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Bandura, A., Ross, D., & Ross, S.A. (1961).

Transmission of aggression through

imitation of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 62, 575-


Briefly answer the following questions

1) What is the big picture? (i.e. what is the big question underlying this research?)

2) The authors make 4 specific predictions – what are the predictions?

3) a) How many children were exposed to an aggressive model?

b) How many were exposed to a non-aggressive model?
c) How many were exposed to no model?
d) How many saw the same sex model being aggressive?
e) How many boys saw the male model being aggressive?

4) a) What is the independent variable (IV)?

b) How is it manipulated?
c) How many dependent variables (DV) do they have?
d) How are the DVs measured?

5) What kind of design is it?

6) How well did the results match the predictions?

7) What might you do differently now if you wanted to do a similar experiment?

8) What problems do you see in the study? Are there other explanations for the results?

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