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Teresa Gonzales

Sketchbook #4

Mr. Mckay

Utah Museum of Contemporary Art

Suns From Sunsets From Flickr by Penelope Umbrico

- Chromogenic Machine Prints
Umbrico began her project ​Suns from Sunsets​ Flickr in 2006 when
she searched the image hosting website Flicker and found “sunset” to
be the most tagged subject with 5,337,183 search result at that time.
She cropped just the suns from these pictures and printed 4” x 6”
machine prints of them.

Rock Moss Cliff by Kirsten Kay Thoen

- Eco Uv- Print on biodegradable poplin
As digital media plays on accelerating role in shaping perceptions of
and relationships to nature in contemporary culture, my expanding
upon a “physical experience” of nature-based images. This in mind, I
began transfiguring my landscape and elemental intersections
between the material/ immaterial, physical/ metaphysical, and
mathematic, spiritual.

Between Here and There by Amelia Carley

- Sand, Foam, projected light, oil on canvas
In essence,​ Between Here and There​ is a breakdown of traditional
landscape painting into its fundamental parts; shape, color, and light.
Mountains become triangular piles of sand. The sky is painted as
bands of colors fading into one another. The un is a beam of light
projected from above. Through this process. Carley creates a
fictional setting that feels more like recollection of a moment in time
instead of specific place.
My favorite was the ​Suns from Sunsets ​because it reminded me a lot of the heart
assignment. Some more cool facts about it is For each installation, the title reflects the
number of images tagged “sunsets” on Flickr on the day she makes the prints- for
example, for the installation here there were 35,073,658 images of sunsets on 1/08/18-
the title itself becoming a comment on the ever increasing use of web- based photo
communities jand a reflection of the ubiquity of pre- scripted collective content there.
Umbrico says, “I think it's specular that the hot sun- - the quintessential life giver,
constant in our lives, symbol, of enlightenment, spirituality, eternity, all things
unreachable and ephemeral, omnipotent provider of optimism and vitamin D, and so
universally photographed -- finds expression on the internet, the most virutal of spaces
equally infinite but within a closed electrical circuit. Looking Into this cool electronic
screen space one finds a virtual window onto the natural world”.

I really enjoyed visiting the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art. It was a great
experience and I learned a lot from it. After learning so many styles and concepts from
class- I was able to see each piece of work in a new perspective. I also know feel like I
can appreciate art more, now that I have tried some of these techniques. I really
enjoyed each piece of art- even some of the more simple pieces of work.

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