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What famous revolutionary What French ruler was executed

document stated the philosophy of by guillotine on

“liberty, equality, and fraternity”? January 31, 1793?

Declaration of the Rights of Man. Louis XVI.

What revolutionary document What song, written by Rouget de

gave the French people the power Lisle, became the French national
to elect bishops and priests? anthem?

Civil Constitution of the Clergy. Marseillaise.

What early French political party What group led the Reign of
represented the provinces and Terror in France?
members of the bourgeoisie?

The Girondists. Committee of Public Safety.

What radical French political What major leader of the Reign of

party was led by Danton, Marat, Terror was himself sent to the
and Robespierre? guillotine in July, 1794?

The Jacobins. Robespierre.

What was established on What government was

September 22, 1792? established in France in 1795?

First French Republic. The Directory.

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