't remember feeling more relieved in my lie than at that moment ‘Two cays taterwe leftihe island. We fat lucky to be alive but we were sorry for the locals that ‘ost ther homes. lt was a terrbie ‘experience, - PB Mark couldn't wait to .. Reading they reached the beach. 4A. esses hit him. 1 ‘)) The pictures tell the story in the text. 5 A Thai man managed to ‘What is the text about? Read, listen and check, 6 Hours later, .. * 8 -. 2 palm tree rescued them, In the hills, Mark found eer a k thi cdsin the Word List, 2 Chck- these wor in: the tors rie Mark and his family went back to London. The, ‘a © crystal clear © roar ® disappear folt very .... i oY Seeeamina ¢ 2 ation + ie Answer the questions, wo © grabbed © gasped for air * relieved 4 3 b) 3 Read the text again and complete the 41 Which natural disaster did Mark experience! 2 sentences. Use two to four words. 2. How did he feel? F ies n 1 Mark went coos. With his parents. Do How does Mark's story make iE a Z The weather there WAS ....ssssesee : youre? pe 20 ‘Match the adjectives to their synonyms, Then explain the words in bold, fee Grammar =" ® Past simple ~ Czas past simple Read the theory. How do we form the past simple? CCzasu post simple utywamy, opisujac ceynnosci, kudre odbyly sie w okreslonym czasie w przesalosci. le stayed (1 « hovel, (czasownik reguamny) They went t0 Thailand. (ezasowmik nieregularry) They didn't enjoy their holiday. ‘they feave the tstend? Wes, they did, Okreitenia czasu typowe dla part simple week/month, two days/a week a. 7 a) Explain these verbs, Find the past forms of the verbs below in the text. Which are regular? Which are irregular? 1 bem vos 9 tum 17 feel 2 90 10 swallow 18 pass 3decide 11 ty 19 start 4 run 12 push 20 see 5 can 13° grab 21 come 6 hear 14 pull 22 leave 7 disappear 15. gasp 23 lose B wonder 16 look b) \) Copy and complete the table with the past regular forms in Ex. 7a. Listen and check, 2 ae hdl pushed | = (feel) seared. 1 2) . c) Choose five of the verbs and make sentences about yourself. > My aunt came to visit us last Sunday, Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. | what to do, People 3),.....-« (Start) to run and | scream but 14) (noean) move. (nottake) long to realise it was an earthquake, We quickly 2) .» (become) grey and cloudy and (try) (start) to rain. George 3) to tadio for help but the radio 4)... | (motiwork). We 5) (he) scared to death 9 & ‘Ask and answer questions about your funniest, saddest or scariest experience on holiday, 1 where/you go? 6 what happen? » A: Yihere dl you go? 7 who/waith you? B: I went to... 8 how/you feel? 2 what/weather be like? 9 what/heppen/ 3 how/you get there? in the enc? 4 where/you stay? 10 how/ you 5 what/you do? (eat focal feel/in the dishes, take pictures, visit end? museums, etc) Speaking 1 Use your partner’s answers in Ex. 9 to tell the class about his/her funniest sadidest/scariest experience on holiday, Workbook 2a] 24 it coul Vocabulary NEXT © Natural phenomena to you I me ‘You probably can't Imagine being caught up in the middle of 8 tornado, a hurricane or a flood, but don't be so sure that it could never happen to you! We spoke to [EEE wnich three of these Jonn about his experience .. phenomena do you think are the most een es ny dangerous? Give reasons, ‘Are you afraid of water? Wel, John is! He had terble & me” i (© Listen and repeat words 1-7. Which are common in your country? nighimarae abeut drowning, "hy the nightmares there wes always heevy rain,” he sald, “and then water swept me (eucina een >) |] Sher sepeyshoe frre no cw “Teée tekstu moina ocgadnaé na pocsennietytts a bad dream." Last year, while John was on holiday in # {. idelaczonych itstrach Corrwall, is Hontble dreams came true! One moming, he EES decided to go tor a cup of tea in the vilage, On his wey. Reading ne went inio a litte shop fo buy some posteards, As he ontered the shop, it started to rain heavily, “Nice weather (© Read the title and the introduction. for ducks,” said Une lady in the shop, ‘I hopa tha rior tf 2 ‘The following words/phrases appear in the fj dosent burs is banks again Ihe lst year, ee added Join opened the door to leave the shop but az coon a he ets Wiiat fi thie Net aboalb? Rese) tata stepped oul, water swept him off his feet and washed him and check, Where could you read this text? down the oad. “Ol no! The river!” he thought, terriiee. a Then suddenly, he hi @ lamppost. z nightmares about drowning Je quickly grabbed it and © water swept me away ® rain heavily dulled himself out of the © river burst its banks * grabbed water, Ho was wot and i: © alamppost * wet and cold ® relieved || cold but vary releved (Z\volcanic eruption © alive tobe alivel (its yA 5 ; > Hh ge|> ony lest 3 Read the text again and answer the questions. Then explain the words in bold. 1 What was John atraid off 2 Where did he go last year? 3 What happened to him? 4 What did he do? 5 How did he feel? 4 Match the pronouns (1-7) from the text with the nouns below, 1 He (l. 5) m John, 2 1 (l. 8), 3 his (L. 11), 4 its (. 16), 5 she (|. 16), 6 him (l. 18), 7 it(2iy © Forming adverbs Tworzenie prayslowkow 5 a) Read the examples. How do we form adverbs? He's acareful driver, He drives carefully. The test was easy, He answered the questions easily. She's a terrible cook. She cooks terribly. He's an early bird. He gets up early. He's a good swimmer. He swims well. b) Form adverbs from the adjectives. Make sentences, slow * happy © safe © fast * real * complete * good > He walks very stowly. * Time words Wyratenia okresiajgce czas 6 Read the theory. Find examples in the text. | eoueun 8 OLACALORD ntt Seauwnun Join the sentences, Use the words in brackets. They started screaming. They saw the lion. (when) > They started screaming when they saw the tion. /When they savy the lion, they started screaming. ‘They walked in the park. It got dark. (until) He went on holiday. He finished school. (after) ‘The phone rang. She entered the room. (as soon as) It stopped raining. They leftithe office. (and then) It was late. He decided to get a taxi. (50) Listening & Speaking a) (.) Listen and complete the missing words. Southerpion for 1) . hit iceberg in the North Atlantic at 11:40 pm ship sank at 3)..., more than 4). people died ship located near Newioundiand, Canada b) Q Put the words in the correct order to form questions. Use the information in Ex. Ba to ask and answer the questions. When/did/Southampton/the Titanic/leave? » A: When did the Titanic (eave Southampton? B: On 10th April, 1912. was/What/its destination? later/ What/days/happened four? the/did/When/sink/ship? time/What/was/it? people/How many/died? they/When/did/ship/locate/ the? ‘ct ‘Oy Work in groups, What other disasters at sea do you know of? Collect information. Then, present it to the class. ‘You can visit this website: htip;//en, Search keyword: Titanic Go to See Also and click on List of shipwrecks. Workbook 2b} 23 24 Reading & Writing (2 Look at the picture and listen to the sounds, What do you think the story is about? Read and check. 2 2 Complete Laura’s story with phrases (a-e). Listen and check, Explain the words/ phrases in bold. and asked us to keep calm when suddenly the sky turned dark grey but she was very scared ‘30 we ran quickly inside the nose: because they couldn’t find i their dog 3 Put the events in the order they happened. Use the plotline to summarise the story for the class. It began to rain. They went to the basement. The wind stopped. The children were in the garden. > 1 They closed the windows. They helped their neighbours. They went inside the house. They heard a loud crashing noise. They went outside again. (earing team Kolejnogé zdarzeh ‘Wolazane jestrelacjonowanie wydarzef w takie| kolejnoic, w jak) nastgpowaly po sobie. My sister Susan and | were in the garden playing with our neighbours’ dog last Saturdey afternoon 1) « Minutes later, it began to rain heavily 2) .. ‘Mum asked us to close all the windows. Just as I shut the window in the kitchen, I heard a loud noise. It sounded like a train. Dad took us to the basement 3)... .From there, we could hear the strong wind outside. All of a sudden, we heard a loud crashing noise and iy sister started to cry, We tried to calm her down 4) iter 3 few minutes, the wind stopped and eventing was quit We slowly made our way up from the basement. the house was full of glass from the broken windows. The real damage was outside though. There were trees on the streets and damaged cars all over. Qur- neighbours were very worried 5) wu... . We searched everywhere and finally found him behind some bushes It was a horrible experience and we were relieved it was over. At least we were all OK. (Laura, 15) Writing (a story) 4 A Think of an unusual experience you have had. Answer the questions in the plan, Introduction Get thescene) Porat * Where were you (school, home|? ‘© What was te weather tke? © Who else was with you? Main Body (events in the order they happened) Para 2 © What happened? ‘© What did you/the others do? Para 3 ‘© What happened efterwardsz fonclusion (end the story) Para 4 ‘What happened in the end? How did your tne others feet! Portfolio: Use your answers to write your story entitled “What an Experience’ (80-100 words). (Workbook 2c 1 hy \..) Listen to the music. Which country does it remind you of? What can you see in the pictures? What do you know about them? Listen and read to find out. Answer the questions. Then explain the words in bold. What do 'seanchais’ do? What types of stories do people tellin Ireland? What are Irish myths/legends about? What characters do you find in Irish folk tales? © Word power Read the box. Which phrase can you find tn the text? Make sentences using the phrases. 4 money (= pay) He spent £10 on sweets + time (= pass) He spent all dey reading the book, AL eA CH MAE "A story should be told eye to eye, mine to mind, heart (o hrecrt.” Stanley Roberison (storyteller) cthaps the best way to spend a cold winter night in Ireland is w enloy the company of a ‘seanchai, a storyteller, Ireland has great stories to tell yths and legends are stories about giants, warriors and kings. They are tales of fieioes who overcome! great ‘obstacles, fight with magieal heaste and have incredible? adventures, One such legend is the story of Finn Mac Cumbail and his group of ‘warriors, the Fianna, who protected the high kings of Ireland $6) lk tales entertain’ people while teaching them moral YS atues! hase stores are about ery usu! charces such as fairies and elves. The most popular are the keprechaums, Their name means ‘small body’. They make shoes and have a hidden pot of zold. As logendl has it, 'you catch a Ieprectaum, it must tell you where the pot of gold is. But be careful! It will ty to trick you into looking asvay for a second, and then it will disappear! 4 get over unbelievable amuse “right tehaviour 5 [EEOTR Name three stories you like. What value(s) does each one teach? Project 6 @ Work in groups. Think of a popular folk tale in your country. © What is it about? © Who are the main characters? ‘¢ What happens in the story? © What moral values does the story teach? Tell ancther group. 25

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