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Spanish fashion designer Manel Torres is the man behind the world’s first spray-on clothing, which is

applied directly on the body and can be washed and worn again just like your regular clothes.

The sprayable fabric envisioned by Manel Torres consists of short fibers mixed with a solvent, which
allows them to be applied from a can or a high-pressure spray gun. The spray also contains polymers
that bind the fibers together forming a wearable material. Its texture can vary depending on the type of
fibers used (wool, acrylic, linen, etc.). Some of you may be put off by the fact that the fabric is very cold
when sprayed on the body, but the fact that it hardens almost instantly forming a brand new t-shirt of a
pair of pants, makes it all bearable. Another thing many people have been wondering ever since the
designer showcased his spray-on clothing is weather it works for hairy people. During a presentation for
TEDx Talks, he assured everyone that hair doesn’t stick to his wonder material.

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