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Medical Equipment and Their Function

1. Stethoscope : to check the patient’s heart beat

2. Syringe : to inject or suck liquids or gases into the patient’s body
3. Stretscher : move the patient from the ambulance to the UGD room
4. Hook : is un instrument with a bent end used to hold structures apart
5. Curette : to clear the womb of a miscarriage patient
6. Tourniquet : to stem the blood
7. Pipette : used in the laboratory for sampling
8. Gag : to instrument that is placed betwen patient teeth to stop him from
closing his mouth
9. Sling : as a support tool on the shoulders and hands, suffering ftractures
10. Thermometer : to measure the patient’s body temperature
11. Scalpel : to slicing or incising the network during operation
12. Dressing trolley : to put galipot, bowl, tray and all medical equipment
13. Catether : hose to help the patient urinate
14. Bandage : to cover the wound of the patient
15. Sling : for a broken hand bone
16. Foreceps : to clamping or holding objects
17. Probe : for exmination of pilse oximetry attached to the fingertips
18. Drain : to tube used for removing liquid from the body orside of operation
19. Splint : bamboo or papen mounted on people experiencingfractures of broken
20. Lister’s bandage scissors : a kind of bandage to protect the wound
21. Cylinder : to put tweezers, clamps and pliers that have been sterilized to remain
22. Galipot : to cut body tissues for practical purposes
23. Tray : to put instrument of operation or other
24. Bowl : to put a water
25. Cheatle’s foreps : server as walker
26. Plain dissecting forceps : a kind of scissors and clamp
27. Suture scissors : serves to bring food or carry medicine for patient’s
28. Michael’s clip-removing forceps : server as walker
29. Michel’s clip : to unite the bones when dissected
30. Receiver (kidney dish) : to put the rubbish
31. Wheelchair : to sit and move around
32. Crutches : to help for walking
33. Lister’s curved sinus forceps : to hold and to put somathing
34. Trapeze : to help patient sit or stand
35. Glass mercury thermometer : to measure the patient’s temperature
36. Chemical dot thermometer : to check the patient’s temperature
37. Digital thermometer : to check the patient’s temperature
38. Electronic digital thermometer : to measure the patient’s temperature
39. Infrared thermometer : to measure patient’s temperature
40. Mercury manometer : to check the patient’s blood pressure
41. Aneroid manometer : to check the patient’s blood pressure
42. Snellen alphabet chart : to chech the patient’s sight
43. Snellen “E” chart : to check the patient’s vision

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