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‘oro How Advocate For or Against Homework? Directions: Complete the worksheet independenily using proof from texts, and videos we have interacted with. 1. Do you feel that homework should be required by teachers? = Sond Monk homework ShslA\ 2 TeQuiced Dy Aca ers wn Ger connlries Chubenis Naveso AG nom? Work lek Whol Ao nok Geb as much home work OS us ahd Wet Ber peer Arokes on thar yest Circle wnat evidence you used to answer your question a) The Homework Debate b) Talking Points for Kids 2. Choose one way that you would advocate your opinion. (Circle your answer) a) Write a speech or letter b) Protest ¢) Have a conversation d) Post signs and posters @) Explain an option that is not here. 3. Explain your choice. Include your examples, and the steps you would take to get your point across. TEawald odvorcte Oansh hamework ly writing aleler Cesk ~~ would research more ahout homewarls wn other Countri 29 “o Con wokdh wibeos and tead mcerenk arkicles cXhens< woulh Use wlo Crom my research Xo wrile aver Xo my Seather ond CrincPal mythos would All ebay @\\_oF We fegsaNs why we Should not Nays Voda homework,

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