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Dokumen Artikel Penelitian ini milik penulis/peneliti yang diserahkan sebagian (judul dan Abstrak) hak ciptanya kepada

Universitas Airlangga untuk

digunakan referensi dalam penulisan artikel ilmiah.

Tim Peneliti : Heri Suroto, dr.,Sp.OT Rolandi IP

Neglected Posterior Elbow Dislocation (Dislokasi Sendi Siku

Posterior Terabaikan)
Abstrak :

We reported 3 cases of neglected posterior elbow dislocation that happened more than 3 weeks before
hospital admission, including simple and complex type of dislocation. AII the patients had treated with
operative treatment and & the treatments are varies due to the following abnormalities, there were no
complications post operatively and no significant difference results between one or two stages operative
method. Patients had gained back adequate and functional elbow range of motion for activity daily living.
Generally they satisfied with the results.

Keyword :

elbow, posterior dislocation, neglected

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