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Chapter 1 Assessment

1. What is one responsibility of a good citizen?

2. Draw a picture of a responsibility you have at home or at school?

3. Underline the sentence that is a fact. A. I think we need a law that puts bike lanes on
every street. B. A rule tells us what to do and what not to do.

4. Students will be given a chart with two sections: home and school. Students will be
provided with words choices: principal, grandfather, teacher, mother. Students will
write the leaders in the correct section on the chart.

5. Underline the name of the leader in our country. Mayor Governor President

6. Fill in the bubble next to the correct answer. Which of the following is a symbol of
our president?
a. Statue of Liberty
b. Liberty Bell
c. White House
d. Bald eagle

7. Draw a picture of people in your community who are being good citizens.

Match the correct name to the correct American symbol.

Word Bank

Uncle Sam American Flag Statue of Liberty White House

Liberty Bell Bald Eagle

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