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Class: 9th Grade

Unit: US History I

SWABT understand and analyze the concepts of the first three amendments to 90% accuracy.

USI.9 Explain the reasons for the passage of the Bill of Rights.
B. the particular ways in which the Bill of Rights protects basic freedoms, restricts government power,
and ensures rights to persons accused of crimes

Anticipatory Set
Hook: Teacher will present modern debates on football players taking a knee during the national anthem
to have students start thinking of the first amendment.

Teaching: Input
Teacher will present each of the first three amendments to students in a lecture format with corresponding
PowerPoint slides with picture examples. Students will have the opportunity to interact and ask questions
throughout lecture.

Teaching: Modeling
Examples will be provided by teacher in PowerPoint presentation for students to form an understanding
of how each of these amendments are relevant to American society. Explained as I go through the slides.

Teaching: Checking for Understanding

Students will answer questions based on given examples as a class with the teacher to ensure that the
lesson was effectively received

Guided Practice
Students will work in pairs under supervision of teacher to complete the following worksheet using what
has been learned about the first three amendments. Teacher will guide students and answer questions as

Teacher will present over-arching critical thinking questions for students to answer together as a class.
1. Why are these first three amendments important?
2. Why are these rights valued by Americans?
3. How do the freedoms and rights given by these amendments impact our daily lives?

Independent Practice
Students will complete homework assignment for the next class where they will be finding three of their
own examples based on their understanding of what was learned about the first three amendments

Duration: Five, 55 minute classes

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