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Name ______________________________

FBLA Article Activity FIN-PA1-10

From Tomorrow’s Business Leader, Fall 2017, read the article “The Impact FBLA Has Had on
Me” by FBLA Southern Region Vice President Keenan Carter.

Answer the following questions.

1. What service project did Keenan create?

2. What is “First Sight?”

3. What business classes did he reference that benefited him in his accomplishment?

4. What employability and leadership skills did he reference that he has acquired as a result
of being in FBLA?

5. At this point in your high school career, how has FBLA impacted your life? (Please
share in paragraph form, 5-7 sentences.)

6. Is there a service project that you would like to see implemented by Lambert FBLA this
year? If so, please explain in detail.

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