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Well, I have been hemming and hawing and thinking about trying this AFV thing out.

I have a court
date that is coming up tomorrow. Last Thursday I called down to the place where the payment is
sent and asked the woman "what would happen if I accepted this ticket and sent it in?" She
responded by saying that she would cancel the court date as long as it got there 24 hours before.
So I got the ticket out and wrote across the thing in red ink "Accepted for Value, Returned for
Settlement and Closure, Exempt from Levy, Exemption # xxxxxxxxx(s/s # without dashes)" signed
and dated the thing. Made a copy, notarized it and sent the original copy via Certified Mail with a
return receipt requiring a signature.

Today, I wrote out an Affidavit - A Statement of Fact. That went like this:
As a Free Man of the Land, I, Alejandro Napualoha Domingo, a man, do not consent to waiving any
of my rights. Concerning the matter brought to the court on this day, it is duly noted that a free man
of the land has a right to use the highways and the byways within the State of Hawaii. The point of
emphasis being placed on the fact that it is a God-given right that a man/woman has, and not a
privilege that is granted to the "person" by the State. And to exercise this right of passage on the
thoroughfares, highways and byways of this State, without causing harm or injury to another
person, is not unlawful.

It was the exercise of this lawful right, to travel along Some Street and to turn into a parking lot and
to make a full stop in front of a vacant used furniture shop storefront to obtain the change of
address that was posted there in the window. It was then, again, the exercise of this same God-
given right to then leave that parking lot and proceed a short distance down Another Road toward
the Someplace County Recreation Center.

Without my causing harm or injury to another, Officer _______________ indicated that he wanted
my attention by flashing his lights as he came up in his vehicle behind mine. After bringing my
vehicle to a stop, the officer came and spoke to me in a way that showed that he had mistaken me
(a man with a lawful right) with that of being a ‘person’ that received privilege to use the highways
and byways of this City and State, and one who was, therefore, under his jurisdiction. He requested
from me the identification of that legal entity ‘person’ and proof of privilege. And, I, being the agent
of that legal entity ‘person’, provided the appropriate identification and proof. He returned a short
time later returning the identification along with a civil infraction (No Left Turn) ticket.

I came here to this court today as an interested third party, acting on behalf of the legal entity
‘person’ whose name appears on the civil infraction document, that name is similar to mine except
for the fact that it is in all capital letters. As the agent for the legal entity, I would like to make clear
that there is no controversy in this matter before the court. As the agent of the legal entity ‘person’,
ALEJANDRO N DOMINGO, I would like to enter a plea of guilty to the facts as stated within this
affidavit document. And I have accepted for value and returned the civil infraction
(__________________) ticket receipt for settlement and closure on this matter. (See attached
notarized copy.)

I declare under the penalty of perjury that I have read the foregoing document and know its
contents, and to the best of my knowledge the statements therein are true and correct, except as to
those matters which I rely on information and/or belief, and as to those matters I do believe them to
be true and correct.

Dated: ___________________________

/s/ ________________________________
Alejandro Napualoha Domingo / Man
Later today, I went down to the courthouse to see if it was possible to enter this affidavit into an
evidence file. The clerk at the courthouse asked me my name, I was hesitant because I knew she
would look up whatever information that concerned me on her computer. She told me that it looks
like that I wasn't yet scheduled for a hearing, then said, "oh, I am looking at something else here",
and asked if I had filed some other paperwork? I said, "yeah", figuring at that point that my AFV had
caused the court date to be canceled. She then went to talk to her supervisor. I decided to leave
ASAP because I didn't want to get into a "thing" with the Clerk of the Court. I still plan to come
down to the courthouse tomorrow to see if my name is posted for a hearing on the schedule of
courtroom. Even if it isn't posted, I will probably enter the courtroom as an observer. If they call the
name of my Straw man, I will rise and tell the judge that I am an "interested third party" and will
read my affidavit when asked how the "person" I represent would like to plea.

I know I need to have a Bond in place with the County, State and Department of Treasury to
properly have the PASS THROUGH ACCOUNT available to cover the debts of the Strawman. I
sent an email the other day to the Solutions in Commerce Team to see if they were willing to let me
have the CD that contains all the documents displayed in the Winston Shrout BC seminar. But
nothing doing, one needs to purchase the entire DVD set in order to receive that CD - damn! That
is just too much money for me.

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