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Pada gambar 1 terdapat spektrum Planet Saturnus beserta cincinnya serta posisi planet tersebut
saat cincinnya spektrumnya diambil. Jika diketahui diameter sudut Saturnus saat citra spektrum
diambil. Jika diketahui diameter sudut Saturnus saat citra spektrum diambil adalah 18,5”,
a. Kecepatan rotasi Planet Saturnus
b. Radius planet, jika diketahui periode rotasi Saturnus sebesar 10ℎ 14𝑚
c. Jika diketahui radius Saturnus sebesar 60400 km, adakah perbedaan dengan hasil
perhitungan pada soal b? Apa penyebabnya?
d. Berapa kecepatan rotasi cincin saturnus?
e. Berapa diameter rata-rata cincin Saturnus?
f. Hitunglah massa Saturnus
2. Gambar 2 menunjukkan kompilasi foto planet X diamati dari planet Y yang menunjukkan
adanya perubahan fase dan ukuran sudut planet X. Keduanya mengitari bintang Z pada orbit
lingkaran dan planet X lebih dekat ke bintang induknya. Sebagai acuan, radius orbit planet Y
dianggap 1 satuan astronomi.
a. Buatlah skema yang mengilustrasikan hubungan antara fase, sudut fase, dan jarak planet
b. Buatlah diameter sudut planet sebagai fungsi sudut fase
c. Lakukan interpolasi untuk mendapatkan diameter sudut planet pada saat sudut fase 0° dan
d. Perkirakan radius orbit planet X dinyatakan dalam satuan astronomi
e. Bila diketahui bahwa satu satuan astronomi setara dengan 108 km, berapakah diameter
planet X?
3. A beautiful princess was cursed by an evil witch and fallen asleep. She was sealed, hidden
inside a cave. 768 years later, a creature from the new civilization was able to wake her up. She
was very confused. Luckily, the creature was very kind. He then brought her outside and let her
take the fresh air. She stared at the sky for hours and realized something weird. She spotted her
favorite star, Sirius (𝑅𝐴 = 6ℎ 45𝑚 8.9𝑠 , 𝑑𝑒𝑐 = −16°42′58" 𝐽2000, before she cursed), being
the center of other stars movement. Stars moved in the clockwise direction as she looked at
them. The creature told her, there had been a disaster causing Earth rotation axis to change,
resulting that kind of view. The civilization made a new celestial coordinate which used Aries
projection on their equator as the origin of the new RA system. RA was calculated in the
direction of Earth rotation, just old-fashionly, prior to the disaster.
a. Find RA and declination of the Galactic center (𝑅𝐴 = 17ℎ 45𝑚 37𝑠 , 𝑑𝑒𝑐 =
−28°56′10" 𝐽2000) using the new system!
b. How would the system change after the disaster?
4. In Larry Nivens science-fiction novel Ringworld, a rigid ring of material rotates about the star.
The rotational speed of the ring is 1.25 × 106 𝑚 𝑠 −1 , and its radius is 1.53 × 1011 𝑚. The
inhabitants of this ring world experience a normal contact force 𝒏. Acting alone, this normal
force would produce an inward acceleration of 9.90 𝑚 𝑠 −2. Additionally, the star at the center
of the ring exerts a gravitational force on the ring and its inhabitants. The difference between
the total acceleration and the acceleration provided by the normal force is due to the
gravitational attraction of the central star. Estimate the mass of the central star!
5. Sebuah teleskop sinar X berada di titik lagrange antara Bumi dan Matahari. Arah pandang
teleskop tersebut tegak lurus terhadap garis Bumi-Matahari, sementara medan pandangnya
berbentuk lingkaran dengan diameter 2°. Teleskop tersebut berotasi dengan periode 24 jam
terhadap sumbu yang sejajar dengan garis Bumi-Matahari.
a. Bila orbit Bumi dianggap lingkaran dengan radius 1,5 × 108 𝑘𝑚, berapakah jarak teleskop
dari Bumi?
b. Misalkan terdapat sebuah bumber sinar X dengan koordinat ekliptika 𝜆 = 180° dan 𝛽 =
+80°. Berapa kali sumber tersebut dipindai oleh teleskop dalam satu tahun?

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