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Passing in 6's
Practice 1:

In 6's:pass,set, pass, follow. Focusing on the quality and pace of the pass and the timing and arced run
from the midfielder who receives the set pass.

Practice 2:

Link the two groups together-when the player on the end receives the pass, he

opens out and plays a square pass to the man in the other group.
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The Alamo!-Rotational shooting practice
Shooting practice with various passing and receiving combinations.

Pass,set,okay to the winger, he then plays into the front man who sets back for him to shoot.All rotate.

Focus on neatness of passing and checking away and quality and correct technique of strike.
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4 v 4 shooting
4 v 4 shooting practice:

Players can not come out of there half unless they have passed the ball in or dribbled the ball in. which
then makes a 3 v 2 overload. Encourage getting on the half turn to shoot if there is space or setting back
for team-mate to shoot.

3 touch only

Players on the outside are feeders and have two touch max.

If score from volley or header then 2 goals

Winner stays on!

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Screen 4
Phase of play:
Working with the strikers. Set practice up so it is 1-2-3-1 v 4-2. Work on movement of strikers and support
of team-mates.

Work on shielding and receiving the ball

setting if too tight.

Get on the half-turn if possible and be ruthless in and around the box.

Support of the number 10



Pitch Line 1
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Quick pass game (10 mins)
3 players; 1 ball; 3 cones

First time passing, combined with accuracy and movement

This drill can be done using any distance, but Barcelona FC use this as part of a warm up using cones
about 3 metres apart, in a line.

It looks complicated on here, but is very simple.

- Player A has the ball, and passes to player B

- Player A moves slightly to the side, and receives a first time pass back from Player B

- Player B then moves to the cone where Player A started

- Player A passes to Player C and follows the ball

- Player C passes the ball all the way up to Player B and moves to the middle cone

- Player B passes the ball to Player C and moves slightly to the side, and recives a first time pass back
from Player C

- The sequence continues

Coaching points:
- Players to be on their toes ready to move and receive the ball

- Accurate passing using the inside of their feet

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SSG - possession (10 mins)
To develop the first touch and awareness of available space

In an area about 20 x 20 metres, we have two teams playing a 7 v 3 possesion game. There are 5 red
players on the outside of the playing area, with 2 of their team mates inside.

The red players (attackers) seek to retain possession with the help of the 2 inside players, while the blue
players (defenders) try to win the ball.

The inside players must use only 2 touches, so they have to be aware of the available space in order to
make their first touch towards this space. The outside players are limited to 1 touch (dependant upon
ability). The player that loses possession swaps roles with one of the defenders.

Coaching points:
- Players should constantly be moving, trying to find space to receive the ball

- Players need to take advantage of the free space created by the numerical advantage

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Combat Training.
Combat Training.

4x4 grids

2 per grid.


1) First activity (A vs B)

- Take away the tail. Within the grid one player must protect player for 1 min. A player tries to take it away
at B's tail. If player steps out of grid or loses tail, point to the A. Switch after a min.

2) Second Activity.

- Player now has the ball. A would have on foot on the ball. B has to knock off A off the ball by pushing with
one hand. If B knocks A out point is awarded. Play for one min then switch turns. Player with the ball can
not move the ball and must maintain balance and keep ball still. He can push back to protect himself.

3) Third Activity

- Same as above but Player with the ball can move the ball to stay balance but the foot can still not get off
the ball. So he can move around grid and stay inside while keep one foot on the ball without switch. Other
player is still trying to push but can now use both hands.

To give players comfort with body contact. Work hard to keep yourself in the game.
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Main Theme
20x10 gribs side by side.
4 players per group.
In first activity.

1) Players are dribbling sideline to sideline as shown performing a specific turn. Working on Xavi Turns.

- Inside cut

- Outside cut

- Outside spin

- Inside spin

Players go next when player is finishing second turn.

2) In second activity, players are perform quick turns in a tighter space. Dribble to the middle center and
turning away quickly. Pattern can be changed for a different scene.

3) In third acticity. players dribble down the line and turn twice then pass across and follow pass to

Coaching Points:
Ball/Body control; Deception/Creativity; Moves/Turns; First touch; Passing Quality; Change of speeds;

Next page.

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Main Theme 2 SO - FO
Organization: 10x20 grids with cones spread every 5 yards. 3-5 players per grid.
Instructions: 1.) Player B passes into Player A and applies passive pressure. A takes his first touch either
left or right and drives at the orange corner cone. As he arrives, he performs a turn and then immediately
accelerates to the opposite orange cone and performs another turn. After the second turn he pushes the
ball beyond the defender and drives at the middle orange cone, at which he performs a move. After the
move he passes into Player C and the same exact process continues going the other direction. Player B
becomes player A, A will become C, C will become B. 2.) Player B passes into Player A who takes a touch
either towards the Red or Blue cone. A is trying to create a passing lane into C. Player B can only move
along the middle orange line and is attempting to block all passing lanes. A uses turns/moves in an attempt
to create space and find an open lane to pass through. If the pass can not be completed by the time A
arrives at the middle line, Player B will alow A to perform a move and dribble beyond him, although no point
is awarded. A would then pass to C and process continues going the other way.
Coaching Points: Ball/Body control; Deception/Creativity; Moves/Turns; First touch; Passing Quality;
Change of speeds; Awareness
Progressions: Allow defender to move forwards but unable to tackle/steal, just block.
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Conditioned Game2
30x30 Grid with four 5x5 boxes, one in each corner.

Play 4v4 (Could make it 6v6 depending on ability). Score by dribbling the ball into any of the four boxes.
Once you score into one box, you can not attempt to score in that box consecutively.

Coaching Points: Change of direction; Spacing; Awarness; Technique; Communication; Speed of Play;
Weight/Accuracy of Passing; Turning Ability; Protect the ball
Progressions: Add more players; Can only score in opposite boxes
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Custom Movement



Pitch Line 1

Shaded Pitch Area

Magic Diamond Passing Drill –
Dramatically Improves Players Technical
The “Magic Diamond Passing Drill” is taken from Coach Dave Brandt and his
DVD,Game Action Soccer Drills for Technical Ability. It is a drill that can be done at
any age and is easy to set up and implement.
Set Up: The set up is very simple. You need an area that is 20 yards by 20 yards
and six cones. Place two cones 20 yards apart and line up 2-3 players behind each
cone. Next, place two cones three yards apart to form a gate in the middle of your
box on the far outer edges.
Set up as many 20 x 20 boxes as you need in order to give all the players as many
touches as possible. The fewer players in each line, the more of a conditioning drill
this becomes.

Objective: The objective of the drill is to improve ball handling speed – the time it
takes from the player’s first touch to the second touch, as well as ball speed and
accuracy. There are also dribbling components to the drill.
Players: Have all your players do this drill, even your goal keepers.
Coaches: It’s good to have a coach watching each box so you can monitor and
teach the technical aspect of the drill, as well as ensure that the players are going at
game speed.
Diagrams: Let’s look at the five progression stages to the Magic Diamond Passing
Step 1: Technical Passing
Divide your team into two lines of 2-3 each and duplicate the Magic Diamond in other
20 x 20 boxes so your players get maximum touches. The first phase of the drill is to
have your players pass the ball to the player opposite them, control with a quick
touch, and pass the ball back to the opposite cone with good ball speed. Players
then go to the end of the opposite line.
Step 2: Dribble-Split
Now have the players on one side receive the pass and make a quick dribble
through the gate. They can go through either gate. When they dribble through the
gate they make a quick, accurate pass to the player in the opposite line, who then
takes a controlling touch and passes with the same foot back through the two cones,
just as he did in the first stage of this progression drill. Players then go to the end of
the opposite line.

Step 3: Dribble Through the Gate

Now have the players on one side receive the pass and make a quick dribble
through the gate. They would go in a clockwise direction and then switch to counter
clockwise. When they dribble through the gate they make a quick, accurate pass to
the player in the opposite line, who then takes a controlling touch and dribbles
through the opposite gate.

Make sure players are working at top speed, but under control. Work on tight

Players then go to the end of the opposite line.

Step 4: Dribble 3 Touch

Now have the players on one side receive the pass and make a quick dribble
through the gate. They can go through either gate. When they dribble through the
gate they make a quick, accurate pass to the player in the opposite line, who then
takes a controlling touch and dribbles through the opposite gate.

The progression between this and the last drill, is they only have 3 touches with their
laces. You can then have them use only the outside of the foot.

Make sure they do half the drill working on their left foot.

Make sure players are working at top speed, but under control. Work on tight

Players then go to the end of the opposite line.

Step 5: 3 Touch Total
Finally, give your players just three total touches to complete the Magic Diamond.
They will want their first touch a little wider and more directed at an angle to the
gate. The second touch is an explosive dribble through the gate. And the final touch
is a pass to the feet of their teammate in the opposite line.

Make sure they do half the drill working on their left foot.

Make sure players are working at top speed, but under control.

If you would like to see this drill coached live by David Brandt, please check out his
DVD, Game Action Soccer Drills For Technical Ability. There are several more great
technical drills on the DVD that you can implement so your team dramatically
improves your passing, receiving, and dribbling technical skills.

This soccer passing drill is a great way to warm up and develop close
ball control.

Before training, set up small grids across from each other. The grids
should be roughly 3X3 metres and about 6-8 metres apart.

The distance between the grids can be adjusted according to age and
skill level.

To start the passing drill, one player passes the ball along the ground
and into the receivers grid.

The receiver has one touch to stop the ball inside of the grid.
The receiver (player 2) then passes the dead ball back into the 1st
player’s grid.

Player 1 has only one touch to control the ball.

If the passer misses the grid, it’s a point to the receiver.

If the receiver fails to control the ball within the grid, then it’s a point to
the passer.
If both the pass and control are within the grids, no points are
awarded and the drill continues.

The receiver is not required to stand within the grid at all times
(players should always be moving around) but control must take place
within the grid.

This passing drill is an easy game that young players enjoy because
of the competition.
Always remember to praise EFFORT and to keep the passes sharp
and quick.

The receiving players must concentrate on quick feet and controlling

the ball with one touch.

“May the winds of destiny blow you to the stars”

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Warm up passing
Organization: 10yrds by 10yrds grid five players
A passes to B and follows his pass B passs to C and follows his pass
Coaching Points:
Types of Pass inside of the foot, outside of the foot, Chip pass
Collect the ball with Instep, Sole of the foot, outside of the foot
Compertition step: one touch passing how many consecutive passes in one Min and compete
against othe groups. best of three wins
Goal for onr touch is 100 passes in a Min.
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3v1 angle of support
Organization: 5 players, 10yrd by 10yrd grid and one pinnie
Play three vs One in the box
Rules: When A plays the pass to B player C must give player B a second option to pass to some times it
helps to play the ball with our hands to show how the angles work. Each player must defend for one min.
Coaching Points: Timing of the pass, Timing of the run, always giving the player in the possesion two
choices for a pass: To make this exercise to work the defender must pressure the ball 100% for one
Competition: The 3 players in the exercise must complete 3 passes the get a point. If the defender wins
the ball he recieves a point the game last one min.
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4v1 playmaker
Organization: 12 yrd by 12 yrd grid 4 v 1 game A player is our play maker and player X is the defender.
Player A must pass and receive every ball back she can combine with players C and D but must get the
ball back after ever pass. It is critical to the exercise the defender prssure the ball 100% fro the duration of
the game which is one min.
Coaching Points: Passing, movement of the ball, working with the playmaker on blind sided runs
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Conditioned Possesion game
Organization: 5 v 3 + 2 (5v5) Game in a 15yrd by 15 yrd grid with a half way line
the 5 Reds must complete 5 passes to score a goal if they make more than five passes it adds to there
total. if blue knocks the ball out it goes back to red if blue wins the ball they must play the ball to one of
the two blues in the next other half of the field. The blue players must know transition to suport thier team
mates in possesion and red team must know send three defenders to win the ball back for red. The game
lasts 5 mins and the wining team is the team with the most points you could also play 4 v 2 + 2 if your
numbers are 16
Coaching Points: Possesion, transition for attack to defend, speed of play, Communiction
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Organization: 5v5 game with goalkeepers player are restricted to there zone. The only way a player can
cross into the attacking zone is by an making an overlaping run, a takeover or wall pass. This would create
a even number game the blue team can bring as many blues into the attacking third as the need. The red
defending team can never send there two forwards back so when the win possesion the should counter
quickly any players on the blue team can drop and defend it does not have to be the defenders it could also
be the forwards
Coaching Points: Attacking team Looking to create equal numbers game in the attacking zone while
working on small group combination's ie wall pass, take overs, overlaping runs
Defending team one vs one defending, small group defending, transition


Custom Movement


Custom Pass
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Screen 1
Dribbling Exercise

Group 1 dribbles through tight spaced cones while group 2 dribbles through wider spaced cones. Both
groups should be focusing on the same dribbling techniques.


-Right foot only, Left foot only

-Iniside left-inside right, one touch on each side of the cone

-Outside of feet, one touch on each side of the cone

-Two touches inside of right, one touch inside left (reverse)

-One touch inside of right and one touch outside left on each side
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Screen 2
Dribbling Progression

Player dribbling through tight cones will then attempt to dribble through open gate not to interfear

with other dribblers.


Custom Movement

Drill Objective(s)

1. Develop speed, agility and quickness.

2. Develop fitness levels
3. Develop a variety of football-based techniques

 Drill No: SAQS 2

 Age: 15-adult
 No Players: 16
 Difficulty: Moderate - Advanced
 Area/Time: (35 x 35 yard grid, 4x4x4 min training principle (40 mins))

Diagram 1 - SAQS Circuit


Set up circuit as shown in the diagram.

The group is split in half. One group works (reds) while the other (white) is actively resting as servers.

Reds work for 4 minutes then rests for 4 minutes as the white group works. Each group completes
the circuit 4 times.

Players start at one of the 8 stations and move around the circuit in a clockwise motion, completing:

 Passing exercises at each yellow cone.

 Ladder exercises at each ladder, followed by a football technique.
 Hurdle exercises at each set of hurdles followed by a football technique.

For simplicity in explaining, we will start the circuit at the bottom right cone:

1. Red exchanges passes with a central server, using both feet.

2. Red works through the ladder in a forward motion (2 feet in). With the server he then completes
2 side foot volleys, one left, one right.
3. Red exchanges passes with a central server, using both feet.
4. Red works through the hurdles in a forward motion (bunny hops). With the server he then
completes 2 half volleys, one left, one right.
5. Red exchanges passes with a central server, using both feet.
6. Red works through the ladder in a forward motion (hop-scotch). With the server he then
completes 2 laces volleys, one left, one right.
7. Red exchanges passes with a central server, using both feet.
8. Red works through the hurdles in a forward motion (1 foot in). With the server he then
completes 2 knee control and volleys, one left, one right.
The white group then works. Repeat 3 times.


1. Work hard and don’t cut corners.

2. Perfect movement technique before working on quickness.
3. Ensure quality with the football, even when tired.
4. Help your team-mates with encouragement as they tire.


1. Do SAQ exercises using lateral movements.

2. Do SAQ exercises using backward movements.
3. Do SAQ exercises using random movements.
Alter football techniques, e.g. inside-foot ball control and volley, chest and volley, heading etc.


1. Work anti-clockwise.
2. Any spare servers can interrupt players working and get them to perform a technique. etc.


Explain thoroughly and demonstrate the first time, using a visual aide if possible. A clear explanation
will help you save time and further explanations throughout the session.

Ensure players work hard and to their maximum. Play an uncomplicated small-sided game
Always involve footballs to increase motivation. Constantly alter the exercises and football techniques
to freshen the session up.
Objective(s) Organization
1) Improve dribbling, turning, ball • The size of the inner playing area depends on the age and numbers involved in the
manipulation skills. coach’s discretion.
2) Include football-specific • Within that area place obstacles for the players to dribble towards, around etc (dia
conditioning. avoid / turn at / dribble around and blue cones to slalom through.
• Place various cones around 10 yards outside the playing area.
• All but 2 players (red) have a ball.

• 10 white players have a ball each and dribble

randomly around area. 2 red players without the ball
make random movements around the area (e.g. jog,
skip, backwards, side-steps etc).
• Introduce obstacles. Dribblers slalom through, turn,
dribble around poles and cones. 2 players without balls
turn and carry out SAQ-type exercises through
• On the coach’s command, all white players leave their
ball and race out of the area around outside orange
cones, and re-join the group in the playing area.
• The red players do not race but take the nearest ball
and start dribbling. The last 2 white players to re-enter
the playing area work without the ball. Add a fun forfeit
for those without a ball if necessary but avoid physical
punishment as the exercise itself is demanding enough.
• Repeat as necessary.
• Allow players plenty of rest periods as the exercise is
demanding physically.
• Add plenty of progressions to keep exercise fresh and
players motivated.

Coaching Points

1) Dribbling / turning technique

2) Retain technique even when tired
3) Work sharply, take rest when appropriate


1) Increase/ decrease area depending on numbers.

2) Bigger area if you wish players to cover more ground.
3) Different shaped area to vary it.
4) Reduce / increase working time as is necessary.

Notes & Observations

Regardless of the size of inner playing area, the workload will be the same as the players are dribbling randomly. Ensure o
away as football sprints tend to be short rather than over a distance. Encourage fun, quality on the ball and work ethic –
coach. Allow plenty of rest and individual stretching time as even the basic dribbling alone can be demanding on muscle g

Diagrams were generated using EasyGraphics .

Set-up and Directions:
Divide your players into groups of 6 (preferably) or 8 players. For each group, set
up the following station: Set up a 15 by 15 yard grid. Place two goals (1.5 yards in
width) on both the top and bottom end lines so that each goal is 1 yard in from the
sideline. For each grid/group, have half your players line up on the bottom end
line and the other half on the top end line so that they are in line with the centre
of the grid. The coach should stand on the side with a large supply of balls (Figure
Play is initiated by the coach shouting either ‘One!’ or ‘Two!’ When he shouts one,
the players at the front of each line will sprint to the corner of the grid (to their
right), perform a cut and then sprint towards the centre of the grid. As soon as the
players reach the corners, the coach will play a ball towards the middle of the grid
(Figures 2 and 3).
The player who gets to the ball first must try and score in one of the two goals on
the end line opposite to where they started. However, the player scores by
dribbling the ball through the goal, not shooting (Figure 4). If the defending
player wins the ball, they must attempt to score in the other two goals.

If the coach yells two, then the players must sprint to the corner of the grid (to
their right), perform a cut and then sprint to the cone marking the midway point
of the side line before entering the grid (Figure 5). As before, the coach will play a
ball towards the middle of the grid for the players to race towards and then
attempt to score.
The play ends as soon as: i) a player scores; ii) the ball goes out of play; or iii) 30
seconds of playing. Have the players join the end of a line and then have the next
two go. It is important that the coach keeps the exercise flowing so that players
don’t stand around. Players should wait no more than 90 seconds between
Continue this activity until each player has performed five repetitions (1 set) and
then have the players rest for three minutes. Have each group perform a total of
three sets.
Coaching Points:
 The players must attempt players to sprint as quickly as possible using powerful
steps and good body orientation
 he defending player must assume a side-on position with a low centre of gravity. In
addition, their legs should be shoulder-width apart and they must be an arms-length
away from the attacker. Instruct them not to ‘dive-in’, but to tackle when appropriate
 Encourage the attacking player to take the defender on at speed and to use a variety
of fakes, moves, turns, etc., emphasizing change of speed and change of direction.
Also, the attacker must keep control of the ball while dribbling
 This exercise is meant to be performed at a high-intensity, so encourage the players
to work as hard as possible during each brief repetition
You can vary this exercise (after each set) in several ways. For example, instead of
have the players sprint towards the edge of the grid, you can have them backpedal
(Figure 6) or shuffle side-to-side. You can also have start from a lying position or
have them sprint a greater distance before entering the grid.

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