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Dear Mr. Rogers, ‘Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to have the experience of going through interview for this internship, As Computer Science is booming throughout the world, T understand that the demand for this job is high. Nevertheless, I appreciated the time you took to allow me to show you who I am, With your suggestions for what to improve, I can be much more prepared for my actual interview when the time comes. You mentioned that I had a wordy Cover Letter, and that it covered up my accomplishments, I will make sure to shorten (0 highlight the main accomplishments for the interviewer to see. Once again, thank you for taking the time to interview me and give me suggestions to improve. Sincerely, Groote ~~ Ube noch Manas Angalakuduti Dear Mr. Beaulieu, T'd like to thank you for taking the time to give me the opportunity to have the experience of going through an interview. With your help I was able to establish a better understanding of how to prepare myself for the working world. I especially appreciated your delivery of the feedback as it all came across as very constructive rather than criticizing. The suggestions you made, such as rewording certain aspects of my cover letter and being sure to add educational experience on a resume, are incredibly helpful for me as I feel that they will greatly aid me in becoming the best I can be when interviewing for a job, Thank you for your time, I truly appreciated it, Sincerely, Kevin Walsh

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