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When open site working, serious porosity in metal arc welds is brought to your attention.

What would you investigate?

a. Electrode type
b. Power plant type
c. Electrode storage
d. Day temperature

. The use of flux with gas shielded metal arc welding allows:
a. Sheet metal to be welded
b. A stable arc when using high current densities
c. Aluminium to be welded
d. Less dilution of the weld by the parent metal

The voltage necessary to maintain an arc during metal arc welding is termed:
a. Mains supply voltage
b. Arc current
c. Arc voltage
d. Open circuit voltage

When manual metal arc welding low carbon steel, which electrode covering will give the
greatest degree of penetration?
a. Iron powder.
b. Rutile.
c. Cellulosic.
d. Low hydrogen


When TIG welding austenitic stainless steel pipe, argon gas backing is called for. This is to:
a. Prevent oxidation
b. Prevent underbead cracking
c. Prevent porosity
d. Control the penetration bead shape

. Inherent rectification of the electrical output is produced in the arc when TIG welding using:
a. AC with a suppressor
b. AC without a suppressor
c. DC with reverse polarity
d. DC with straight polarity

When referring to TIG welding, the shielding gas could be:

a. Argon and hydrogen.
b. Argon and helium.
c. Argon and nitrogen.
d. All the above.

Which defect would you expect to get in TIG welds in non-deoxidised steel?

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