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Elijah Garcia, Billie Hill, Rickera Mack

Professor McGriff

Composition 1


Our story begins in a run-down cottage in a forest. The floor boards creaked as they stood on
their last legs ready to break soon, the roof was beginning to fail as it broke in a few areas, the kitchen
smelled of fowl food. I am a wood-cutter and father of two young children from a previous marriage, I
am remarried now. Her name was Anna daughter of a local hunter. As I sat outside putting today's wood
haul I can hear my wife, at first it was love now she grows tired of us, but yet I cannot leave her.
“Where is that bloody bowl?” I can hear her hiss inside. As I threw that last log onto a wagon I
thought of my life, how promising it started a simple woodsman and his family was all I needed but
times were harsh and now I am unable to provide for my family.
“What kind of man am I?” I said depressingly to myself. “Unable to provide for the people who
bring joy to him.” I threw the last log into the wagon and wiped the sweat on my brow. As the moon
illuminated my night I can hear the crickets singing in the night and the dark wind blew across the trees.
I sighed and stepped inside my home it was depressing. My sorrows went away as I heard their voices,
my two beloved children my only joy in this depressed world.
They greeted me and hugged me asking how my day was. I smiled and held them close to me for
I may have been poor but with my family I was already rich. My happy thoughts were ruined as their
stepmother yelled from the kitchen to shut their mouths and come and eat. After dinner I laid down in
bed next to her, she seemed furious as usual.
“I am sick of this.” She whispered angrily. She tossed and turned next to me pushing me a bit.
“Of what dear?” I asked hoping maybe it was something not important. Maybe I could calm her
“Of the kids!” She covered her mouth quickly. I sat up now shocked to hear of what I heard but
she looked at me seriously. “I am tired of eating bread and water. Every day in the village everyone
enjoys themselves and dine on fine wine and food and what have I? Bread and water!”
I already had enough today but she was right. At first everything seemed to bright and
promising but our story wasn’t like any folklore or tale. There was no gold nor adventure. “What has
become of us?” I asked. “We can’t even feed our own kids nor ourselves.”
She now sat up with a dark evil look in her eyes and said to me. “I know how we can solve our
problem.” She said in a hushed but serious tone. “Tomorrow morning we shall go early all together to
cut some wood. There the children will sleep and we will leave them there. They will have food and a
fire. We will be free from those retched kids at last.”
I can hear glee in her voice but I refused for they were the world to me. “No, think of all the wild
animals out there that could tear them to shreds.” I almost raised my voice.
“Well its either we die our we all die together and rot along with this house. Who knows maybe
a nice family or widow may take them in. Come on you can’t care of them.” With that she laid back
down leaving me in thought. From the doorway I could see the eyes of my children quickly close the
door quietly, they heard us. I shook my head and let out a loud sigh. Sleep didn’t arrive as I waited for it
an hour had passed until I heard the door open I quickly got up and grabbed my axe to look out the
window. Instead I saw my young son Hansel picking small stones off the ground and putting them in his
pocket, a smile grew on my face as I understood his idea, smart like his mother. I walked back to my
room and lied down next to her.
“What was it?” Anna asked. She began to get up to check what it was but I stopped her.
“Nothing.” I said with a smile. “Tomorrow will be a good day.” Anna sighed thinking I had finally
agreed with her but I could finally sleep knowing her plans were as rotten and spoiled as this house.

The next morning I got up stretching myself to wake up. The morning air rushed through the
cracks in the windows and the cold autumn air greeted me. After getting dressed and getting ready we
all headed out into the forest to look for today's lumber. As I hauled the wagon with the supplies the
kids run up ahead playing, Anna on the other hand seemed more cheerful that her normal self. Her mind
was happy she was finally going to get rid of the kids, little did she know they already planned ahead of
"Its nasty," I said to myself. "the kids mean the world to me. I am unable to raise them yes, but I
can try my best and yet she's here smiling as she plans to dump them off."
She notices me and her smile turns into a scowl as if she could ready my thoughts. I shrug and
nod hoping to not raise any suspicions. The sun hasn't risen yet. The morning dew wets my boots and I
could hear the branches break beneath our feet. I follow my wife as she leads they way, we venture into
a path that has never been taken. The deeper into the forest we go the darker it becomes, the morning's
beautiful light begins to fade and we are engulfed in darkness.
"Here we are dears." Anna says dropping our bag of supplies. The area was barren as if
somehow slept there, a items lie scattered on the floor, an old fire pit stood in the middle. Was this
where men came to end their suffering or was this the journey through never-ending darkness.
Hansel and Gretel looked around the eerie area. Just how exactly did my wife know about this
"Where exactly are we at father?" Hansel asked me, I could hear the sound of fear in his voice.
"Yes papa what is this place?" Gretel chimed. I wanted to tell them the truth but I knew they'd
be safe. As we walked here I saw Hansel drop the pebbles he had picked up last night carefully fooling
his stepmother.
After I set the fire the kids sat around it as Anna then gave them a small container with water, it
made me sick watching her smiling at them like that.
"Don't worry kids." I finally said grabbing my ax from the wagon. "We will be home soon, we
shall not be here long."
Anna smiled grew bigger as the fire shined in front of her the smile looked more evil than ever.
"We will be home very soon dears. Here is a small fire for the both of you rest while we work." She
chuckled and set down a blanket for the kids to rest on as we worked. Hours passed and the children
went off to sleep, I had already chopped enough for today.
"Quick!" My wife whispered. "They're asleep! Lets go!" She rushed the wood into the cart and
threw my ax in there as well. "Hurry before they wake up!"
I covered the kids up and gave them each a kiss before I left and prayed their plan would work.
As we ran I pulled the wagon behind me I looked back into the darkness we were only gone a few
meters and yet the fire I left for the kids was already gone. I began to worry but ahead I could hear my
wife laugh, she rejoiced in their sorrows no one would save my kids and she knew it.
After we got home my wife cleaned from afternoon til nightfall. I had packed the lumber into
the cart even the wood was black and as dark as the forest we got it from. The children had yet to
return. We ate probably the most luxurious meal of fish and potato that night. I kept checking the
window. Eventually she began to notice and demanded to know what was going on.
"Father, mother!" I heard Gretel yell. Soon the ran inside and hugged me. They began to cry on
me but someone else had no sympathy she forced a smile onto her face.
"Silly children... did you not hear me and my father call you." She then stormed off I knew it
wasn't over. It'll never be over she want my children gone peacefully or gone by death.

It was another day Anna rushed us back into the forest into that same spot. Last night I had
dozed of quickly I hoped that Hansel was able to pick up the pebbles again. As we walked I didn't see
Hansel drop anything this time I began to worry.
"Hansel." I said with a gulp. I pulled a load of bread from the cart and handed it to him. "Please
share this with your sister."
"Sure will father." He said with a smile and ran back with his sister. I watched him split the loaf
in half and quietly drop crumbs as he did yesterday. We walked back to the same spot yesterday the
fire's coals lit up a little making it easy to make it again.
"Here is a fire for you little ones." My wife said with a forced smile. "If you two get tired rest up
by here. Your father and I will be around cutting wood for tomorrow."
With that we both began to work I chopped down small trees and she removed the branches
with a small hatchet and together we loaded it onto the wagon. The sun didn't shine in this dark abyss
the wood was as dark as usual. Hours had passed and soon the kids fell asleep. Instead of rushing me
she disappeared as we packed the lumber.
"Dearest?" I asked looking around she wasn't there nor was her hatchet. I dropped the log I had
onto my foot the pain was strong but I feared for my children's lives. I ran around the dark forest yelling
their names suddenly I heard a hum, it was dark and evil the voice was their Anna's.
"HANSEL! GRETEL!" I yelled I pushed twigs away from my face I could feel them scratch me and
tear pieces of my clothes they weren't leaves anymore instead they had thorns, the darkness haunted
me, the humming got louder and louder. It was the song that a mother would sing to them, the song
was a warning for children to sleep near the edge of their beds or else a wolf would come for them.
Finally I saw the light of the fire above Hansel and Gretel was their Anna slowly inching towards
them, hachet in her hand and lullaby humming their demise. I tackled her down and knocked that blade
from her hand. She yelled and kicked me aside.
"Step aside!" She snarled and reached for her ax. Gretel made a small sound, she was waking
up. Their stepmother spat on the ground and threw the bread Hansel had into the fire and kicked dirt
into it putting it out.
"Stay away from my children you monster!" I said trying to get back up but the pain in my foot
intensified. She laughed a little and licked her lips.
"You clearly forgot who has the upper hand here." She grabbed her axe and held it up high for a
strike. "Lets go before you and your beloved children end up as food for the wolves." She had me
backed into a corner I prayed quietly, I prayed for the trick to work this time. I feared for the lives I
nodded in defeat and followed her. She placed the ax in her belt and snickered. "Good, let us home for
supper." I trudged along feeling my foot ache in pain with every step, I had to drag today's haul with me
I was defenseless and weak.
When we got home I was taken hostage. I was told to leave the cart outside. I sat on the small
chair tending the cuts I got from searching for the kids, meanwhile my wife hummed as she worked in
the kitchen. She was a different person already, I began to pray for Hansel and Gretel to return home
but part of me didn't.
"This will be a new start." Anna said she smashed a clever into a head of lettuce warning me. I
sat up a bit more as Anna hummed once again. I hoped my children wouldn't return, I hoped they were
safe that someone found them, I hoped they wouldn't come home to face the wolf in sheep,s clothing.

The next morning I couldn't sleep nor could Anna she kept patrolling the window humming,
making sure Hansel nor Gretel could return. That same morning I had to sell the wood from this week
maybe I could search for them. I got up and got dressed and began to limp outside but Anna had
stopped me.
"I am going with you." She said. I took a nervous deep breath I was to afraid to even argue with
her. She knew what I was going to do. "You can hardly walk you should be grateful."
I said nothing as we walked down to the village. We had set up the cart near the town's square
but sunrise people already began getting out of their homes. People bustled around towns with their
families purchased goods. Anna and I sold lumber to families Anna pretended to be smiling even though
she seemed to despised most of our customers.
One couple noticed I had brought Anna and not Hansel nor Gretel and they began to ask where
they were Anna replied.
"Both of them stayed home they weren't feeling well." Anna quickly replied. I was unable to say
a thing. "My husband was supposed to stay with them but he was stubborn, even though he was in
The couple nodded and said no more before they left. I looked at the wood we had gotten from
the darkest part of the forest. The bark was pitch black and the inside was a dark brown. Another
customer had noticed.
"I see you ventured into the witch's woods" He said looking at it. "We don't know what kind it is
some us believe it can one day live." I became nervous because of where we left them was probably
haunted. Anna stepped in before I could ask him what he had meant.
"There is no such thing as witches. Nothing but folklore." She replied. The day with by so slow all
day I was afraid what if they had be captured by the witch or if nature had killed them both. After the
day was over we returned home with a good pay with winter along the way being a woodsman had its
perks. At night after Anna went to sleep I went out to look for them.
In the woods I only relied on the light from a torch. I yelled their names but nothing I followed
the path we took but it was impossible to see. The owls hooted from the trees and the animals of the
night lingered around me but I was unable to find my children. Until then I arrived at the area where we
had left them the fire was gone, the pit itself was gone too, all the trash was gone the area was barren.
"Where are they!" I almost yelled I looked for tracks on the ground and there they were, two
pairs of footprints moving far off from home. I followed them desperately until they stopped I was
confused suddenly I felt something hit the back of my head and everything went dark. As my vision
began to fade I heard.
"You were close but I told you not to go back for them." It said and then it was black. When I
woke up I tried to move but I looked at my hands bounded to a chair. I was back at home Anna wasn't
around luckily. I looked around and forced my way out of my bounds Anna wasn't good at tying luckily.
My next plan was to leave but that's when Anna came in with her hatchet in her hand.
"Where do you think your going." She hissed slamming the door behind her. I can see anger in
her eyes, the same expression she had when she had left my children in the woods. She spun her
hatchet in one hand while her other reached for my ax which was inside for some reason.
"Move aside. I just want my kids." I said cautiously. We had a small standoff she still had the
upper hand again a weapon and a injured victim. I made a quick move and attempted to tackle her but
she pushed me back.
"If you wish to see those dammed kids. You must die." She swung my ax missing me hitting a
wall. I pushed her aside but then I felt a pain on my leg as she tripped me, I began to crawl towards the
door then I felt another pain on my shoulder. Lodged in my back was the small hatchet she had thrown.
"Why?" I asked forcing myself not to succumb to the pain. "Why do you hate my children so
much." Anna dragged the ax as walked towards me, it scraped against the floor. Then looked down at
"Because they aren't mine." She whispered she raised the ax over my head. "They're nothing
but a plague killing my life, leeches sucking my soul. I've always hated those kids."
With one motion I kicked Anna back into a weakened post, she was surprised caught off guard.
The roof collapsed onto her and after the dust cleared Anna was pinned under the rubble. I quickly
grabbed my ax and looked down at her smile.
"Do it." She whispered with a evil grin. "Just end me and let it sink in later on in your life. You've always
were weak. You always reminded me a deer, useless deer only food to someone else."
"I am not like you." I said and lowered the ax then tossed it aside. Her breathing began to drop. I
didn't look back but I knew she wasn't gone and I had to run. I ran through the forest back to the area
where we had left the kids and there was everything again. The firepit had a small fire going and there
was path that had never been there. I followed it until I ran to a lake where I saw something I could
never tell and no one will believe.

"By god what is going on?" I asked myself. Across the lake was a duck carrying his children on it's
back. I could see their smiling faces for a minute the pain was gone. They had jumped into my arms.
"Father!" They both yelled bursting into tears. I held them tighter than ever and I thanked God
they were safe.
"My children." I said I began to cry on them. "I am sorry for not coming back. I am grateful to
have found you." After many tears and consoling Hansel asked a question.
"Where is Anna?" I shook my head. I knew she was probably still alive and probably coming for
me so I lied.
"She's gone. She died from natural causes." I said. "We must run. For a few days we will not
have a home but I promise this time you will both be safe." But Gretel stopped me and held out a small
bag with gold and jewels.
"We won't have to father for Hansel and I found something." She said. I smiled once again and
we ventured off I never let them go. We live in the mountains know far from the village and far from
Anna. I became a farmer and I'll never use an ax again and I will never abandon my children once more.
We lived happily ever after

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